顯示所有語言的結果。只顯示 繁體中文 的結果。
Block Zhihu QuestionTitle JS - 屏蔽网页版知乎查看答案时自动浮现的问题标题
VIP Video Cracker(VIP视频解析) JS - 主要解析爱奇艺、优酷、腾讯、乐视、搜狐、土豆、芒果、PPTV、1905、A站、B站、音悦Tai、华视TV等VIP在线视频,在浏览器左上角添加“@史婷露”按钮,当鼠标放在左上角才会显示,既美观又实用。
Google Tools Button Clicker JS - Automatically clicks Tools button on Google search.
TW My Button JS - This script, just add most useful 4 button to the page!
Agario Voice Chat Rooms JS - Agar.io Chat Rooms (Voice, Camera, Text, Share Screen) for Vanilla and mods kitty, ogario, ally, agar infinity, agar tool (Legend mod has it already)
酷绘-VIP会员视频免费看 JS - 各大视频网站VIP会员视频免费看,支持各大视频网站,操作更加便捷
活動通 (Accupass) 無限捲頁 (自動加載下一頁) JS - 在[活動通]((https://www.accupass.com/))瀏覽活動時,當頁面捲到頁面底部,將會自動加載下一頁活動內容,而不用手動點擊分頁按鈕
Next page script JS - Automatically loads next page once you reach bottom of the page
超简易解除网页限制 JS - 解除网页的复制 、拖动 、选中 、右键 、粘贴等限制。没有多余的代码,仅28行,尽量做到不占资源.
sukebei preview JS - sukebei preview script
Youtube video section cleaner JS - Unclutters the video page on Youtube's video section and resizes it
Starve.io L3Mod JS - Starve.io L3Mod, save home, talk with friends, share map ! And more... soon xD
Lofter(乐乎)原图查看下载 JS - 下载lofter上的超清原图,prprprpr
Automatic Material Dark-Mode for YouTube JS - A low-tech solution to a high-tech problem! Automatically clicks YouTube's "Dark Mode" button if dark mode isn't already active.
DuckDuckGo unsafe search JS - Always disables safe search on DuckDuckGo
Mimic - Youtube MP3 Downloader JS - Allows you to download MP3 at 320 kbps from a YouTube video.
华南理工大学高校邦实用脚本 JS - 关闭视频独占限制,自动勾选测验题答案
斗鱼广告屏蔽 JS - 屏蔽部分斗鱼直播间广告
自动替换电影天堂下载链接为迅雷链接 JS - 去除获取最新迅雷检测,直接迅雷下载
Katakana Terminator JS - Convert gairaigo (Japanese loan words) back to English
Mturk Engine JS - Earn money more efficiently on Amazon's Mechanical Turk work platform.
YouTube Old Colors JS - Changes all the bright red colors on YouTube to the darker red that was previously used. The new color is the same as how is used to be and is easier on the eyes than the super-bright color they now use. It also replaces the new YouTube logo with the old one.
Page Contents View Mode JS - The main purpose of this script is to show only the main content or page article. It is designed to be used with a bookmarklet whose URL is (no quote) "javascript:void(PCVM())".
于 Coursera 顯示中英雙字 JS - 于 Coursera 顯示中英雙字或手動更改脚本來更換其他語言
B&W webpage fix JS - Fix for dull-looking black and white webpages.
Browser Video Options JS - Customize video playback
AC-CSDN自动展开全文 JS - 避免CSDN阅读文章需要点击按钮,非常的方便
InstaMagnify: Instagram Media Downloader JS - Best! Greatly enhance your Instagram navigation experience! And magically view or download the highest-quality, largest versions of Instagram stories, albums, images/photos, videos and profile avatars. If you have ever wanted to save a story, album, image/photo, video or avatar, then this is for you!
Amazon Video - subtitle downloader JS - Allows you to download subtitles from Amazon Video
Translate JS - 划词翻译调用“金山词霸、有道词典(有道翻译)、Google Translate(谷歌翻译)、沪江小D、搜狗翻译、必应词典(必应翻译)、Microsoft Translator(必应在线翻译)、DeepL翻译、海词词典、百度翻译、Oxford Learner's Dictionaries、Oxford Dictionaries、Merriam-Webster、PDF 划词翻译、Google Search、Bing Search(必应搜索)、百度搜索、Wikipedia Search(维基百科搜索)”网页翻译
WaniKani Lesson Cap JS - Limits the amount of lessons you can do with your current review queue.
