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Hibernate Idle Tabs

If a tab is unused for a long time, it switches to a light holding page until the tab is focused again. This helps the browser to recover memory, and can speed up the re-opening of large sessions.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Hibernate Idle Tabs
// @namespace      HIT
// @description    If a tab is unused for a long time, it switches to a light holding page until the tab is focused again.  This helps the browser to recover memory, and can speed up the re-opening of large sessions.
// @version        1.3.0
// @downstreamURL
// @include        *
// ==/UserScript==

/* +++ Config +++ */

var hibernateIfIdleForMoreThan = 36*60*60; // 36 hours
var restoreTime = 0.5; // in seconds

// We need an always-available basically blank HTML page we can navigate to
// when we hibernate a tab.  The userscript will run on that page, and await
// re-activation.
// This page is not really ideal, since it provides an image and unneeded CSS.
// Also NOTE FOR SECURITY that whatever page you navigate to, the server admin
// will be able to see which page you hibernated, in their logfile!
// If you have a blank page somewhere on the net, belonging to an admin you
// trust, I recommend using that instead.
var holdingPage = "";
// Throws error: Not allowed to navigate top frame to data URL
//var holdingPage = "data:text/html,<html><head><title>Hibernate Idle Tabs</title></head><body></body></html>";

// If you do change the holding, put the old one here, so that any existing
// hibernated tabs still on the old page will be able to unhibernate.
var oldHoldingPages = ["", "", ""];

var passFaviconToHoldingPage = true;
var fadeHibernatedFavicons = true;

var forceHibernateWhenRunTwice = true;

/* +++ Documentation +++ */
// On a normal page, checks to see if the user goes idle.  (Mouse movements,
// key actions and page focus reset the idle timer.)  If the page is left idle
// past the timeout, then the window navigates to a lighter holding page,
// hopefully freeing up memory in the browser.
// On a holding page, if the user focuses the window, the window navigates back
// to the original page.  (This can be cancelled in Chrome by clicking on
// another tab, but not by paging to another tab with the keyboard!)
// I think single-click is also a cancellation now.
// In order for the tab of the holding page to present the same favicon as the
// original page, we must capture this image before leaving the original page,
// and pass it to the holding page as a CGI parameter.
// (A simpler alternative might be to aim for a 404 on the same domain and use
// that as the holding page.)
// If you use Google Chrome or Chromium, then I would recommend using this
// extension instead, which provides exactly the same functionality, but with
// better security and probaly better performance too:

// (TODO: This aforementioned security concern could probably be fixed by passing data to the target page using # rather than ? - although it would only prevent the data from being passed over HTTP, but Javascript running on the target page could still read it.)
// Sadly, userscripts do not run on about:blank in Firefox 6.0 or Chromium 2011.  I doubt a file:///... URL would work either.

// BUG: Sometimes when un-hibernating, the webserver of the page we return to
// complains that the referrer URL header is too long!

// TODO: Some users may want the hibernated page to restore immediately when the tab is *refocused*, rather than waiting for a mouseover.

// TESTING: Expose a function to allow a bookmarklet to force-hibernate the current tab?

// CONSIDER: If we forget about fading the favicon, couldn't we simplify things by just sending the favicon URL rather than its image data?  I think I tested this, and although I could load the favicon into the document, I was not successful at getting it into the browser's title tab by adding a new <link rel="icon">.

/* +++ Main +++ */

var onHoldingPage = document.location.href.match(holdingPage+"?") != null;

// If you change holding page, this keeps the old one working for a while, for
// the sake of running browsers or saved sessions.
oldHoldingPages.forEach(oldHoldingPage => {
	if (document.location.href.match(oldHoldingPage+"?")) {
		onHoldingPage = true;

function handleNormalPage() {


	function hibernatePage() {

		var params = {
			title: document.title,
			url: document.location.href

		function processFavicon(canvas) {
			if (canvas) {
				try {
					if (fadeHibernatedFavicons) {
					var faviconDataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
					params.favicon_data = faviconDataURL;
				} catch (e) {
					var extra = ( window != top ? " (running in frame or iframe)" : "" );
					console.error("[HIT] Got error"+extra+": "+e+" doc.loc="+document.location.href);
					// We get "Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18" (Chrome) if
					// the favicon is from a different host.

