顯示所有語言的結果。只顯示 繁體中文 的結果。
VIP视频免费解析 JS - 支持腾讯视频、爱奇艺、优酷、土豆、芒果TV、搜狐视频、乐视视频、PPTV、风行、华数TV、哔哩哔哩等,支持多个解析接口切换,支持视频自由选集,自动解析视频,支持自定义拖拽位置,支持视频广告跳过,支持页内页外解析
Freundesliste & Info für AutoDarts JS - Suche nach Spielernamen und zeige eine Info-Nachricht an, wenn sie gefunden werden.
CheatGuessr | WorldGuessr Cheat JS - Extremely customizable WorldGuessr cheating client. Click 3 to open the settings menu.
Universal Download Link Finder Ultimate JS - Advanced download link finder with intelligent detection and filtering
Download Media with Cobalt API JS - Adds a context menu item to download media from supported video sites using a direct URL.
DeepSeek繁忙自动点击重试 JS - DeepSeek提示繁忙,自动点击重试,并显示操作状态通知
maca client cryzen.io 1.5 aimbot+ESP JS - W rizz
Advanced Sploop.io script v2.1 JS - -
OC Role Display JS - Shows role positions with mobile scaling support
TikTok No Login Anti-Captcha v3 JS - CAPTCHA bypass + Device Fingerprint spoofing
自用广告拦截器 JS - 广告拦截器
Kour.io - Weapon Selector (LC MOD MENU) JS - This script allows you to select and equip any secondary weapon in Kour.io.
UC网盘自动跳转下载 JS - 自动把网址中的drive改为fast
1Kahoot Custom Mods - ViolentMonkey Compatible Ultra super JS - Auto answer doesn't really answer the questions it highlights the answer green and sometimes this only works in classic mode,also only bot flooder and Auto answer work currently more coming soon!
115Master JS - 115网盘魔法优化: 画质增强 | 视频缩略图 | 在线字幕 | 内置 Jav 信息
welearn自动填入标准答案 Filling standard answers on Welearn JS - welearn自动填入标准答案的脚本,目前支持选择题、填空题和解答题。A script for auto-filling standard answers on Welearn that currently supports multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, or open-ended questions.
Kahbonk JS - Kahoot mod menu, free code is 1978
SUPER RANK ON BLOXD JS - Get super rank on bloxd
Torn Race Config GUI JS - GUI to configure Torn racing parameters and create races with presets and quick launch buttons
含羞草(完全免费) JS - 🔥免费不限次看站内所有付费视频,下载视频(日限),复制播放链接,屏蔽广告
Claude Session Key 管理器 JS - Claude Session Key 管理工具,支持拖拽、测活、导入导出、WebDAV云备份等功能
Torn War Stuff Enhanced JS - Show travel status and hospital time and sort by hospital time on war page. Fork of https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/448681-torn-war-stuff
智能YouTube全站广告拦截器 JS - 精准广告拦截,支持多平台保护
Web Comprehensive Optimization Script(web综合优化脚本) JS - Optimize non-first screen CSS and image lazy loading, hardware acceleration, script lazy loading, code splitting, caching strategy, event throttling, and more.
Pixverse审查拦截 JS - Monitor network requests on app.pixverse.ai and extract MP4 links from specific API responses, then open them in a new tab. Only show error and success messages.
Mediaplay缓存优化 JS - Optimize media playback by caching video segments to minimize user waiting time and maximize cache efficiency.
抖音登录弹窗关闭及评论查看 JS - 关闭抖音登录弹窗及免登录查看评论
X-Translator JS - Automatically translates tweets on X (formerly Twitter).
Manga Loader (unmaintained) JS - Support for over 70 sites! Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet
Steam Info JS - 快速查询Steam游戏信息
ViewTube_GM JS - Watch videos from video sharing websites without Flash Player.
FrankerFaceZ JS - Loads the main FrankerFaceZ script in browsers that don't support the extension but do support UserScripts; updated from http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/167158 and may break in your browser, UserScript version does not reflect actual FFZ version.
Remove Google Click-tracking JS - Removes Google's click-tracking from result links
TW-FriendsEvents JS - Add a button for filtering friends who wants event stuff
Dark Horse Downloader JS - Download a DRM-free copy of your Dark Horse digital comics.
Netflix - subtitle downloader JS - Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix
一帆视频去广告 JS - 一帆视频(曾用名 "iF 视频"、"多瑙")去广告
AliExpress Ultra Efficient JS - Sort Price from Low to High, Put Items in View list All Automatically
The West - tw-db.info Cloth Calc [ro] JS - The West Script: Cloth Calculation.
WME Place Harmonizer JS - Harmonizes, formats, and locks a selected place
CNKI 中国知网 PDF 全文下载 JS - 参见 http://blog.yuelong.info/post/cnki-pdf-js.html
Wanikani Self-Study Quiz JS - Quiz yourself on Wanikani items
remover Paywall Folha, Globo, Exame e Estadão (AdBlock, assinantes etc) JS - Eu quero ler notícias sem propagandas e sem precisar me logar. Informação deve ser livre!
Buying Item Script JS - Item market item buyer
ffn work block JS - permanently hide selected works
Video Download Button JS - This script adds a download button on many video sites.
Slither.io auto respawn (evergreen) JS - Auto Respawn + Server Selector + Skin Rotator + Unlimited Zoom + No Skin + No BG + Reduce Lag + More!
