顯示所有語言的結果。只顯示 繁體中文 的結果。
Elite JS - Very fast macro to enhance gameplay!
Virtonomica: Напоминалка FactorNew JS - Отображение за ход, где надо сменить спецухи; сколько осталось до окончания платных услуг.
WME URComments Malaysian List JS - This script is for custom comments in Malaysia with 3 major languages
ThemeForest full preview JS - This script will change the list pages from being less useful Icons into the bigger Preview Image. Along with a few keyboard shortcuts to further speed up browsing. (Based on a userscript by Stuart O'Brien)
Bahn.de Reiseauskunft Suchergebnisse wiederherstellen JS - Verhindert den Verfall der Sucherergebnisse bzw. den Fehler: Leider konnten Ihre Suchergebnisse zwischenzeitlich nicht mehr gespeichert werden. Wir bitten Sie daher, eine neue Anfrage zu starten.
HF View Last Post on 'Your Posts' JS - Add a View Last Post link to the 'Your Posts' page.
Mixlr Download Showreel JS - Add links to download Showreel broadcasts on Mixlr.
全局鍵盤功能 JS - try to take over the world!
RYM Release Pages - track time align left JS - left aligns total track time in RYM release pages in glorious 60 fps
SG2O JS - Add the old functionality of sg+ to Steamgifts (v2).
Steam Game Guides Navigation Tweak JS - Converts onclick javascript into a big nasty <a> element. Not HTML4 valid, but browsers understand it fine.
RYM Blackstar JS - Pay tribute to David Bowie with this userscript.
默认雅黑字体 JS - 修改默认字体为 微软雅黑(Microsoft YaHei)
dark-one-fix JS - Adding background color for sites that miss that attribute (see screenshots)
TW Battle Stars JS - Who was the best fighter?
Avabur Dark Mode JS - Alternative color scheme for Relics of Avabur
Wanikani Egg Timer JS - Adds a timer during reviews and displays the final time afterward
JSON generator templates JS - Save JSON Generator templates in the browser local storage for later use
Skin Preview JS - HKG Skin Preview for Agarplus
Steam Check System Requirements Button JS - Adds a "check system requirements" button to the store page of a Steam app, which will see if a computer meets an app's system requirements
Niconico Live Auto Enter JS - 開場したら自動で入場します
哈哈删除广告 haha.mx JS - 哈哈删除广告,保留今日查看笑话个数和,哈友排行榜
Virtonomica: фильтр по индикаторам JS - Дополнительный фильтр на страницах подразделений
Virtonomica: пагинация JS - Увеличивает количество элементов на страницу до 800/1600/3200
Hack Forum Auto PM Retry JS - Automatically sends a PM after the cooldown timer reaches 0.
TVBOXNOW JS - enter something useful
SomeImage tweaks JS - Adds fully formatted output containers and some other tweaks
imgbox tweaker JS - Adds custom formatted links and other minor tweaks.
Instant Chimichanga FTW JS - Make Deadpool's dreams come true.
Onens.Clean.Player JS - Thanks to OpenGG, Harv.c, KaFan15536900
Baidu Pan WAP Hack JS - Prevent redirect
De-sidebar with Nightmode JS - Nightmode for Reddit.com only
De-sidebar JS - Deletes sidebar
WaniKani Review Order (Radical > Kanji > Vocab) + (Ascending SRS Level) JS - Sorts WaniKani reviews by type and SRS level
WaniKani Review Order (Radical > Kanji > Vocab) + (Descending SRS Level) JS - Sorts WaniKani reviews by type and SRS level
StopBanner_Mobinuke JS - Stop text banner on Mobinuke
Citysatoshi and Cannonsatoshi Alerter JS - Show fuels and foods in tabs and show a popup when your fuels is below 50% and 25%
URL Sniffer JS - Sniff URLs in HTML
WaniKani Item Annotator JS - Annotates radical, kanji and vocab pages with SRS colours. Original script by jeshuamorrissey.
bangumi tracking improvement JS - tracking more than 50 subjects on bangumi index page
HWM - Resourses as images Style Mod JS - Заменяет текстовое описание ресурсов на изображения
Salary Style Mod JS - Показывает зарплату на предприятии с учетом и отображением коэффициента ГР
sanereddit JS - Sanereddit will remove tons of bloat, allowing reddit to be used in a sane manner.
StackOverflow Hide Jerky JS - Hide jerky usernames and avatars on StackOverflow
知乎 ReFine JS - 知乎阅读版式优化
Original Yify Embetterment JS - Add content ratings to Yify listings and replace torrent urls with magnet links, add hover popup with actors and synopsis.
