[ En/Ru ] by Athari
顯示 繁體中文 的結果。顯示所有語言的結果。
Undiscord JS - Delete all messages in a Discord channel or DM (Bulk deletion)
旁路 全部 短鏈接 JS - 繞過所有短鏈接網站自動跳過煩人的鏈接縮短器,直接到您的目的地
Twitter(X), Tiktok feature improvements JS - The script enhances Twitter (X) and TikTok by improving features such as date format, image and video downloads, and more for Twitter (X), and video downloads for TikTok. It will be continuously maintained and updated, so you can use it with confidence.
超星學習通九九助手[AI答題][一鍵啟動][最小化運行] JS - 【可手机挂机】支援【超星學習通】【學銀線上】【超星系統的繼續教育】的影片、章節測驗、文件、直播、作業、考試;腳本一鍵啟動、單頁全自動運作、可最小化運作不會中斷;不佔網速、不費流量,開熱點也能用;【三億題庫】題目覆蓋率99%,支持單選、多選、填空、判斷【圖片題、程式設計題、聽力題】;題目答案即時收錄,輕鬆拿高分
Telegram 受限圖片影片下載器 JS - 從禁止下載的 Telegram 頻道中下載圖片、影片及語音訊息
Online shopping assistant & Automatically query coupons & Save money JS - Automatically search for coupons on popular shopping platforms to help you find the best deals on the products you need, without overspending. Currently supports: Aliexpress, Lazada, eBay, Amazon, and more.
自動跳過 YouTube 廣告 JS - 立即自動跳過 YouTube 廣告。 YouTube 廣告攔截器警告未被偵測到。
Quillbot Premium Unlocker JS - Unlocks Quillbot Premium so that you don't have to pay.
Shell Shockers Aimbot & ESP: StateFarm Client V3 - Bloom, Chat, Botting, Unban & More, shellshock.io JS - Shell Shockers Aimbot & ESP of the highest level. Best shellshock.io menu in 2025 with NO ADS! Many cheats such as Aimbot, PlayerESP, AmmoESP, Chams, Nametags, Join/Leave alerts, Chat Filter Bypass, AntiAFK, FOV Slider, Zooming, Player Stats, Auto Reload, Auto Unban and many more whilst having unsurpassed customisation options such as binding to any key, easily editable color scheme and themes - all on the fly!
YouTube 视频下载助手|多种清晰度HD/2K/4K🔥|Video&Audio 📥 JS - YouTube视频下载神器,支持1080P/2K高清视频下载,支持字幕下载,支持视频/音频分离下载,支持短视频下载,完全免费无广告
Simple YouTube Age Restriction Bypass JS - Watch age restricted videos on YouTube without login and without age verification 😎
YouTube去廣告 JS - 腳本用於移除 YouTube 廣告,包括靜態廣告和視頻廣告。不會干擾網路,安全。
Blooket Gui JS - An Updated version of Minesraft2 and 05konzs' blooket cheats. Try not to abuse too many cheats at once or you'll crash. Press ctrl+e to hide. If there are any comments please give feedback.
YouTube™ Multi Downloader v9.2 🌐🚀💯 - YT1s.com (NO ADS & NEW LAYOUT FOR YT! 🚫🤩) JS - This script adds a download button, a faster way to download audio and video from YouTube with guaranteed quality. This site is very simple, fast and effective to download! Best of all!
HTML5视频播放工具 JS - 视频截图;切换画中画;缓存视频;万能网页全屏;添加快捷键:快进、快退、暂停/播放、音量、下一集、切换(网页)全屏、上下帧、播放速度。支持视频站点:油管、TED、优.土、QQ、B站、西瓜视频、爱奇艺、A站、PPTV、芒果TV、咪咕视频、新浪、微博、网易[娱乐、云课堂、新闻]、搜狐、风行、百度云视频等;直播:twitch、斗鱼、YY、虎牙、龙珠、战旗。可增加自定义站点
AC-baidu-重定向优化百度搜狗谷歌必应搜索_favicon_双列 JS - 1.繞過百度、搜狗、谷歌、好搜搜索結果中的自己的跳轉鏈接,直接訪問原始網頁-反正都能看懂 2.新增自定义网站拦截功能 3添加Favicon显示 4.页面CSS 5.添加计数 6.开关选择以上功能 7.自动翻页功能
KhanHack JS - Khan Academy Answer Hack
Github 增強 - 高速下載 JS - 高速下載 Git Clone/SSH、Release、Raw、Code(ZIP) 等文件 (公益加速)、項目列表單文件快捷下載 (☁)
音影片增強腳本:支援無極調速、倍速快學、快樂刷劇、影片下載、畫面截圖等「適用大部分網站」 JS - 音影片增強腳本,支持所有H5視頻網站,例如:B站、抖音、騰訊視頻、優酷、愛奇藝、西瓜視頻、油管(YouTube)、微博視頻、知乎視頻、搜狐視頻、網易公開課、百度網盤、阿里雲盤、ted、instagram、twitter等。全程快捷鍵控制,支持:倍速播放/加速播放、視頻畫面截圖、畫中畫、網頁全屏、調節亮度、飽和度、對比度、自定義配置功能增強等功能,為你提供愉悅的在線視頻播放體驗。還有視頻廣告快進、在線教程/教育視頻倍速快學、視頻文件下載等能力
Youtube 工具 多合一本地下載 MP4、MP3 JS - Youtube 工具 多合一本地下載 mp4、MP3
ChatGPT 無限 ∞ JS - 從無所不知的 ChatGPT 生成無窮無盡的答案 (用任何語言!)
