顯示所有語言的結果。只顯示 繁體中文 的結果。
Complete Google Search Font Fix CSS - Return google's font size to what it was prior to the font and line spacing changes
FogbugzDarkMode CSS - Change most elements in FogBugz to a dark visual style
Gmx - webmails - restore blue buttons bar CSS - Restore the blue theme of the buttons bar
TFGamesSite "DarkBevel" CSS - Dark theme for TFGames.Site forums
Google Search Tools to Sidebar CSS - Always expands the search tool and moves it back to the left side (legacy feature).
萌娘百科 CSS - A new userstyle
ピクトセンス 七六八 CSS - 『ピクトセンス』において、表示領域の高さが小さい場合でも、必要な情報が表示領域内に入るようにします。
niconico Video Search Result Borders CSS - Adds borders to each video in the search result page as a throwback design.
Twitch Restore Font CSS - Restores original font for twitch.tv
20020 - Satellite readability CSS - Improves readability of Ten, Nine, and Juice's dialogue in SBNation's 20020
SteamGifts Kinda Dark Theme CSS - Dark theme for steamgifts.com
Google Classroom | Display full assignment name CSS - Snippet
pixiv Comments Section Space Saving CSS - Reduces margins and adds horizontal lines to reflect previous layout.
Promos Begone CSS - Considerably reduces the number of ads.
Yahoo New Mail - Simply Dark and Gray (USw) v.72 CSS - For Yahoo New Mail (2025)
Mastodon | Custom Theme Color CSS - Change the default blue to any color you like!
[Youtube] 去他妈的评论区 CSS - 移除网页版Youtube的评论区
Another Dark Habitica Style CSS - A low-contrast dark mode user style for Habitica. Goes one step further than many other Habitica dark modes and even goes so far as to dim images as well.
Twitter Zoom Cursor CSS - Distinguish between images and links on Twitter
Helix's Habitica Dark CSS - This is a theme for Habitica that changes the UI to something more comfortable to the eye, especially at night. I have tried to stick to the official colours of Habitica where possible. Tested on Chrome, should work on Firefox and Edge. This is a personal project and will be updated as such.
Google Hangouts tweaks CSS - Hides background images at hangouts.google.com and reorganizes chat bubbles. Works in Gmail.
Twitch | Theater transparent chat ( Customizable! ) CSS - Make Twitch's chat transparent in theater mode! (Transparency, Blur, Opacity, Height, Etc.)
Rounded Square Label Badges for New Gmail CSS - Display labels as 'badges' in the message list
Gmail Quick Links Extension Mods for new Gmail CSS - Adjusts the quick links extension to fit within Gmail's visual look
Misc Layout Tweaks for Gmail CSS - Assorted layout tweaks for Gmail
Show Silhouette Valion CSS - Version alternative du show Silhouette
ShowSilhouette - By Isilin CSS - Version originale de ShowSilhouette, adaptée pour Dreadcast 4.7.
DH3 Compact CSS - The compact look for DH3
Duolingo Dark Mode CSS - Dark theme for duolingo.com
weibo-dark CSS - 为新版新浪微博页面增加深色模式
Soundcloud Pitch Black CSS - Dark userstyle / nightmode for Soundcloud.
Pin Comments Form to window CSS - Pin the Fimfiction comments form to the bottom of the window
AniList High-Contrast Dark-Theme CSS - Adjusts the dark-theme to have higher contrast and some other tweaks.
mozz.us Gemini portal - solarized light CSS - A theme based on Ethan Schoonover's Solarized colorscheme.
mozz.us Gemini portal - solarized dark CSS - A theme based on Ethan Schoonover's Solarized colorscheme.
Dark Habitica Wiki CSS - A userstyle that turns the Habitica Wiki and Editor dark.
Discord | Fullscreen Inbox CSS - Fullscreen Inbox for Discord
Dark Tiktok | CSS CSS - Dark css for tiktok desktop version.
readmanganato (former manganelo) - continous reading CSS - Style for readmanganato (former manganelo) that removes margins between pages, makes reading continous.
SSC Cardboard Gray CSS - SkyscraperCity Cardboard theme light gray update
VirtualCast Header Improvement CSS - Reduces the page header height and unfixed.
OHCM-colorizer CSS - Colorizes Oracle HCM Cloud environments (oraclecloud.com). dev1, dev2, dev3, test and prod all get different colors so you know in a heartbeat where you are and don't mess up.
Twitter for Mastodon CSS - Makes Mastodon look like Twitter.
Hacker News - Antisocial CSS - Remove social features such as upvotes and comment links from the main page of Hacker News
Google - Hide user reviews CSS - Hide user reviews on Google.com search results
NewsBlur - Stop yelling CSS - Change ALLCAPS text on NewsBlur into something more reasonable
Don't Be A Hu CSS - Improve Zhihu UI
AniList Darker CSS - Dark theme with red accent for AniList.
Dark TriBot CSS - Dark theme for tribot.org
ABEMA 見逃し視聴、ビデオ ワイド表示を拡大 CSS - 見逃し視聴、ビデオのワイド表示時のプレイヤー部分を拡大 テスト 弊害あり
YouTube Music acrylic CSS - Acrylic styling for YouTube Music using backdrop-filter blur.
youtube.com - remove suggested videos from endscreen CSS - Style for youtube.com that removes suggested videos section appearing after video has ended.
