
Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars

< 脚本HeroWarsHelper的反馈



Перестало работать рекурсивное открытие матрешек, исправьте пожалуйста.


And while you're fixing the "Quantity control" setting, can you also set the default quantity for titan artefact spheres to 1? The default is 1 for titan summoning spheres and pet summoning eggs, but somehow it's set to "10" for the artefact spheres. It's a minor annoyance to change it every time to 1, so if you can do it, that'll be great. Thanks in advance.




Thanks for changing the default sphere collection value, this task is so much less annoying now, LOL!


I have a Goodwin script, and if it is updated in time, there is no problem. What are you whining about this free one? That one is also free, but it has much more functionality.


It also has a much greater chance of getting banned. Did you not read this script author's earlier post? He's a co-creator of the Goodwin script and knows EXACTLY how it works, including its limitations and risks. Read his post here if you haven't done so: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/450693-herowarshelper/discussions/266710


It also has a much greater chance of getting banned. Did you not read this script author's earlier post? He's a co-creator of the Goodwin script and knows EXACTLY how it works, including its limitations and risks. Read his post here if you haven't done so: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/450693-herowarshelper/discussions/266710

This works randomly, so if you constantly cancel fights in Asgard or make them better, then you are just as likely to be banned as completing daily tasks, etc.
I didn't get any warnings with the Goodwin script and I did a little more violations than others, I think, but I haven't been so much online in the game, and someone gets a warning for "garbage", and I didn't get any, you know, it's like in a casino, imagine a roulette wheel where the players ' IP addresses are written, and they spin it, on whom they stop, a warning and a temporary ban in the game, understand what I meant, and the seal is lazy.

Что вы ноете про этот бесплатный? Он тоже бесплатный, но у него гораздо больше функционала.

То, что часто используется - там не бесплатно. Например элементарное действие - автоподбор пачки.

