顯示所有語言的結果。只顯示 繁體中文 的結果。
Alis.io TE Clan JS - Clan extension made for Team Eternity by Dim
mangaupdates Cover Preview JS - Previews covers in mangaupdates.com when hovering over hyperlinks that lead to serie pages.
W macro FEED Agario JS - W FEED
Sports-replace-feed JS - Скрипт меняет "Мою ленту" и ссылку (sports.ru/feed/) на "Новости", устанавливая при этом на них ссылку sports.ru/my/news/
pls.watch JS - Adds a button on YouTube, Imgur and SoundCloud to open current resource in pls.watch looper
noGoogleRedirect JS - fuck google search page redirection
LeBonCoin plus plus General JS - lbc++general
Suppression des "Publications Sponsorisées / Suggérées" de Facebook. JS - Retire les publications sponsorisées et suggérées même si des ami(e)s les ont aimé
filtrowikiaves JS - Adiciona filtro que permite comparar duas fontes (usuário/local)
Youtube Material and Dark JS - Makes Youtube the new hidden material and dark mode. Warning buggy! Created by @xIGBClutchIx
Wikia load images JS - show all lazy-loaded images since Wikia code is full of garbage and it's easier to make this hamfisted userscript than to whitelist whatever script normally loads them when adblocking everything else
Aliexpress URL Cleaner JS - Removes unnecessary parameters from Aliexpress URLs
Virtonomica: фильтр для отчета "энергопотребление" в офисе JS - Фильтр для отчета "энергопотребление" в офисе
radiko widen timetable JS - 番組表の幅をウィンドウ幅いっぱいに広げます
psprices.com/region-us/ добавляет российские цены JS - На амеркианском регионе psprices.com/region-us/ добавляет российские цены под играми.
Gazmiri gazmor JS - hahahahahaha
Virtonomica: пагинация by Agor71 JS - Увеличивает количество элементов на страницу
GIT GUD JS - adds a git gud button to bottom of webpages
Twitch bot detector JS - Запрашивает у api twitch.tv количество зрителей и юзеров в чате, сравнивает показатели и выводит над чатом
Searx - Number Results JS - Number search results on select Searx instances.
Lumiz Macro V2 JS - X : 16 Space Q : Double Space
WME MR India Raid Jan 2017 JS - Creates polygons for the States Goa, Karnataka & Kerala, in a WME "India States" layer
Wave Account Managers JS - try to take over the world!
Agar.io HACK JS - Linke Maustaste ist die W Taste, Rechte Maustaste ist die Leertste
HoFF - Facebook Chat Offline Hide JS - Hides the Offline users from the Facebook Chat
Allow copy-paste of Costco membership number on login page of www.costcotravel.ca JS - Disable the membership number validation, so that the number can be pasted with ctrl+v
DiamondHunt Replaced Images JS - Replaces Default with Custom DH images
Macro W Alis.io 200 JS - Macro for Alis 200+
Karnage Boost, no kick JS - Auto spawner karnage + Autofires to prevent getting kicked
惠惠购物助手 JS - 在您网购浏览商品的同时,自动对比其他优质电商同款商品价格,并提供商品价格历史,帮您轻松抄底,聪明网购不吃亏!
Gazelle Buffer Calculator JS - Shows buffer till demotion with the assumption that user is power user or higher
Remove MyBroadband partner content JS - Removes all "partner content" from mybroadband
IP Hunter for ZTE-MF63 JS - This userscript automatically reconnects the mobile data for some ZTE MF63 modems until it connects to a matching IP address.
15min AntiAdBlocker Blocker JS - Block the blocking of blocking ads in the 15min.lt
pixivEasyBookmark JS - モバイル版みたいにすぐにブックマークできるようにするやつ
敲起来([日语假名]按照标准键盘布局显示对应位置) JS - 当你在敲击键盘的时候, 按照标准键盘布局的位置,出现对应键位的动画特效
Extencion Happy For Win JS - hacer la tricks mejor y dividirse mas rapido
Taigachat Rooms JS - Enables utilization of secondary rooms in Taigachat
Bandcamp Album Length JS - Sums up the lengths of Bandcamp album tracks and gives you a total album runtime up top.
s1black JS - S1 blacklist ext.
敲起来([英语字母]按照标准键盘布局显示对应位置) JS - 当你在敲击键盘的时候, 按照标准键盘布局的位置,出现对应键位的动画特效
Pakdefndr_Library JS - A JavaScript library used for bypass copy paste
Steam Detailed OnlineState JS - little script to make the onlinestate reflect a more acurate state.
Edgemax TrafficAnalysis JS - Adds auto sort to TrafficAnalysis and changes TX and RX to Upload and Download
KomputerSwiat/Auto-Swiat Anti-AdBlock Bypass JS - Przywracanie treści artykułu po podmianie przez skrypt przeciwko wtyczkom blokującym reklamy na stronach KomputerSwiat i Auto-Swiat. Nakładkę zasłaniającą stronę należy zablokować AdBlockiem/uBlockiem lub inną wtyczką blokującą reklamy.
