顯示所有語言的結果。只顯示 繁體中文 的結果。
网页复制解除(浮游 bug 版) JS - 编辑当前页面,使之可以自由编辑,复制,黏贴。
P9夜间模式 JS - 本CSS样式为P9的夜间模式,为了方便夜间使用而编写的。
Moomoo.io ★ Hat-Hotkeys JS - Hat Macros! (Keys in desc)
Twitch Screen Comment Scroller JS - Twitch のコメントをニコニコ風にスクロールさせます。
划词翻译:多词典查询 JS - 划词翻译调用“有道词典(有道翻译)、金山词霸、Bing 词典(必应词典)、剑桥高阶、沪江小D、谷歌翻译”
批量删除新浪微博博文 JS - 批量删除新浪微博
FrankerFaceZ JS - FrankerFaceZ gives Twitch users custom chat emotes and introduces new features to improve the viewing experience.
Bilibili 一键截图( ; ) JS - 截图干嘛愣着啊
AGMA.IO ( macro fast split + macro fast feed + more ) JS - agma.io - Macro fast split + Macro fast feed + Removed ads + Auto spawn + Fast buy from shop + More
通用阅读器 JS - 为所有站点增加进入阅读模式按钮,点击后如果匹配成功则自动转码成为通用的阅读器样式方便使用,并提供扩展语音阅读功能(需要浏览器支持,推荐最新版Firefox浏览器)
网易云音乐下载助手 JS - 用于在网页端直接下载网易云音乐
谷歌访问助手默认打开2345网站的问题破解 JS - 我不想一直使用百度,我想科学上网,于是我安装了“谷歌访问助手”,呵!但它竟然需要我设置默认主页的方式来永久激活!这是不能忍受的,于是本插件的目的便是用来帮你避开讨厌的2345门户网站,默认直接打开Google主页,并且仍然可以永久激活“谷歌访问助手”哦。
MediaFire JS - Auto Download MediaFire
Github raw.githack.com Button JS - A userscript to add raw.githack.com button on Github.
VIP视频新版_优酷 JS - 优酷 去广告不限VIP特权等
roblox font update reverter JS - reverts the godawful font
Wanikani Leaderboard JS - Get levels from usernames and order them in a competitive list
手机知乎电脑网页优化 适合手机查看(mobile zhihu) JS - do a little thing
YouTube Original Titles and Descriptions (Cancel Translation) JS - Reverts titles and descriptions on Youtube to original language
xuetangx video speedup JS - A xuetangx video speedup script.
FCup Mobile Chat JS - Fcup Mobile Chat
InfoPerk JS - Perk table -> homepage
AgarMinions.tk JS - Best Agar.io & Agario clones games bots + Big Bots For Sale!
(持续更新)Greener系列:知乎主页与问题浏览缓存自动清除|全面优化广告过滤(浏览文章回答过多内存优化|去侧栏广告|浏览知乎再也不会卡顿了|不登录浏览) JS - 轻量级TamperMonkey插件:你有没有遇到过浏览知乎过多过长导致页面崩溃/占用内存过多的情况? 本插件对其进行全面优化, 不用再刷新页面释放内存了! By Adler
精简百度、搜狗、360搜索页面 JS - 喜欢简洁的人必备脚本。精简百度、搜狗、360主页面,删除左上角、右上角和下方的东西,只留下logo和搜索框。
GBookDown - Download Google Books JS - Saves all available Preview pages from a Google Book as PNGs
HaxBall Test Mod JS - See if mods work for you
京东自动抢购 超强直接下单 (原作者吾爱mr.z.j-自用备份) JS - 京东抢购超强直接下单
Advanced Amazon Money Hack JS - This is a advanced amazon money hack! Not really it's not even a hack this script just changes the look of your amazon gift card balance amount by counting up. Have Fun!
Back To Old Reddit JS - This tiny, superfast UserScript will redirect any URL you visit on the new version of Reddit and take you to the old version of Reddit. (https://old.reddit.com). It will also redirect you to the correct post or subreddit URL too, not just the main page.
H2P: 斗鱼小工具 JS - 黑暗模式 / 清爽模式:斗鱼 ________ <斗鱼>:抽奖、抄袭、循环弹幕,关键词回复 ____ 批量取关____ 暂停播放、静音、关闭滚动弹幕、默认画质、宽屏模式、签到、自动维持亲密度
BigIdeasMath Homework Tool JS - Get the answers for bigideas math (only works on homework assignments, not tests/practice tests)
RUTRACKER ※ Remove Russian Characters JS - Removes all russian characters from links, makes it easier for those who don't speak русский to find what they're looking for.
