顯示所有語言的結果。只顯示 繁體中文 的結果。
Notion.so RTL support for written text JS - Add support for writing RTL text blocks (including todo list, bullet list, headings, etc.) Text will change direction automatically depending on the language of the first letter in a text block. (Thus, English text will remain with the same behavior) Could be helpful if you want to write a text or todo list in your RTL language. Multiple languages with different directions can be written on the same page. This script is not supposed to change the direction of databases views nor its inner cells
TOC of Jianshu JS - 为简书文章生成目录
AtCoderStandingsAnalysis JS - 順位表のjsonを集計し、上部にテーブルを追加します。
Twitter Block With Love JS - 封鎖或靜音所有轉推或喜歡某則推文的推特使用者
PT站点自动签到 JS - pt站点自动签到
Freebitco.in Multiply your bitcoins every 3 days free 2020 JS - Best Proven Script for multiplying your balance every 3 days
KonoSuba Kahoot Theme JS - Get the Useless, the Cannon, the Meat Wall, and the Frog Killer in One Userscript!
Steam Keyword Blocker / Steam关键词屏蔽 JS - 关键词屏蔽
黑白色网站 JS - 让你所浏览的网站变为黑白色!
中文字体优化 CSS - 优化中文字体的显示
ROBLOX: Enable Game Filter JS - Enable the 'Old-School' Game Filter, decent for finding the perfect game.
Video Quality Fixer for X (Twitter) JS - Force highest quality playback for X (Twitter) videos.
Video Shortcuts JS - Speed up, slow down, advance, rewind, loop any HTML5 video on any site with quick shortcuts!
Kill YouTube Channel Video Autoplay JS - Kill autoplay on YouTube channel and user pages
中国大学mooc提前获取测验解析 JS - 中国大学mooc提前获取测验解析,获取spoc中的作业答案的功能,有问题请刷新,如果没有显示答案,先随便提交一次作业再查看作业答案
論壇大師・Discuz!(全功能最終版) JS - 🔊論壇網站頁面美化、廣告移除、功能增強。美輪美奐的視覺享受,安然恬靜的論壇時光……
Youtube Automatic Theme JS - Automatically toggle dark/light theme
cmoa.jp downloader JS - Download comic from cmoa.jp
s.to autoplay JS - Autoplay für SerienStream.to
A 站视频缓存 视频链接解析 JS - 谁不想在遇到好视频的时候能够缓存下来呢?
云班课视频助手 JS - 云班课助手,数字1,2,3,4,5代表1x,2x,4x,8x,16x倍速,数字0一键看完视频,<(shift+,)减速,>(shift+.)加速
fastGithub JS - 加速你的github clone速度
Автокликер Баллов Twitch JS - Автоматически нажимает на сундучёк +50, удобный пасивный абуз (фарм) поинтов (баллов).
独孤求软验证码 JS - 自动填写 独孤求软的验证码
B站(bilibili哔哩哔哩)直播自动发弹幕 JS - 哔哩哔哩自动发送弹幕
Local Vk Downloader JS - Get Vk raw link without external service.
双击右键粘贴 JS - 双击右键粘贴,Chrome 浏览器测试通过
网课通用脚本 JS - 通过自行填写JSON文件 识别XML路径自动答题
Splix.io Simple Zoom Mod JS - Press "z" to toggle between custom and default zoom. Use "-" and "=" to adjust your custom zoom. That's all!
