顯示所有語言的結果。只顯示 繁體中文 的結果。
니마갤 쿠폰 자동입력툴 JS - 쿠폰 편하게 적자
Convert Any Links to Clickable Links JS - すべてのリンクをクリックできるリンクにかえる。
YouTube Direct Downloader (Cobalt) JS - Bypass the download button and provide options to download the video, video dubs, or audio directly from the YouTube page.
Old Roblox UWP UI (for website) JS - Mimics the old Windows 10 Roblox (Microsoft Store) UI, back when Roblox was better.
Block Extremist Websites JS - Blocks specified websites
Fast F95-Zone skipper JS - Automatically clicks on Download button.
DeepSeek 对话导出 JS - 将 Deepseek 对话导出与复制的工具
BLACK | Скрипт для Кураторов Форума by J.Murphy JS - Специально для Черной России BLACK RUSSIA | BLACK
TC Bootlegging Plus v2 JS - Tools to help with Bootlegging
山东省人工智能研修|希沃教育|一键运行|自动答题|稳定 JS - 带有授权机制的刷课助手,一小时后授权失效
移除SpankBang年龄验证(Remove SpankBang Age Verification Modal Instantly) JS - Instantly removes the age verification modal on SpankBang.com with no flash
💖 VIP视频解析 JS - 自用视频解析、多源切换、简洁易用、UI美观(支持"爱优腾芒"等多平台多解析源切换)双击可能更好用哦!
云上全平台🦄️支持自动答题|题库搜|刷资源|刷视频|视频加速|有问题扫下方二维馬问客服 JS - 【🐯全网免费仅做一款脚本🐯】、【🚀已完美兼容、智慧树、国家开放大学,中国大学mooc、慕课、雨课堂、新国开、超星、学习通、知到、国家开放大学、蓝墨云、职教云、智慧职教、云班课精品课、山东专技、西财在线剩余网站仅支持部分功能🚀】【半兼容、绎通云、U校园、学堂在线】、【😎完美应付测试,全自动答题,一键完成所有资源学习(视频挨个刷时长不存在滴)、视频倍速😎】、【💪新增AI搜题、AI问答,定制化服务💪】、【💙破除网站不可复制文字💙】、【🐮基于生成式AI(ChatGPT)的答案生成🐮】、【🧡新增背题模式(遮挡答案,更好的进行考试复习)🧡】
七象影视解析 JS - 优酷、爱奇艺、腾讯、B站等视频网站视频解析,悬浮面板
Auto-Rotate Video Fullscreen JS - Automatically rotate device to landscape when a fullscreen video is in landscape orientation only
B站(哔哩哔哩)增强工具箱 - 随机播放、自定义倍速、自动播放/暂停、网页全屏 JS - B站增强工具箱:自动播放/暂停、随机播放、自定义倍速、网页全屏等功能
Autodarts - Auto Fullscreen JS - Enables auto fullscreen-mode after game start
Kickコメントスクロール, Kick弾幕, Kick Comment Scroller JS - Kickで弾幕を表示
ou3-爱一帆手机版(去广告) JS - 自动跳过爱一帆视频广告,提高观看体验,支持 iyf.tv,在手机观看网页版本爱一帆。使用方法:在手机下载能使用插件的浏览器(比如edge canary),安装tampermonkey并下载本插件。最后打开https://m.iyf.tv就可以去广告观看了。
Chesshook greasyfork JS - Chess.com Cheat Userscript
X Pro JS - Twitter AD Filter, Bookmark Remover, and Media Downloader. Hides ads, auto-removes bookmarks, and downloads media.
OpenGuessr Location Hack/Cheat JS - Opens with '1', has close button. Automatically updates on location change.
TTROCK-bot JS - Times Tables Rockstars bot.
Google搜索增强工具箱 JS - Google搜索增强:时间过滤/快速语法/网址直达/精确搜索
PNGExtraEmbed JS - uhh
Proximity BLF Hacks DEV SOURCE JS - Proximity Menu includes | Aimbot, ESP, Chams, and much more
Golden Theme JS - Golden theme and new Persian font
通用视频倍速播放控制 JS - 为任何网站视频提供倍速播放控制
HLS Playback Optimizer with P2P(视频协议优化HLS篇) JS - Optimize HLS playback on web pages with P2P assistance
回到顶部、前往底部 JS - 显示 回到顶部、前往底部 按钮
AO3: Fic's Style, Blacklist, Bookmarks JS - Change font, size, width and background of a work + blacklist: hide works that contain certains tags or text, have too many tags/fandoms/relations/chapters/words and other options + fullscreen reading mode + bookmarks: save the position you stopped reading a fic + number of words for each chapter and estimated reading time
Show Password onMouseOver JS - Show password when mouseover on password field
AdRemover JS - Enjoy the web without ads!
Maknyos AutoIn JS - Auto click to a link mostly for download purpose, iframe killer. Supported hosts: zippyshare, mediafire, sendspace, uptobox, cloud.mail.ru, adf.ly, and many more...
iZhihu JS - 知乎插件
百度贴吧图片缩放增强脚本 JS - 增强百度贴吧图片缩放,看大图无需开新标签页。
YouTube Auto Buffer & Auto HD JS - Buffers the video without autoplaying and puts it in HD if the option is on. For Firefox, Opera, & Chrome
Image Viewer JS - inject this script into any page, and right-click on the image you want to view full-size
Select text inside a link like Opera JS - Disable link dragging and select text.
