顯示所有語言的結果。只顯示 繁體中文 的結果。
Starblast 1 Minute Survival Game JS - Allows you to make 1 minute-long survival mode games. (Instead of the usual 10 min limit)
Moomoo.io /ᐠ。ᆽ。ᐟ \ Mod *BETA* JS - Easy Hats switch
Iridium JS - YouTube with more freedom
Webmail Ad Blocker JS - Block ads on the right side of the screen when using Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail and Outlook.com which expand your message space
BiliBili直播间解除字数限制 JS - 直播间解除字数限制,自动分条发送
拒绝二维码登录 JS - QQ、支付宝、京东等网站默认使用账号密码登录,不出现二维码登录界面,可自定义设置在指定网站开启和关闭,有需求或问题请反馈。
CF-Predictor JS - This extension predicts rating changes for Codeforces. It shows approximate deltas during and after the contest.
WaniKani Forums: Large Image Embedder JS - Embeds images which Discourse refuses to embed
斗鱼自动领鱼丸 JS - 实现斗鱼自动领鱼丸
Washington Post Paywall Bypass JS - Removes the Washington Post paywall
YouTube arrow keys FIX JS - Fix YouTube keyboard controls (arrow keys) to be more consistent (Left,Right - jump, Up,Down - volume) after page load or clicking individual controls.
博客阅读美化(去广告|自动全文|简洁) JS - 去广告;布局及格式优化;优化内容推荐展示样式;图片居中;删除空段落;|CSDN|自动阅读全文;去除首行缩进;支持MathJax;|51脚本|SegmentFault|W3cschool|。(修改自新版CSDN阅读体验提升)
Youtube 翻译中文字幕下载 v14 JS - Youtube 播放器右下角有个 Auto-tranlsate,可以把视频字幕翻成中文。这个脚本是下载这个中文字幕
自动开启网页全屏 JS - 网页加载完4秒后,启动网页全屏
truyen.tangthuvien.vn QuickPost JS - Thực hiện đăng truyện nhanh trên trang https://truyen.tangthuvien.vn/dang-chuong/story
WaniKani Lesson Hover Details JS - Show lesson breakdown by type on hover
AO3: Reorder Fandoms by Size JS - Sorts fandoms by no. of works on AO3's fandoms list.
YouTube: Expand All Video Comments JS - Adds a "Expand all" button to video comments which expands every comment and replies - no more clicking "Read more".
Pinterest middle click open image in new tab JS - Fixes pinterest middle click open image in new tab
Set Arrival Time JS - Set the desired arrival time in Tribal Wars and the script will automatically send the attack
Waze Edit Count Monitor JS - Displays your daily edit count in the WME toolbar. Warns if you might be throttled.
NGA Excel JS - 原userscripts-mirror上风昔大大的NGA Excel,简单更新了部分代码使之可用。
WME Wide-Angle Lens Places JS - Find place that match filter criteria
WME Wide-Angle Lens Streets JS - Find streets that match filter criteria
WaniKani Open Framework Additional Filters JS - Additional filters for the WaniKani Open Framework
YouTube dark at night JS - Auto turn on YouTube dark theme at night.
QQ音乐下载 JS - 点击下载按钮即可下载QQ音乐
reCAPTCHA ShortLink Clicker JS - This script is not resolver, only can click. Currently wi.cr, adsrt.com
视频VIP替换 JS - 直接在视频页查看会员视频
再见了百家号搜索结果 JS - 删除百度搜索结果的百家号的结果
Auto Scroll Mouse [fork] JS - No mousewheel? No problem! This script will scroll the page if you place your mouse near the top or bottom of the window and wiggle it.
百度去广告 JS - 百度去广告(首页、搜索结果)
Various fixes on FF.net JS - Adds Verdana characters not taken into account and fixes line height in Favorite Authors tab.
Instagram Download JS - Download instagram image and video
Youtube2mp3 JS - This script helps to add a YouTube download button.
按⬅➡键自动翻页 JS - 在需要翻页的网页中,使用按⬅➡键向前向后翻页
cda.pl - łatwe pobieranie filmów za darmo JS - pobierz i miej lepsze życie
花瓣网下载 JS - 花瓣网(huaban.com)用户画板图片批量下载到本地
去 知乎 Advertisement EBook LiveItem JS - 广告 电子书相关 包含价格相关 信息屏蔽
Google検索結果に時期指定、再生時間指定、画像サイズ指定、日本語のみボタンを設置する JS - 画面解像度が高い人向き ニコ動・ヤフオク・ヨドバシ検索結果にも並べ替えボタンを設置 (実験的:Google検索結果にGoogle NewsやTwitter検索へのRSSリンクを追加)
BS Modul Updater JS - Aktualisiert das Neueste Episoden und Serien Modul ohne Reload
Debrid Download Helper JS - Downloads files, copies URLs and queues magnet links.
划词搜索(pc版) JS - 划词搜索,快速选择搜索引擎,一键搜索,跳转百度,谷歌,必应等。注:第一个图标为打开网址的按钮,仅当选中文本为链接时可用。
Watermelon Zhihu JS - 一个清净的知乎
获取虎牙直播流地址,可直接使用VLC播放器播放 JS - 获取虎牙直播流地址,可直接使用VLC播放器播放,在VLC内选择Open Network,粘贴地址打开即可
TORN - Employee Stat Totals JS - Add it up
搜索引擎自动加载下一页 JS - 搜索引擎自动加载下一页,包括baidu sogou bing 360so
Google Translation Bar JS - On-page Google Translate, work on all web browsers from desktop to mobile!
WME ClickSaver JS - Various UI changes to make editing faster and easier.
WME Route Speeds (MapOMatic fork) JS - Shows segment speeds in a route.
