Turking Scripts by clickhappier
Semi-automatic collection of userscripts for turkers (MTurk workers). Includes 500+ scripts (not all updated for the 2017+ worker.mturk.com), uploaded by 50+ authors, and some from inactive authors shared by several turking community members. The official Turkopticon script author is 'fiveplusone'. Use the 'Sorting by' links on the right to view this set by script 'Name' A-Z, or by 'Total installs' to see the most popular. Note that the 'Search' box searches all of Greasyfork, not just this set.
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ID Copy/Paste JS - Places an unobtrusive button on the page which provides quick access to copy your mTurk worker ID. Edited by Tjololo12: Hover highlight for easy copy-paste, does not show on mturk pages
Project Endor (Zoltar) JS - easy clicks for zoltars
Mturk Larger Radio Buttons and Checkboxes JS - Makes radio buttons and checkboxes larger. Applies to only certain survey related pages and Mturk itself.
CrowdSource: Search Keywords JS - Click on the circle task number indicators on the left to start working
mmmturkeybacon Auto Reload Google IFrame On Error JS - Automatically reloads the iframe of a Google HIT if the "Please refresh the current page in your browser." error occurs. Adds a reload button in the top right corner of the iframe for Google HITs.
Captcha Clear JS - Unleashes Your Sharingan on Worker Captchas.
Is this on endor? JS - Lets you know if a HIT is on the endor domain.
CrowdSource: Search Image URL JS - Click the search button to begin. Then simply click on the matching image in the google results.
mmmturkeybacon Survey Row Highlighter JS - Highlights rows in surveys to make it easier to see
Project Endor (Jamelio) Keybinds JS - Make keybinds for the Project Endor (Jamelio) voice recording hits.
mmmturkeybacon Numbered Google Results with Easy Copy JS - Numbers results in the format M.N to show the result number. If you are on the first page it divides the results up into groups of 10 and after every 10 results M is increased by 1. This allows you to quickly see which page a result would be on if there were 10 results per page. For any page after the first, M is the page number and N is the result number. Hold the pointer over a button for instructions on copying. Disable Google Instant (Gear>Search settings>Never show Instant results).
I don't want to Install Google Chrome JS - Hides the "Install Google Chrome" message.
mmmturkeybacon Numbered Google Results (with 10-per-page mod) JS - Numbers Google search results in the format M.N (page number, and result number 1-10 on that page). Google Instant should be disabled.
CH Google Color-Coded Results JS - Change background color of Google search ad areas and other special types of results. Google Instant should be disabled.
Mturk ID Copy/Paste for New Layout JS - For Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mturk). Places an unobtrusive button on survey pages which provides quick access to copy your mTurk worker ID by copy and paste or drag and drop. This version is a derivative of swole_hamster's work.
Endor Mic JS - A key triggers Mic S key triggers play D key triggers submit
FGD JS - Direct google links with click or hover to copy urls displayed below results
Google Hangouts chat window enlarger JS - Enlarges the width of Google Hangouts chat windows
Turkdigo FlicksIO Helper JS - FlicksIO helper; adds some stuff on Google and IMDb to make searching and submitting (slightly, ever so slightly) less of a problem.