顯示所有語言的結果。只顯示 繁體中文 的結果。
Comcast Internet Usage Percent JS - display percent in larger usage meter, also show where you should be based on number of days in the month
Pixiv Easyer JS - A script that makes pixiv great again
音乐查询复制歌曲名 JS - 音乐查询复制歌曲名!
TeamSupport Zoom JS - Allow zoom out on TeamSupport without breaking tabs
Pikabu current seconds JS - Сколько прошло секунд?
Add All linkedIn users (for 2017 version) JS - ajouter tout le monde sur linkedin et accepte tout le monde
GOLOS VIK JS - Скрипт для golos.io меняющий оформление и добавляющий новые функции
Windwos IT Pro Force English JS - Redirects to english version of MSDN, TechNet, Microsoft Support, etc.
Youtube download link inserter JS - Inserts download links to YouTube
Macro W Alis.io JS - Macro Alis.io by Kai
Kotonoha Context Concatenator JS - Joins the 3 result columns of Kotonoha search results.
prntscr direct link JS - link direct to image link
RegExr: toggle sidebar JS - Allows you to toggle sidebar on RegExr.com
Gmail - show full date and time in mail list JS - Just show the full date and time on the list instead of only short date. Useful if you need to create a report and you base on your activity and it's timing. Or when you look at mails and want to find one visually by looking on times.
Reddit Sidebar Collapser JS - Collapses sidebar and adds button to toggle it's visibility
eBonus.gg Helper JS - Automate tasks on eBonus.gg
Mediaset Unlimited Streaming JS - Mediaset unlimited streaming without logging in!
Nice Meme! JS - NiceMeme! Loop
DotD Mutik Chatmover JS - moves the alliance chat provided by mutik's script(https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/406-mutik-s-dotd-script) to a seperate window. Developement at https://github.com/Idrinth/DotD-Mutik-Chatmover
Gab.ai User Info JS - Pop-up of user info on hover of mention or username link
WaniKani Context Sentences in Reviews JS - Shows the context sentence in the question during vocab reviews.
MyAnimeList Add Friends' Statistics to Main Page JS - Adds your Friends' Statistics to each MyAnimeList entry page .
Google Voice Favicon Alerts JS - Alerts you to the number of unread items in Google Voice.
Wanikani Self-Study Plus RC JS - Adds an option to add and review your own custom vocabulary
TVMaze: add "Watched" button to calendar JS - Add "Mark as watched" button to calendar entries at TVMaze
niSoEditor - Mass מהיר JS - שולח מסה מהירה..
niSoEditor - Split מהיר JS - תלחצו D כדי להתפצל 16 +
niSoEditor - FastSplit JS - תלחצו D כדי להתפצל או Z
跳过草榴viidii等待时间 JS - Bypass viidii wait time
RemoveYouTubeRecommendeds JS - Removes the recommended videos from YouTube's sidebar
Google 每日主题 JS - Google 主页的主题
Table to Markdown Copier JS - Convert html table to markdown format
VK-Gif JS - Gif на аватар VK
wuxiaworld JS - remove all the style and merge with the successive chapters
fictionpress JS - remove all the style and merge with the list from the TOC page
斗鱼HTML5播放器 JS - 基于 flv.js 的斗鱼HTML5播放器.
Nice view MiniChat JS - Изменяет расположение и частично вид чата на главной странице сайта.
slader-infinite JS - Browse textbook answers on Slader.com in faster, cleaner interface.
Flatmates Plus JS - Adds blacklist and whitelist filters to the FlatMates website, gets rid of early bird listings
YouTube Veil JS - Hide YouTube page behind a white div on load.
百度找片 JS - 【让百度搜索聚合找片功能】,从此找片更为方便!
Diggy's Adventure - Game in full window JS - Remove useless widgets/panels in Diggy's Adventure
Hide Certain TYT Member's comments JS - Simple script to hide any annoying TYT member's posts and comments.
bilibili H5播放器快捷操作 JS - 快捷键设置,回车快速发弹幕,双击全屏,自动选择最高清画质、播放、全屏、关闭弹幕、自动转跳和自动关灯等
bilibili plus bilibilijj JS - 在bilibili界面上直接添加来自jj的三种下载链接。flv是分段超清,mp4是整段高清,ass是弹幕。请登录jj以跳过广告页。播放弹幕可使用potplayer等。视频弹幕同名即可自动加载。
JIRA Rapid Board Issue Tracker JS - Tracking issues on JIRA Rapid Board.
JIRA Rapid Board highlighter JS - Highlight closed stories on JIRA Rapid Board.
