Greasy Fork 支持简体中文。


Four visual improvements for Wikipedia (and other wikis): Indents sub-sections to make the layout clearer. Hides the sidebar (toggle by clicking the header). Floats the Table of Contents for access when scrolled. Converts heading underlines to overlines.

這裡顯示腳本的所有版本。 只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。

  • v1.3.5 2018-05-05
  • v1.3.5 2018-05-05
  • v1.3.5 2018-04-25 Tweak the Wiki TOC border styling
  • v1.3.4 2017-05-07 Prevent hide button from appearing twice, Style hide button like close button
  • v1.3.3 2016-11-20 Synced from GitHub - Made the shadow larger but more subtle
  • v1.3.2 2016-11-20 Synced from GitHub - Make the TOC border softer when it is faded out
  • v1.3.1 2016-11-20 Synced from GitHub - Slide the toc up into the corner as the page scrolls down
  • v1.3.0 2016-11-20 Imported from URL
  • v1.2.8 2015-08-18 Imported from URL
  • v1.2.6 2015-01-24 Imported from URL