Steam Game show in NGA JS - 在 NGA论坛 发帖中显示 Steam 游戏信息 移植自 Steamcn.com 同名插件
GW-Editer OFF JS - gives you 'leet hax0r powers :D
Picture Auto-Resize on Chrome JS - Auto-Resize on Chrome Picture Preview Tab
Change EA Sim GUI Elements positions JS - Get back the disable unit button to old position.
OBSOLETE ~Implemented in TABS > Change EA Sim GUI Elements positions JS - Get back the disable unit button to old position.
Goodreads Giveaways checkbox (un)checker JS - Checks the "I have read and agree to terms and conditions..." box and unchecks the "Also add this book to my to-read shelf" box.
Wayback Machine Favicon Fixer JS - Attempts to add a favicon to a site crawled by the Wayback Machine in the event one does not come up normally
aliparser JS - sample goods
il24.ru JS - Remove all unnecessary blocks from page.
vilianov.com JS - Remove all unnecessary blocks from page.
news.israelinfo.co.il JS - Remove all unnecessary blocks from page.
autoforum.co.il JS - Add link to unread posts page on every page.
forummotor.israelinfo.co.il JS - Add link to unread posts page on every page.
newsru.co.il JS - Remove all unnecessary blocks from page.
nnm.me JS - Remove all unnecessary blocks from page.
ask.fm Featured Answer Remover JS - Removes featured answers from your ask.fm feed
Economist Paywall Demolisher JS - Removes the limit on the number of articles you can view for free on The Economist's site.
Aliexpress No Auto Translate JS - Aliexpress disable auto translate in title and description
HotsLogs Popular Talent Builds on Top JS - On a HotsLogs.com hero details page, this script moves the Popular Talent Builds grid near the top of the page instead of being under the "All Talents" grid.
iterid_buy JS - try to buy
jd_force_submit JS - try to open tab
WaniKani Review Countdown JS - Adds a time limit to review questions.
eparaksts refresher JS - Novērš eparaksts.lv izlogošanos dīkstāves gadījumos
Add Movie QueryUrl For Douban JS - 方便直接搜索资源
Imperia Online Tribune Chat Firefox JS - Addes a nice little chat to help you better communicate with your mates.
twitcasting_collapse_comment JS - ツイキャスのコメント欄を非表示にする。
correct fonts JS - This script corrects fonts
轻之国度论坛阅读模式 JS - 为轻之国度论坛帖子页面添加阅读模式的功能,还可提取本页帖子的文本内容
SkipAntennaSite JS - アンテナサイトがうざい
GitHub Pulse Sort By JS - adds sorting option to repo pulse
Anidub del man JS - Removes del man
Vimfari JS - try to take over the world!
Make JIRA Ticket Links Open Detailed View JS - Clicking a ticket id on a board opens the detailed ticket view in a new tab
JIRA - Show Total Number of Points for Each Column JS - Displays the total amount of points in each column of your board
Embed to HTML5 JS - Replaces media embed tags with HTML5 equivalents
ask.fm удаление чужих лайков JS - Удаляет посты "Вашему другу это понравилось"
Boursorama - compte/mouvements - ajoute bilan entrees/sorties JS - [FR] affiche le total des entrées sorties sur la page de mouvement des comptes
AdDefend Klatsche JS - Sucht global nach Skripten von AdDefend und macht diese unwirksam.
tumblr-megaeditor-tag-fix JS - unescapes non-ascii chars escaped on tumblr mega-editor's tag edit tab.
ARD Mediathek Download JS - Erweitert den Video-Player um einen Download-Button.
EliminaFacebookGiochi JS - Elimina Facebook Games Bar from top of Glory of Rome
StreamCloud Enhancer JS - Prepares video for playback and enables download.
BvS Truck Hotkeys JS - Truck hotkeys for BvS
Hummingbird Forum Fix JS - Fix Activity Feed on Forum Profile
GN_DressAllArts JS - Принять и надеть все подвешенные артефакты
LikeadorAutomatico (darAmor)(v6) JS - Likeador automatico solo para el Mi.
remove_ad & difficulty frame JS - This script remove annoying ad & difficulty frame
Facepunch quick post scroll JS - Makes clicking on a post link in a quote immediately scroll to the post if it's on the same page, rather than reloading the page, and updates the URL so the post can be easily linked to. Shows a different cursor to indicate when the page will be scrolled.
JKFORUM JS - enter something useful
mock ddos to attack the fake website JS - ddos钓鱼网站
Anti Baha Anti ad block JS - anit anit ad block
MyFitnessPal Weight Watchers Points JS - Adds display of Weightwatcher points to any daily food diary page. Also adds "Real Calories" calcalation based off 4/4/9 algorithm.
WME URComments Lithuanian List JS - This script is for Lithuanian comments, to be used with the main script URComments.