		function reallyHibernatePage() {
			var queryString = buildQueryParameterString(params);
			document.location = holdingPage + "?" + queryString;

		if (passFaviconToHoldingPage) {
			// I don't know how to grab the contents of the current favicon, so we
			// try to directly load a copy for ourselves.
			var url = document.location.href;
			var targetHost = url.replace(/.*:\/\//,'').replace(/\/.*/,'');
		} else {


	function makeCanvasMoreTransparent(canvas) {
		var wid = canvas.width;
		var hei = canvas.height;
		var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
		var img = ctx.getImageData(0,0,wid,hei);
		var data =;
		var len = 4*wid*hei;
		for (var ptr=0;ptr<len;ptr+=4) {
			data[ptr+3] /= 4;  // alpha channel
		// May or may not be needed:

	if (forceHibernateWhenRunTwice) {
		if (window.hibernate_idle_tabs_loaded) {
		window.hibernate_idle_tabs_loaded = true;


function handleHoldingPage() {

	var params = getQueryParameters();

	// setHibernateStatus("Holding page for " + params.title + "\n with URL: "+params.url);
	// var titleReport = params.title + " (Holding Page)";
	var titleReport = "(" + (params.title || params.url) + " :: Hibernated)";

	var mainReport = titleReport;
	if (params.title) {
		var div = document.createElement("tt"); = "0.8em";
		mainReport += "\n" + params.url;


	try {
		var faviconDataURL = params.favicon_data;
		if (!faviconDataURL) {
			// If we do not have a favicon, it is preferable to present an empty/transparent favicon, rather than let the browser show the favicon of the holding page site!
	} catch (e) {

	function restoreTab(evt) {
		var url = decodeURIComponent(params.url);
		setHibernateStatus("Returning to: "+url);
		// Alternative; preserves "forward"
		window.history.back();  // TESTING!  With the fallback below, this seemed to work 90% of the time?
		// Sometimes it doesn't work.  So we fallback to old method:
			setHibernateStatus("window.history.back() FAILED - setting document.location");
				document.location.replace(url);   // I once saw this put ':'s when it should have put '%35's or whatever.  (That broke 'Up' bookmarklet.)
		evt.preventDefault();   // Accept responsibility for the double-click.
		return false;   // Prevent browser from doing anything else with it (e.g. selecting the word under the cursor).


	function checkForActivity() {

		var countdownTimer = null;

		// listen(document.body,'mousemove',startCountdown); // In Firefox this ignore mousemove on empty space (outside the document content), so trying window...
		listen(window,'mousemove',startCountdown); // Likewise for click below!
		// listen(document.body,'blur',clearCountdown); // Does not fire in Chrome?
		listen(window,'blur',clearCountdown); // For Chrome
		//listen(window,'mouseout',clearCountdown); // Firefox appears to be firing this when my mouse is still over the window, preventing navigation!  Let's just rely on 'blur' instead.
		// listen(document.body,'click',clearCountdown);

		function startCountdown(e) {
			if (countdownTimer != null) {
				// There is already a countdown running - do not start.
			var togo = restoreTime*1000;
			function countDown() {
				setHibernateStatus(mainReport +
						'\n' + "Tab will restore in "+(togo/1000).toFixed(1)+" seconds." +
						'  ' + "Click or defocus to pause." +
						'  ' + "Or double click to restore now!"
				if (togo <= 0) {
				} else {
					togo -= 1000;
					if (countdownTimer)
					countdownTimer = setTimeout(countDown,1000);

		function clearCountdown(ev) {
			if (countdownTimer) {
			countdownTimer = null;
			var evReport = "";
			if (ev) {
				evReport = " by "+ev.type+" on "+this;
			var report = mainReport + '\n' + "Paused" + evReport + "";



if (onHoldingPage) {
} else {

/* +++ Library Functions +++ */

function listen(target,eventType,handler,capture) {

function ignore(target,eventType,handler,capture) {

// Given an object, encode its properties and values into a URI-ready CGI query string.
function buildQueryParameterString(params) {
	return Object.keys(params).map( function(key) { return key+"="+encodeURIComponent(params[key]); } ).join("&");

