< 脚本CSGO饰品2D/3D对比的反馈
hi, thanks for the script, but it doesn’t work for me when I log out of my account it works, but when I log back in it doesn’t work, look in the photo, if you can, please help me(您好,感谢您的脚本,但它对我不起作用,当我注销帐户时,它可以工作,但当我重新登录时,它不起作用,请看一下照片,如果可以,请帮助我)
Thank you for your feedback. The script has been fixed in version 2023.12.04.01.🙏Please modify your review to no review. tks
hi, thanks for the script, but it doesn’t work for me when I log out of my account it works, but when I log back in it doesn’t work, look in the photo, if you can, please help me