你可以在你的腳本中 @require
許多由 Greasy Fork 使用者建立的函式庫。對於其它網站的 @require
函式庫,請參考 Greasy Fork 對於 @require
脚本常用方法库 JS (函式庫) - 为其他脚本提供常用的方法集
DKK Torn Utilities JS (函式庫) - Commonly used functions in my Torn scripts.
わかめも用css JS (函式庫) - わかめも用のcss
myStorage JS (函式庫) - myStorage localstorage
Comparator JS (函式庫) - Configurable Comparator similar to java.util.Comparator in Java 8
getDeveloper JS (函式庫) - 获取开发人员权重
cleanGoogle JS (函式庫) - removes shit from google
bulma-css-framework-0.7.5 JS (函式庫) - bulma css framework
Entry List JS (函式庫) - Library for managing pages with many similar items (youtube, twitter, ...)
MutationSummary JS (函式庫) - Mutation Summary is a JavaScript library that makes observing changes to the DOM fast, easy and safe.
IMDb Utility Library (API) JS (函式庫) - Utility library for the Internet Movie Database. Provides an API for grabbing info from IMDb.com
ScriptPatch JS (函式庫) - Utilities for livepatching javascript files
IBM script JS (函式庫) - IBM script to be used on other grease scripts
Fotostrana Sports JS (函式庫) - Интерфейс на страницах Surf Rider
RottenTomatoes Utility Library (custom API) JS (函式庫) - Utility library for Rotten Tomatoes. Provides an API for grabbing info from rottentomatoes.com
gm_config_toolbar JS (函式庫) - greasyfork configuration toolbar on the script addins
Common.Utils JS (函式庫) - Classes for your scripts
console-message-v2 JS (函式庫) - Rich text console logging
GM_config RU JS (函式庫) - RU версия библиотеки GM_config
GC Stats Banner Library JS (函式庫) - This library provides the core functionality to add a stats badge onto profile and cache pages on geocaching.com.
pro_info list JS (函式庫) - 产品sku,名称,属性列表
SuperGM JS (函式庫) - Extends the GM_setValue and GM_getValue functions for any javascript variable type. basis on https://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/source/107941.user.js
html2canvas.min JS (函式庫) - 网页截图
scrollfix JS (函式庫) - JQuery辅助文本框在浏览器中固定位置,不随浏览器滚动条滚动
Miaotixing JS (函式庫) - Send message to user's cellphone, using WeChat, SMS(China mainland only), Voice Call(China mainland only).
jqueryui.slider|posistion|button JS (函式庫) - patations of jquery ui includes slider/posistion/buttons
Horror-Plus-v4.2 JS (函式庫) - Extension 3rb.be Savage
PDF.js Worker JS (函式庫) - PDF.js Worker for PDF.js
PDF.js JS (函式庫) - PDF.js is for editing PDFs with JS
1p3a_qa JS (函式庫) - 1p3a_script的题库
js-encode-base64 JS (函式庫) - js string to base64
color-bundle JS (函式庫) - Color conversion and manipulation with CSS string support (bundle)
MediaFetchAPI JS (函式庫) - Media Database API
sid101 JS (函式庫) - calendar
jqueryeditable JS (函式庫) - make any html element editable inline
atcoder-sidemenu JS (函式庫) - AtCoderページの横に要素を乗せられるSidemenuを追加します。
atcoder-userscript-libs JS (函式庫) - AtCoderのページ上で動作するスクリプト用のライブラリです。
Saldırı JS (函式庫) - Saldırı Planlayıcı
muxflv JS (函式庫) - ttt
muxmp4 JS (函式庫) - tt
mux JS (函式庫) - test
ppmTranslations JS (函式庫) - This is a code library for use with the online game PopMundo.
ppmFunctions JS (函式庫) - This is a code library for use with the online game PopMundo.
