// ==UserScript==
// @name myconnectwise.net enhancements
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match https://aus.myconnectwise.net/v202*ise.aspx
// @grant none
// @version 2.25
// @author mike-Inside
// @description Modifies Manage page to allow for collapsible ticket notes
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@violentmonkey/dom@2
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@violentmonkey/shortcut@1
// ==/UserScript==
// watch the page for elements that are created dynamically and may not be ready even on document-end
const disconnect = VM.observe(document.body, () => {
const autosortServiceBoardByAge = true;
// find the target node
const ticketField = document.querySelector('#SR_Service_RecID-input');
const rowWrap = document.querySelectorAll(".TicketNote-rowWrap");
//const comboBox = document.querySelectorAll(".cw_CwComboBox"); //might be needed later if I want to do different sorting depending on the board
// runs on service board pages to stop autocomplete from blocking visibility
if (ticketField) {
ticketField.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
// wait an additonal couple of seconds for page to finish loading
setTimeout(function() {
if (autosortServiceBoardByAge) {
clickHeader("Age"); // sort by age
}, 1000);
return true;
// runs on individual ticket pages
if (rowWrap[0]) { // wait until the ticket notes have been generated before starting the script
// start by generating the primary controller buttons
// wait an additonal couple of seconds for all ticket notes to finish loading
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
// disconnect observer
return true;
function generateControls(){
let noteTab = document.querySelectorAll(".TicketNote-newNoteButton");
let controlButtons = document.getElementsByClassName("control-button"); // make sure we don't add them more than once
if(noteTab[0] && controlButtons.length == 0) {
noteTab[0].nextElementSibling.style.display = "none"; //hide the buttons that filter by ticket type - this conflicts with my changes and sometimes causes the entire notes section to disappear
noteTab[0].after(createButton("Expand All"));
noteTab[0].after(createButton("Collapse All"));
// used for the controller buttons above the notes, they are all exactly the same except for their content
function createButton(buttName){
let bCss = "padding:3px; margin-left:12px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-top:22px; font-size:0.90em; width:125px";
let butt;
butt = document.createElement("button");
butt.style.cssText = bCss;
butt.textContent = buttName;
butt.addEventListener("click", buttonPress);
return butt;
// runs when a controller button is pressed, loops through ticket notes to set the display attribute
function buttonPress(evt){
let buttName = evt.currentTarget.textContent;
let newDisplayState = 0;
if (buttName == "Expand All") {
newDisplayState = 1;
let coll = document.getElementsByClassName('collapsible');
if (coll.length == 0) { // check if collapsibles have been wiped out (eg. by a ticket note refresh)
let found = -1; // value to store the location of the first ticket note which is visible / not hidden
for (let i = 0; i < coll.length; ++i) {
let initialState = displayChange(coll[i], newDisplayState);
if(newDisplayState == 0 && initialState != "none" && found < 0) {
found = i;
if(buttName == "Previous") {
if (found > 0) { // open the note prior to the one that was open before the 'previous' button was clicked, unless...
displayChange(coll[found-1], 1);
} else { // ...if no note open, or the first note was open, then open the final note
displayChange(coll[coll.length-1], 1);
} else if (buttName == "Next") {
if (found < coll.length-1) { // if no note was open, or any note except the last note was open, then open the next note after the opened one
displayChange(coll[found+1], 1);
} else { // otherwise open the first note
displayChange(coll[0], 1);
function modifyNotes(){
const rowWrap = document.querySelectorAll('.TicketNote-rowWrap');
rowWrap.forEach((rowItem) => {
// create button to be placed above each ticket note
let butt = document.createElement("button");
butt.style.cssText = 'padding:3px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-top:0px; width:100%; font-size:0.90em';
butt.innerHTML = "";
let basicName = classText(rowItem, "TicketNote-basicName", "<strong>", "</strong>")
let clickableName = classText(rowItem, "TicketNote-clickableName", "<strong>", "</strong>")
butt.innerHTML += basicName + clickableName; // add name to button
// let timeDateText = classText(rowItem, "TimeText-date", " [","]"); // copy date to button without any changes - nah
// let's instead change date to Australian locale:
let timeDateChild = rowItem.getElementsByClassName("TimeText-date");
