Hola Mundo JS - does nothing, just writes a welcome message to the console. a very simple userscript that illustrates the use of the GM_config library, remote resources, themes and some common userscript mechanics 作者 almaceleste 今日安裝 0 安裝總數 38 評價 0 0 0 建立日期 2018-04-03 更新日期 2020-05-29
External link newtaber JS - opens external links in a new tab on all sites (now can work with dynamic link lists, such as search results) 作者 almaceleste 今日安裝 0 安裝總數 393 評價 7 0 0 建立日期 2018-04-05 更新日期 2020-06-09
Watch Transition JS - watches for a transition event and prints it to the console 作者 almaceleste 今日安裝 0 安裝總數 10 評價 0 0 0 建立日期 2020-05-15 更新日期 2020-05-16