顯示所有語言的結果。只顯示 繁體中文 的結果。
谷歌翻译提示框扩展 JS - 谷歌翻译选中文本至提示框。Fork自https://greasyfork.org/scripts/662/
全局鍵盤功能 JS - try to take over the world!
默认雅黑字体 JS - 修改默认字体为 微软雅黑(Microsoft YaHei)
dark-one-fix JS - Adding background color for sites that miss that attribute (see screenshots)
Instant Chimichanga FTW JS - Make Deadpool's dreams come true.
Onens.Clean.Player JS - Thanks to OpenGG, Harv.c, KaFan15536900
URL Sniffer JS - Sniff URLs in HTML
GW-Editer OFF JS - gives you 'leet hax0r powers :D
Picture Auto-Resize on Chrome JS - Auto-Resize on Chrome Picture Preview Tab
Aliexpress No Auto Translate JS - Aliexpress disable auto translate in title and description
Vimfari JS - try to take over the world!
Embed to HTML5 JS - Replaces media embed tags with HTML5 equivalents
AdDefend Klatsche JS - Sucht global nach Skripten von AdDefend und macht diese unwirksam.
mock ddos to attack the fake website JS - ddos钓鱼网站
Toggle Zoom JS - Extend image zoom modes with scale-to-width and scale-to-height of window
Aliexpress remove localized links JS - Remove localized links to Aliexpress and replaces them to English site
localstorage_spoofing JS - disable localstorage
Decodificador JS - try to take over the world!
Hold to new tab JS - Hold mouse button over link to open it in new tab. Requires to release mouse to take effect due to popup restrictions.
Narrow Browser JS - Remove horizontal scrolling by setting max-width on scripts
Disable HTML5 Videos autoplay/autopreload JS - Prevent webbrowser from automatically playing/downloading HTML5 videos
ScrollTo_Y | Vivre JS - Autoscroll to set Y-position on specific Hosts
多账号登录切换 JS - 可以快速在不同马甲间切换
Autocomplete Enabler JS - Enables autocompletion on most websites.
Universal metric translator JS - Automatically converts imperial units to metric units
Anti-Unblocker JS - Blocks unblocked game sites
WME Change Segment Display JS - Change display of edited segments
gpu acceleration of the flash player JS - This script is based on the method of incorporating a certain value of the "gpu" attribute "wmode" flash object. Includes gpu acceleration of the flash player. Solves problems with lags of the flash player when watching videos and streams. Works on all websites that use flash technology.
Fix bad CSS foreground color JS - If you use a dark theme defective CSS styles will give you white on white text color. This is a fix for that.
玩你妈逼滚去学 JS - 防止任何使用浏览器的行为 滚去学
JSON formatter JS - Format JSON data in a beautiful way.
pomf_restore JS - Redirect a.pomf.se links to their closest (timewise) wayback machine result
selection length | 选中计字数 JS - 鼠标拖选显示选中字数
TopAndDownButtonsEverywhere JS - Top and Down buttons everywhere (no Jquery) 在一切页面上根据情况自动添加一个/两个按钮:页面最上方、页面最下方,鼠标悬停的时候,缓缓翻页移动
Thunder Link Sonar JS - popup one hidden thunder link,Like this page (迅雷链接探测): www.skycn.com/soft/4639.html http://www.xdowns.com/soft/softdown.asp?softid=58240
nullify-external-links JS - Prevent external links from working.
nullify-all-links JS - Prevent all links from working.
highlight-external-links JS - Highlight all external links in lime green.
hide-iframes JS - Hide all iframes on the page.
display-external-urls JS - Display the URLs of external links.
disable-jquery JS - Disable jQuery after the page loads. Useful for sites that rely on jQuery to penalize AdBlock users.
disable-inline-and-eval JS - Use a default Content Security Policy to prevent inline JavaScript and eval from working.
clear-all-timeouts JS - Clear all timeouts after the page loads. Useful for sites that rely on timeouts to penalize AdBlock users (a common anti-AdBlock technique).
Replace Text On Webpages JS - Replaces text on websites. Now supports wildcards in search queries. Won't replace text in certain tags like links and code blocks
RapidLeech Popup Skipper JS - Attempts to bypass the ad popup window on RapidLeech-based sites
prevent-playlist-autoplay JS - Prevent autoplay for HTML5 video playlists (particularly on YouTube) by making them pause before they can move on. Works on videos in iframes too.
Ctrl Right Click MyWOT JS - When you hold Ctrl and right click a link, it will open the mywot.com scorecard for the link in a new tab.
toMorse JS - Plays selected text as morse code.
Add Controls to HTML5 videos JS - Adds controls to HTML5 videos
discuz黑色主题 JS - 可自动识别DISCUZ论坛,并将他们显示为黑色主题。
wordpress黑色主题 JS - 自动识别wordpress,并显示为黑色主题
UL Shuffler JS - Shuffles li's in UL's
SlideShow JS - Automatically presses the "next" button on image gallaries.