百度网盘提取工具(BaiduyundiskLinkCodeExtract) JS - 点击按钮扫描,如果页面上有百度云盘的资源网址,则将文字转换为链接;如果页面上有百度云盘资源链接和提取码,则在点击链接后自动填入提取码并提交
划词翻译 JS - 基于 translate.google.cn 的划词翻译,用鼠标选中纯英文内容即可。每次翻译的结果自动复制到剪贴板,用户可直接粘贴使用。
Pixiv 簡單存圖 JS - 透過快捷鍵與自訂名稱格式來簡單的存圖
動畫瘋·Plus JS - 分級標識自動同意、自動切換至下一集、自動點此跳過廣告、影片空降座標、網頁全螢幕、子母畫面
Nyaa hide 0 seeders JS - Hide torrent with 0 seeders
Instagram video downloader JS - Adds a download link for instagram videos in the one-image pages
Ads-free Quizlet JS - 去除Quizlet广告 / Remove ads on Quizlet
Direct Playlist Links for Youtube JS - Simple script to change youtube playlist links (on the play list page under channels) to go directly to the playlist instead of the first video.
Bilibili BigCover JS - 查看B站封面大图
Better Reddit Delete JS - Based on Spaz's Reddit Delete, Adds subreddit selection and ability to delete posts. Replaces all VISIBLE comments with garbage text, then deletes the comment. Works with RES!
Auto Tab Closer JS - Automagically Closes Tab Of Included URLs
百度去广告,blur(毛玻璃)搜索框,美化 JS - 百度搜索框背景模糊,去广告,美化
下载微博图片和视频 JS - 一键下载一条微博中的图片,文件名包含该微博的路径.xxx_wb_uid_wid,可恢复为 https://weibo.com/uid/wid
search broadcast for douban JS - search user braodcast
博客园去广告 JS - 博客园去广告,
Twitch - Mute ads and optionally hide them JS - Automatically mutes the Twitch player when an advertisement started and unmute it once finished. You can also hide ads by setting disableDisplay to true.
TradingView - Remove ads JS - Does what it says.
wsmud_pluginss JS - 武神传说 MUD 武神脚本 武神传说 脚本 qq群367657589
新版智慧树挂机 JS - 跳过视频内试题,1.5倍加速 自动下一章
Udemy下载助手(需配合Aria2使用) JS - 在 Udemy 上课程的课程内容页面添加下载按钮(可批量下载和单个视频下载),方便将视频下载到本地学习
再见了百度知道和百家号搜索结果 JS - 删除百度搜索结果的百度知道和百家号结果
La Repubblica "Rep" Paywall Bypass JS - Unhides the "paywalled" articles on Rep.
Freebitco.in AutoBot JS - feel free to donate: 1P7EX7yddNhUVzXZ8FqHVpGqv2CtoKcUxm
Simple and LagFree Zoom JS - For those who don't wanna use any other features mod except zoom.
idle JS - 挂机无止境的辅助脚本
Bilibili 哔哩哔哩查看原图 JS - 方便在B站内查看各种图片的原图,支持动态、专栏
csdn复制 JS - 一行代码解决csdn复制,基于csdn(copyright)修改
去除网页复制文字添加水印 JS - try to take over the world!
喜马拉雅FM下载音频 JS - 喜马拉雅FM去除原有点击下载跳转,点击下载便可以下载音频。
把Google搜索伪装成百度搜索 JS - 用Google搜索,很多人看到屏幕后会问你怎么上Google的.所以当我们把Google的logo换成百度,他们就不会问那么多问题了!
Zombs.io ( Auto Heal + Speed Run + Party Spam + More ) JS - Zombs.io auto heal + speed run + party spam + More
1337X - Magnet/Torrent links everywhere JS - Adds magnet and torrent links everywere, e.g. directly to the torrent search results
Auto Close Twitch Ads JS - Close, mute or hide Twitch video ads automatically while watching a stream!
多语言划词翻译 JS - 支持英、法、日、韩、泰、越、他加禄语和印尼语,部分语言的翻译结果为英语
van.mz.playerAdvanced JS - Player display optimization 球员着色插件
google translate utils JS - auto remove line break for google translate(replaced with space)
百度网盘一键解压缩 JS - 百度网盘当前目录压缩文件一键解压
网页自动滑动,自动阅读 JS - 自定义速度,速度范围-10~10(默认速度为1),空格键随时开始/暂停,上下键实时调节速度,反方向运动。
Skribbl.io Helper JS - Learns the wordlist each round and outputs possible words in chat.
Freebitco.in auto Freeroll change Captcha with Rewardpoints without solve Captcha JS - Please use my Referal-Link https://freebitco.in/?r=15379995
强制使用苹方 JS - 强制使用苹方字体
Amazon Giveaway Bot - Ryan Montgomery JS - Automates Amazon giveaway entries
Youtube Downloader JS - This extension add a download tab button on any Youtube page and allows you to download MP3 & Video with just one click (4K Ultra High Definition Supported).
网页优化助手 JS - 1、简化百度页面,去除广告,美化搜索结果,页面滚动到下方自动加载;2、修改部分网站超链打开窗口为新窗口方式;3、Github搜索列表自动翻译,修改列表展示方式,滚动自动加载,readme划词翻译
Auto Close YouTube Ads - updated 12. 2018 JS - Close and/or Mute YouTube ads automatically!
1024综合助手 JS - 去除1024的60秒屏蔽、菜区助手(直播、算分、统计)、163右下角回家之路
wsmud_Raid JS - 武神传说 MUD
YouTube Volume Mouse Controller JS - Control YouTube video volume by mouse wheel.
CustomMediaPlayerVK JS - Изменённый плеер в верхнем меню для ВК