你可以在你的腳本中 @require
許多由 Greasy Fork 使用者建立的函式庫。對於其它網站的 @require
函式庫,請參考 Greasy Fork 對於 @require
Enhance Tool III JS (函式庫) - RT
BiliveHeart JS (函式庫) - B站直播心跳
ライブラリ[Typing-Tube]動画インライン表示 JS (函式庫) - 動画インライン表示を追加
toast.script JS (函式庫) - 消息提示
vue3 异步组件例子 JS (函式庫) - vueloader use js
12348rufa JS (函式庫) - 2022普法练习题目答案
Enhance Tool I JS (函式庫) - RT
checkVersion JS (函式庫) - Greasyfork Check Version Source Code
toastr.js JS (函式庫) - toastr
BP Funcs JS (函式庫) - Small script to be @require-d, providing useful functions and extensions I like to regularly refer to
Steam自动探索队 JS (函式庫) - Steam节庆活动用脚本,自动探索3次队列。
PPConfP JS (函式庫) - Pixel Place Config Premium
Dragon Training Magic JS (函式庫) - Help you to raise your dragon well
jQuery Core slim minified JS (函式庫) - JavaScript library for DOM operations
jQuery Core slim JS (函式庫) - JavaScript library for DOM operations
jQuery Core minified JS (函式庫) - JavaScript library for DOM operations
jQuery Core uncompressed JS (函式庫) - JavaScript library for DOM operations
Camamba Users Search Library JS (函式庫) - fetches Users
ENSShared JS (函式庫) - Shared code for my scripts
$Config JS (函式庫) - Allows users to configure scripts
3939-FOOD-BOT JS (函式庫) - 食物品名
dict.js JS (函式庫) - GitHub汉化
waitForKeyElements utility function JS (函式庫) - A utility function for userscripts that detects and handles AJAXed content.
nav_list JS (函式庫) - nav数据
quiz_answer JS (函式庫) - 题目答案
1. 当事人 2. 党的十九届 JS (函式庫) - 2022/5/31上午12:15:19
私有不公开依赖 JS (函式庫) - 不公开依赖
Camamba Forums Search Library JS (函式庫) - fetches forums, threads and posts
viewer.js JS (函式庫) - viewer
网页翻译插件模板 JS (函式庫) - 能够将网页的语言更改为各种其他的语言
VNDBTranslatorLib_ JS (函式庫) - VNDB优先原文和中文化的库
PPAB JS (函式庫) - Pixel Place Anti Ban
Greasy Fork API JS (函式庫) - Get information from Greasy Fork and do actions in it.
mws JS (函式庫) - 自用工具库
stockX JS (函式庫) - stuff for gaem
ab站背景更改css JS (函式庫) - ab站背景更改css样式表2.0
[email protected] JS (函式庫) - pakojs
TyprMd5 JS (函式庫) - Typr.js,Typr.U.js,md5.js
content-script JS (函式庫) - 账号登录
music-helper JS (函式庫) - This script provides integration with online description generator YADG (http://yadg.cc)
PPConf JS (函式庫) - Pixel Place Config
xlsx.full.min JS (函式庫) - 文件分析
import_file JS (函式庫) - 账号导入
pinyin-pro JS (函式庫) - pingyin
Sploop Console JS (函式庫) - As you already know, in sploop.io the console is no longer working, or rather, the output to the console. Perhaps you would like to continue using it? If yes, then use this script.
mini mvvm JS (函式庫) - 自用,bug较多,if和for指令不能使用
js-storeData JS (函式庫) - 轻量级原生js本地数据存储管理工具(可选localstorage或GM油猴API)
FlowComments JS (函式庫) - コメントを流すやつ
js-domExtend JS (函式庫) - 轻量级原生js增强插件,将部分原生dom对象方法模仿jQuery进行二次封装,便于使用
trackingAndSKU JS (函式庫) - 用于main脚本的
PPPC JS (函式庫) - Pixel Place Parallel Connections
PPIL JS (函式庫) - Pixel Place Image Loader
bliveproxy111 JS (函式庫) - B站直播websocket hook框架
PPCC JS (函式庫) - Pixel Place Compile Client
PPT JS (函式庫) - Pixel Place Tools
PPML JS (函式庫) - Pixel Place Map Loader
Nitro Type Userscript Utils JS (函式庫) - Contains commonly used functions on all my Nitro Type userscripts.
XHS JS (函式庫) - XML Http Sniffer
GOD JS (函式庫) - nais
yolk supreme JS (函式庫) - lol
Prototype JS (函式庫) - Prototype Version: '1.7.2'
nanobar JS (函式庫) - 进度条
INDIGO | Скрипт Кураторов форума 1.1 JS (函式庫) - Специально для BlackRussia | INDIGO 1.1
auto_on_121_40_105_93 JS (函式庫) -自动登录和跳转
偶像大师ShinyColors汉化 JS (函式庫) - 录剧情视频到公开的网站请先取得译者同意,提交翻译或问题请到 https://github.com/biuuu/ShinyColors
wlxx JS (函式庫) - 网络学习代码
wait-for-selector JS (函式庫) - 要素がDOMに出現するまで待つユーティリティです。
easy-logger JS (函式庫) - 簡易的なロギングユーティリティです。
Hook.js JS (函式庫) - Javascript function hook
hls JS (函式庫) - hls m3u8 播放
DPlayer JS (函式庫) - DPlayer v1.26.0
cryptoJs JS (函式庫) - crypto-js.min.js
TTS_SDK JS (函式庫) - Microsoft TTS SDK
Telegram JS (函式庫) - Adds a share to telegram floating bubble to every site.
fflate.umd JS (函式庫) - https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/umd/index.js with semicolon at the end
医科继续教育自动刷新脚本 JS (函式庫) - 某医科视频自动刷新,打开看视频的页面后,挂着,每50分钟自动页面刷新,打开脚本后每次进入刷新一下页面
Arrendaterra JS (函式庫) - sisterra.fontierras.gob.gt
KWD JS (函式庫) - Kogama World Decoder
Forgetabyteit's Greasy Fork+ [resources] JS (函式庫) - This script should not be intalled. It is a resource script containing images for a different script.
荒年-javaex JS (函式庫) - javaex
coofoUtils JS (函式庫) - 一些工具
zip.js JS (函式庫) - Source code from https://gildas-lormeau.github.io/zip.js/
KPD JS (函式庫) - Kogama Packet Decoder
Dead Frontier - API JS (函式庫) - Dead Frontier API
jquery-tools JS (函式庫) - jquery工具
Google Translate Supported Languages JS (函式庫) - A Google Translate Supported Languages Utils
CIDWWA JS (函式庫) - Code I don't want to write again
datatables 1.11.5 JS (函式庫) - datatables 1.11.5 js
CKUIToolkit JS (函式庫) - A simple settings modal framework.
Jquery.timer JS (函式庫) - A jquery timer
jk JS (函式庫) - jk库(js常用 es6)
crypto-js4.1.1 JS (函式庫) - crypto-js4.1.1文件
Tłumaczenia JS (函式庫) - Tłumaczenia dla funkcji Toolsa
CKLogger JS (函式庫) - A inheritable and subscribable logger util.
ExtMan JS (函式庫) - A Simple Extension Manager
SimpleFilter JS (函式庫) - A filter framework.
CookiesDelActual JS (函式庫) - DelActual
京东详情js JS (函式庫) - 京东详情文件
京东列表js JS (函式庫) - 京东列表文件