现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Redirect YouTube to Invidious JS - redirect YouTube pages to Invidious for privacy-friendly viewing
Hide YouTube Propaganda Box JS - Hide the propaganda box on YouTube videos and remove clarify box
YouTube Video Selector and Hider (Language Independent) JS - Quickly select and hide multiple videos on YouTube, works in any language
Random Video For Youtube JS - Play Random Video in Youtube
YouTube Sharpness Enhancer JS - A userscript that adds a sharpness toggle switch for YouTube videos.
Youtube button to delete a video from a playlist JS - Добавляет кнопку для удаления видео из плейлиста на ютубе
Youtube no below 1K JS - Remove small view count video thumbs in the main page
YouTube Fullscreen Exit on Video End JS - Exits fullscreen mode when a YouTube video ends by directly using the fullscreen API.
YouTube Black Background JS - Change background color to AMOLED black on YouTube
YouTube Blacklist JS - 在YouTube用户界面添加按钮,本地屏蔽用户的评论区发言。
YouTube Live: Manual Fine Tune Video Time JS - 7/5/2024
YouTube Fix Arrow Key Volume Control JS - Focus player when an arrow key is pressed
AdBlock for YouTube JS - removes ads and annoying popups from youtube.
YouTube - Watch Page Classic JS - This script reverts back to the old watch layout before 2022.
Chat Youtube - Alerte Sonore et Lecteur d'Écran avec Réglages JS - Ajoute une alerte sonore et informe les lecteurs d'écran lorsqu'un nouveau message est publié sur le chat de YouTube, avec des options pour désactiver les notifications sonores, la lecture automatique des messages par le lecteur d'écran, et ajuster le volume des notifications sonores. Ce script est dédié aux non-voyants, utilisant des cases à cocher pour désactiver les notifications et la lecture automatique, ainsi qu'un menu déroulant pour ajuster le volume sonore.
Quick Copy YouTube Subtitles JS - Quickly copy subtitles from YouTube and write them to the clipboard for easy analysis on GPT.
YouTube Stereo Audio Fix (Fix one-ear audio) JS - Force YouTube audio to play equally in both ears
Disable YouTube Autoplay JS - 禁用 YouTube 页面的自动播放,包括广告跳过后的情况,并在页面加载后的3秒内停止自动暂停操作
Youtube smooth floating chat 丝滑悬浮弹幕 JS - Youtube floating chat 悬浮弹幕,丝滑滚动 # Danmaku barrage bullet curtain
FreeTube Button JS - Add an option to open YouTube videos in FreeTube
YouTube 删除已喜欢的视频 JS - 删除已喜欢的视频 YouTube
Jb's Yt JS - My version of youtube.
Redirect YouTube channel to /videos JS - Redirect a YouTube channel home page straight to the videos tab.
Disable DRC Audio on YouTube JS - Disables DRC Audio (Stable Volume) on YouTube
YouTube Music volume control shortcut JS - 添加键盘快捷键来改变YouTube Music的音量
Youtube-filter(channel、comment、video) JS - block and highlight youtube video/comment by keyword、channel
youtube隐藏控件的同时显示进度条 JS - 对youtube的控件进行隐藏同时显示进度条
youtube hides controls while showing progress bar JS - Hide YouTube's controls and display the progress bar
site youtube - Fixed Player + Player Bottom Progress JS - fix the player at the top on scrolling and move the progress bar to the bottom of the player
YouTube Theater Mode Zoom In CSS - YouTube Theatre Mode will take up the full height of the screen.
Youtube-video remaining time on tab title JS - show youtube video remaining time on tab title
Youtube Custom Font JS - Applies a custom font, Vazirmatn, to all text elements on the current web page (YouTube).
YouTube CC Customizer (Advanced In-Player) JS - Customize YouTube closed captions with advanced controls in the player
YouTube SuperChat货币转换器 JS - 将各种国际货币金额转为你所在地区的币种(如CNY,HKD,NTD,USD,JPY等)
B站和油管html视频截图 JS - 2024/7/21 20:52:22
Unrecommended JS - Hide YouTube videos with less than 5000 views or that you watched more than 75% of.
视频实时下载解析,支持抖音、快手 JS - 功能短视频去水印下载:支持抖音、快手【脚本长期维护更新,完全免费,无广告,仅限学习交流!!QQ:2394856795微信:ahonker999】
YouTube Middle Mouse Button Mute / Unmute JS - Mutes / unmutes a YouTube video / Shorts by clicking the middle mouse button within the video player. For Shorts you can also middle mouse click the black side bars around the video. While performing the middle mouse button click, the scroll button gets disabled. Mute / unmute / scroll disabling won't work with any elements floating over the video player.
Youtube 1080p Video Quality JS - Script sets 1080p video quality based on youtube events, KUALITAS can be changed to set quality, original scripts: ->https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/379822-youtube-video-quality, https://greasyfork.org/en/users/226529
Youtube 720p Video Quality JS - Script sets 720p video quality based on youtube events, KUALITAS can be changed to set quality, original scripts: ->https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/379822-youtube-video-quality, https://greasyfork.org/en/users/226529
YouTube Stream Timestamp Logger JS - Logs the current YouTube stream URL, timestamp, and timestamped URL in shortened format
shorts-annihilator JS - Better, less-toxic Youtube Shorts
YouTube Gui 4 Fun JS - a small GUI with checkboxes and other elements matching YouTube's style with a dark mode background, drag functionality,
YouTube - Add Watch Later Button JS - Adds a new button next to like that quick adds / removes the active video from your "Watch later" playlist
YouTube Timestamp Tool JS - Add, manage, and delete timestamps on YouTube videos with local storage capabilities so your timestamps are saved (temporarily)!