下载卫士 JS - 拒绝高(捆)速(绑)下载,隐藏高速下载器的链接
我的推特工具箱 JS - 视频兼容修复。查看用户的永久链接。
WME Enhanced Search JS - Enhances the search box to parse WME PLs and URLs from other maps to move to the location & zoom
youtube播放视频倍速自定义,可记忆 JS - youtube播放视频倍速自定义,刷新浏览器也不会丢失之前设置的速度
Cookie Clicker Minihack JS - Adding some basic hack features to Orteil's Cookie Clicker games
Reddit search on Google JS - Adds a button to search Reddit posts with Google
qiyi.163.com auto login JS - 网易企业邮箱自动登录
简单斗鱼(贵族弹幕样式&&聊天区域铭牌) JS - 一个兴趣使然的脚本,本来只是屏蔽火箭横幅的脚本,到后来。。。 【✅功能按钮】 默认最高画质、弹幕悬停、竞猜显示、抽奖显示、背景显示、礼物栏简化、聊天框简化、禁言消息显示、聊天框用户铭牌显示、显示房间数据(👨👩👧👦人数、💸消费、⏱️时长)、默认网页全屏、夜间模式。 【✅默认设置】左侧展开默认收起、弹幕简化(贵族弹幕)、聊天框消息简化(大部分系统消息)【✅屏蔽】屏蔽内容过多,这里就不展开了....
SkyMods downloader for steam JS - Download mod via skymods.ru directly from steam workshop
Speed up Google Captcha JS - Makes Google Captcha works faster by removing slow visual transitions and unnecessary delays.
广告杀手ADkiller JS - 删除百度搜索结果中的广告以及百家号的内容--删除其他网站的百度广告(百度网盟),这些广告常见于CSDN、网易、搜狐或其他一些垃圾新闻网站。
BiliBili一键开关弹幕/一键网页宽屏/全屏快捷键/速度控制快捷键 JS - 这个脚本是作者自己嫌在全屏播放时老是要鼠标点击开关弹幕太麻烦,于是就写了一个b站播放器的按键快捷控制
narwhaleHax vBetter JS - better than other narwhale hax
coursera开启中英双字幕(coursera subtitle CN+EN) JS - 添加了coursera视频开启和关闭中英双字幕的功能
Assassinate Ad Block Blockers JS - You know those annoying content blockers that demand you remove your AdBlock so you can read the content? This script removes them by force. Please note, this is not automatically universal like AdBlock Plus. It operates on a per-site basis that the author must add.
Auto Rate Photo and Auto ReCaptcha JS - O script deixa automatico a função de avaliar as fotos e resolver o captcha e ir pra próxima página
Better Luogu Problem Searcher JS - 洛谷题目跳转器优化
磁力链接百度网盘补完 JS - 磁力链接、百度网盘补完
网站图片(背景图,svg,canvas)抓取预览下载 JS - 将站点所有的图片(背景图,svg,canvas)抓取提供预览,直接点击下载,批量打包下载。
优课--二倍速自动播放 JS - 实现自动二倍速挂机看视频,允许切换到后台.不支持自动做题.遇到做题章节会唤起QQ聊天提醒.
大麦抢票-选场次票价人数 JS - 辅助购买大麦网演唱会门票
哔哩哔哩bilibili关弹幕 JS - 强制关闭所有弹幕,寻求心灵的宁静 想打开弹幕请看说明 (修改自wly5556的脚本)
PanDownload网页版跳转按钮 JS - 百度网盘分享链接页面加个按钮,点击可跳转到 PanDownload 网页版去下载
干扰码清除器 JS - 清除网页中隐藏的干扰码,便于内容复制和阅读模式下阅读。
新方圆VIP解析插件 JS - 新方圆插件,VIP接口解析
质感字体&&页面平滑滚动 JS - 让每个页面的字体变得有质感 页面滚动更平滑 字体换为萍方字体并添加字体阴影
Export Youtube Playlist in plaintext JS - Shows a list of the playlist video names/channels/URLs in plaintext to be easily copied
Restore the maintaining image of Jianshu JS - Restore these maintaining image of Jianshu.com
[Captcha Skip] JS - This solve google recaptcha automatic after sec.
Twitter 隱藏轉推 JS - 隱藏 Twitter 時間軸上轉推、喜歡、回覆、和跟隨的文章。
超星自动填充账号密码 JS - 自动填充账号密码
Freebitco.in Low balance MULTIPLY BTC Script 2019 JS - To support please register on my free bitco.in reffer https://freebitco.in/?r=3645185
Google Colab Auto Reconnector JS - Automatically reconnect to Colab's session without clicking button.
