顯示所有語言的結果。只顯示 繁體中文 的結果。
Twitter/Reddit embed fixes CSS - Removes the trash from the Twitter & Reddit embeds
FilterBlade shrinkUI CSS - Compact FilterBlade UI intended for computer screens
PoeStack compact UI CSS - Compact PoeStack UI intended for computer screens
No Indeterminate-bar in YouTube Live Chat CSS - A new userstyle
语雀目录等宽字体 CSS - 强制语雀左侧目录使用等宽字体, 便于对齐
仰晨-抖音样式削减计划 CSS - 按自己想法改造b- 始于2022/10/19 13:31:30
X/Twitter Card Title Repair CSS - About headings of Twitter cards with large image, displays titles as before.
Stumblechat chat compact CSS - Makes the messages only use 1 line.
YouTube - Force 4-row thumbnails on home feed + Both tweaks CSS - This style forces the 4-row thumbnails on homepage feed (this also includes both compact thumbnails on subscriptions feed and disabling gigantic search result thumbnails).
YouTube Always Show Progress Bar - CSS Method CSS - Shows YouTube progress bar at all times, formatted for theater mode, via lightweight CSS.
Stumblechat Zoom skin CSS - Most parts can be disabled.
微博优化 weibo.com CSS - 微博首页去除热搜榜,去除多余内容,调整宽度等。
AWBW: Color-Blinded-Friendly Status Icon CSS - Make respective status icon unique shape that looks just like discord
Anime News Network - Reimagined CSS - A more modern layout for Anime News Network. Its main goal is to make readability easier.
Discord Amoled Theme CSS - https://greasyfork.org/es/scripts/486252-discord-custom-styling
Netflix字幕自定義 CSS - 自行設定字幕字體外框租細顏色Set Netflix subtitle font shadow
Proton Mail Carbon Editor Theme + customizations CSS - Carbon theme in Proton Mail is beautiful but not complete, so i fix this.
YT字幕自定義 CSS - YouTube Subtitles font modify
Koombea OpenAir styles CSS - Add Koombea's compatible custom styles to OpenAir website
HoYoLAB responsive CSS - HoYoLAB website is more suitable for wide screens
126邮箱深色模式 CSS - 针对网易126邮箱(mail.126.com)的深色模式的样式表,使用 prefers-color-scheme ,跟随浏览器主题进行深色/浅色模式自动切换。
Hydro/vijos美化 CSS - 给开源Vijos(vj4)和Hydro(vj5)等OJ圆角并改了个背景
снежинки CSS - Обозначает эффект снежинок с зимнего квеста
Ultimate ScrollBar CSS - Customizable scrollbar for Chromium based browsers (Chrome/Edge/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi), with minimal Firefox support
YouTube - Gigantic Search Result Thumbnails Fix CSS - This style reverts back to the normal search result thumbnails since they have first experimented back in July 2022.
氩洛谷 - 洛谷 Argon Design - 适配洛谷新前端 Spilopelia CSS - 深度美化洛谷,使洛谷界面 Argon Design 化 (适配洛谷新前端 Spilopelia)
YouTube Watch Resize Fix for Older Browsers CSS - This style fixes the watch resize bug on older browsers.
cc98.org responsive CSS - Responsive design for cc98.org
swgalaxymap.com maximized map CSS - Maximize map over entire window (100% width and 100% height)
YouTube - Force consistent video size (revert to pre-flexy) CSS - This style forces to use the pre-flexy video size before it first came out in 2018.
uso - openuserjs.org Dark Edition CSS - A dark style for openuserjs.org
anime1.me隱藏控制列 CSS - anime1.me隱藏控制列,移入才顯示
巴哈創作按讚左移 CSS - 巴哈創作按讚占用整列很煩,返回最下方
2014 Cosmic Panda Player CSS - Recreates the cosmic panda player for 2014 player.
女生自用Github 美化 CSS - 美化github
nga dark clean mode CSS - dark clean mode for bbs.nga.com
Google 2014 Signin Page CSS - For signin v3 experiment, a small portion of the "larger 2014 theme"
1500chan X theme CSS - 1500chan.org X theme
youtube disable round CSS - youtubeの丸角を四角に戻します
Video Downloader Interface CSS - A simple interface for downloading videos from the web.
方便S1爬楼 CSS - 缩短帖子高度
知乎手机阅读1 CSS - 知乎手机阅读68
latexlive候选符号放大 CSS - 将常用符号和希腊字母候选列表放大
Dark Theme for Kadokawa Taiwan CSS - A tailor-made dark theme for Kadokawa Taiwan.
Kobo: Hide Non-whitelisted Billing Address Countries CSS - Hide non-whitelisted countries on billing address’ country selection.
StreamElements store - hide sold out CSS - Removes sold out items from StreamElements stores
调整归属地样式间距 5px CSS - 调整评论区ip和时间的间距
Stylus: Fix Message Boxes Width CSS - Fixes message boxes’ width on mobile.
