现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Nico Nico Ranking NG JS - ニコニコ動画のランキングとキーワード・タグ検索結果に NG 機能を追加
AdsBypasser JS - Bypass Ads
Youtube Download ALL VIDEO JS - Download music, video of youtube in the best qualities and without annoying programs.
Pixiv搜索结果排序 | Pixiv search sort JS - Pixiv搜索结果按收藏数从大到小排序,适配[TS] Pixiv++ V3 | Pixiv search result sort by bookmark count.
Wanikani Double-Check JS - Allows retyping typo'd answers, or marking wrong when WK's typo tolerance is too lax.
计时器掌控者|视频广告跳过|视频广告加速器 JS - 控制网页计时器速度|加速跳过页面计时广告|视频快进(慢放)|跳过广告|支持几乎所有网页.
翻译机 JS - 该脚本用于翻译各类常用社交网站为中文,不会经过中间服务器。
磁力链接百度网盘补完 JS - 磁力链接、百度网盘补完
中国知网CNKI硕博论文PDF下载 JS - 知网文献、硕博论文PDF批量下载,下载硕博论文章节目录
白piao斗鱼 JS - douyu整合优化斗鱼功能脚本(斗鱼精简、斗鱼默认最高画质)
Krunker Skid - bushfire-disaster-appeal JS - krunker.io modification
超星网课视频秒过 JS - 本脚本用于超星学习通视频快速学习。
115优化大师 JS - 优化115网盘使用体验:一键离线下载、批量离线、调用Dplayer或Potplayer播放视频、文件快捷下载、批量下载、磁力转换种子等。
Slither.io Trainer Hack JS - A Trainer to help you play on slither.io. Reveal the positions of worms close to you.Shows where's the closest and biggest food near you, and can also create 2 danger zone circles around you.
网易BUFF价格比例(找挂刀)插件 JS - 找挂刀,看比例,挑玄学
【移动端】百度系优化 JS - 用于【移动端】的百度系列产品优化,包括【百度搜索】、【百家号】、【百度贴吧】、【百度文库】、【百度经验】、【百度百科】、【百度知道】、【百度翻译】、【百度图片】、【百度地图】、【百度好看视频】、【百度爱企查】、【百度问题】、【百度识图】等
Magic Userscript+ :显示站点所有 UserJS JS - 为当前网页查找可用的用户脚本。
百度网盘视频播放尊享 VIP | 解锁视频倍数 | 解锁全部清晰度 JS - 使用该脚本进入百度网盘视频播放页面,自动解锁 VIP 限制,可以使用 VIP 的绝大多数功能
超星学习通网课助手(多接口)(装这一个就够了) JS - 自动挂机看尔雅MOOC,支持视频、音频、文档、图书自动完成,章节测验自动答题提交,支持自动切换任务点、挂机阅读时长、自动登录等,解除各类功能限制,开放自定义参数
屏蔽所有Youtube广告 Youtube AD blocker (Block all ad). Including blocking Youtube Music. JS - Block all video ads, insert ads, page ads. Including Youtube Music. 屏蔽所有视频广告、插入广告、页面广告。包括Youtube Music
Surviv.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray JS - Aimbot and ESP for surviv.io. Locks the aim to the nearest player and shows lines between nearby players. Removes ceilings from buildings and let's you see inside them too.
1v1.lol hacks JS - 1v1.LOL hack script - infinite ammmo, infinite armor, rapid fire
MooMoo.io Dune Mod - AutoHeal, Autobreak, FAST, AND MORE! JS - A new MooMoo.io mod with autoheal, autobreak, very fast runtime, AND MORE
Xbox Cloud Gaming 云游戏地区限制解除 JS - 解除 Xbox Cloud Gaming 云游戏的地区限制
Xbox CLoud Gaming优化整合 JS - 脚本免费!谨防上当受骗!整合和修改现有脚本,优化项详见脚本说明。【若你有好的想法或者BUG可以进xbox云游戏QQ交流1群531602832,2群313340764,3群826510890,4群82737876反馈】
Auto Typer for Typing.com JS - Typing.com Bot: AutoType Up to 300 WPM
广东省教师继续教育公需课(2024) JS - 广东省2024年专用
手机助手 JS - 自动滚动,嗅探图片、视频,字体放大,去除广告浮动
YouTube JS Engine Tamer JS - To enhance YouTube performance by modifying YouTube JS Engine
Netflix Plus JS - 在 Netflix 上开启最佳音视频质量和更多功能
Swift Client for bloxd.io ( updated ) JS - Arthur ( the nerd who is the head dev of the game ) has disabled all user scripts and extentions because people were using it to hack other people's accounts and i got a few script dms on discord too ( it mostly happens via discord ) so if you use this you're going to get a 24 hour ban
[Working! ] Lootlink and Lootlabs.gg Bypass JS - Bypass link shorteners and ads on lootlink and lootlabs.gg
Blooket Auto-Answer JS - Automatically answer Blooket questions correctly. Working as of May 3rd, 2024.