WaniKani User Post Blocker JS - Replaces posts by blocked users with customizable images.
WaterlooWorks Plus JS - A little script to patch some of the UI atrocities that exist in WaterlooWorks. Contribute at github.com/Jaribeau/waterloo-works-plus
BetterRabbit JS - Improves the Rabbit experience
Mokee Download Ad Bypass JS - skip ads and bypass ads check for download.mokeedev.com
MyAnimeList Remove Unnecessary Spacing JS - Removes unnecessary padding on MyAnimeList profiles.
Wes Bos Courses Duration JS - Prints course duration on console
自定义百度网盘分享密码 JS - 点击“创建私密链接”的时候弹出对话框,此时可以输入自定义密码
Pyszniejsze JS - Changes filtering options to the pyszne.pl food delivery site
Pyszniejsze - zakresy JS - Changes filtering options to the pyszne.pl food delivery site
TVprogramSrbija.rs JS - Redirect port.rs to tvprogramsrbija.rs
DzzLumiz - Macro JS - Z - 16 Split -|- Q - Triple Split -|- D - Double Split |- R - Pop Split
GDocs Display blank form after submit JS - Redirects back to empty form after displaying the confirmation message for 1 seconds (modified from Melgior)
Kurahen - idHighlight JS - Podświetla ID
網頁閱讀模式 JS - [ALT+R] 將任何一個網頁中影響您閱讀的圖片,視頻,廣告等無關內容過濾,僅查看最關注的那一部分內容。特別適合各種內容閱讀型網頁。同時提供將所選區域的 HTML 代碼導出的功能。
Ukrywanie forsowniczych i spermiarskich JS - ka ra chan xD
MyAnimeList Remove Recommended Sites JS - Removes the reccomended sites on the bottom of the page.
Karnage Accurate Aim Cursor+disable right click JS - Karnage cursor
allow_select JS - 選択を許可する.
网易云音乐歌曲封面下载 JS - 歌曲封面下载,优化网易云音乐歌曲歌词下载
NEFU-KEO-16-courses JS - Этот скрипт скрывает лишние курсы в дашборде Moodle СВФУ
twitter-image-new-tab-redirect-original JS - 2023.08.17.13
Xiami Music(虾米音乐) Homepage Auto Signer JS - 虾米音乐-首页-自动签到
Twitter Auto Show New Tweets JS - Shows new incoming tweets. Adds a button to jump to the last tweet before adding new ones.
Wanikani Note Attention Grabber JS - Give extra attention to notes
FB: Full Timestamps 2018 JS - Shows full timestamps on Facebook posts
video ctrls JS - always show controls
自用精简淘宝首页 JS - 精简淘宝首页广告,反正我直接搜索,也不看底下
百度网盘批量重命名 JS - 批量重命名百度网盘中的文件,支持正则和选中重命名
wikipeida 繁体中文跳简体中文 JS - https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/* to https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/*
C&C: Tiberium Alliances - xTr1m's Base Overlay- Diplay Ratio 16:10 JS - Provides an overlay over the base of the gain/cost relationship of building upgrades by holding the Control key
C&C: Tiberium Alliances - xTr1m's Base Overlay- Display Ratio 4:3 JS - Provides an overlay over the base of the gain/cost relationship of building upgrades by holding the Control key
GAB User Autocomplete JS - User Autocomplete requirement 2 of 2: show a pop-up of users that match the @mention found at the end of the text entry
GAB User Autocomplete List Builder JS - User Autocomplete requirement 1 of 2: gather info for the user autocomplete lists
Reddit Upvote /r/The_Donald JS - Upvote /r/The_Donald
Amazon requester Customer Interests JS - hotkeys
FA Quick Safemode JS - Hides thumbnails of non-general rated artwork, can be used when in public without needing to edit account settings.
Pikabu seconds JS - Сколько секунд?
OMS disable timeout JS - Disables 30 seconds timer and removes ad banners on ru.onlinemschool.com (use with Ublock Origin or Adblock Plus)
Agar.io Jungle Viruses JS - u.u
Taigachat Notifier JS - Alerts you when your name is mentioned
播片源 JS - 自动播放片源网资源
VK recent Emoji JS - Показывает недавние смайлы под полем ввода сообщения
IMDB works# JS - Shows number of credited works after names on IMDB site
Pogdesign-Widgets JS - Add links relative to the episode
FA TextViewer JS - Allows for online viewing of all text based submissions of FurAffinity
Save & Search Quiz By Pak Defndr JS - The userscript helps you to search your quiz instantly and save your quiz question in text file.No need to see copy paste enable on internet..
Guzik JS - jsfoidfsdgs
Przewalacz JS - dfdsfgdsgfser
unicorn JS - there's jquery everywhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Pandora HTML5 JS - Force new Pandora HTML5 Interface
SPDBCCC JS - 让官方不支持的系统和浏览器支持密码输入 Enable Password Input On Non-Supported Browsers & OS
2chScript JS - ブラウザから見る2ch.netを強化(新鯖のみ対応)
洛谷wiki优化 JS - 自动隐藏代码,避免超长代码影响体验