// ==UserScript==
// @description Заполняет вики-шаблон Cite web для текущей страницы.
// @exclude https://ru.wikipedia.org/*
// @exclude https://commons.wikimedia.org/*
// @exclude http://books.google.com/*
// @exclude http://books.google.ru/*
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @icon http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/oxygen-icons.org/oxygen/32/Actions-insert-link-icon.png
// @match http://*/*
// @match https://*/*
// @name vvCiteWeb
// @namespace https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Neolexx
// @run-at document-end
// @version 2.0
// ==/UserScript==
* "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
* Neolexx wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can do
* whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
* this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.
* Icon by Oxygen Team, GNU LGPL https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
'use strict';
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if ( /wikipedia.org/.test(document.location.hostname) ) {return;}
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'en' : 'английский',
'be' : 'белорусский',
'de' : 'немецкий',
'uk' : 'украинский',
'fr' : 'французский',
'jp' : 'японский'
var publisherList = {
'lenta.ru' : 'Лента.Ру',
'ria.ru' : 'РИА Новости',
'regnum.ru' : 'ИА REGNUM',
'rosbalt.ru' : 'Росбалт',
'km.ru' : 'KM.RU',
'cnn.com' : 'CNN',
'foxnews.com' : 'FOX News',
'bbc.com' : 'BBC',
'theguardian.com' : 'Guardian',
'nytimes.com' : 'New York Times',
'wsj.com' : 'Wall Street Journal'
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var isoDate, isoTimestamp, pageUrl = '';
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function fillData() {
pageUrl = getTemplateSafeString(document.location.href);
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'<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody>',
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getStaticDataRow('vvArchive', 'Архивная копия', 'проверяется...'),
getStaticDataRow('vvArchiveDate', 'Дата архивации:', 'проверяется...'),
getEditableDataRow('vvPublisher', 'Издание / сайт', getSourcePublisher()),
getEditableDataRow('vvTitle', 'Заглавие', getSourceTitle()),
getEditableDataRow('vvAuthor', 'Автор(ы)', voidValue, 'Фамилия И. О. через запятую'),
getEditableDataRow('vvDate', 'Дата публикации', voidValue, 'В формате ГГГГ-ММ-ДД'),
getEditableDataRow('vvQuote', 'Цитата', voidValue, 'Краткая цитата без кавычек'),
'<p style="margin-top:5px;">',
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'<button style="width:90%;" type="button" id="vvGet2">Шаблон c pretty-print</button></p>'
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function getDatePoint() {
var now = new Date();
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var dd = d < 10 ? '0'+d : d;
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var hh = h < 10 ? '0'+h : h;
var n = now.getUTCMinutes();
var mn = n < 10 ? '0'+n : n;
var s = now.getUTCSeconds();
var ss = s < 10 ? '0'+s : s;
isoDate = ''.concat(yyyy, '-', mm, '-', dd);
isoTimestamp = ''.concat(yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mn,ss);
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title = getTemplateSafeString(header[nodeText].trim()) || '?';
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title = document.title.trim() || '?';
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title = '?';
return title;
function getSourceLanguage() {
var l = _('HTML').getAttribute('lang') || _('HTML').getAttribute('xml:lang') || '';
var lng;
if ( !!l.length ) {
lng = l.substr(0,2).toLowerCase();
else if ( !/[\u0400-\u04FF]/.test(getSourceTitle()) ) {
lng = 'en'; // an educated guess...
else {
lng = 'ru';
return lng;
function getSourcePublisher() {
var domain = document.location.hostname.match(/\w+\.\w+$/);
return (domain in publisherList)? publisherList[domain] : voidValue;
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'</td><td>', getKeyValueDivider(), '</td><td>',
getStaticField(id, defaultValue),
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'</td><td>', getKeyValueDivider(), '</td><td>',
getEditableField(id, defaultValue, promptMessage||label),
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return '<tr><td>'.concat(getLabel(label),
'</td><td>', getKeyValueDivider(), '</td><td>',
getSelectableField(id, values, def),
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return '<var'.concat(' style="', fontStyle,
function getLabel(label) {
return '<dfn'.concat(' style="', fontStyle,
label, '</dfn>'
function getStaticField(id, defaultValue) {
return '<var id="'.concat(id, '" style="', fontStyle,
defaultValue, '</var>'
function getEditableField(id, defaultValue, promptMessage) {
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fontStyle, 'color:#0645AD;cursor:pointer;" ',
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'this[t]==\'', voidValue, '\'?\'\'\:this[t]);',
'if ( !!txt && !!txt.trim() ) {this[t] = txt.trim();}">',
defaultValue, '</var>'
function extend_prompt() {
var w = 150;
var len = promptMessage.length;
if ( len >= w-2) {
return promptMessage;
else {
var ext = Math.round((w-len)/2);
return (new Array(ext).join('\u00A0')).concat(
promptMessage, (new Array(ext).join('\u00A0'))
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var sel = '<select id="'.concat(id, '" style="', fontStyle, '">');
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k, '"', k==def?' selected>':'>', values[k], '</option>'
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function checkArchiveCopy() {
if ( typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest == 'undefined' ) {
alert('Вызовы между доменами запрещены.');
method: 'GET',
url : 'https://archive.org/wayback/available?url='.concat(
pageUrl, '×tamp=', isoTimestamp
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'" target="_blank" title="проверить" style="',
fontStyle, 'color:#0645AD;text-decoration:underline;">',
jsonData.archived_snapshots.closest.url, '</a>'
var s = jsonData.archived_snapshots.closest.timestamp;
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'<a href="https://web.archive.org/save/', pageUrl,
'" target="_blank" style="',
fontStyle, 'color:#0645AD;text-decoration:underline;">',
'создать вручную</a>'
$('vvArchiveDate')[nodeText] = 'нет';
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