IXL Hack JS - this prob wont work dont get angry if it doesnt. if your good at coding lmk what i can do to fix this script.
Fuck-Yudao JS - Help you climb over the paywall for a so-called "Free & Open Source Software", built by someone who truly understand our generations duty. To you-know-who: *thank you*. China's OSS environment got much better because of professionals like you.
🔥【百度网盘加速】33Down 网盘解析 🔥 JS - 破除网盘限速,成就你的体验,无视任何黑号,加速你的下载!灵感来源于KDown,经作者同意,发布本脚本给各位网友体验!
Paywall Bypass Script (12ft.io, Google Cache, PaywallBuster.com) JS - Mobile and desktop-friendly paywall bypass with dropdown menu and right-click options. Added Mobile + Desktop support.
抖音/快手/微视/instagram/TIKTOK/小红书/微博/今日头条 主页视频下载 JS - 在抖音/快手/微视/instagram/TIKTOK/小红书/微博/今日头条 主页右小角显示视频下载按钮
AdMaven (LootLabs) Bypass JS - Bypass AdMaven (LootLabs) Links within seconds!
Diep.io+ (imported Diep Selector & fixed zoom bug) JS - Quick Tank Upgrades, Highscore saver, Advanced Auto Respawn, Anti Aim, Zoom hack, Anti AFK Timeout, Sandbox Auto K, Sandbox Arena Increase
ChatGPT Jailbroken! Use it for whatever JS - ChatGPT Jailbroken! Includes FREE GPT-4
字幕助手: 一键视频字幕下载器 JS - 一键从多个视频平台轻松下载字幕
Kour.rip JS - Basic Kour.io cheats.
Pixeldrain Download Bypass (with zip file content support) JS - Bypass Pixeldrain Download Limit
Slither.io auto play bot 2025 JS - auto play bot for slither.io
bilibili哔哩哔哩视频下载 📥 JS - 在哔哩哔哩视频页面添加下载按钮,支持多种清晰度和格式
Kour.rip JS - Basic Kour.io exploits/cheat. Feel free to paste it kiddie.
linuxdo保活 JS - linuxdo自动浏览帖子,自动点赞
ANTIZERT: NO ADS FOR ZERTALIOUS CHEATS (krunker, 1v1.lol, shell shockers, + MORE!) JS - BYPASSES ads from ANY CHEAT created by "ZERTALIOUS". install this WITH a "zertalious" cheat, and this will BYPASS THE ADS!. works on krunker.io, 1v1.lol, shellshock.io, ev.io, digdig.io, surviv.io, voxiom.io, & paperio!
Kour.io Zeph Menu JS - Speed Hack, Set KP (Work In Progress) Invisibility
Vape V4 JS - A browser script made to give enhancements on Miniblox
Survev.io Cheat Menu Enhanced JS - Enhanced cheat menu with improved GUI, aimbot, ESP, grenade radius, spinbot, kill counter, and anti-detection measures.
YouTube Restriction Bypass JS - Bypass age/content restrictions on YouTube
智能YouTube全站广告拦截器 JS - 精准广告拦截,支持多平台保护
SimplicityBlock JS - The lightest, most unobtrusive and safest ad blocker that blocks almost all ads.
YouTube Center JS - YouTube Center contains all kind of different useful functions which makes your visit on YouTube much more entertaining.
百度盘直接下载 JS - 就他妈不装百度云管家
Bypass YouTube age verification JS - Bypass YouTube age verification without logging in.
Linkify Plus Plus JS - Based on Linkify Plus. Turn plain text URLs into links.
FILE EXTENSION - FREE AGAR.IO BOTS ! JS - Provides you new features to Agar.io & free bots !