PSXHAX Hide Annoying pop up CSS - Hiding annoying pop-up 'Please allow ads on our site' on PSXHAX
优化系统显示效果 CSS - Akso style
Tiktok for discord users CSS - Removes all the bloat and most of the tiktok interface
2015 TO 2017 STEAM CSS - original theme is by userstyles.world/user/ItsJustAPlayerV5 works perfectly with https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/496492-steam-favicon
ChatGPT responsive + customizations CSS - ChatGPT website is more suitable for wide screens.
Animation Digital Network (ADN) responsive CSS - Animation Digital Network (ADN) prend maintenant toute la largeur de la page.
AlternativeTo responsive + customizations CSS - AlternativeTo website is more suitable for wide screens.
Alsacréations Forum responsive CSS - Le forum d'Alsacréations prend maintenant toute la largeur de la page.
Crunchyroll responsive CSS - Crunchyroll website is more suitable for wide screens.
Crush responsive + customizations CSS - Crush website is more suitable for wide screens.
OQEE.tv responsive + personnalisations CSS - Le site web OQEE est mieux adapté aux écrans larges.
HuggingChat responsive CSS - HuggingChat website is more suitable for wide screens.
IGN Wikis responsive CSS - IGN's Wikis pages are more suitable for wide screens.
Instagram dark and responsive CSS - Instagram website is more suitable for wide screens and for our eyes.
JVC responsive + personnalisations CSS - Le site JVC est mieux adapté aux écrans larges.
Paradot responsive + customizations CSS - Paradot website is more suitable for wide screens.
Patreon responsive + customizations CSS - Patreon website is more suitable for wide screens.
Pi responsive CSS - Pi website is more suitable for wide screens.
Quora responsive CSS - Quora website is more suitable for wide screens.
Reddit responsive + customizations CSS - Reddit website is more suitable for wide screens.
Secret Llama responsive + customisations CSS - Secret Llama website is more suitable for wide screens.
Startpage responsive CSS - Startpage website is more suitable for wide screens.
SuperSoluce responsive CSS - Le site SuperSoluce est mieux adapté aux écrans larges.
TrueAchievements responsive + customizations CSS - TrueAchievements website is more suitable for wide screens.
TrueSteamAchievements responsive + customizations CSS - TrueSteamAchievements website is more suitable for wide screens.
TrueTrophies responsive + customizations CSS - TrueTrophies website is more suitable for wide screens.
tumblr dashboard responsive CSS - tumblr dashboard website is more suitable for wide screens.
X (twitter) responsive + customizations CSS - X (twitter) website is more suitable for wide screens.
YourHana responsive + customizations CSS - YourHana website is more suitable for wide screens.
Claude responsive + customizations CSS - Claude website is more suitable for wide screens.
Farmerama - Multi CSS - Big game container
DuckDuckGo AI Chat responsive + customizations CSS - DuckDuckGo AI Chat page is more suitable for wide screens.
NordNet CSS - A Nord themed style for nexus mods, a lot of tweaks, including one for easy access search filter. This is the first version, not all pages and sections have been modified yet, but the mostly used are. Hope you like it, and recommend any changes.
DiscordNitroIcons CSS - Unlock Discord Nitro-exclusive in-app icons.
etools.ch Modern Theme CSS - A modern theme for etools.ch
Mastodon responsive + customizations CSS - Mastodon website is more suitable for wide screens.
2012-2014 ESQUE PlanetMinecraft CSS - This userstyle restores the 2012-2014 PlanetMinecraft
YT聊天室影片背景圖 CSS - 配合腳本Tabview,自用隨便改改,很多css元素找不到放棄
OnlyFans responsive + customizations CSS - OnlyFans website is more suitable for wide screens.
ManyVids responsive + customizations CSS - ManyVids website is more suitable for wide screens.
Trakt VIP Adblocker CSS - Removes VIP ads from Trakt
jpdb.io KanjiStrokeOrders Vocabulary CSS - Use KanjiStrokeOrders font on Vocabulary page
GNU Pascal Cringe Removal CSS - Removes ocular assault from the GNU Pascal website.
YouTube Theater Mode Zoom In CSS - YouTube Theatre Mode will take up the full height of the screen.
ハーメルン マウスオーバーで特殊タグを解除 CSS - ハーメルンの特殊タグ等をマウスオーバーした時だけ解除する。対応しているのは「ぼかし」「文字色変更(透明文字)」「フォント変更」
Late 2016 for V3 + StarTube CSS - Makes 2016 StarTube more faithful to late 2016.
洛谷隐藏广告 CSS - 你觉得呢
3DMM.com Noir CSS - Updated version of the 3DMM.com Dark Theme.
zattoo easily hide non-free channels CSS - easily hide non-free channels from the channel list
joyn easily hide non-free/vod channels CSS - easily hide non-free/vod channels from the channel list
AO3 Yet Another Dracula (UI) CSS - Dracula theme for Archive Of Our Own