Show Rottentomatoes meter JS - Show Rotten Tomatoes score on imdb.com, metacritic.com, letterboxd.com, BoxOfficeMojo, serienjunkies.de, Amazon, Google Play, allmovie.com, Wikipedia, themoviedb.org, movies.com, tvmaze.com, tvguide.com, followshows.com, thetvdb.com, tvnfo.com, save.tv
饰品比例计算脚本 JS - 买买买
YouTube Downloader - By Wígny Almeida JS - Download Audio and Video from Youtube
WME Rapid House Numbers JS - A House Number script with its controls in the House Number mini-editor. It injects the next value in a sequence into each new HN. All house number formats are supported.
Whatsapp Web Privacy Mode JS - Add button and hotkey to hide contact names and avatars on web.whatsapp.com
save WEB page to PDF JS - save HTML to PDF
Set HTML5 media player volume JS - Script to set the volume of <video> and <audio> elements to reduced value (defaults to 50%), with a menu item to change for the current page.
VIP视频解析 JS - 解析并破解各大视频站的VIP权限
OPENREC.tv Screen Comment Scroller JS - OPENREC.tv のコメントをニコニコ風にスクロールさせます。
巴哈姆特自動簽到(含公會、動畫瘋) JS - 巴哈姆特自動簽到腳本
moomoo.io auto aim / aimbot and auto heal! JS - aims at nearest player and heals when you're hurt (Toggle key: I)
Instagram Downloader JS - Instagram Media Downloader For Web Version
khinsider 批量下載器 JS - 批量下載 downloads.khinsider.com 的原聲帶
Remove Facebook Login Nag JS - Removes the login nag screen on Facebook that shows up when you're not logged in.
自动添加补全磁力链接和百度网盘前缀 JS - 自动添加补全磁力链接和百度网盘前缀自动跳转
Iridium JS - YouTube with more freedom
空格之王 自動為中英文之間添加一個空格 JS - 自動替你在網頁中所有的中文字和半形的英文、數字、符號之間插入空白,讓文字變得美觀好看。
Bandcamp Volume Bar JS - Adds a volume bar to Bandcamp
豆瓣电影下载搜索和字幕搜索 JS - 在豆瓣电影的影评界面加入多个自己常用的影视下载搜索和字幕搜索链接!
CF-Predictor JS - This extension predicts rating changes for Codeforces. It shows approximate deltas during and after the contest.
Binance Always Advanced JS - Redirect Binance basic trade to advanced trade
Bangumi时光机 JS - 在Bangumi条目页使用,用于查看条目评分走势
YouTube Live Screen Comment Scroller JS - YouTube Live のコメントをニコニコ風にスクロールさせます。
RYM: Weighted average track rating (updated) JS - calculate weighted average track rating based on track lengths
GitHub First Commit JS - Add a link to a GitHub repo's first commit
Youtube Download MP4,3GP,MP3,AVI, 1080,720,480,360 JS - Download music, video of youtube in the best qualities and without annoying programs.
simplify zhihu JS - simplify zhihu. simple, simplified, simply.
博客阅读美化(去广告|自动全文|简洁) JS - 去广告;布局及格式优化;优化内容推荐展示样式;图片居中;删除空段落;|CSDN|自动阅读全文;去除首行缩进;支持MathJax;|51脚本|SegmentFault|W3cschool|。(修改自新版CSDN阅读体验提升)
自动下一集 JS - 自动下一个视频!
Youtube 翻译中文字幕下载 v14 JS - Youtube 播放器右下角有个 Auto-tranlsate,可以把视频字幕翻成中文。这个脚本是下载这个中文字幕
Coloured Trello Kanban JS - Colour list for trello
Google Image Search Direct Links Old Style JS - Replace links and click actions of the Google Image Search results with direct links to the picture, and the page link. Now opens in the same tab by default
動畫瘋工具箱 JS - 取得動畫的 m3u8 網址,下載彈幕為 json,去除擋廣告的警告訊息
YouTube Auto Resume JS - Automatically continue watching YouTube videos on your favourite channels where you left off.
