现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Google Weblight JS - Adds a button at the top right corner to view the web pages in Google Weblight (For Faster Loading of Webpages)..
GoBlindH - Omdano JS - Lazy af to do my course sections so im doing this
Firefox 57+ autohide scrollbars JS - Autohide scrollbars solution for Firefox 57+ WebExtensions obstacles. Tips for tweaks are appreciated :) source: https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/6v6otw/webex_replacement_for_hidescrollbars/
Fix Images on Present Day HTML JS - Show all images on modern webpages
Remove HTML Hidden Links JS - Remove hidden links on modern HTML anchor elements. a.href should ALWAYS be the real link. DOWN WITH W3 CONSORTIUM! DOWN WITH THE INTERNET TAKEOVER! DEATH TO THE CONSPIRATORS!
CSSreloader JS - That allows you to reload all the CSS files of any site or local HTML file without you have to reload the page itself. Just press F8.
Redeem Steam Key JS - Redirect to Steam Register Key page when copying key
Share Everywhere JS - Share the current page in various social network
Sam's Cure for Greyscale JS - a cure for Ser Jorah Mormont!
Intro skipper JS - try to take over the world!
Google Images Randomizer JS - try to take over the world!
ShadePrank No Buttons JS - Shaderoot prank that prevents links and buttons from working
ShadePrank B&W JS - Shaderoot Prank that turns every page black and white.
ShadePrank Gradual Sepia JS - Shaderoot prank that, after 20 seconds, fades the page to sepia over 1 minute
ShadePrank Upside-Down JS - Shaderoot prank that turns the page upside-down
ShadePrank Get Back to Work JS - Shaderoot prank that replaces all websites with a "Get back to work" message
Add Link To IMDb Code JS - Add Link To IMDb Code Like "tt1234567"; Better With Add IMDb Rating Script
Sauver vos yeux (écriture inclusive) JS - Vous fait gagner 3 points de vision
Page Contents View Mode JS - The main purpose of this script is to show only the main content or page article. It is designed to be used with a bookmarklet whose URL is (no quote) "javascript:void(PCVM())".
Middleclick everywhere JS - Lets you use middle-click to open a new tab on all sites
TweetOver PlainText Tooltip JS - Adds tweet text to a Twitter status link on mouse-over (title attribute) - EXPERIMENTAL - for LEGACY Greasemonkey
PreloaderPlus JS - 预读+翻页..全加速你的浏览体验...
New Userscript JS - try to take over the world!
Chat.me JS - Welcome to Chat.me! Chat.me is a free non-profit chat. Chat.me is embedded in every site via iframe. It's super safe to use (the chat uses SSL certificates (HTTPS), and it's embedded in an iframe: CORS and XSS protection guaranteed). You will find a global tab to chat with everyone around the world, a site tab to chat with everyone who is visiting your same site, furthermore you can create custom rooms to chat with your friends, and pm message them too. Have fun with Chat.me!
!Bang Suggestions on supported Sites (for DuckDuckGo ) JS - Shows !Bangs in the bottom left corner (hover "!")
Alert Killer JS - Overwrites alert()
highlight_anchor_target JS - if url contains a target, the anchor in the site will be highlighted
Old Yin JS - zh-cn
jump-to-anchor JS - Context menu item to jump to the closest anchor to the selected text (if any) or to the right-click point otherwise.
Disable single key keyboard shortcuts JS - Stop websites from hijacking Firefox quick search key "/", and Escape key
The Last Jedi Spoiler Blocker JS - Notifies the user if any keywords related to Star Wars are detected on the page.
tab scholar & youtube JS - ajout tab scholar & youtube
Imgur Mirror (Modified) JS - Switches all imgur links to imgurp.com
F2改变网页背景色 JS - Changes color of page to grey text on black background to make pages easier to read. Uses F2 to toggle colors on and off.
MCGEN2下载助手 JS - 一键下载到MCGEN2
ABPVN AdsBlock JS - Script chặn quảng cáo,loại bỏ chờ đợi của ABPVN
tab scholar & youtube JS - ajout tab scholar & youtube
Clean Font Weights JS - Make website font-weights standard (400) if below 400
鼠标手势--就是这么拽! JS - 鼠标手势脚本,就是这么拽:支持右键轨迹手势和左键拖拽功能.可以拖拽[文本],[链接]和[图片],支持自定义设置:鼠标画➡⬅(右左)路径,进入设置
阅读模式 JS - 修改特定网站界面的样式以便阅读
de-sponsors trusted-site JS - scriptsurf
Unstick JS - Make fixed-position elements scroll with the page.
Link Untracker JS - Remove tracking elements from links
Inline Mp3 Player (HTML5) JS - Adds an inline WordPress mp3 with Play and Pause controls to every link to an mp3 file.
Test JS - Testing
TieqViet-ize JS - Script này sẽ biến mọi trang web của bạn thành Tiếng Việt sau cải cách :). Thanh menu hiện ở góc phải của màn hình
Dollchan Extension Tools JS - Doing some profit for imageboards
SECAM lines JS - Illusion of SECAM specific clutter for any websites you visit
Nofollow Links - Red Dotted Border JS - This script adds a red dotted border to all nofollow links on all URLs.