Download Youtube Custom Emojis JS - Add a button to download emojis and badges!
Resume Video JS - Resume YouTube videos from where you left off.
YouTube Ultra Optimizer Pro JS - Aggressively optimize YouTube for slow connections and weak PCs, bypass restrictions
Dim Watched YouTube Videos JS - Dim the thumbnails of watched videos on YouTube
Redirect YouTube to WaniKani 30 JS - Lockout window for WaniKani reviews, prompt for API token if not set, check hourly, and optionally check for lessons. Active only between 5 AM and 11 PM. Opens WaniKani in a new tab and pauses YouTube video. Supports snooze functionality.
Extract RHYTHM-play arcaea password from video JS - Read cards in the video for you
Consistent Player Control - Youtube JS - 2024/2/23下午11:35:42
Remove YouTube Premium promotion pop-up JS - ja: YouTubeプレミアムの勧誘ポップアップを削除するスクリプト
Hide Premiere/Upcoming Videos in YouTube Search results until they release. JS - Hide Premiere/Upcoming Videos in YouTube Search results until they release. It doesn't hide normal and live videos.
Less Distracting YouTube JS - Remove video suggestions on home/watch pages
Youtube subtitles JS - show the subtitels like lyrics plane
YouTube 多视图 JS - 多视图视频和流媒体
YouTube 2015 Favicon JS - Brings back the 2015 favicon from YouTube
Pre 2024 Youtube UI BY: X0T using CLAUDEAI JS - Revert to old Youtube UI, including player control positioning
Timewaste Tracker JS - Track time wasted on Reddit and Youtube
YouTube 头像装饰 JS - YouTube Avatars 允许用户在频道和视频页面上自定义自己的头像,从而增强了 YouTube 上的视觉体验。
Shorts Reminder JS - Get reminders to take a break from watching shorts (default every 15 minutes)
YouTube - Фикс Изображений + Квадратные аватарки JS - Делает аватары квадратными везде, включая Главную страницу и Рекомендации, а также восстанавливает иконки YouTube
YouTube - Force rounded corners + tweaks included JS - This script forces the rounded version of the layout (which includes some fewer tweaks applied which also improves bugs).
youtube自定义倍数 JS - 可自定义YouTube播放倍数
YouTube Web Tweaks legacy version JS - This is the legacy version of YouTube Web Tweaks script (if your browser doesn't support JavaScript ES10+ engine)
Youtube Video Control with Arrow Keys JS - Control video volume and seek with arrow keys
YouTube - Compact Thumbnails on Subscriptions Page CSS - This style reverts back to compact-styled thumbnails from the subscriptions feed. (but this also removes the 'Shorts' feed from this page to have a cleaner page)
Redirect to Youtube Russia JS - Add url params for redirect to YT RU
easystrapper (for youtube) JS - Optimizes YouTube loading by preloading thumbnails, lazy loading content, and postponing thumbnail loading during playback.
Yes Continue JS - Kiss the annoying "Video paused. Continue watching?" confirmation goodbye!
YouTube TrustedHTML Bypass JS - Bypass errors with userscripts caused by YouTube's TrustedHTML policy
Yes BlockTheAds JS - Kiss the annoying youtube ads goodbye!
YouTube 播放速度记忆 JS - 自动切换到你预先设定的播放速度。
April Fool's Day 2007 JS - Redirects all YouTube videos to a certain video.
Speed+ JS - Speed / Pitch changer control bar for YouTube
Focus progress bar JS - Gets rid of arrow control for volume.
Youtube Playback Speed Toggle 1.6 JS - Adds a styled toggle button next to the fullscreen button on YouTube's video player to toggle playback speed between normal and 1.15x for non-music videos, showing the current speed in a white circle. Attempts to start at 1.15x by default for non-music videos.
Youtube: remove recommendations sidebar JS - 18/08/2024, 11:09:47
YouTube Customizable Subtitles / Youtube Subtitulos Personalizables JS - Allows you to customize YouTube subtitles / Le permite personalizar los subtítulos de YouTube.
Watch Later Extractor JS - Exports videos from your YouTube Watch Later page to a JSON file
YouTubeMoreSpeeds JS - Adds buttons under a YouTube video with more playback speeds.
Yearify JS - //
Reload on YouTube Error JS - Reload the page if a YouTube adblock error occurs
YouTube - Use classic channel header UI JS - This script will force the classic channel header UI with old non-compact tabs.
Advanced Hypothetical YouTube Automation Script JS - Script avançado hipotético para automatizar interações no YouTube
YouTube Code Highlighter JS - Highlight code in YouTube comments
YouTube Music Loop Toggle JS - Adds a checkbox bottom right, once enabled, it'll loop without it stopping
YouTube to YouTube No-Cookie Embed Player JS - RedirectYouTube video URLs to the no-cookie embed player and stop all requests from loading
''Share to Twitter'' tooltip for V3 JS - elon musk YOU SHOULD KYS NOW
YouTube Modernizer JS - Modernize YouTube UI with custom CSS and animations
YouTube to Netflix Player Style JS - Style YouTube player to look like Netflix player
Modern YouTube 2024 JS - Apply modern rounded styles and animations to YouTube and remove the sidebar button
YouTube Material Design 1 JS - Apply Material Design 1 styles to YouTube
YouTube Mobile View JS - Emulates YouTube mobile view on desktop
YouTube with Material Design JS - Apply Material Design 1 styles to YouTube using Materialize
Auto play in MPV JS - Automatically redirect to mpv player when playing online video
Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all JS - 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
Youtube Mobile Seekable JS - Put a good description in here