Dark Voice JS - Темный скин golos.io с монитором активности пользователей из blockchain
Hide Watched & Selected Youtubes Videos JS - Hide viewed & selected videos from your subscriptions.
WykopBingo! JS - Graj znaleziskami w Bingo na Wykopie
Facebook Right App Sidebar JS - Removing right application panel on Facebook.
sleduj.serial.com JS - Editing www.sledujserial.com for optimal viewing.
Amazonの商品ページのURLから商品名とrefを消す JS - try to take over the world!
Show coordinates on LandAndFarm.com JS - Adds a row to the http://landandfarm.com property pages showing the latitude / longitude and a link to google maps at that location
Togetterの文字装飾を取り除く JS - Togetterのまとめでツイート本文に適用されている文字装飾を取り除きます。
画面上のツイートをテキストでコピー JS - ツイートのユーザー名、本文、statusidを一行にまとめてコピーするやつ
PSO2攻略Wiki コメントページ詳細 JS - コメントページにコメント数や流速を表示します
Transifexで原文と訳文をまとめてコピーするやつ JS - URL、原文、訳文をテキスト形式でコピーする
PukiWiki Plus!の検索でハイライト部分の一覧を作る JS - 検索結果から表示した記事でキーワードがハイライトされるので、それの一覧を先頭につけます
アマゾンポチと入れさせないやつ JS - 「#アマゾンポチ と入れて@返信でカートに追加・後で買う」「@amazonJPさんから」を消す
Wikipediaで他言語版のリンクをh1の隣に持ってくる JS - Add link for InterWikis into h1 tag
PSO2攻略Wiki 検索結果のコメント系を折りたたむ JS - 折りたためるようにします。
Lumiz Macro V3 JS - Pulsa X Para 16 Espacios
Acfun_plus_min JS - 为acfun提供便捷举报和推送列表下拉功能
hls.user.js JS - m3u8 playback using HTML5 video and MediaSource Extensions (CORS Required!)
JIRA Count My Points JS - Counting the story points I have delivered.
hover for link JS - try to take over the world!
Replace "viewed" with "download" button JS - Add download button to new lostfilm.tv interface
Respawn All Black list JS - Permet de blacklister tous les gens d'un topic
Wookieepedia Default to Legacy JS - Default to Legacy instead of Disney Canon.
RawGit Button for Github.com JS - add a RawGit button for Github.com
AppVeyor Console Timestamp JS - Displays line timestamps in the job console
ore presenze JS - ore presenze per Gerip
LOR spoiler JS - Add spoiler functionality
SEDAR Captcha Solver JS - Automatically solves the Captcha when you want to open a document
Disable video autoplay in messenger JS - To play the video just click the play button in the bottom controls bar :)
Скрипт для удобства чтения комментариев на сайте oper.ru. JS - Фильтрует комментарии по имени комментатора. Под новостью добавляет список участников. При клике по нику, срабатывает фильтр.
Cda Speed Slider JS - Cda.pl Speed Slider
Cubemania - Auto Select Inspection JS - auto checks the 15 second inspection checkbox on the cubemania timer
Hide ad at top JS - Hide the damn ad at the top of slashdot that gets in the way of articles
SoundCloud hide reposts JS - Only see new songs in your SoundCloud stream
allrecipes print version JS - Skips to the print version of any recipe on allrecipes.com
Clicking Bad Auto-Clicker JS - Automagically presses buy/sell buttons on clicking bad!
Macro E Alis.io JS - Macro Alis.io by Kai
APOLLO & PTH Autofill from torrent JS - Attempt to read the .torrent file and fill in the artist and album
APOLLO :: Collage Building Helper JS - Make it easier to build your collage.
fb-right-sidebar-hider JS - Removes the right sidebar from Facebook
百度网盘自定义文件分享密码 JS - 百度网盘分享文件时弹出窗口自定义文件分享密码
Roll20 Character Switcher JS - Switches the chatting character to the one whose sheet or macro you clicked on
zelda cursor sound JS - plays a zelda chime when you type.
Fast W-1m/s by PutinWarp JS - Alis.io hack by PutinWarp
WME BeenThere JS - This lets you drop boxes around the map to help visualize where you have been editing
teblefixer JS - fdbsaazbv
Vocabulary for Wanikani JS - Adds vocabulary to the wanikani dashboard
Highligth visited episodes on animeid.io JS - Highligth visited (red) episodes on animeid.io
Remove death msgs JS - Removes Death Messages, etc. to reduce lag
Macro By ManiiKz For AD JS - try to take over the world!By ManiiKz
AD Clan Macro Alis JS - Macro Alis.io by ManiiKz
Cytatonaprawiacz JS - Chciałbym być marynarzem, chciałbym pamiętać komentarze