Greasy Fork 支持简体中文。

X/Twitter 媒體批量下載器(支援 iPhone/Android)

一鍵下載 X/Twitter 上的圖片、影片和 GIF,並以使用者 ID 與貼文 ID 命名儲存。在 iPhone/Android 上,透過使用 ZIP 檔案,您還可以一鍵下載附加的媒體。

// ==UserScript==
// @name         X/Twitter メディア一括ダウンローダー(iPhone/Android 対応)
// @name:en      One-Click X/Twitter Media Downloader (Android/iPhone support)
// @name:zh-CN   X/Twitter 媒体批量下载器(支持 iPhone/Android)
// @name:zh-TW   X/Twitter 媒體批量下載器(支援 iPhone/Android)
// @version      1.0.2
// @description  X/Twitterの画像や動画、GIFをワンクリックでダウンロードして、ユーザーIDとポストIDで保存します。iPhone/Androidでもzipを利用することで添付されたメディアをワンクリックでダウンロードすることができます。
// @description:en  Download images, videos, and GIFs from X/Twitter with one click, saving them with the user ID and tweet ID. On Android/iPhone, all attached media can be downloaded at once via a ZIP archive.
// @description:zh-CN 一键下载 X/Twitter 上的图片、视频和 GIF,并以用户 ID 和帖子 ID 命名保存。在 iPhone/Android 上,通过使用 ZIP 文件,您还可以一键下载附加的媒体。
// @description:zh-TW 一鍵下載 X/Twitter 上的圖片、影片和 GIF,並以使用者 ID 與貼文 ID 命名儲存。在 iPhone/Android 上,透過使用 ZIP 檔案,您還可以一鍵下載附加的媒體。
// @require[email protected]/umd/index.min.js
// @author       Azuki
// @license      MIT
// @match*
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==
/*jshint esversion: 11 */

(function () {
    "use strict";

    let mediaBlobs = [];
    const isMobile = /android|iphone|mobile/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase());
    const bearerToken = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANRILgAAAAAAnNwIzUejRCOuH5E6I8xnZz4puTs%3D1Zv7ttfk8LF81IUq16cHjhLTvJu4FA33AGWWjCpTnA';
    const userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36';
    const isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().includes('firefox'); // Firefox 判定を追加

    const getCurrentLanguage = () => document.documentElement.lang || 'en';
    const getMainTweetUrl = (cell) => {
        let timeEl = cell.querySelector('article[data-testid="tweet"] a[href*="/status/"][role="link"] time');
        if (timeEl && timeEl.parentElement) return timeEl.parentElement.href;
        const link = cell.querySelector('article[data-testid="tweet"] a[href*="/status/"]');
        return link?.href || "";
    const extractTweetInfo = (url) => {
        const absUrl = url.startsWith('http') ? url : (location.origin + url);
        const match = absUrl.match(/^https?:\/\/(?:twitter\.com|x\.com)\/([^\/]+)\/status\/(\d+)/);
        return match ? { user: match[1], tweetId: match[2] } : null;

    const getCookie = (name) => {
        const cookies = Object.fromEntries(document.cookie.split(';').filter(n => n.includes('=')).map(n => n.split('=').map(decodeURIComponent).map(s => s.trim())));
        return name ? cookies[name] : cookies;
    const getMediaInfoFromUrl = (url) => {
        if (url.includes('')) {
            const formatMatch = url.match(/format=([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/);
            const ext = formatMatch ? formatMatch[1] : 'jpg';
            return { ext: ext, typeLabel: 'img' };
        } else if (url.includes('') || url.includes('') || url.includes('')) {
            let ext = 'mp4';
            if (url.includes('')) ext = 'mp4'; // GIFはmp4固定
            else {
                const path = url.split('?')[0];
                const extMatch = path.match(/\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$/);
                if (extMatch) ext = extMatch[1];
            const typeLabel = url.includes('tweet_video') ? 'gif' : 'video';
            return { ext: ext, typeLabel: typeLabel };
        return { ext: 'jpg', typeLabel: 'img' }; // デフォルト

