顯示所有語言的結果。只顯示 繁體中文 的結果。
Dreamwidth - Return of Shifty CSS - Reverts the shifty-eyed subject line emote to its original form.
DW Spoiler Cuts CSS - Spoiler cuts for Dreamwidth
Dreamwidth New Comment Highlighter JS - Highlight new comments in a Dreamwidth comment thread
Quick-load Dreamwidth comment pages JS - Loads top comments from all pages and threads in any Dreamwidth post into a single page
Dreamwidth: Copy links of uploaded images JS - adds two buttons to the dw gallery image upload page to copy links of all images at once
Insanejournal Batch Icon Crediting JS - Update your icon credit lines in a batch.
Dreamwidth Formatting Fix JS - improve the overall UX on the Dreamwidth update/edit page