顯示所有語言的結果。只顯示 繁體中文 的結果。
palemoon disable fullscreen toolbar CSS - works with stylem addon
Last.fm Faded CSS - Custom Last.fm theme
全局页面样式美化 CSS - 指向文字加粗, 滚动条, 指向图片发光, 输入框美化, 去除下划线。
百度网页优化去广告-Moe背景/自定义图片 CSS - 建议使用stylus插件加载css,虽然油猴也行。已适配手机端
B站网页优化去广告-Moe背景/自定义图片 CSS - 萌绘moehui也有优化。建议使用stylus插件加载css,虽然油猴也行。
Moe背景/自定义图片+网页优化去广告(已优化:哔哩哔哩bilibili/谷歌搜索google/百度搜索页baidu/...~yui) CSS - 使用Chrome以及stylus插件获得完整体验
B站头图更换(动图) CSS - 可以自行换图,默认智乃厨XD
Plex Custom Background CSS - Custom background image for Plex Web
阿里云盘网页优化- 进度条隐藏 / 播放窗口防遮挡 / 去广告 CSS - 视频进度条隐藏(移动鼠标再启用),视频音频播放控制窗口防遮挡,去广告
Minecraft Style for JDN CSS - Adds the Minecraft ui for JDN!
Subtitle Optimization for bilibili CSS - Optimize the subtitles in bilibili.com
Facebook (Blackout) by JZersche CSS - Converts Facebook CSS Style to a black and white color scheme.
Facebook (Mobile Blackout) by JZersche CSS - Converts Mobile Facebook CSS Style to a black and white color scheme.
Rainbow Waterfall.Social CSS - Create a custom theme for Waterfall.social. Also features some minor changes such as sticky navigation.
Patreon - Hide Comments CSS - Hides the comments on Patreon creator posts. Designed to alleviate stress.
Crunchyroll + VRV - Hide Comments CSS - Hides the comments on Crunchyroll and VRV shows. Avoid the temptation to look and inevitably stress out!
YouTube - Hide Video Comments CSS - YouTube comments only exist to cause stress, so get rid of them.
手机百度展开css加强版 - 屏蔽百家号各种浮窗 CSS - 直接复制或下载到stylus插件中,自动展开全文,避免跳转百度app,净化百家号浮窗
Pinboard Dark CSS - Dark theme for Pinboard with some other QOL tweaks
Boreal - Discord theme CSS - Enjoy Discord over a calm peaceful lake under the northern lights.
Reddit - Big Card View CSS - Makes the card view on Reddit bigger
Plex Dark Small Static Control Bar CSS - Keeps a small control bar always on screen during playback, dark color
Google Translate: Dark Theme CSS - Dark theme for google translate.
Bilibili 分P多行显示优化 CSS - 分P标题:换行显示
Just Dance Now Redrawn CSS - A redrawn from the original just dance now
Streaming - Tolbek + Clones Widescreen (USw) v.90 CSS - Pour les variantes du site TOBLEK-like (Streaming): Utilisez toute la taille des fenêtres pour moins de défilement
Melvor Wiki Dark Theme CSS - A quick and dirty dark theme for the Melvor Idle wiki
Just Dance Now Custom Avatar CSS - Add custom avatars for just dance now!
Reddit Preview Button Fix CSS - Some custom CSS on old.reddit.com causes the expand button to glitch out (where there's supposed to be a button, there's a gibberish image instead). This style fixes this by replacing the buttons with new button images from the Silk icon set. (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Silk_icons)
Twitter.com: image alt presence revealer CSS - Gives slight visual clue on elements that (don't) lack accessible descriptions.
Streamline Newsroom NZ CSS - Removes repeated sections and vertical whitespace from Newsroom.co.nz website.
Fandom Remove Background Colour CSS - Fixes background to make it compatible with Dark Background and Light Text browser extension.
MAL-Character Renders in the Side + Custom Scrollbar CSS - Easily Customizable Character Renders and Custom Scrollbar for MyAnimeList
AlloCine - ByPass v.1.1 - UserCSS (userstyle) CSS - AlloCiné sans Nag Screen
Scryfall Darkmode CSS - Black background for Scryfall.
UserStyles.World (USw) - WideScreen v.61 CSS - Compact userstyle for a widescreen
Youtube MiniView CSS - Resize the window to a minimum view to listen the music
Viu.com Subtitle Caption Stylish CSS - This is to replace the subtitle / caption style using in Viu.com
Google 2009 layout CSS - Adds back 2009 Google search and results.
skribbl.io lag fix CSS - Fixes lag by hiding old messages. Can be customized.
Instagram widescreen CSS - Makes Instagram use its space better by filling the screen on home and profile pages using a grid layout.
forums.dolphin-emu.org compacter post layout CSS - Post information is to the left, "unused" features invisible by default
Fandom.com --- Cleaner Wikis CSS - Removes all of the non-wiki parts of fandom.com wikis, reduces the footprint of the search overlay, and forces the search overlay to use wiki-theme colors. Based on "Fandom - Remove Garbage" by jurassicplayer.