Google - Multi-Columns Dark and Gray v.48.90 (final) CSS - Google Search Less scrolling with a multi columns interface
Userstyles / Greasy Fork Enhancer Dark-Grey v.248 CSS - Custom Widescreen CSS theme for and
YouTube Dark Search Suggestions Box CSS - Makes YouTubes search suggestions box also dark when in dark mode
wiki.SuperFamicom.org Dark CSS - Dark mode for wiki.superfamicom.org
Mastodon full-width columns CSS - Makes the columns in Mastodon instances take up all the space.
YouTube Simple Cinema Mode CSS - While video is playing the page will turn dark automatically, giving focus to the video.
全局思源黑体 CSS - 一款使用 Adobe 品牌字体替换网页原有字体的用户样式表,为你呈现更统一美观的页面风格。
全局微软雅黑 CSS - 一款使用微软品牌字体替换网页原有字体的用户样式表,为你呈现更统一美观的页面风格。
💡 关灯,人人影视! CSS - 一款适用于 YYeTs 人人影视网站的深色主题用户样式表。
sqwok.im hydar's dark theme CSS - A simple theme to give a dark look to sqwok while keeping the original design language. Currently still work in progress.
baelish_pro_theme CSS - 泛采系统专业版主题
Return WATCHED badge on Youtube (with custom text) CSS - Bring back the WATCHED overlay to the videos you have already watched on youtube.
YouTube - Return old logo + embed logo CSS - Returns the nicer old youtube logo on the website and embedded videos.
Wide new reddit | Userstyle CSS - Wide view for new reddit. Now with card view!
Geekhack Nord Dark CSS - Nord dark theme for geekhack.org
Tiktok right-click CSS - Enables right click on tiktok videos
Frogtube - Player Size like Cosmic Panda CSS - `Changes the maximzed state of the Frogtube player to 720p like in Cosmic Panda.`
FrogTube - hide dotted border on player CSS - `Remove dotted outline around player controls.`
Uniwa eClass Dark-blue CSS - Dark-blue for Uniwa eClass
Idlescape CCS CSS - Various CSS fixes for Idlescape
SensCritique - Philou Edition CSS - Un thème pour moderniser SensCritique, avec dark-mode, meilleure gestion images entre autres.
Glassy Youtube CSS - make Youtube panes and pop-ups glassy
Dreadcast Style Black & Transparent CSS - Plus de bleu criard! Transparence dans les fenêtres et un inventaire plus aéré.
Dark Habitica Linguists Commonwealth Theme (Weblate) CSS - A userstyle that turns the Translate Habitica site on Weblate dark.
[Bilibili] 去他妈的评分 CSS - 移除网页版哔哩哔哩的番剧点评和评分
Material-CC98 CSS - Material Design风格的样式微调,借鉴了Material UI组件库
Google Slides - Hide left panel slide preview CSS - This hides the left slide panel window on google slides
Nintendo Life Theme CSS - `A simple custom theme for Nintendo Life`
Tumblr - Old / Custom Colors CSS - Change the colors of your Tumblr dashboard.
Youtube chapter panel on top of video CSS - moves the chapter panel (invisible) on top of the video (designed for theater mode). Shows up when hovering over it.
Youtube font type, color and brightness in dark mode CSS - reduce font brightness, or change the color and type of font, for primary and secondary text in dark mode
Youtube Theater mode 21:9 widescreen (and others) fix CSS - For whatever reason, youtube fixes the frame to 16:9 in theater mode, but this should fix it removing top and bottom black bar
哔哩哔哩-隐藏高能弹幕的前缀图标 CSS - 删除高能弹幕前的小图标
Silent Facebook CSS - This makes Facebook a peaceful place to live by removing distractions. In particular, it disables the feed on the main page and links to marketplace, videos and gaming. Easy to adjust (e.g. to reenable some of the features).
Youtube Material Compact CSS - An attempt to restore compactness to a new Material Youtube
Google SEX PISTOLS CSS - `Google SEX PISTOLSaktualizacja 2021 milimetr`
Yandex Translate Dark CSS - Yandex Dark Theme
Decluttered Outlook CSS - Removes all advertisement banners, favorites, groups und the header of folders.
Widen Kitsu Feed CSS - Widen Kitsu Feed on Desktop
DH3 Compact - Magic Fix CSS - The compact look for DH3 - Magic Fix
YouTube - Remove clickable labels on "Watch Later" and "Add to Queue" buttons CSS - Removes those annoying, clickable labels on the "Watch Later" and "Add to Queue" buttons so you won't accidentally click on them.
Filmweb Hide & Seek CSS - Pozwala ukryć wybrane sekcje na podstronach filmów, osób, postaci i światów.
Lichess 1 Kbyte Gambit piece set & board CSS - The pink board and the piece set for Lichess
Just Dance 2021aw Style CSS - Miwdamicks the ui of JwdD2021 for JDN
Biang CSS - Persnal Style For bing.com
Habitica All-Yellow Tasks (UserCSS conversion) CSS - Conversion from userstyles.org edition to UserCSS. A style that makes all tasks yellow, unless they're complete/not-due (grey) or rewards. Cobbled together quickly, so there might be an error somewhere, but I've tested it and haven't found any in the latest version!
DuckDuckGo - Multi-Columns (ORGANIC) (USw) v.59 CSS - DuckDuckGo Less scrolling with a multi columns interface