所有视频2倍速度播放 / video speed 2x JS - 这个世界的一切都太慢了啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊
雪阅模式|SNOREAD (无滚动版) JS - 【原版滚动有问题的请用这个版本】【雪阅模式|SNOREAD】像读报纸一样纵览这个世界吧!豪华广角宽屏视角 / 刷知乎神器 / 2D排版 / 快速提升视觉维度 / 横向滚动阅读模式 / 翻页模式 / 充分利用屏幕空间 / 快阅速读插件 / 雪阅模式 / 宽屏必备 / 带鱼屏专属 | 使用说明:按 Escape 退出雪阅模式 | 【欢迎加入QQ群交流 1043957595 或 官方TG群组 https://t.me/snoread 】
Copy Title Alt+T JS - Press Alt+T to copy title and url like this `# ${TITLE}\n${URL}` and Alt+Shift+T to copy the markdown style link `[${TITLE}]( ${URL} )`
[SNOLAB] Alt + 123... Searching Results Links List Batch Open JS - To quickly understand a field, press Alt+1 ...2,3,4...Alt+5 on the search page of Google or Bing to open the search results of the first 2 nth power items and copy the opened ones link. Currently supports: Google, Bing, Zhihu.
Quick Inverse Images color by Alt+C JS - Alt+C to inverse images on all page, use for win10 inverse color mode (as a dark mode, while images shows right colors)
雪阅模式|SNOREAD-横向滚动组件 JS - 【自用,目前还有很多BUG】 从雪阅模式 分离出来的 横向滚动组件,适用于只有纵向滚轮的鼠标。具有如下特性: 1. 在滚动页面的时候,首先会执行横向滚动,然后才是纵向。 2. 按元素大小成比例滚动,鼠标滚轮 一格 = 0.5 屏
Horizontal First Scroll | 横向优先滚动 JS - (20200409)Page elements prefer to scroll horizontally, scroll to end and then scroll vertically, suitable for SNOREAD.userscript.js | 页面元素优先横向滚动,滚动到底再进行竖向滚动,适用于雪阅插件
[SNOLAB] Alt + 123... Searching Results Links List Batch Open JS - To quickly understand a field, press Alt+1 ...2,3,4...Alt+5 on the search page of Google or Bing to open the search results of the first 2 nth power items and copy the opened ones link. Currently supports: Google, Bing, Zhihu.
通用自动签到与领取 JS - 自用,rt
[SNOLAB] [Mulango] Alt Speak Translator JS - [SNOLAB] [Mulango] Press Alt to Speak currently Selection.
[snolab] batch-search JS - Batch search from multi sourcees.
Copy Markdown Quote Alt+C JS - Press Alt+C to copy title and url as markdown style link `> ${SELECTION} [${TITLE}]( ${URL} )`
[SNOLAB] Keep only one page per domain JS - Keep only one page per domain
[SNOLAB] Alt + 123... Searching Results Links List Batch Open JS - To quickly understand a field, press Alt+1 ...2,3,4...Alt+5 on the search page of Google or Bing to open the search results of the first 2 nth power items and copy the opened ones link. Currently supports: Google, Bing, Zhihu.
MarkdownCopy JS - Press Alt+C to copy title and url as markdown style link `> ${SELECTION} [${TITLE}]( ${URL} )`
[SNOLAB] Selection expander JS - Shift+Alt+Right/Left to Expand/Shirink Selection to parent elements. (vise versa) just like vscode
Pardon, could you say it again? JS - Press . or , to replay the last sentence slowly at 0.6x speed in any video/audio site like YouTube, Bilibili, or Spotify. This is useful when you're learning a language and want to ensure you understand every sentence correctly. Or learning instruments and want to replay a section at a slower speed.
Page Flood JS - Press Shift+Alt+Q to batch open links in the main list in a page.
[SNOLAB] Alt + i to invert color of Images / Videos Color JS - Invert page color by Alt+i, combo with Ctrl+Windows+C to invert the color of whole screen, you can enjoy the real night mode in windows.