ヤフオクで非表示とメモ JS - q:非表示 w:アンドゥ b:NGワード Shift+Q:NG編集 12:メモを追加 34:自由メモ 56:定型文をメモ Shift+!:メモを編集 Shift+":自動メモのみ全削除 Shift+#:メモを一時非表示 Shift+56:定型文を設定 .:上限価格 t:半透明モード
leetcode题解助手 JS - 查找leetcode题解,题解栏可折叠。提供九章算法、python题解、grandyang题解(主要是c++和java)、花花酱博主的快速查询,并且提供直接在谷歌上搜索题目、切换中英文的功能。
Hospital Filter JS - Enables filters to remove/hide people from the hospital.
Remove web limits (re-modified) JS - 通殺大部分網站,可以解除禁止復制、剪切、選擇文本、右鍵菜單的限制。
Youtube Ad Cleaner(Include Non-Skippable Ads- works) JS - (Be Tested Daily) Bypass all youtube ads (skippable and non-skippable Ads) plus download youtube video on the fly
YouTube -> download MP3 or Video from YouTube. JS - Simple YouTube MP3 & MP4 download buttons. Simple and fast.
Pinterest - Open Original Image and Save JS - Open the original (largest) image in a new tab by pressing 'z' while hovering over a pin,save the image.
抽奖动态删除&取关 JS - 删除所有抽奖动态并自动取关
Pinterest - Save Original Image JS - Save the original (largest) image in a new tab by pressing 'z' while hovering over a pin
bilibili直播自定义皮肤背景 JS - 自定义bilibili直播的皮肤和背景,仅自己可见!
reCaptcha 验证码镜像加载 JS - 替换使用官方地址的 reCaptcha 为官方镜像地址,让墙内用户的 reCaptch 能正常显示。(可能对海外用户是减速2333
mebook pandownload JS - 直接下载百度云/微软云盘资源
GitHub 菜单汉化 JS - 汉化 GitHub 界面的部分菜单及内容
YumeOST Bypasser JS - Bypass link protection
消灭百家号 JS - 自动屏蔽所有百家号相关内容,百度合作推广网站搜索结果(如新闻类),侧边栏推荐等
繁简体转换 JS - 中文网页繁简体转换油猴脚本
Yande.re 浏览隐藏图片,放大预览,添加翻页按键 JS - 浏览一些隐藏图片,放大预览,添加了翻页按键
Agar.io © 2019 YUNUS JS - © 2019 Yunus ALKIŞ Tüm hakları saklıdır.
Agma Animation Script JS - Let your cell spin, jump, shake, flip and wacky!
Torn Extensions - Faction Activity JS - Shows the activity of employees.
Archive of Our Own: Dark Mode JS - A dark mode for users without an account.
WME Straighten Up! JS - Straighten selected WME segment(s) by aligning along straight line between two end points and removing geometry nodes.
Slither-Feeder-Bot JS - Slither Feeder Bot
MouseHunt - Favorite Setups JS - Unlimited custom favorite trap setups!
BitChute: search video on twitter JS - Adds links allowing search on Twitter (by title and url) to video detail screen.
Free Agar.io Bots (Vanilla Version) - NOT Work JS - Free and Real open source agario bots (tags: ogario, legend mod, vanilla, free bots, unlimited, hacks, infinity, agar.io, cheat, miniclip, agar)
超星慕课 Tools JS - 超星慕课的辅助播放工具,目前仅有不锁定
Redirect to AllTabs JS - Redirect the initial salesforces pages to AllTabs Page!
Pixiv歷史記錄稍微增强 JS - 單純讓非會員瀏覽歷史記錄
NGA Filter JS - NGA 屏蔽插件,支持用户、标记、关键字、属地、小号、流量号、低声望、匿名、提醒过滤。troll must die。
poe-trade-official-site-enhancer JS - Adds tons of usefull features to poe.trade, from a very easy to use save manager to save and laod your searches and even live search them all in one page, to an auto sort by real currency values (from poe.ninja), passing from gems max quality cost and more. I have some other very good idea for features to add, I'll gladly push them forward if I see people start using this.
youtube - 自动获该页面下的所有视频链接地址 JS - 自动获该页面下的所有视频链接地址
将手机版网页转换为PC版网页 JS - 将京东、B站、淘宝、天猫、微博、知乎、豆瓣手机版网页转换为PC版网页