Greasy Fork 支持简体中文。

Pouet Plus

Preview screenshots straight from the prods search by hovering over links.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Pouet Plus
// @namespace      PP
// @description    Preview screenshots straight from the prods search by hovering over links.
// @version        1.1.0
// @include*
// @include*
// @grant          none
// ==/UserScript==

// Don't use this, prodScreenshot.user.js is better!

var bg_color = "#EAEAEA";
var border_color = "#D5D5D5";
var font_color = "#000000";
var font_face = "tahoma";
var font_size = "11px";

// I stole this hover code from somewhere else but forgot to credit it - sorry!

function locate(event) {
	var posx, posy;
	var d = find_div();
	if (d) {
		posx = event.clientX + window.pageXOffset;
		posy = event.clientY + window.pageYOffset; = (posy - 23) + "px"; = (posx + 15) + "px";

function find_div() {
	return document.getElementById("link_tt");

function setImageSource(tt_image, demo_num, ext) {
	// Used to work:
	//tt_image.src = "screenshots/"+demo_num+"."+ext;
	tt_image.src = ""+demo_num+"."+ext;

function addImage(tt_image, tt_div) {
	tt_div.innerHTML = "";

function create_div(event, elem) {
	var tt_div = document.createElement("div");
	tt_div.setAttribute("id", "link_tt");
	tt_div.setAttribute("style", "background:" + bg_color + ";border:1px solid " + border_color + ";padding:2px;color:" + font_color + ";font-family:" + font_face + ";font-size:" + font_size + ";position:absolute;z-index:1000;");
	var demo_num = elem.href.replace(/.*?which=([0-9]*).*/, '$1');
	var tt_image = new Image();
    setImageSource(tt_image, demo_num, "jpg");
	tryOtherExtensionsIfNeeded(tt_div, tt_image, demo_num, ["gif", "png"]);
    addImage(tt_image, tt_div); = 'none';

function tryOtherExtensionsIfNeeded(tt_div, tt_image, demo_num, imageTypes) {
	var fired = false;
	tt_image.addEventListener("error", function() {
		if (fired) {
		fired = true;
		if (imageTypes.length == 0) {
			GM_log("We have run out of image types to try!");
		} else {
			var ext = imageTypes.pop();
			// It seems just updating the src was enough to unregister my error event listener (Chrome 32), so now I am going to create and replace the whole image element.
			tt_image = new Image();
			setImageSource(tt_image, demo_num, ext);
			addImage(tt_image, tt_div);
			tryOtherExtensionsIfNeeded(tt_div, tt_image, demo_num, imageTypes.slice(0));
	}, false);
	tt_image.addEventListener("load", function() { = '';
	}, false);

function kill_window() {
	var div = find_div();
	if (div) {

var timer = null;
function resetTimeout(fn) {
	if (timer) {
		timer = null;
	if (fn) {
		timer = setTimeout(fn, 300);

function create_event(elem) {
	elem.addEventListener("mouseover", function(event) { resetTimeout(function() { create_div(event, elem); }); }, false);
	elem.addEventListener("mouseout", function() { resetTimeout(null); kill_window(); }, false);
	elem.addEventListener("mousemove", function(event) { locate(event); }, true);

var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
	if (
		   links[i].href.indexOf("/prod.php?which=")>=0     // Yes if this links points to a prod.
		&& links[i].href.indexOf("&howmanycomments=")==-1   // But not if it's pointing to a specific comments page.
	) {