顯示所有語言的結果。只顯示 繁體中文 的結果。
Stylus Fluent (Updated) CSS - Stylus in Fluent style (like Windows 11)
ChatGPT实时渲染(MaynorAI) CSS - 为ChatGPT添加代码实时预览功能,支持多种编程语言的实时渲染,提供类似Claude的代码预览体验
wahoofitness.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark mode theme for Wahoo
visualstudio.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark mode theme for Visual Studio
steamtradematcher.com - Dark Mode CSS - Darker mode for Steam Trade Matcher
iCloud customizations CSS - Customizations for iCloud website.
kom.club - Dark Mode CSS - Dark mode for KOM.club website
zwifthub.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark mode for Zwift Hub
fitfiletools.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark theme for fit file tools
mywindsock.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark mode for MyWindSock
veloviewer.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark theme for VeloViewer
findthatride.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark theme for FindThatRide.com
findthatride.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark theme for FindThatRide.com
stepsecurity.io - Dark Mode CSS - Dark theme for StepSecurity
zwiftinsider.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark Theme for ZwiftInsider
Aozora Playlists for V3 and StarTube CSS - A new userstyle
YT Boost聊天室 CSS - Boost Chat專用版面調整
fitfileviewer.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark theme for FitFileViewer.com
OldSchool Runescape HiScores - Black Mode CSS - Minimal Black mode for OSRS HiScores
SteamDB - Black Mode [Customizable] CSS - Dark mode for SteamDB
zwiftalizer.com - Darker Mode [Customizable] CSS - Darker mode for Zwiftalizer - Set theme on site to dark
stattracker.x10host.com - Dark Mode [Customizable] CSS - Dark Theme for Strava Stat Tracker
power-meter.cc - Dark Mode CSS - Dark theme for Power-Meter.cc
zwifthacks.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark mode for ZwiftHacks.com
garminbadges.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark mode for GarminBadges
favero.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark mode for Favero.com
Stylus Dark Theme [Fixed 11-24-25] CSS - A dark theme for Stylish. It also includes a code section for recoloring the default syntax highlighting theme. [Fixed 11-24-25]
userscript.zone - Dark Mode CSS - Dark theme for UserScript.zone
设备模拟器 CSS - 一个用于模拟设备UA和屏幕参数的工具,支持预设设备和自定义参数
tampermonkey.net - Dark Mode CSS - Dark mode theme for Tampermonkey
Five Server - Preview Dark Theme CSS - Dark theme for Five Server preview that excludes .html files
runalyze.com - Dark Theme CSS - Dark theme for Runalyze
crystalmathlabs.com - Black Mode CSS - CrystalMathLabs Black mode theme
智慧职教+ 课件下载 CSS - 智慧职教教师版课件下载
garminrumors.com - Dark Theme CSS - Dark theme for Garmin Rumours
Style Editor [Chrome] - Dark Theme [Updated][Customizable] CSS - A dark theme for the Stylish style editor chrome extension. It also includes a code section for recoloring the default syntax highlighting theme.
YouTube - Custom Video Progress Bar Colors [Updated] CSS - Custom Video Progress Bar Colors [Updated] by Nick2bad4u - 2024
YouTube Rainbow Progress Bar [Updated] CSS - YouTube Rainbow Progress Bar [Updated] by Nick2bad4u - 2024
Youtube Vibra for New YouTube [Updated DRM Free] CSS - YT Vibra - Backup
氩洛谷改版 CSS - 添加了对于专栏和讨论区的更改
ニコニコ動画 動画説明文をプレーヤーの上へ移動する CSS - 動画説明文をプレーヤーの上へ移動する
weather.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark Mode for Weather.com
dcrainmaker.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark mode for DC RainMaker
cssgradient.io - Dark Mode CSS - Dark theme for CSSGradient.io
Cici responsive + customizations CSS - Cici website is more suitable for wide screens.
Mistral responsive + customizations CSS - Mistral website is more suitable for wide screens.
squadrats.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark Theme for Squad Rats
wandrer.earth - Dark Mode CSS - Dark Mode for Wandrer
statshunters.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark Mode for Strava StatsHunters
myworkoutcompanion.net - Dark Mode [Customizable] CSS - Dark theme for MyWorkoutCompanion
papertrails.io - Dark Mode CSS - Dark theme for PaperTrails.io
Power Platform Community - Reverse Reply Order ( oldest first ) CSS - This reverses the reply order for the replies to a question and pushes any answers on the screen to the top
Uptime Robot Status Page - Dark Mode CSS - Dark mode for Stats.uptimerobot.com pages
wiki.teamfortress.com - Dark Mode [Customizable] CSS - Dark Theme for Team Fortress Wiki
Scrap.TF Black Theme [Updated] CSS - Black theme for Scrap.TF
Fix YouTube Chat Emoji Button Position CSS - A new userstyle
p337.info TF2 View and Skins - Dark Mode CSS - Dark mode for TF2 View on P337.info
cssportal.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark theme for CSS Portal
Chinese Font 中文字體 CSS - 中文黑體字型
cfg.tf - Dark Mode [Customizable] CSS - Dark theme for CFG TF
bicycling.com - Dark Mode CSS - Description
pathfinder.w3schools.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark mode for W3Schools PathFinder since most Styles dont support it
UserStyles.world Dark by BamaBraves [Updated] CSS - BamaBraves style theme for Userstyle World
TamperMonkey Extension - Dark Green Mode CSS - Dark Green mode theme for Tampermonkey Extension
Slickdeals Cleaner NG CSS - Removes ADs, promotional junk, and any sponsored or featured sections.