贴吧页面精简 JS - 【可能是你遇到的最好用的贴吧精简脚本】,去除各种广告及扰眼模块,全面支持各种贴吧页面,免登录看帖,【倒序看帖】
Disable YouTube Video Ads JS - Disable YouTube video & screen based ads at home page, and right before or in the middle of the main video playback. Also disable YouTube's anti-adblocker popup dialog. For new YouTube layout (Polymer) only.
豆瓣资源下载大师:1秒搞定豆瓣电影|音乐|图书下载 JS - 【装这一个脚本就够了!可能是你遇到的最好的豆瓣增强脚本】聚合数百家资源网站,通过右侧边栏1秒告诉你哪些网站能下载豆瓣页面上的电影|电视剧|纪录片|综艺|动画|音乐|图书等,有资源的网站显示绿色,没资源的网站显示黄色,就这么直观!所有豆瓣条目均提供在线播放|阅读、字幕|歌词下载及PT|NZB|BT|磁力|百度盘|115网盘等下载链接,加入官网打死也不出的豆列搜索功能,此外还能给豆瓣条目额外添加IMDB评分|IMDB TOP 250|Metascore评分|烂番茄评分|AniDB评分|Bgm评分|MAL|亚马逊评分等更多评分形式。官方电报群:@doubandown
Enhance twitch JS - Auto click claim bonus (channel points and moments), Show images/video in chat, always source quality, hide offline channels and more
Fanbox图片下载器 JS - Download Pixiv Fanbox Images.
倍速播放 JS - HTML5播放器,倍速|最高10倍|计时器掌控者|视频跳过广告|视频广告加速
百度文库文档免费下载 JS - 可下载百度文库需要下载券的文档,不能下载VIP文档及付费文档,支持复制文库内的内容并包含格式转换功能,安装会替换原有的置顶功能(注:下载调用第三方网站数据,该网站首次下载需加群);
Nexus No Wait JS - Download from Nexusmods.com without wait and redirect (support Manual/Vortex/MO2/NMM)
4chan sounds player JS - A player designed for 4chan sounds threads.
Agma.io linesplit overlay JS - Linescript overlay for agma.io by Wynell
VIP视频解析 JS - 全网VIP视频解析
Open the F**king URL Right Now JS - 自动跳转某些网站不希望用户直达的外链
🔥🔥🔥B站视频下载解析 - 2023 最新 - BILIBILI Download JS - 快速解析B站视频,可直接下载MP4格式B站视频。
Bypass Instagram Login Redirects JS - a workaround to bypass Instagram login page
智慧树知到网课助手|视频挂机考试答题|全网聚合题库每日自动更新适用于几乎所有专业科目|完全免费永久使用 JS - 【🥇操作简单】智慧树知到MOOC自动挂机,无需配置安装即可使用。【🔊功能齐全】支持视频自动完成;章节测验自动答题,屏蔽弹窗题目,支持自动切换任务点、自动登录,视频自动倍速播放、线路选择、默认静音等等。【📔独家题库】独家丰富试题库,精准识别,答案全对。【✨功能扩展】解除各类功能限制,设置挂机阅读时长,开放其他自定义参数等。
问卷星(定制比例)模板(2025最新版!!!) JS - 可定制每个选项比例概率,刷问卷前需要改代码,目前模板支持单选,多选,填空,量表,下拉框题,如有其它高级题型可进群定制脚本,使用需要一定js知识,不懂的可以加QQ群交流,QQ1群:865248256 QQ2群:487872111,QQ3群:530327843,本群也提供定制脚本刷问卷服务,服务快捷,价格优惠。https://www.wjx.cn/vj/QvfxoEU.aspx 是测试脚本问卷。如遇问题可加QQ 751947907 B站教程:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Mw411R7yp 推荐一个全自动填问卷平台:https://www.yifengwenjuan.top 超级好用!
学习通视频秒杀 JS - 功能强大,没有之一,支持手机端,修复加载失败.