    const fetchTweetDetailWithGraphQL = async (status_id) => {
        const base_url = `https://${location.hostname}/i/api/graphql/NmCeCgkVlsRGS1cAwqtgmw/TweetDetail`;
        const variables = {
            "focalTweetId": status_id, "with_rux_injections": false, "includePromotedContent": true, "withCommunity": true,
            "withQuickPromoteEligibilityTweetFields": true, "withBirdwatchNotes": true, "withVoice": true, "withV2Timeline": true
        const features = {
            "rweb_lists_timeline_redesign_enabled": true, "responsive_web_graphql_exclude_directive_enabled": true, "verified_phone_label_enabled": false,
            "creator_subscriptions_tweet_preview_api_enabled": true, "responsive_web_graphql_timeline_navigation_enabled": true,
            "responsive_web_graphql_skip_user_profile_image_extensions_enabled": false, "tweetypie_unmention_optimization_enabled": true,
            "responsive_web_edit_tweet_api_enabled": true, "graphql_is_translatable_rweb_tweet_is_translatable_enabled": true,
            "view_counts_everywhere_api_enabled": true, "longform_notetweets_consumption_enabled": true,
            "responsive_web_twitter_article_tweet_consumption_enabled": false, "tweet_awards_web_tipping_enabled": false,
            "freedom_of_speech_not_reach_fetch_enabled": true, "standardized_nudges_misinfo": true,
            "tweet_with_visibility_results_prefer_gql_limited_actions_policy_enabled": true, "longform_notetweets_rich_text_read_enabled": true,
            "longform_notetweets_inline_media_enabled": true, "responsive_web_media_download_video_enabled": false, "responsive_web_enhance_cards_enabled": false
        const url = encodeURI(`${base_url}?variables=${JSON.stringify(variables)}&features=${JSON.stringify(features)}`);
        const cookies = getCookie();
        const headers = {
            'authorization': `Bearer ${bearerToken}`, 'x-twitter-active-user': 'yes', 'x-twitter-client-language': cookies.lang, 'x-csrf-token': cookies.ct0,
            ...(cookies.ct0?.length === 32 && ? { 'x-guest-token': } : {})
        const tweet_detail = await fetch(url, { headers }).then(res => res.json());
        const tweet_entrie =[0].entries.find(n => n.entryId === `tweet-${status_id}`);
        const tweet_result = tweet_entrie.content.itemContent.tweet_results.result;
        const tweet_obj = tweet_result.tweet || tweet_result;
        tweet_obj.extended_entities = tweet_obj.extended_entities || tweet_obj.legacy?.extended_entities;
        return tweet_obj;

    const twdlcss = `
   span[id^="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-"], .ez-sidebar-wall, span[data-ez-ph-id], .ez-sidebar-wall-ad, .ez-sidebar-wall {display:none !important}
    .tmd-down {margin-left: 2px !important; order: 99; justify-content: inherit; display: inline-grid; transform: rotate(0deg) scale(1) translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px);}
    .tmd-down:hover > div > div > div > div {color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 1.0);}
    .tmd-down:hover > div > div > div > div > div {background-color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 0.1);}
    .tmd-down:active > div > div > div > div > div {background-color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 0.2);}
    .tmd-down:hover svg {color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 1.0);}
    .tmd-down:hover div:first-child:not(:last-child) {background-color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 0.1);}
    .tmd-down:active div:first-child:not(:last-child) {background-color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 0.2);}
    .tmd-down g {display: none;}, .tmd-down.loading g.loading, .tmd-down.failed g.failed {display: unset;}
    .tmd-down.loading svg {animation: spin 1s linear infinite;}
    @keyframes spin {0% {transform: rotate(0deg);} 100% {transform: rotate(360deg);}}
    .tweet-detail-action-item {width: 20% !important;}
    const newStyle = document.createElement('style'); = 'twdlcss';
    newStyle.innerHTML = twdlcss;
    document.head.parentNode.insertBefore(newStyle, document.head);

