Endless Google [fork]

Load more results automatically and endlessly.

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Endless Google [fork] - Seems broken ?

I tested your fork, but it don't work... Am i the only one to have this problem?


Yes I guess Google changed something.

I switched back to using the original for a while: https://openuserjs.org/scripts/tumpio/Endless_Google

But today I got around to merging the two together again!

You should find it working now.


Thanks! Yes it work very well .... except for the image/ video previews in results, after the first page loaded. They are blank.

But it's the same problem with the other way to have an auto scrolling on google search. If you find how to correct that, you are the best! :-)


Mmm yes I noticed that. I'm not sure why Google is putting images on the second page.

I took a little look, but it seems difficult to fix. They are initially serving blank images with URL data:image/gif, and then at the end of the HTML there are a lot of <script> tags which drop in the final data:image/jpeg data.

I suppose our userscript could try to run any script tags that Google had provided for the second page...

Well I tried doing that, inside the fetch, but curiously it only displayed the second half of the images:

            // Execute any scripts on the downloaded page
            let scripts = htmlDocument.querySelectorAll('script');
            for (let script of scripts) {
                console.log('script:', script.innerHTML);
                // _setImagesSrc(ii,s);
                if (script.innerHTML.includes('')) {
                    try {
                    } catch (e) {
                        console.error('While running script:', e);

I don't understand all .... but i see the idea. ;-) I am playing too with : Super_preloaderPlus_one_New When i use it with the option enable : "Use iframe " and "Use a New Iframe The images are not broken...

Maybe if the infinite page could be loaded as iframe with the time for each iframe / page to load their images,you could solve this pb ?

Just an idea, i have no idea if it usable, i am not coder... as you can read me. PS: I notice that your script seems more fast than "Super_LoaderPlus" on Google...


Actually https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/33522-super-preloaderplus-one-new is much better, because loads the images on the
next page,they both load the next page really fast.On AutoPager settings you just need to select Use Iframe.



