Let's you search multiple cities at the same time and presents results in a clean and concise fashion.
I still exist! It has been quite some time. Are you still using greasemonkey to run the script? Cancel your paypal payment if you can, I no longer own that email address.
Glad to hear from you. Yes I'm using Greasemonkey to run the script. Win7, ESET Smart Security 9. Not much else.
I see update but still nothing.
Will cancel the beer payment. Happy to send another to a new address.
Is this scrpit working for others?
I've used and loved the Craigslist Enhancer script for years and recently it has stopped working. Tried the usual uninstall, reload etc to no avail.
I tried contacting Le Capitan via his Paypal address, but the email bounced back as undeliverable.
Also sent beer payment via Paypal a couple weeks ago and it remains uncollected.
Is Le Capitan out there? I hope all is OK with him.
I love this script and would like to be able to use it again.