    const getNoImageMessage = () => {
        const lang = getCurrentLanguage();
        return lang === 'ja' ? "このツイートには画像または動画がありません!" : "There is no image or video in this tweet!";
    const status = (btn, css) => {
        btn.classList.remove('download', 'loading', 'failed');
        if (css) btn.classList.add(css);

    const getValidMediaElements = (cell) => {
        const mainTweetUrl = getMainTweetUrl(cell);
        const mainInfo = extractTweetInfo(mainTweetUrl);
        let validImages = [], validVideos = [], validGifs = [];
        if (mainInfo) {
            validImages = Array.from(cell.querySelectorAll("img[src*='name=']")).filter(img => !img.closest("div[tabindex='0'][role='link']") && !img.src.includes("card_img"));
            const videoCandidates = Array.from(cell.querySelectorAll("video"));
            videoCandidates.forEach(video => {
                if (video.closest("div[tabindex='0'][role='link']")) return;
                if (video.src?.startsWith("")) validGifs.push(video);
                else if (video.poster?.includes("/ext_tw_video_thumb/") || video.poster?.includes("/amplify_video_thumb/") || video.poster?.includes("/media/")) validVideos.push(video);
        return { images: validImages, videos: validVideos, gifs: validGifs };

    const getMediaURLs = async (cell, userName) => {
        const mediaElems = getValidMediaElements(cell);
        const imageURLs = => img.src.includes("name=") ? img.src.replace(/name=.*/ig, 'name=4096x4096') : img.src);
        const gifURLs = => gif.src);
        let videoURLs = [];

        if (mediaElems.videos.length > 0) {
            const tweetInfo = extractTweetInfo(getMainTweetUrl(cell));
            if (tweetInfo) {
                const tweetDetail = await fetchTweetDetailWithGraphQL(tweetInfo.tweetId);
                const extEntities = tweetDetail?.extended_entities || tweetDetail?.legacy?.extended_entities;
                if (extEntities?.media) {
                    videoURLs =
                        .filter(media => media.type === 'video' || media.type === 'animated_gif')
                        .map(media => {
                            const variants = media.video_info.variants.filter(variant => variant.content_type === 'video/mp4');
                            const maxBitrateVariant = variants.reduce((prev, current) => (prev.bitrate > current.bitrate) ? prev : current, variants[0]);
                            return maxBitrateVariant?.url;
                        .filter(url => url);
        return { imageURLs: imageURLs, gifURLs: gifURLs, videoURLs: videoURLs };

    const downloadZipArchive = async (blobs, userName, tweetId, mediaURLs) => {
        const files = {};
        const filenames =, index) => {
            const mediaInfo = getMediaInfoFromUrl(mediaURLs[index]);
            const ext = mediaInfo.ext;
            const typeLabel = mediaInfo.typeLabel;
            return `${userName}_${tweetId}-${typeLabel}${index + 1}.${ext}`;
        const uint8Arrays = await Promise.all( => blobToUint8Array(blob)));
        uint8Arrays.forEach((uint8Array, index) => {
            files[filenames[index]] = uint8Array;
        });, { level: 0 }, (err, zipData) => {
            if (err) {
                console.error("ZIP archive creation failed:", err);
            const zipBlob = new Blob([zipData], { type: 'application/zip' });
            const zipDataUrl = URL.createObjectURL(zipBlob);
            const a = document.createElement("a");
   = `${userName}_${tweetId}`;
            a.href = zipDataUrl;
    const downloadBlobAsFile = async (blob, url, filename) => {
        const dataUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
        const mediaInfo = getMediaInfoFromUrl(url);
        const ext = mediaInfo.ext;
        const a = document.createElement("a"); = `${filename}.${ext}`;
        a.href = dataUrl;