UIModules JS (函式庫) - Modules for UI constructing
Modal JS (函式庫) - Generic modal window
Anti-captcha JS JS (函式庫) - Just a script
tj-deck JS (函式庫) - TweetDeckをスマホで使いやすくするスクリプト
ARIA Favlets JS (函式庫) - Runs accessibility checking against loaded page
MessageBot JS JS (函式庫) - Just a script
[归档] 上海市大学生安全教育在线 - 题库 - 1805条 JS (函式庫) - 上海市大学生安全教育在线 http://www.halnedu.com/pcexam/ 已经没了,此脚本已归档。缺失第 10, 11, 12, 350, 351, 352, 418, 1148 条,似乎已在服务器端被删除。
Wait_for_key_elements JS (函式庫) - Some library type stuff
Hello Tips JS (函式庫) - Hello tips
NEET Lib JS (函式庫) - NEET Bot Library
Proj4js-Wazedev JS (函式庫) - Proj4js project for inclusion in scripts
MB (MyBook) Downloader Factory JS (函式庫) - A small jQuery widget which contains all required functionality to scraping data from story/novel on the Internet.
getBTC JS (函式庫) - quick simple test function to get bitcoin price
gang-values-osef JS (函式庫) - Values
XiaoJieRoomAssistant JS (函式庫) - RoomAssistant
Simple createElement implementation JS (函式庫) - A simple implementation of React createElement using raw DOM.
URLToolkit JS (函式庫) - Lightweight library to build an absolute URL from a base URL and a relative URL, written from the spec (RFC 1808)
MoM Test Lib JS (函式庫) - Just a test
matchinfo JS (函式庫) - 比赛统计信息页
rx-util JS (函式庫) - rxliuli 在浏览器上使用的 js 工具集
2ch autoHide images spam-list JS (函式庫) - Спам-лист картинок
2ch autoHide imageComparator bytecode JS (函式庫) - Байткод сравнения картинок
download.js JS (函式庫) - downlaods files
TimeAgo.Locales.js JS (函式庫) - Biblioteka TimeAgo ze strony https://timeago.org
TimeAgo JS (函式庫) - Biblioteka TimeAgo ze strony https://timeago.org
淘宝内部优惠券 JS (函式庫) - 淘宝内部优惠券领取代码
Übersetzung JS (函式庫) - Übersetzung des Tools
Parallel JS (函式庫) - Asynchronous array handle
Include Tools JS (函式庫) - Общие инструменты для всех страничек
Chinese Commercial Code JS (函式庫) - Chinese Commercial Code,transfer Chinese code to Chinese character
Everything Hook JS (函式庫) - it can hook everything
HORROR PLUS!! JS (函式庫) - Extension 3rb.be R7AL
SnapShotOnline.js JS (函式庫) - A Javascript API that captures local video images and uploads them to sm.ms or imagebam or nhd.
MediaInfoOnline.js JS (函式庫) - A Javascript API works with MediaInfoLib.
Hello beizhu JS (函式庫) - miaoshu
Xiaosa.Quan.Baiduyun.Tieba JS (函式庫) - 自用插件整合,包含优惠券领取,百度云直链下载和贴吧美化功能!版权属原作者所有
jQueryResize JS (函式庫) - jQueryResize Library
Highlight Library JS (函式庫) - Library
NS库 JS (函式庫) - NS库,强大的扩展
base64js JS (函式庫) - base64js加密
popads JS (函式庫) - adfly pop ads
033-native JS (函式庫) - 033 native
Anchorme JS (函式庫) - Javascript library to detect links / URLs / Emails in text and convert them to clickable HTML anchor links. You can also use it for extracting a list of valid links and emails out of text or use it as a validation library for emails, URLs and IPs.
↑→↓←ABAB JS (函式庫) - I am not going to take over the world...
哔哩视频下载 JS (函式庫) - 用于下载
httpSend JS (函式庫) - 发送http请求
LINQ JS (函式庫) - Linq for javascript
M-VIP JS (函式庫) - VIP视频解析
M-Coupon JS (函式庫) - 超级优惠券
妹子图 JS (函式庫) - 用于看妹子图网的不翻页
Native implementation of a jsFiddle.net in-pane log console JS (函式庫) - To be used among external libraries when testing other jsFiddle.net scripts
王总屏蔽QQ菜单栏加返回跳网站 JS (函式庫) - 王总屏蔽QQ菜单栏加返回跳网站代码
Base Brazen Resource JS (函式庫) - Base library for my scripts
sfs-utils-0.1.5 JS (函式庫) - Utility functions such as log, js console, etc.
gm4-polyfill-1.0.1 JS (函式庫) - Polyfill for backward compatibilty of GM functions