Krunker.IO Aimbot & ESP JS - Locks aim to the nearest player in krunker.io and shows players behind walls. Also shows a line between you and them.
東方永頁機 JS - 終極自動翻頁 - 加載並拼接下一分頁內容至當前頁尾,智能適配任意網頁
Additional Bypass JS - Bypass Addition for Bypass All Shortlinks
MWITools JS - Tools for MilkyWayIdle. Shows total action time. Shows market prices. Shows action number quick inputs. Shows how many actions are needed to reach certain skill level. Shows skill exp percentages. Shows total networth. Shows combat summary. Shows combat maps index. Shows item level on item icons. Shows how many ability books are needed to reach certain level. Shows market equipment filters.
1v1.LOL Aimbot, ESP & Wireframe View JS - Let's you see players behind walls. Comes with a wireframe view mode and an aimbot too. Press M, N and T to toggle them.
Auto-Duolingo JS - [Lite Version] Automatically farm experience points, hacking Duolingo is so easy!
Quillbot Premium Unlocker JS - Unlocks Quillbot Premium so that you don't have to pay.
自動無縫翻頁 JS - ⭐無縫加載 下一頁內容 至網頁底部(類似瀑布流,无限滚动,無需手働點擊下一頁)⭐,支持各論壇、社交、遊戲、漫畫、小說、學術、搜索引擎(Google、Bing、Yahoo...) 等網站~
小说下载器 JS - 一个可扩展的通用型小说下载器。
BaiduPan for generating links and saving files. 百度網盤轉存(偽) JS - 百度網盤轉存(偽)
大人的Greasyfork JS - 在Greasyfork的搜索結果中添加Sleazyfork上的成人腳本,增加評分與版本號,並在訪問匿名不可用腳本時跳轉至Sleazyfork
Geoguessr Location Resolver (Works in all modes) JS - Features: Automatically score 5000 Points | Score randomly between 4500 and 5000 points | Open in Google Maps
Twitter 媒體下載 JS - 一鍵保存視頻/圖片
Blooket Coin and Token Hacker JS - Add coins and tokens to your Blooket account
m3u8視頻偵測下載器【自動嗅探】 JS - 自動檢測頁面m3u8視頻並進行完整下載。檢測到m3u8鏈接後會自動出現在頁面右上角位置,點擊下載即可跳轉到m3u8下載器。
Blooket Hacks JS - Some Useful Blooket Hacks.
sketchfab JS - download sketchfab models
解除网络限制:.io游戏模型 、广告链接绕过器、广告拦截器,以及更多! JS - 一个巨大的用户脚本,可以修改数百个网站,为网络添加修改、黑客、新功能和生活质量! (测试版)值得注意的功能:自动重定向和绕过,一个全功能的MooMoo.io黑客,谷歌教室的黑暗模式,大量删除discord信息,删除百度上的广告,禁用谷歌分析,Facebook广告拦截器!(测试版)。
🌟 Ultimate Web Enhancer 🚀 JS - A powerful script to enhance YouTube, Facebook, X, Spotify, Reddit, Twitch, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Discord, GitHub, Google, Wikipedia, eBay, Hulu, Quora, Medium, Stack Overflow, IMDb, SoundCloud, Vimeo, and more with intelligent features.
网页限制解除(改) JS - 通殺大部分網站,可以解除禁止復制、剪切、選擇文本、右鍵菜單的限制。
YouTube CPU Tamer by AnimationFrame JS - 減少YouTube影片所致的能源消耗
🏆 [#1 Chess Assistant] A.C.A.S (Advanced Chess Assistance System) JS - Enhance your chess performance with a cutting-edge real-time move analysis and strategy assistance system
Rizz Your Waifu JS - auto message swiper/chat tools
Krunker Cheating Software 0.8.0 JS - Enhanced Krunker Cheat Script (v0.8.0) with AimBot, AimAssist, ESP, High Jump, FPS Boost, Speed Boost, Auto Shoot, Auto Jump and Recoil Compensation
Kour.io Invisible hack JS - kour.io hacks with togglable options for invisibility and instant kill
Picviewer CE+ JS - 線上看圖工具,支援圖片翻轉、旋轉、縮放、彈出大圖、批量儲存
Duolingo PRO JS - The fastest Duolingo XP farmer, working as of January 2025.
SigMod Client (Macros) JS - The best mod you can find for Sigmally - Agar.io: Macros, Friends, tag system (minimap, chat), color mod, custom skins, AutoRespawn, save names, themes and more!