VIP会员视频在线解析大集合 JS - [腾讯|爱奇艺|优酷|乐视|芒果|AB站|音悦台]等VIP或会员视频,在线解析接口插件
SoldBy - Reveal Sellers on Amazon JS - Shows name, country of origin and ratings for third party sellers on Amazon (and highlights Chinese sellers)
YggTorrent amélioré JS - Ajoute la connexion automatique, un bouton télécharger à la recherche, et plus encore
cross-hair aimer JS - gives you a cross-hair aimer in diep.io
YouTube Sticky Live Chat JS - Pin the latest message written by live owner or moderator to the top
Grepolis town-disappear finder JS - Find nearby towns that will disappear soon
哔哩哔哩注册时间查询 JS - 查询B站账号注册时间(只能查询登录账号的注册时间)
WeiyunHelper - 微云 Aria2 下载辅助脚本 JS - 微云下载时文件支持导出到 aria2 下载,支持分享页面及个人云盘管理页
哔哩哔哩图片打包下载(支持相簿和专栏 JS - 下载B站UP主Bilibili动态相册相簿图片,以及视频封面,专栏图片和UP主头像以及主页壁纸,直播间封面和直播间壁纸,然后提交给aria2或打包成zip
自动领取起点小说网经验值 JS - 在浏览网页的过程中自动计算是否该去领取经验值了,如果满足条件则自动打开一个tab去领取,领取完自动关闭,全程无感知
Hellcase Free Daily Collector JS - This Script triggers the "Free Daily" button automatically
京东自动评价 JS - 自动填写京东评价语,自动选择五星好评!
arXiv paper homepage tranverse JS - 在arixv的pdf和abstract反复横跳 Generate a button to trans between arixv homepage and pdf
Fandom - Remove Garbage CSS - Makes fandom wiki pages great again (removes top video, sidebar, bottom bar, bottom feeds, fandom navigation, and extends main content to fill container).
bilibili视频自动宽屏 JS - bilibili视频自动宽屏显示并且自动播放
WhatsApp like it should be: no whitespace! JS - Removes the dumb space-wasting layout used on displays wider than 1440px.
美团商家流量导出Excel JS - Final Update
360文库美化 JS - 隐藏广告与推荐文档
Youtube Black Mode JS - Prettier youtube with red sub button and less rounded edges (BLACK EDITION)
Cookie Editor JS - サイト内のCookieを編集できるようになるスクリプトです。
Evalbox Check bypass JS - ...
深信息雨课堂辅助 JS - 深信息雨课堂自动刷视频
壹鍵切換搜索 JS - 在常用的搜索引擎頁面中添加互相切換的按鈕。
Gym energy estimate JS - Adds an estimate of energy required to level gyms
Reddit Fix JS - Hide subreddits, remove promoted links, see full image actually shows the full image, html5 video player, remove background effects, copy video adress
VK video download JS - Позволяет скачивать видео из вк, даже если это видео переслали вам сообщением из закрытой группы. Кнопка скачать появляется при нажатии правой кнопки мыши на видео
知乎免登陆自动跳转发现页 JS - 去除跳转登录页,以及自动关闭登录提示
Youtube生肉煮熟工具 JS - 在Youtube视频下添加下载视频,以及下载字幕的按钮(原生字幕+机翻字幕)
Twitter Direct JS - Remove t.co tracking links from Twitter
智慧职教MOOC学院 --网课助手 (蓝版) JS - 智慧职教简易自动学习脚本,解除Ctrl+C限制,自动评论/讨论
WhatsApp UI Enhance JS - Enhance Whatsapp UI
Grumpy Wise King autofill JS - Auto selects the avatar question in Grumpy King
哔哩哔哩bilibili默认宽屏 JS - Bilibili默认宽屏/全屏(自动点击按钮)
chaoxing-download JS - 超星慕课资源下载提取
QQ空间说说全部删除 JS - 主要用于在QQ空间网页版的说说栏目下进行批量删除说说
BOSS直聘过滤脚本 JS - BOSS直聘过滤已谈过的boss
Nitro Type "Updates" navigation button JS - There's a new nitro type page, the "Updates" page. However it doesn't have "Updates" on the navigation to go to that page. You can use this script so you can access the "Updates" page easily like any other nitro type pages.
52破解论坛登录自动签到 JS - 解放双手
MouseHunt - QoL Utilities JS - Miscellaneous utilities to turbo-charge your MH experience
保存图片 JS - alt+点击保存图片,列出页面所有图片,列出页面所有背景图
moomoo.io PRO MOD JS - Working auto heal and advanced minimap
Better Userlist in Webcamdarts-Lobby JS - Sort and search for players by avg and status
Reddit Promotion Blocker JS - Blocks all of the promoted advertisements on Reddit.
