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Iridium JS - YouTube with more freedom
WaniKani LevelUP Celebrator JS - This will display a "level-up" notification on your WK Dashboard after you level up. You can customize the image and text of the display. Other achievements are also noted. By RhosVeedcy.
WaniKani Level Duration JS - This will display the number of days since your last level-up. Two display options are offered. By RhosVeedcy.
WaniKani Part-of-Speech JS - Displays additional part of speech information on the vocab item page.
Kanji Highlighter JS - Highlights all kanji on a website using a specific color, depending on the 'level' that it can be found in (optimized for WaniKani users).
WaniKani Stroke Order JS - Shows a kanji's stroke order on its page and during lessons and reviews.
Tor's Backloggery enhancements JS - Adds pie charts and other enhancements to backloggery.com
Amazon Auto-Smile JS - Automatically redirects all www.amazon.com URLs to their smile.amazon.com equivalent.
eBay - Hilight Items With Bids JS - Hilights items that have bids with a red border and yellow background.
WaniKani Review Wrong Info Click JS - Automatically click the info button upon wrong review answer.
WaniKani ALC JS - Adds a link to the alc.co.jp results to vocab pages
WK But No Cigar JS - Stops Wanikani from marking answers that are 'a bit off' as correct, makes you try again until you are right or wrong.
WK Custom Review Question (KunOn+) JS - Changes the text of the Review or Lesson Quiz question. Specifies ON or KUN reading for Kanji. Options to have the text in English or Japanese.
WK Reviews Timer JS - Adds a timer counter with pause option during the reviews for WankiKani
Wanikani Dashboard Progress Plus JS - Display detailed level progress.
WK Do You Even Kana? JS - check that the okurigana matches the answer.
WaniKani Quick Info KT JS - Shows available information while waiting for the server response. Originally by Ethan, Modified.
WaniKani Similar kanji JS - Shows similar kanji's for the given kanji on its page.
Lang-8 - "All Corrections" View Enhancer JS - Easier to read and view corrections in the "All Corrections" viewer, especially for Japanese.
WaniKani Real Numbers JS - Replaces 42+ with the real number using WaniKani API
Wanikani Review Count Analysis JS - Reports review counts.
Wanikani Ultimate Timeline JS - Review schedule explorer for WaniKani
WaniKani additional resource links + Stroke order JS - Adds a link to alc/goo/weblio/ on vocab/kanji review/lesson/info pages, and stroke order for kanji.
video-element-rate-controller JS - add keyboard shortcuts that will increase/decrease the playback rate for video elements.
WaniKani Hide Context Sentence JS - Hide context sentences until hovered.
Memrise - Change word definition JS - Change original word definition to your own. Some words have weird definitions, sometimes you want to translate definition from english to your own language.
Wanikani Lesson Tab Transmutation JS - Change the order of lesson tabs
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Anime Recommendations Filter JS - This script can hide recommendations that you already have on your list/don't have on your list
WaniKani Kanjidamage Mnemonics JS - Includes Kanjidamage Mnemonics in WaniKani
Wanikani Burn Reviews JS - Adds a space on the main page that reviews random burned items. This is a maintained fork of the original script by Samuel Harbord
WaniKani SRS Grid JS - try to take over the world!
Wanikani Override JS - Adds an "Ignore Answer" button during reviews that makes WaniKani ignore the current answer (useful if, for example, you made a stupid typo)
RedditRestore JS - Restores edits and deletes on Reddit
Wanikani Wrap-up Button Enhancement JS - Beefed-up Wrap-up button
Wanikani You Should Already Know This Reading JS - Inject mnemonics from other items into your lessons
WaniKani Katakana Madness JS - Transforms everything related to on'yomi into katakana
WaniKani Context Sentences in Reviews JS - Shows the context sentence in the question during vocab reviews.
Vocabulary for Wanikani JS - Adds vocabulary to the wanikani dashboard
Wanikani Forums Lesson/Review Status JS - Shows status of your Wanikani lessons/reviews while in the forums.
Wanikani Mistake Delay JS - Adds a delay after wrong answers to prevent double-tapping <enter>
WaniKani Review Audio Tweak 2 JS - Allow audio to be played after review meaning questions, when reading has been previously answered correctly. Also includes setting for enabling autoplay when answer is incorrect (default: off). Originally by Takuya Kobayashi.