if (timeDateChild[0]) {
let timeDateText = timeDateChild[0].textContent;
let timeDateHTML = timeDateChild[0].innerHTML;
const regexDate = new RegExp(/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{4})/, "g"); //matches date, make sure you have got connectwise using (en-AU) D/M/YYYY format
// set language to English Australia in browser, then clear cookies and cache
//let timeDateFormat = timeDateText.replace(regexDate, "$2/$1/$3"); // simple method to just swap month and day around - nah let's go all in
let timeDateMatch = regexDate.exec(timeDateText);
let dateObject = new Date(timeDateMatch[3],timeDateMatch[2]-1,timeDateMatch[1]); //creates JS Date object, note month parameter is inexplicably 0-11 to represent jan-dec
const dateOptions = {
weekday: "long",
year: "numeric",
month: "long",
day: "numeric",
let dateFormat = dateObject.toLocaleString("en-AU", dateOptions);
let timeDateFormat = timeDateText.replace(regexDate, dateFormat); //adds the time info back to formatted date
butt.innerHTML += " [" + timeDateFormat + "]"; //adds date to button
//timeDateChild[0].innerHTML = timeDateChild[0].innerHTML.replace(timeDateText, ""); // we could just delete the existing date, but people may want to copy/paste it
timeDateFormat = "<span style=\"color:#fff;opacity:0.1\">" + timeDateFormat + "<\/span>"; //date can still be selected and copied, but is not too noticible
timeDateChild[0].innerHTML = timeDateChild[0].innerHTML.replace(timeDateText, timeDateFormat); //replaces the existing date inside ticket note with formatted date
// this is the pill shaped icon that shows for 'resolved' or 'internal' notes
let pill = rowItem.getElementsByClassName("TicketNote-pill");
let pillText = "";
if (pill[0]) {
pillText = pill[0].innerText;
rowItem.style.cssText = "margin-top:6px";
// set custom styles for each ticket button
if (pillText == "Internal") {
butt.style.cssText += ";background-color:#026CCF;color:#DDEEFF;text-align:right";
rowItem.style.cssText += ";background-color:#ecf2ff";
} else if (pillText == "Resolution") {
butt.style.cssText += ";background-color:#549c05;color:#DDFFCC;text-align:right";
rowItem.style.cssText += ";background-color:#ecfff2";
} else if (clickableName.length > 0) { //only falco team have this class
butt.style.cssText += ";background-color:#AABBEE;color:#3366AA;text-align:right";
} else if (basicName.length > 0) { // only end users have this class
butt.style.cssText += ";background-color:#CCAAEE;color:#6644AA;text-align:left";
// rowItem.parentElement.insertBefore(butt, rowItem); //previous method, works but causes issues
// instead we place the button inside the "TicketNote-rowWrap" class so that it will get wiped if the ticket notes are refreshed
let rowChild = rowItem.getElementsByClassName("TicketNote-row");
if (rowChild[0]) {
} );
//add click listener functions to all collapsible buttons
var coll = document.getElementsByClassName("collapsible");
for (let i = 0; i < coll.length; i++) {
coll[i].addEventListener("click", function() {
displayChange(this, -1);
// toggle the display state of the sibling element that is directly after the passed parameter
// (We use this to hide or show the 'TicketNote-row' located directly after the 'collapsible' button in the DOM)
function displayChange(collapsible, state = -1) {
// state -1 toggle, 0 off, 1 on
let content = collapsible.nextElementSibling;
let initialState = content.style.display;
if ((state != 0 && initialState === "none")) {
content.style.display = "flex";
} else if (state < 1) {
content.style.display = "none";
return initialState; // returns the state the element was in *prior* to being changed
// find first matching classString that is a child of the startParent, return its innerText with optional pre/postfix text
// ended up not using this much, special handling required too often
function classText(startParent, classString, prefix = "", postfix = "") {
let foundChild = startParent.getElementsByClassName(classString);
if (foundChild[0]) {
return prefix + foundChild[0].innerText + postfix;
} else {
return "";
function clickHeader(text){
//const boardHeaders = document.querySelectorAll('.GL4OBY5BBEI');
const boardHeaders = document.querySelectorAll('.GL4OBY5BDEI');
if(boardHeaders[0]) {
for (var i=0, im=boardHeaders.length; im>i; i++) {
if(boardHeaders[i].nextSibling.innerHTML == text){
// Press Control-i in order to:
// * Regenerate the controls and buttons on ticket page
// * sort by Age on a service board page
VM.shortcut.register('c-i', () => {
// just a reminder to self on ways to debug output:
// console.log('You just pressed Ctrl-I');
// alert("I am an alert box!");
// sort by Status on a service board page
VM.shortcut.register('c-o', () => {