// Returns an object whose keys and values match those of the CGI query string of the current document.
function getQueryParameters() {
	var queryString =;
	var params = {};
	queryString.replace(/^\?/,'').split("&").map( function(s) {
		var part = s.split("=");
		var key = part[0];
		var value = decodeURIComponent(part[1]);
		params[key] = value;
	return params;

function whenIdleDo(idleTimeoutSecs,activateIdleEvent) {

	var timer = null;
	var pageLastUsed = new Date().getTime();

	function setNotIdle() {
		pageLastUsed = new Date().getTime();

	function checkForIdle() {
		var msSinceLastUsed = new Date().getTime() - pageLastUsed;
		if (msSinceLastUsed > idleTimeoutSecs * 1000) {




/* +++ Local Convenience Functions +++ */

var statusElement = null;
function checkStatusElement() {
	if (!statusElement) {
		while (document.body.firstChild) {
		statusElement = document.createElement("div");
		document.body.insertBefore(statusElement,document.body.firstChild); = "center";

function setWindowTitle(msg) {
	msg = ""+msg;
	document.title = msg;

function setHibernateStatus(msg) {
	msg = ""+msg;
	statusElement.textContent = msg;
	statusElement.innerText   = msg;   // IE
	// Currently '\n' works in Chrome, but not in Firefox.

/* +++ Favicon, Canvas and DataURL Magic +++ */

function loadFaviconForHost(targetHost,callback) {

	// Try to load a favicon image for the given host, and pass it to callback.
	// Except: If there is a link with rel="icon" in the page, with host
	// matching the current page location, load that image file instead of
	// guessing the extension!

	var favicon = document.createElement('img');
	favicon.addEventListener('load',function() {

	var targetProtocol = document.location.protocol || "http:";

	// If there is a <link rel="icon" ...> in the current page, then I think that overrides the site-global favicon.
	// NOTE: This is not appropriate if a third party targetHost was requested, only if they really wanted the favicon for the current page!
	var foundLink = null;
	var linkElems = document.getElementsByTagName("link");
	for (var i=0;i<linkElems.length;i++) {
		var link = linkElems[i];
		if (link.rel === "icon" || link.rel === "shortcut icon") {
			// Since we can't read the image data of images from third-party hosts, we skip them and keep searching.
			if ( == {
				foundLink = link;
	if (foundLink) {
		favicon.addEventListener('error',function(){ callback(favicon); });
		favicon.src = foundLink.href;   // Won't favicon.onload cause an additional callback to the one below?
		// NOTE: If we made the callback interface pass favicon as 'this' rather than an argument, then we wouldn't need to wrap it here (the argument may be evt).
		favicon = foundLink;

	var extsToTry = ["jpg","gif","png","ico"];   // iterated in reverse order
	function tryNextExtension() {
		var ext = extsToTry.pop();
		if (ext == null) {
			console.log("Ran out of extensions to try for "+targetHost+"/favicon.???");
			// We run the callback anyway!
		} else {
			favicon.src = targetProtocol+"//"+targetHost+"/favicon."+ext;
	// When the favicon is working we can remove the canvas, but until then we may as well keep it visible!

function writeFaviconFromCanvas(canvas) {
	var faviconDataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
	// var faviconDataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/x-icon;base64");
	// console.log("Got data URL: "+faviconDataURL.substring(0,10+"... (length "+faviconDataURL.length+")");

function writeFaviconFromDataString(faviconDataURL) {

	var d = document, h = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];

	// Create this favicon
	var ss = d.createElement('link');
	ss.rel = 'shortcut icon';
	ss.type = 'image/x-icon';
	ss.href = faviconDataURL;
	// Remove any existing favicons
	var links = h.getElementsByTagName('link');
	for (var i=0; i<links.length; i++) {
		if (links[i].href == ss.href) return;
		if (links[i].rel == "shortcut icon" || links[i].rel=="icon")
	// Add this favicon to the head

	// Force browser to acknowledge
	// I saw this trick somewhere.  I don't know what browser requires it.  But I just left it in!
	var shim = document.createElement('iframe');
	shim.width = shim.height = 0;
	shim.src = "icon";


function loadFaviconIntoCanvas(targetHost,callback) {

	// console.log("Getting favicon for: "+targetHost);

	var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
	var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');


	function gotFavicon(favicon) {
		if (favicon) {
			// console.log("Got favicon from: "+favicon.src);
			canvas.width = favicon.width;
			canvas.height = favicon.height;
			ctx.drawImage( favicon, 0, 0 );


/* This throws a security error from canvas.toDataURL(), I think because we are
trying to read something from a different domain than the script!
In Chrome: "SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18"
// loadFaviconIntoCanvas(,writeFaviconFromCanvas);