webhint.io - Dark Theme [Customizable] CSS - Dark theme for WebHint.io
prompthero.com - Dark Mode CSS - Dark theme for Prompt Hero
osrsworldheatmap.com - Dark Theme CSS - Dark theme for OSRS World HeatMap
kiwifarms - Halloween Theme [Customizable] CSS - Spooky Halloween theme for the forum
benjdd.com - Dark Mode [Customizable] CSS - Customizable Dark Mode for Benjdd.com
Coveo AI Answer Removal CSS - Removes annoying AI crap.
Hacker News Comment Indentation Colours CSS - Adds an edge next to comments, in differing colours depending on the comment depth
GitIngest Dark Mode (GitHub Dark Inspired) CSS - Applies a GitHub dark mode–like theme to GitIngest.
kiwifarms - Black Theme [Customizable] CSS - A dark theme for KiwiFarms
Reddit Colored Comments [Updated for RES Users] CSS - Customizable Colored Comments for Reddit. [Updated for RES Users 2025]
itch user page grid CSS - A new userstyle
MB: make some headers sticky on edit release relationships CSS - maybe useful for messing with multi-disc release
Hacker News Colorful Indent CSS - Add minimal design of indent to Hacker News to make it more readable. Fork from https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/524059-hacker-news-comment-indentation-colours/code
Hianime sticky header CSS - makes hianime header fixed at the top
skial.com [Customizable] CSS - Cutomizable theme for skial.com
Seltani Dark Theme CSS - A simple dark theme for Seltani
itch.io small user tools CSS - Prevents itch.io game page user tools from covering page content on large screens
Microsoft Copilot responsive + customizations CSS - Microsoft Copilot website is more suitable for wide screens.
Global light style - changes everything to LIGHT CSS - Converts all websites to a light theme.
Dark Mode for DeepSeek [Customizable] CSS - Apply dark mode to the DeepSeek website
UserStyles.world – Wide Compact [Ath] CSS - Wide compact layout for UserStyles.world with extras. Supports all pages. Many configurable options: page width, form column width, fixed toolbar, fonts etc.
FurAffinity.net - Tweaks [Ath] CSS - FurAffinity.net: various usability tweaks.
Kinorium.com – Enhanced [Ath] CSS - Kinorium.com: various usability enhancements.
UserScript.zone – Dark Redesign [Ath] CSS - Complete redesign of UserScript.zone in dark colors. Aims to display all contents on a single screen at reslutions 1920×1080+. Configurable block size.
MultiTran.com – Dark Clean [Ath] CSS - Dark theme for MultiTran.com (dictionary and forum). Includes several tweaks to layout and a few options for font and background.
Meduza.io – Dark [Ath] CSS - Dark theme for Meduza.io (Медуза.io). Supports all types of articles.
TheOnion.com – Dark [Ath] CSS - Dark theme for TheOnion.com.
KinoPoisk.ru – Dark Enhancement [Ath] CSS - Dark color scheme for KinoPoisk.ru/КиноПоиск.ру (both classic and modern parts), with minor enhancements.
AEScripts.com – Wide Dark Enhancement [Ath] CSS - Dark theme for AEScripts.com with enhancements: expanded product info, combined tabs, wide page layout for product lists etc. Configurable with options.
NYTimes.com – Dark Paywall Bypass [Ath] CSS - Dark theme for New York Times (NYTimes.com). Includes paywall bypass and font configuration. No more unreadable text.
Fandom.com – Clean Enhanced Nav [Ath] CSS - Redesigns Wikia.com/Fandom.com and moves community menu to the left side. Removes all panels you don't need. Configurable hiding of panels, menu depth and page size. Unique feature: doesn't break website when logged in.
Mults.info – Dark [Ath] CSS - Dark theme for Mults.info (Мультики). Configurable page width and thumbnail size.
NpmJS.com – Dark [Ath] CSS - Dark theme for NPM (NpmJS.com). Includes styling of documentation.
Windy.com - Dark Mode [Customizable] CSS - Dark theme for Windy.com with customizable colors