[SNOLAB] Alt + 123... Searching Results Links List Batch Open JS - To quickly understand a field, press Alt+1 ...2,3,4...Alt+5 on the search page of Google or Bing to open the search results of the first 2 nth power items and copy the opened ones link. Currently supports: Google, Bing, Zhihu.
Make Google Sorry Page Link Clickable JS - as the name
MarkdownCopy JS - Press Alt+C to copy title and url as markdown style link `> ${SELECTION} [${TITLE}]( ${URL} )`
[SNOLAB] [Mulango] Search JS - [snolab] Mulango - Walkers for bilingual learners. View a google search result in two languages side by side for comparison and language learning. now supports Bing & Google,
[SNOLAB] [Mulango] myTyping Game Translator JS - [SNOLAB] [Mulango] Translate Japenese to the second language of your browser.
OpenAI Chat Copy Code Hotkey JS - Binds the "Alt+C" hotkey to find and click the HTML element with the text "Copy code" on chat.openai.com.
Seisho Reader JS - biblica multilanguage TTS reader
[SNOLAB] Selection expander JS - Shift+Alt+Right/Left to Expand/Shirink Selection to parent elements. (vise versa) just like vscode
Telegram Speaker JS - [SNOLAB] Speak latest telegram message With TTS technology just in your browser. @deprecated Use my new script [SNOLAB] I Heard Telegram Speaking
Wikipedia multi language view JS - View a Wikipedia entry with two (or more?) languages side by side for comparison and language learning.
YoutubeAllResultsPushToQueuePlay JS - Youtube Search Results Pages Push To Queue To Play Button
[SNOLAB] NPM Typescript Flag JS - Show "Dt" and "Ts" Icon on npm package search result.
Pardon, could you say it again? JS - Press . or , to replay the last sentence slowly at 0.6x speed in any video/audio site like YouTube, Bilibili, or Spotify. This is useful when you're learning a language and want to ensure you understand every sentence correctly. Or learning instruments and want to replay a section at a slower speed.
google bilingual search view en/zh JS - [snolab] Mulango - Walkers for bilingual learners. View a google search result in two languages side by side for comparison and language learning. now supports Bing & Google,
google multilang search view enja JS - [snolab] Mulango - en/ja Walkers for bilingual learners. View a google search result in two languages side by side for comparison and language learning. now supports Bing & Google,
Page Flood JS - Press Shift+Alt+Q to batch open links in the main list in a page.
[SNOLAB] Alt + i to invert color of Images / Videos Color JS - Invert page color by Alt+i, combo with Ctrl+Windows+C to invert the color of whole screen, you can enjoy the real night mode in windows.
Youtube Auto Play Unwatched Videos in search results. JS - Automately Play all unwatched search results in a queue, useful to learn language from randomly videos by your everyday.