BugMeNot Everywhere JS - Add a list of login accounts from BugMeNot ( bugmenot.com ) on any website when focusing on username input
点击返回顶部 JS - 点击向上的箭头按钮返回到页面顶部
AC-论坛悬浮回复框 JS - 常用论坛的悬浮回复框,点击固定,再次点击缩回
AC-双击选中高亮 JS - 双击选中高亮 或者 普通选中后按G高亮
SeriesEver Helper JS - This userscript assists all sites use plugins of SeriesEver in fetching data links. Mainly used as an alternative to the Java option currently provided.
save WEB page to PDF JS - save HTML to PDF
Next Page JS - 使用左右方向键来翻页 [Ver]
自动弹框 Jaeger JS - 自动弹框,QQ:734708094
Upsize Stand-Alone Images JS - Proportionally enlarge smaller stand-alone images
RoughScroll JS - Disables smooth scrolling on ALL websites
Set HTML5 media player volume JS - Script to set the volume of <video> and <audio> elements to reduced value (defaults to 50%), with a menu item to change for the current page.
迷你滚动条(Mini ScrollBar) JS - 滚动条迷你化.(Make scroll bar mini.)
DontTouchMyScroll JS - port from DontTouchMyScroll-Chrome
网页黑色主题 JS - 网页切换为黑色主题
Scroll Top Button JS - Fast and lightweight scrolltop button
返回顶部按钮 JS - 给页面右下角添加返回顶部按钮
FFXU ASCII Art Captcha Solver JS - A script to automatically solve ASCII art captchas on Fairfax Underground
AuTo Redeem Steamkey JS - 复制网页中的Steamkey后自动激活,3.0+版本为Beta版
tab scholar & Vimeo JS - ajout tab scholar & Vimeo
WhatYouClickIsWhatYouGet JS - Userscript that removes all event listeners and replaces all data-outbound-url attrbutes from links
FreeZoom JS - Allow zooming on every website! Don't let any mobile control freak website tell you when to zoom or not!
Stylish 轻捷 JS - 像Stylish一样:安装和管理用户样式,当然,也包括编辑
谷歌点击划词翻译 JS - 谷歌点击划词翻译综合插件
Remove social sharing/following icons JS - Remove soical sharing icons and must not be the same as name
Blockhead JS - Blocks headers and other sticky elements from wasting precious vertical screen estate by pinning them down.
eBonus.gg [Captcha Skip] Pro JS - This automatically clicks on any recaptcha on the webpage and submits it directly after you solved it
Don't Fuck With Paste JS - Paste in any input field! Don't let stupid web design stop you. Code "borrowed" from the "Don't Fuck With Paste" webextension by Aaron Raimist
AdsBypasser JS - Bypass Ads
IndexOftoM3u JS - Transform Index Of webpage to an playable m3u file with media player
Script_for_tiwar_arena_by_nexus JS - 1
Script_for_tiwar_arena_by_nexus JS - 1
Yandex.Card userscript JS - Добавит Яндекс.Карточку на все сайты. Использовать вместо расширения.
Disable OpenSearch JS - Remove the OpenSearch <link> tag to prevent Google Chrome from auto-adding custom search engines.
Dead Image Size Revealer JS - Shows the size of broken images
MonkeyConfig JS - Easy configuration dialog builder for user scripts
解除电信劫持 JS - 解决电信劫持空白页面问题
必应词典,划词翻译,带英语发音 JS - 划词翻译,使用必应词典(支持英汉、汉英),带英语发音,带中文拼音。默认开启翻译,点击左下角的'Bing Dict'图标来开启/关闭翻译。自动发音可以通过菜单启用。
markdown to bbcode JS - 将markdown文本粘贴至textarea,右键单击文本区,弹出菜单中选择“markdown -> bbcode”
自动添加磁力链接前缀 JS - 在你复制磁力链接的hash时候,自动补上"magnet:?xt=urn:btih:",便于下载软件直接获取
KashiKaikin JS - 歌詞検索サイトの歌詞テキストをコピー可能にする
Disable Double-Tap Zoom Globally JS - disables nasty vendor-specific touch features that are annoying
Enable All Tags JS - Enables all elements on a web page
Search Selected text on Amazon .com JS - Im Mahi, and this script helps people to select and seacrh a product by name without having to download any new Search extension, with single click | Saves lot of time for e-commerce employees.
自动添加补全磁力链接和百度网盘前缀 JS - 自动添加补全磁力链接和百度网盘前缀自动跳转
Choose Form Field Selections On Hotkey JS - Choose predefined selections for drop-down form fields upon pressing a hotkey. For e.g. country, state, city. If the state or city fields changes dynamically based on the selected country, the hokey will need to be pressed again.
ShowModalDialog JS - https://github.com/shanewignall/replace-showModalDialog/blob/master/replace-showModalDialog.user.js
RatingEverywhere JS - Show imdb.com or douban.com rating in real time
Window Size PX JS - A simple window dimensions indicator (in px) that appears on window resize in the top-right corner for browsers other than Chrome/Chromium. Useful for designers, developers, functional/ technical analysts, UX'ers etc.
显示二维码Plus JS - 在Alt+Q显示二维码的基础上增加了一个文本框
空格之王 自动为中英文之间添加一个空格 JS - 自动替你在网页中所有的中文字和半形的英文、数字、符号之间插入空白,让文字变得美观好看。