喜马拉雅专辑下载器 JS - 可能是你见过最丝滑的喜马拉雅下载器啦!登录后支持VIP音频下载,支持专辑批量下载,支持添加编号,链接导出、调用aria2等功能,直接下载M4A,MP3、MP4文件。
网盘有效性检查 JS - 网盘助手,自动识别并检查链接状态,自动填写密码并跳转。现已支持 ✅百度网盘 ✅蓝奏云 ✅腾讯微云 ✅阿里云盘 ✅天翼云盘 ✅123网盘 ✅迅雷云盘 ✅夸克网盘 ✅奶牛网盘 ✅文叔叔 ✅115网盘 ✅移动彩云
Netflix UHD JS - 让 Netflix 在任何分辨率的显示器上播放 UHD 内容
短视频去水印(支持抖音网页版) JS - 一款短视频去水印下载工具,支持抖音网页版视频无水印下载
搜索酱 JS - 一键即时搜索选定文本或在多个搜索引擎之间快速切换,支持关键词高亮、拖拽搜索、以图搜图、页内查找与自定义引擎。
Cathay Award Search Fixer 2022 JS - Beware: Only install using the "Install this Script" or "安裝腳本" button below, beware of fake buttons in the ad under it.
LeetCodeRating|显示力扣周赛难度分 JS - LeetCodeRating 力扣周赛分数显现和相关力扣小功能,目前浏览器更新规则,使用该插件前请手动打开浏览器开发者模式再食用~
Auto Typer for Nitro Type JS - Auto Typer for Nitro Type by Sing Developments. Enjoy!
Kirka.IO Enhanced JS - Wallhack, adblock and more for Kirka.IO.
阿里云盘资源直下助手 JS - 【最新解析方便快捷】阿里云盘网页版,登录后直接下载资源,免开启客户端。支持直接下载和极速下载
chatGPT tools Plus(修改版) JS - Google、必应、百度、Yandex、360搜索、谷歌镜像、搜狗、b站、F搜、duckduckgo、CSDN侧边栏Chat搜索,集成国内一言,星火,天工,混元,通义AI,ChatGLM,360智脑,miniMax,DeepSeek、Gemini。即刻体验AI,无需翻墙,无需注册,无需等待!
reCaptcha Autoclick JS - Automatically click reCaptcha checkbox button when detected it and doesn't solve the captcha for you!
全网VIP视频自动解析播放器(已适配手机) JS - 无需跳转新网址,打开官网直接看,超清 无广告 随机去水印。支持:腾讯,爱奇艺,优酷,哔哩哔哩,咪咕,乐视,搜狐,芒果,西瓜,PPTV,1905电影网,华数。支持解析失败自动切换推荐解析源。适配各种浏览器,酷睿i5-8300 CPU性能测试消耗仅1%。请关闭浏览器阻止第三方Cookie的功能,否则解析源会解析失败,解析源解析失败作者无力解决。
MonkeyType AutoTyper Bot JS - A Bot that automatically types for you in MokeyType.
Skribbl.io Word Guesser JS - Just a skribbl.io Word Guesser
CRAFTNITE.IO HACKED CLIENT - fly, triggerbot, esp, rapidFire, speedHacks, and more! JS - Reduce craftnite to shit
网盘批量分享工具(支持蓝奏云,115网盘,123网盘,百度网盘,夸克网盘,阿里云盘,天翼网盘,迅雷网盘,中国移动网盘,UC网盘) JS - 网盘文件批量分享,目前支持蓝奏云,115网盘,123网盘,百度网盘,夸克网盘,阿里云盘,天翼网盘,迅雷网盘,中国移动网盘,UC网盘~
🔥(改进版:强化截图,增加百度网盘等识别,增加截图文件自动命名))HTML5视频播放器增强脚本 JS - ()视频增强脚本,支持所有H5视频网站,例如:B站、抖音、腾讯视频、优酷、爱奇艺、西瓜视频、油管(YouTube)、微博视频、知乎视频、搜狐视频、网易公开课、百度网盘、阿里云盘、ted、instagram、twitter等。全程快捷键控制,支持:倍速播放/加速播放、视频画面截图、画中画、网页全屏、调节亮度、饱和度、对比度、自定义配置功能增强等功能,为你提供愉悦的在线视频播放体验。还有视频广告快进、在线教程/教育视频倍速快学、视频文件下载等能力
YouTube downloader JS - A simple userscript to download YouTube videos in MAX QUALITY
torn-crime-crack-helper JS - Utilize password database to crack torn cracking crime.
Loot-Link Bypass JS - Fast auto bypasser
Duolingo Auto Solver JS - Duolingo Auto-Solver cheat [WORKING OCT 2023]