Discord 2009 youtube player CSS - 2009 youtube player but its on discords built in video player (not youtube embed).
按钮样式 CSS - 设置按钮样式
滚动条美化 CSS - 美化滚动条
YouTube classic Seek UI CSS - Replicates the Seek UI from 2016-2021.
Discord 2009 youtube player alt CSS - Yeah I made another one
ヨシケイの注文画面を横6列にする CSS - 横6列にして1週間毎に見えるようにする
YouTube - Bring back colored thumbs up and down buttons and like bar CSS - White/grayscale and stroke-only transparent buttons suck.
bilibili-highlight-cate-tags CSS - Hightlight bilibili tags which is a category.
cppreference 中文样式调整 CSS - 修改cppreference中文站布局,使其更易阅读
Mozilla Addon Widescreen NEW design (USw)v.147 CSS - Mozilla Addon wide, compact and reorganized
ThemeDC - ♥Nivéole♥ CSS - ThemeDC créé juste pour ♥Nivéole♥
YouTube - Show Buttons On Hover When Paused CSS - Hide buttons when the video is paused and show them again when hovered
YouTube Player Buttons Remover CSS - Choose which buttons you want to remove from the YouTube Player
Fanfiction.net Dark Theme CSS - A comprehensive dark theme for fanfiction.net
YouTube Square CSS - Changes rounded avatars, videos and images to square on YouTube
Luxury Figma CSS - Recolors Figma's surrounding UI to a luxurious gold.
Just Dance Now Modern CSS - An rebranded Just Dance Now Style
Youtube 2010-2011 HTML5 video player CSS - Makes youtube player look like it did in 2010
compact google classroom CSS - google classroom but its actually usable on 720p screens
ZyBooks Dark Mode CSS - Adds a dark mode to ZyBooks
Quora.com Without Limit v.5 CSS - Bypass the need to login to use Quora.com
Roblox 2008-2011 theme CSS - Makes ROBLOX.com look like it did in the golden years
Gallery Expander CSS - ICQ,Telegram Gallery Expander
Chess.com Custom Pieces - Fire Emblem Heroes CSS - FEH themed chess pieces.
GitHub Red Issues CSS - Turns the issue color of closed issues from purple back to red - back reddish color icon for closed github issues.
Frostclear for TweetDeck CSS - TweetDeck Theme
SSC image fix CSS - Fix whitespace for downscaled images.
Youtube Logo Changer CSS - change youtube's logo with added controls
[Main] Google Docs Dark Mode CSS - Google Docs Dark Mode - Main
[Paper] Google Docs Dark Mode CSS - Google Docs Dark Mode - Paper
CleanTranslate CSS - Simplifies multiple translation websites.
ImageHider CSS - Hides any images in various ways.
TYPO3Dark CSS - Fixes for TYPO3 dashboards when using Dark Reader.
Just Dance Nowastic (Beta Unfinished) CSS - Who Loves Just Dance Old Gens?
SystemReqs LEGACY CSS - Restores original GameSystemRequirements.com design.
roblox 2012 and 2013 header CSS - Roblox header from 2012-2013
Greasy Fork Dark Theme(User Style) CSS - changes greasy/sleazy fork theme to dark
Another One Universal Dark Theme(User Style) CSS - changes all web-site theme to dark
Amazing Luogu DEV CSS - Luogu CSS
Element Outline CSS - creates outline for all elements.
Wide JIRA CSS - Widen your create issue box in JIRA
Streaming - DuckDuckGo - Streaming Helper (USw) (Organic) v.51 CSS - Pour ne pas perdre du temps avec des sites de streaming qui ne marche pas (Vert: c'est Bon / Zébré: c'est Bof, Bof / Rouge: Méfiance...)
隱藏油管影片結尾的推薦 CSS - 隱藏油管影片結尾遮擋畫面的相關推薦圖片
ESC Nation Facelift (Light) CSS - `A more modern take on the ESC Nation message board, voting assistant and some other pages on the website.`
ESC Nation Facelift (Dark) CSS - `A more modern take on the ESC Nation message board, voting assistant and some other pages on the website. Now also in dark colors.`
Tumblr Old Post Footers CSS - A Tumblr userstyle that undoes the early 2022 post footer justified widths and restores the right aligned post interaction buttons and left aligned notes count on the same line.
Video Tweaker CSS - adds bunch of settings to a video
学术洛谷 CSS - 洛谷学术模式
全局鸿蒙黑体 CSS - 一款使用华为品牌字体替换网页原有字体的用户样式表,为你呈现更统一美观的页面风格。
Baidu Search Multi Column CSS - Persnal Style For baidu.com
Startpage Cyberpunk Neon CSS - Cyberpunk Neon theme for Startpage
Global Ads and Cookie Banner Remover CSS - removes ads and cookies banners.
Better Icons for Invidious CSS - using css icon alternatives instead of font variant.
bilibili忽略各种中配版 CSS - 简化番剧时间表
DarkBash CSS - A dark theme for various Bash sites.
Custom5iler CSS - Adds several customization options to 5iler.