Mycroft Patch for Firefox 78 JS - Modify page function to use supported features only. Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey. v1.0 2020-06-20
优学院刷课 JS - 优学院自动8倍速观看视频,自动答题
Disney+ Audio Downloader JS - Download audio from Disney+
百度文库自动继续阅读 JS - 自动点击百度文库的「还剩 x 页未读,继续阅读」
Bilibili Live Tasks Helper JS - Enhancing the experience of watching Bilibili live streaming.
GeoGuessr Ultimate Script JS - GeoGuessr Ultimate Script - One Script to rule them all - Work In Progress - Adding features over time - Removes Bottom, Right and Top Bar (Options) - Pimps Data - Makes for a cleaner experience - Removes Author (Optional - For an extra challenge) - Changes flags with numbered flags - Adjust GeoGuessr Logo position - Adjusts Data position
Блокировщик баннера VK Connect JS - убирает баннер VK Connect (но не заставляет страницу зависать, не блокирует другие всплывающие окна)
Wider github.com JS - Fills the blank between the container and two sides of the browser.
Toc Bar, auto-generating table of content JS - A floating table of content widget
Time Limit Emphasizer JS - AtCoderで問題の実行時間制限が2 secでない場合にちょっと主張を激しくする。
Anti Rick-Roll JS - Stops you from getting Rick-Rolled by blocking videos from multiple domains.
屏蔽知乎营销号 JS - 功能介绍:屏蔽知乎营销号
WaniKani Item Inspector JS - Inspect Items in Tabular Format
YouTube Click To Play JS - It disables autoplay and enables click to play.
TM Trader's Calculator JS - Calculates sell-to-bank price, max price, and TI before birthday (if the player had the birthday during the season)
Anti-Autoplay on Twitch JS - Disable Autoplay on Twitch's Homepage
Shenkuu Lunar Temple Solver JS - Auto solver
csdn论坛改造: 1.去除了论坛右侧广告和底部推荐。 2.去除“展开阅读全文”的限制。 3.帖子自动翻页,完美“破解”10贴/页的问题。 4.调整一些版面使得更易于浏览。 JS - csdn论坛改造:1.去除论坛右侧广告和底部推荐。 2.去除“展开阅读全文”的限制。 3.帖子自动翻页,完美“破解”10贴/页的问题。 4.调整一些版面使得更易于浏览。
IMDb Scout Mod JS - Auto search for movie/series on torrent, usenet, ddl, subtitles, streaming, predb and other sites. Adds links to IMDb pages from hundreds various sites. Adds movies/series to Radarr/Sonarr. Adds external ratings from Metacritic, Rotten Tomatoes, Letterboxd, Douban, Allocine, MyAnimeList, AniList. Media Server indicators for Plex, Jellyfin, Emby. Dark theme/style for Reference View. Adds/Removes to/from Trakt's watchlist. Removes ads.
轻小说文库下载 JS - 生成分卷和全本ePub文档、ePub文档插图拖放、部分小说的在线阅读
YouTube - Disable Fullscreen Scroll JS - Disable scroll for details feature and remove the label from the bottom in fullscreen
问卷星脚本(有题库版) JS - try to take over the world!
WELearn一键完成课程 JS - WELearn一键完成课程,支持指定分数(正确率)。WELearnToSleep的js版。
Remova Propagandas E Temporizadores Ao Baixar Filmes JS - Abre o link direto de download em sites de torrent que te redirecionam a outros sites, ou fazem aguardar antes de liberar o download.
Pobieranie z CDA.pl JS - Dodaje przycisk do pobierania filmu na stronie cda.pl i w osadzonych odtwarzaczach
Youtube Ad Auto Skipper JS - Automatically click Ad Skip button on Youtube
轻小说文库下载器(Wenku8 Download) JS - 轻小说文库下载器, 进入小说目录页面即可看的下载按钮