DigDig.IO Server Selector JS - Server selector for digdig.io. Double click to copy, single click to download.
DigDig.IO/DigWorm.IO Effects JS - 3D, particles and glow effect for DigDig.IO and DigWorm.IO. Use num keys from 1 to 3 to toggle effects
DigDig.IO 3D Effect JS - 3D effect for DigDig.IO
DigDig.IO Minimap JS - Minimap for digdig.io
DigDig.IO Gold Bot JS - A simple bot that farms gold in digdig.io
DigDig.IO Tag Bot JS - A simple bot that tags people in digdig.io
DigDig.IO Temporary Account JS - Creates a temporary account whenever you join the game. Good for using cheats and not get banned.
DigDig.IO All Kirk JS - Makes all skins in digdig.io a progeny of kirk.