New Features by jcunews
Adds new features/functionalities to the browser (excluding site specific, HTML5 video/audio, and blockers/unblockers)
顯示 繁體中文 的結果。顯示所有語言的結果。
Add Keyboard Shortcut for Generic Next/Previous Page JS - Add CTRL+ArrowLeft and CTRL+ArrowRight for generic next/previous page. It will click the last found link/button whose text starts/ends with e.g. "Next", "Prev", "Back", or "Previous".
Background Network Requests Indicator JS - Shows an indicator at bottom right/left when there is one or more background network requests in progress.
ASCII Control Codes Keyboard Input Helper for Firefox JS - This is a script to help inputting ASCII Control Codes such as TAB, CR, LF, etc. on Firefox web browsers using ALT+Numpad keys. Inputted control codes must begin with 0 (e.g. 09, 013, etc.), and only control code 1 to 31 are accepted. The control character will only be generated when the current focus is on a TEXTAREA element, or a text typed INPUT element.
Extended SPACE Key Page Scroller JS - By default the SPACE key scrolls the page down by full height of browser view. With this script, pressing SHIFT+SPACE will scroll half of the view height. Page scroll by a quarter view height can be done using either LEFTSHIFT+RIGHTSHIFT+SPACE or SHIFT+CAPSLOCK+SPACE (configurable via variable).
Page Contents View Mode JS - The main purpose of this script is to show only the main content or page article. It is designed to be used with a bookmarklet whose URL is (no quote) "javascript:void(PCVM())".
Choose Form Field Selections On Hotkey JS - Choose predefined selections for drop-down form fields upon pressing a hotkey. For e.g. country, state, city. If the state or city fields changes dynamically based on the selected country, the hokey will need to be pressed again.
Show Character Codes JS - Display a dialog showing the character code(s) of the selected character(s). This script is instended to be used as a bookmarklet using this URL: javascript:scc_ujs()
Save Selected Text To File JS - Save selection into file as text or HTML code. The selected text or HTML code will be previewed and can be edited before it is saved. The file will be presented as a file download. This script is instended to be used as a bookmarklet using this URL: javascript:ssttf_ujs()
Link & Form Field Navigation Shortcuts JS - Adds keyboard shortcuts for focusing: previous form field (ALT+1), next form field (ALT+2), previous link (ALT+3), and next link (ALT+4).
Accented Character Input JS - Add functionality to input accented characters for non accented keyboards when the current input focus is on a text input element, or a content-editable element.
MS-Word DOCX Reader JS - Adds Microsoft Office Word DOCX document viewing functionality without using or involving any third party website. To view a Word document, use the mouse shortcut to click the link on a web page which points to a DOCX file. By default, the mouse shortcut is Alt+LeftClick, and it's configurable in the script.
Audible Notification API JS - Plays an audio when a browser notification is shown. This script should be applied only for specific sites, since some sites may already have an audible notification. So, once the script is installed, change the @match metadata.
Emoji & Symbol Picker JS - Adds ability to input emoji and symbol characters via picker popup which is accessible using ALT+` (ALT and backquote) keyboard shortcut (configurable in the script). Character will be generated at the (blinking) cursor. If there's text selected, the character will replace the selection. Note: this script will not work on inputboxes whose keyboard inputs is script driven. e.g. WYSIWYG text boxes.
MHTML Reader JS - Script to read MHTML files. Use the "Open MHTML file" menu of Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey/Greasemonkey popup menu. The menu can also be made as a bookmarklet using this URL: javascript:mhtreader_ujs()
Keyboard Media Keys Support for Firefox JS - Add support for Play/Pause and Stop keyboard media keys to control HTML5 Video/Audio playback on Firefox or other browsers which do not support media keys.
HTML Access Key Helper JS - Adds keyboard shortcuts to display available HTML Access Keys, if the websites provide them.
Pixel-Precision Wheel Scroll JS - Add pixel-precision wheel scrolling capability using CTRL+SHIFT+Wheel for vertical scroll, and CTRL+ALT+Wheel for horizontal scroll, for any scrollable element which can be scrolled at pixel level.
Override HTML Standard Form Submission Result To Current Or New Tab JS - Make HTML standard form submission result be loaded in either the current tab (SHIFT key held), or in a new window (CTRL key held), when submitting the form. This script won't work on forms which don't use HTML standard form submission. e.g. AJAX.
HTML Animation Frame Request Limiter JS - Limits HTML animation frame request. Practically limits FPS of JavaScript controlled animation such as in canvas. Designed to lower CPU usage.
Quadruple/Quintuple/Sextuple Click Selections JS - Add quadruple/quintuple/sextuple clicks for selecting page content beyond the current block. Also allow selection when double/trplie/etc. clicking an image.