WME GIS Buttons JS - Displays the locality of the current map location and provides links to open GIS if available
bilibili直播净化 JS - 增强直播屏蔽功能, 提高直播观看体验
AbhiGC Slither.IO Feeder Bot JS - AbhiGC Slither.IO Feeder Bot for free bots
百度网盘助手 JS - 显示百度网盘文件的直接链接,突破大文件需要使用电脑管家的限制
百度廣告(首尾推廣及右側廣告)清理 JS - 徹底清理百度搜索(www.baidu.com)結果首尾的推廣廣告、二次頑固廣告、右側廣告,去除重定向,刪除百家號
强制使用微软雅黑 JS - 我就是喜欢微软雅黑!【解决显示方框问题】
telegramNSFW JS - Enable NSFW to media
批量下载贴吧原图 JS - 一键打包下载贴吧中一贴的原图
Letterboxd Search Bars JS - Adds a search bar to torrent- and other websites on Letterboxd
知乎 ReFine JS - 知乎阅读版式优化
IMDb: Link 'em all! JS - Adds all kinds of links to IMDb, customizable!
Search By Image JS - Search By Image | 以图搜图
藥方 (YAWF) JS - Yet Another Weibo Filter (YAWF) 新浪微博根據關鍵詞、作者、話題、來源等篩選微博;修改版面
URL Shortener Unshortener JS - Adds small button next to shortened URLs (t.co/bit.ly/goo.gl) on Twitter and other sites that will replace the shortened URLs with their real locations and vice-versa. Useful for when you don't want to blindly click links.
Google Search Extra Buttons JS - Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page
115 Download Helper JS - 115网盘下载帮手,能自动帮忙点普通下载,少点一次鼠标,能够批量复制下载链接
Youtube MP3 Download Button (VidToMp3.com) JS - Adds a button [MP3 Download], to download music from YouTube through service vidtomp3.com
Skrypt umożliwiający pobieranie materiałów ze znanych serwisów VOD. JS - Skrypt służący do pobierania materiałów ze znanych serwisów VOD.
Bypass Safelinkreview JS - if you do not like Safelinkreview link or button does not work, this is the right script
GN_PersistentStorage JS - Операции с БД
GN_BattleLogAnalyzer JS - Анализатор протокола боев
AO3: Fic's Style, Blacklist, Bookmarks JS - Change font, size, width and background of a work + blacklist: hide works that contain certains tags or text, have too many tags/fandoms/relations/chapters/words and other options + fullscreen reading mode + bookmarks: save the position you stopped reading a fic + number of words for each chapter and estimated reading time
Flvcd Download Links 星月改進版 JS - 替換線上視頻的下載連結為 flvcd.com 的解析連結
RapidLeech Ads & Timer bypass!! JS - With this incredible script you can bypass all ads and limits on ALL servers that uses RapidLeech as script!!
ABPVN AdsBlock JS - Script block ads, remove wating of ABPVN
Folha de Sao Paulo Paywall JS - Remove a limitação do jornal folha de sao paulo.
Scribd Print and Download JS - Changes "Upload" link to open a printable viewer (print to PDF)
Instagram Reloaded JS - View or download the full-size Instagram image/video. Super simple: press alt+f or shift & click to view media - alt & click saves file. Read for more options.
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
MoreCAPTCHA JS - Speeds up solving Google reCAPTCHA challenges by shortening transition effects and providing continuous selection ability.
Mimic - Youtube MP3 Downloader JS - Allows you to download MP3 at 320 kbps from a YouTube video.
Display additional information in VK profile JS - Display profile ID, registration date, last profile edit and last seen in VK user profile
Bypass paywalls for scientific documents JS - Bypass paywalls for scientific documents by downloading them from sci-hub instead of paying something like 50 bucks for each paper. This script adds download buttons on Google Scholar, Scopus and Web Of Science, which lead to sci-hub.tw. In this way you can get free access to scientific papers even if you (or your university) can't afford their prices.
robux JS - changes robux on refresh
Starblast 1 Minute Survival Game JS - Allows you to make 1 minute-long survival mode games. (Instead of the usual 10 min limit)
Iridium JS - YouTube with more freedom
Google网页翻译 JS - 不跳转Google翻译页面的整页翻译
Instagram Followers Liker JS - Script will like foolowers recursively
Waze Edit Count Monitor JS - Displays your daily edit count in the WME toolbar. Warns if you might be throttled.
百度去广告 JS - 百度去广告(首页、搜索结果)
Greasy Fork tweaks JS - various tweaks for greasyfork.org site for enhanced usability and additional features
直播界面精简 JS - 斗鱼,战旗,虎牙直播界面精简,持续更新中
知乎去除链接跳转 JS - 暴力替换知乎页面的链接, 去除知乎重定向, 直接跳转到页面
WME ClickSaver JS - Various UI changes to make editing faster and easier.
堆糖网下载 JS - 堆糖网(duitang.com)专辑图片批量下载到本地
動畫瘋·Plus JS - 分級標識自動同意、自動切換至下一集、自動點此跳過廣告、影片空降座標、網頁全螢幕、子母畫面
Change the scope to survev.io, surviv.io, suroi.io, suroi.fpsgo.net and zombsroyale.io JS - Сhange the scope in the game survev.io, surviv.io, suroi.io, suroi.fpsgo.net and zombsroyale.io
Automail JS - Extra parts for Anilist.co
百度去广告,blur(毛玻璃)搜索框,美化 JS - 百度搜索框背景模糊,去广告,美化
AtCoderPerformanceColorizer JS - Colorize performance values in AtCoder's gradebook.
diep.io Quick upgrade v2 JS - Bounds keys to builds and themes
City Finds JS - description