Quickly search for the anime/manga title on any websites of your choice.
MAL already does this if you have the notifications for this enabled, and this is beyond the purpose of this script.
From time to time you can use this script in animes you've already completed.
So that you can now if you are missing something or not, and you can know if the anime you completed had anime live actions/doramas created for them or if they have any new live actions/doramas that were released for them
oh k tnx
You are welcome
hi can u make a script on like we will be able to know this anime is going to hav second season like i watched tate no yusha as my 1 anime and idk it was goin to release 2 nd season so which ever anime we hav watched we will be notified that the anime y have watched is gonna release a 2nd or ......season like that plz