Can I Leave Now JS - Stop That Annoying Pop-Up Message To Leave Pages!!!
[.12 Project Endor (Zoltar)]Website Evaluation JS - Open window, hotkeys
mini clock JS - simple clock for full screen mode
sound link fix JS - Prevents the default action for linked .wav/.mp3 files. Inplace playback using HTML5 instead.
Ren's custom header JS - Adds various shortcuts
GkPlugins Helper JS - This userscript assists all sites use plugins of GkPlugins in fetching data links. Mainly used as an alternative to the Java option currently provided.
Always Can Check Spelling JS - Seek out and remove all checkspelling="false" attributes. This restores default behavior, i.e., does not turn on spellcheck for text inputs.
RefLinkGenerator JS - Generate reference link in all kinds of markup languages like html, markdown etc and copy to system clipboard.
nfart JS - Turns all text on page to Fart
Noot Noot JS - Pingu is trying to take over the world!
Google +1 Remover JS - A script which removes the google plus +1 sign
XKCD Text Replacer JS - Replaces text (mostly) according to http://xkcd.com/1288/ , http://www.xkcd.com/1625/ , and http://www.xkcd.com/1679/ , as well as http://www.xkcd.com/821/ , http://www.xkcd.com/1004/ , http://www.xkcd.com/1025/ , http://www.xkcd.com/1031/ , and http://www.xkcd.com/1418/ . This script is just an update of https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/1322-xkcd-text-replacer
防止垃圾站将父窗口跳转脚本 JS - 在搜索引擎打开某些垃圾网站,会将搜索引擎跳转到其他页面,如果是跳转到一个高仿的登录界面呢?所以写这个脚本消除这种安全隐患(打开任意外站链接其实都有这隐患),此脚本用于解决 window.opener.location / window.opener.location.replace 存在的安全风险。
AnimalQuery JS - Tries to speedup browsing by disabling CSS content animations
Chinese Translation (Simplified to Traditional) JS - Replace simplified Chinese to traditional Chinese
Backspace goes back JS - Backspace key = "go back" as it was before Chrome 52. And Shift+Backspace goes forward.
FixCJK! JS - 1) Use real bold to replace synthetic SimSun bold; 2) Regular SimSun/中易宋体 can also be substituted; 3) Reassign font fallback list (Latin AND CJK). Browser serif/sans settings are overridden; 4) Use Latin fonts for Latin part in Latin/CJK mixed texts; 5) Fix fonts and letter-spacing for CJK punctuation marks.
显示JS SDK调试信息 JS - try to take over the world!
Happy smile() JS - try to take over the world!
Email filler JS - Fills your email on input and text fields
Smart scrolling JS - Prevent scrolling issues when page is resized by loading images
Block internal images hardcoded in IMG tag JS - Remove about: chrome: and resource: URIs from the src attribute of <img> tags.
Taboola Ads Remover JS - A script which removes the annoying Taboola ads.
ShadeRoot Prank JS - Install this script on a friend's computer, hide their Greasemonkey icon and look at their faces.
Edit All Website JS - You can edit all website like Word Office
New Userscript JS - try to take over the world!
获取页面内大图链接 tistory、imgur、naver blog JS - 自己编写,获取tistory、imgur、naver blog原大图、staticflickr。链接在textarea里。naver blog过滤了导航图,有过滤url。 网页必须有URL跳转(?)
Visible Password JS - Visible password on password field
Gazmiri gazmor JS - hahahahahaha
GIT GUD JS - adds a git gud button to bottom of webpages
DiamondHunt Replaced Images JS - Replaces Default with Custom DH images
Grey!! JS - 灰色!
敲起来([日语假名]按照标准键盘布局显示对应位置) JS - 当你在敲击键盘的时候, 按照标准键盘布局的位置,出现对应键位的动画特效
Bandcamp Album Length JS - Sums up the lengths of Bandcamp album tracks and gives you a total album runtime up top.
敲起来([英语字母]按照标准键盘布局显示对应位置) JS - 当你在敲击键盘的时候, 按照标准键盘布局的位置,出现对应键位的动画特效
Pakdefndr_Library JS - A JavaScript library used for bypass copy paste
全局Css JS - 美化网页
網頁閱讀模式 JS - [ALT+R] 將任何一個網頁中影響您閱讀的圖片,視頻,廣告等無關內容過濾,僅查看最關注的那一部分內容。特別適合各種內容閱讀型網頁。同時提供將所選區域的 HTML 代碼導出的功能。
video ctrls JS - always show controls
unicorn JS - there's jquery everywhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Table to Markdown Copier JS - Convert html table to markdown format
hls.user.js JS - m3u8 playback using HTML5 video and MediaSource Extensions (CORS Required!)
hover for link JS - try to take over the world!