Turking Scripts by clickhappier
Semi-automatic collection of userscripts for turkers (MTurk workers). Includes 500+ scripts (not all updated for the 2017+ worker.mturk.com), uploaded by 50+ authors, and some from inactive authors shared by several turking community members. The official Turkopticon script author is 'fiveplusone'. Use the 'Sorting by' links on the right to view this set by script 'Name' A-Z, or by 'Total installs' to see the most popular. Note that the 'Search' box searches all of Greasyfork, not just this set.
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mmmturkeybacon Avatar Switcheroo (XenForo) JS - Add the username and new avatar to the associative array to replace a user's avatar. Automatically turns users without avatars into robots.
Hide Chris Hart Instructions JS - disable instructions by default
MTurkGrind Gender Reassignment JS - Display your choice of custom note/title under specified members' usernames. Can be used for reminders of people's genders, or anything else.
[.01 Nova] Flag images - Undesirable content JS - 1-9 to select images, 0 to select none of the above. Hide instructions and autosubmit optional.
Instructions Hider Jason Daly JS - Toggles instructions for Jason Daly hits
Chris Wong HIT Helper JS - Changes the plain text in "Find the News section and facebook/twitter page for these websites" to a real link.
Daniel Barrett Human/Horses Script JS - Uses Hotkeys on the keyboard to move to the next video. R = Back, F = Forward. All videos are labeled false by default.
Andy K Image Moderation JS - Andy K Image Moderation Hits
Hide Alerts JS - Hides the green and red alert boxes
Collapse/expand all HIT details - TurkerView JS - Collapses/expands all HIT details
MTC Poll Hider JS - Hide and toggle polls on MTurk Crowd.
mmmturkeybacon Avatar Switcheroo JS - Add the username and new avatar to the associative array to
Remove Red Masters JS - Removes red text from Masters qualification on exports
Keybind HIT Return for Turkernator JS - Return any HIT with a press of a key.
YT Embed Control Message Receiver JS - Control Embedded YT iFrames with postMessage
MTurk Validate or Identify Gas Stations/Communications Towers JS - Adds keyboard shortcuts
F - Emote Organization JS - Fixes the smiley clown fiesta
Jellolabs - Determine if the product's tags are accurate JS - Sets "true" as a default
Research Project discrimination JS - Submits the HIT once you click on a radio button.
Is this on TurkPrime JS - Lets you know if a HIT is on the turkprime.com domain.
Product Recommendation Relevance JS - Assigns keyboard shortcuts to answer each question, and hides instruction box
mtg laziness intensifies (poll hider) JS - enter something useful
CH CrowdSource-OneSpace Favicon JS - Replaces OneSpace favicon with a nicer-looking version.
Oneoh's SpoonFeeder JS - spoon feeder for oneoh
Top Reply JS - Add reply box at the top of the page on mturkgrind.com (Xenforo)
Taste of The World Auto-Collapse Instructions /hotel hits JS - collapase instructions on the hotel hits for TOTW
CH MTG Report Warning JS - Make it obvious if you click on 'Report' instead of 'Reputation' for a post on the MTurkGrind forum (Xenforo).
Pop Up Hotkeys JS - relays key presses from pop up to hit
joshua l rogers HIT Helper JS - Opens the link for "joshua l rogers".
ZSMTurker's Piotr Script JS - Automatically selects the first two options and adds hotkey shortcuts.
Saurav Sahay: Stress annotation JS - Rate stress levels easily
George Asshat JS - Equips George with a stylish ass hat.
George the Spooder JS - Adds George to the forum.