Turk - Remove_Banner_Ad JS - Hides "Hello Workers!" banner
HighlightMasters JS - Highlights Masters HITs in the color red on search pages. Specifically, the HIT title.
MakeTitlesFit JS - Makes it so the title isn't truncated in the Title column.
StatusDetailLastLink JS - Adds a link for the Last Page on Status Detail pages.
TimerInTitlebar JS - Puts the remaining HIT time in the titlebar.
HowLongDidITake JS - Record how long each HIT took to complete. Lists results on status_details page.
ClassicAllHITsLink JS - Changes All HITs link back to the classic search results.
worker.mturk.com2ClassicAllHITs JS - Forwards https://worker.mturk.com/ to https://worker.mturk.com/projects?filters[qualified]=false&filters[masters]=false&sort=num_hits_desc&filters[min_reward]=0
MturkTitleMaker JS - Puts a title in the titlebar or tab title.