下载知乎视频 JS - 为知乎的视频播放器添加下载功能
YouTube Classic for 2018 (Polymer Disable) JS - Redirect YouTube pages to the classic design
超星ss.chaoxing.com 及各地图书馆包库 的在线书一键获取目录 直接用于PDF目录编辑 JS - 可以通过点击右侧的按钮直接复制出 超星ss.chaoxing.com 及各地图书馆包库的在线书获取目录哦,直接用于FreePic2Pdf的目录编辑FreePic2Pdf_bkmk.txt,省时省力。
灯塔党员答题 JS - 精准匹配题库里的答案,如果有答案会直接在选项上用红色标注的,直接勾选红色标注的选项即可。增加左右方向键切换题目
YouTube: Expand All Video Comments JS - Adds a "Expand all" button to video comments which expands every comment and replies - no more clicking "Read more".
HTML5 Video Frame Screenshot JS - Adds ability to take a screenshot from the current frame of a HTML5 video element and be saved to a file named "video_frame.jpg" or "video_frame.png" (image format is configurable). This script is intended to be used as a bookmarklet using this URL: javascript:hvfs_ujs()
ICONFont图标页批量加入购物车 JS - ICONFont图标页批量加入购物车,免除手动一个一个点的麻烦
Find the result of game 59 minutes before match starts. JS - Find out final score 59 minutes before the match beggins. Be sure you are at most 59 minutes before the match
NNM-Club Open Spoilers JS - Создаёт кнопку над первым спойлером, при нажатии на которую открываются все спойлеры на странице NNM-Club. Можно (не проверял, но по логике должно) переделать для другого сайта. Для этого нужно вместо (или добавить через запятую) CSS-класса .spoiler-wrap вставить селектор спойлера с нужного сайта. Добавлено для USBTor.Ru Новое в 0.4: Исключены от открытия скриптом спойлеры - "Список файлов в торренте" и "Похожие темы"
新版智慧树挂机20180412 JS - 跳过视频内试题,1.5倍加速 自动下一章
NGA Excel JS - 原userscripts-mirror上风昔大大的NGA Excel,简单更新了部分代码使之可用。
Simple Faster Flash JS - Faster flash from simple way.
福利吧好孩子看得见 JS - 在福利吧帖子中将隐藏的链接、文字高亮显示
WaniKani Open Framework Additional Filters JS - Additional filters for the WaniKani Open Framework
链接自动填表 JS - 自动根据连接填充页面表单 方法网页追加 #field=选择器1:值,选择器2:值...&submit=#提交选择器,触发事件
再见了百家号搜索结果 JS - 删除百度搜索结果的百家号的结果
智能划词翻译 JS - 划词翻译。谷歌翻译和有道词典双引擎;CTRL + ?翻译剪贴板
百度去广告 JS - 百度去广告(首页、搜索结果)
去你大爷的 CSDN 全文阅读 JS - 把阅读更多的那个啥玩意儿给干掉
知乎、简书、csdn、实验楼剪切板消毒 JS - 复制一些网站文字时,会在你剪切板的最后加上链接什么的信息,很讨厌。把这些额外的东西全干掉
CSDN极致去广告 JS - CSDN去广告(除了文章其他全去)
PickVideo Downloader JS - Browser extension to download videos
Greasy Fork tweaks JS - various tweaks for greasyfork.org site for enhanced usability and additional features
cnbeta Anti-AdBlock killer JS - 反 cnbate反广告屏蔽 Anti-AdBlock killer
GBF mbga sidebar remover JS - Remove the annoying left sidebar
css-巴哈姆特深色主題 JS - 巴哈姆特深色主題
AC-baidu: 优化百度、搜狗、谷歌搜索结果之关键词自动高亮 JS - 1.自动提取搜索页面的搜索关键词 2.对关键词自动进行高亮处理 W键可以取消高亮 3.动态获取动态的搜索关键词,重新高亮显示
term.ptt.cc 自動登入 JS - 自動登入 term.ptt.cc + 自動跳過一些畫面
Ulepszenia dla domyślnego odtwarzacza wideo HTML5 JS - Skrypt zawiera kilka ulepszeń dla domyślnego odtwarzacza HTML5.
Debrid Download Helper JS - Downloads files, copies URLs and queues magnet links.
When you can create Steam booster pack JS - Show the time when you can create Steam booster pack at creator page.
堆糖网下载 JS - 堆糖网(duitang.com)专辑图片批量下载到本地
WME Chat addon JS - removes duplicates messages, formats link and permalinks, and some stuffs
[KissAnime] Captcha Solver JS - Saves initial responses to KissAnime captcha and auto-selects images if it knows the answer.