Show and reload broken images JS - The name explained it
Resize YT To Window Size JS - Moves the YouTube video to the top of the website and fill the window with the video player.
Only Show This User Posts JS - Only show the user posts you just want to read
Adobe Products Direct Download JS - Change Adobe products download link to direct url
YouTube Link Cleaner JS - Removes unneeded parameters and redirection pages from YouTube links.
View YouTube tags JS - View tags on YouTube description pages.
获取百度网盘分享链接 JS - 百度网盘分享页面,快速获取已经分享的链接地址
Agar-Mass-Ejector JS - enter something useful
MiWiFi in English JS - Xiaomi AC Router Translation in English (Google Chrome)
Google Logo Restorer JS - Restores the previous Google logo and favicon
Google Favicons JS - Adds favicons to Google search results.
Twitter HTML5 Video Error to Link JS - Replaces error message with a link to load the media in a new tab where hopefully a plugin will play it
Zhihu Easy Collapse JS - 快捷地收起知乎首页的长答案
tiebapaging JS - 解决百度贴吧翻页强制登陆问题
hwmtakeoffon JS - Передача артов пачкой с изменениями (by xo4yxa & Demin)
4chan Image Viewer JS - Opens current thread Images in 4chan into a popup viewer, tested in Tampermonkey
GaiaOnline: Ultimate Navigation Fix JS - "Gaia Menu Fix" and "Un-facebook gaia" combined into one (NOT COMPATIBLE WITH GOOGLE CHROME)
Show or Hide Your Password on Mouse Events JS - Show password on double click, hides it when mouse leaves the password field (based on userscripts.org/scripts/show/34184 )
Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites) JS - Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo, Startpage.com, Bing and Yahoo search results. v2.3.3 2024-12-08
Last.fm Pirate Search JS - Adds Pirate Bay search links to the buy buttons on Last.FM
W.A.R. Links Checker Customized JS - Automatically checks links from hundreds of file hosts.
Rai Play video download JS - This script allows you to download videos on Rai Play
La7.tv direct link JS - This script gives you the direct link while watching a video on La7.it
Aliexpress URL Cleaner JS - Removes unnecessary parameters from Aliexpress URLs
Grey!! JS - 灰色!
Amazon keepa JS - Amazon keepa plugin
斗鱼HTML5播放器 JS - 基于 flv.js 的斗鱼HTML5播放器.
SoundCloud hide reposts JS - Only see new songs in your SoundCloud stream
(Ov)Mhod's Macro JS - Fastest W-Feeding, , (G) Doublesplit Macro, (A) Max Split, and More to be Added! :heart:
arxiv titleAsPDFName JS - when download paper from arxiv.org, automate set the file name as the paper's title
skin Personalizadas agareoz JS - skins new
Cookie clicker tools JS - Cookie clicker tools (visual)
NoKissReload [CAPTCHA SKIP] JS - Plays the next Episode without reloading the page
双栏显示搜索结果 JS - 双栏显示baidu, sogou, so, google, bing的搜索结果
Cookie Clicker Auto-Clicker JS - Cookie Clicker Auto click
起点自动领经验 JS - 自动领取起点经验,过0点自动刷新。
Translator for Whatsapp JS - Translator for Whatsapp web
NetFlix Auto Account selection JS - Automatically select your Netflix account (enter your netflix account name below)
Adblock JS - adblock alis.io
ao3 savior config JS - Config script for AO3 Savior userscript
NGA新标签打开帖子 JS - 让NGA论坛点击帖子可以打开新标签
智慧树刷课程 JS - 功能:自动跳过题目,自动看下一节视频,自动调用1.5倍速!
Agar.io Custom Skins | By KapClanYT JS - Paste a direct imigur link below your name to use a custom skin
Instagram Squared*漂亮背景+布局OK JS - Squaring off all new wide format photos and videos for old school vibe. Multi-column feed, bigger photos on profile pages, bigger post pages and post overlays
TruyenYY downloader JS - Tải truyện từ TruyenYY định dạng EPUB.
AC-百度去广告 JS - 去掉百度的推广链接
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Search Filter JS - This script hides search results that you already have on your list
新标签页打开谷歌学术搜索结果链接 JS - 目前谷歌学术在当前页面打开链接,这个脚本的作用是:在新标签页打开谷歌学术搜索结果的链接!
persian-ad-remover JS - Removes ads from some persian download sites.
GitHub Toggle Wiki Sidebar JS - A userscript that adds a button to toggle the GitHub Wiki sidebar
ao3 menu items JS - add more options to dropdown
youtube-nsfw JS - NSFW Youtube
GitHub Diff File Toggle JS - A userscript that adds a toggle to show or hide diff files
GitHub Toggle Code Wrap JS - A userscript that adds a code wrap toggle button
Cookie Monster JS - Loads the CookieMonster helper tool for CookieClicker Idle game
Menghilangkan Web Limit JS - Menghilangkan limit pada website yang tidak bisa copy, cut, select the text, right-click menu.
JR Mturk Panda Crazy JS - Collects panda's for you at a certain cycle instead of timers. Lot of organizing of panda's and grouping them together to start and stop them at once.
Google Docs Animations JS - Adds animations to Google Docs
Jz Warlight JS - Warzone/Warlight script that allows note-taking in games. It also includes statistics-like features for Warzone Idle.