    const blobToUint8Array = async (blob) => new Uint8Array(await blob.arrayBuffer());
    const downloadMediaWithFetchStream = async (mediaSrcURL, userName) => {
        const headers = !isFirefox ? { 'User-Agent': userAgent } : {}; // Firefox の場合は User-Agent ヘッダーを削除
        try {
            const response = await fetch(mediaSrcURL, { credentials: 'omit', headers: headers });
            if (!response.ok) throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`);
            return await response.blob();
        } catch (error) {
            console.error("Download failed:", error);
            return null;

    const downloadMedia = async (imageURLs, gifURLs, videoURLs, userName, tweetId, btn_down, allMediaURLs) => {
        const mediaCount = imageURLs.length + gifURLs.length + videoURLs.length;

        if (mediaCount === 1) {
            let mediaURL, mediaTypeLabel;
            if (imageURLs.length === 1) { mediaURL = imageURLs[0]; mediaTypeLabel = 'img'; }
            else if (gifURLs.length === 1) { mediaURL = gifURLs[0]; mediaTypeLabel = 'gif'; }
            else if (videoURLs.length === 1) { mediaURL = videoURLs[0]; mediaTypeLabel = 'video'; }
            const blob = await downloadMediaWithFetchStream(mediaURL, userName);
            if (blob) {
                const filename = `${userName}_${tweetId}-${mediaTypeLabel}1`;
                downloadBlobAsFile(blob, mediaURL, filename);
                status(btn_down, 'download');
            } else {
                status(btn_down, 'failed');
                setTimeout(() => status(btn_down, 'download'), 3000);
        } else if (mediaCount > 1) { // mediaCount > 1 の場合のみ複数ダウンロード処理
            const downloadPromises = [...imageURLs, ...gifURLs, ...videoURLs].map(url => downloadMediaWithFetchStream(url, userName));
            const blobs = (await Promise.all(downloadPromises)).filter(blob => blob);

            if (blobs.length === mediaCount) {
                if (isMobile) {
                    downloadZipArchive(blobs, userName, tweetId, allMediaURLs);
                } else {
                    blobs.forEach((blob, index) => {
                        const mediaURL = allMediaURLs[index];
                        const mediaInfo = getMediaInfoFromUrl(mediaURL);
                        const filename = `${userName}_${tweetId}-${mediaInfo.typeLabel}${index + 1}`;
                        downloadBlobAsFile(blob, mediaURL, filename);
                setTimeout(() => status(btn_down, 'download'), 300);
            } else {
                status(btn_down, 'failed');
                setTimeout(() => status(btn_down, 'download'), 3000);

    const createDownloadButton = async (cell) => {

        let btn_group = cell.querySelector('div[role="group"]:last-of-type, ul.tweet-actions, ul.tweet-detail-actions');
        if (!btn_group) return;
        let btn_share = Array.from(btn_group.querySelectorAll(':scope>div>div, li.tweet-action-item>a, li.tweet-detail-action-item>a')).pop().parentNode;
        if (!btn_share) return;

        let btn_down = btn_share.cloneNode(true);
        btn_down.classList.add('tmd-down', 'download');
        const btnElem = btn_down.querySelector('button');
        if (btnElem) btnElem.removeAttribute('disabled');

        const lang = getCurrentLanguage();
        if (btn_down.querySelector('button')) btn_down.querySelector('button').title = lang === 'ja' ? '画像と動画をダウンロード' : 'Download images and videos';

        btn_down.querySelector('svg').innerHTML = `
            <g class="download"><path d="M3,14 v5 q0,2 2,2 h14 q2,0 2,-2 v-5 M7,10 l4,4 q1,1 2,0 l4,-4 M12,3 v11" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" /></g>
            <g class="loading"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10" fill="none" stroke="#1DA1F2" stroke-width="4" opacity="0.4" /><path d="M12,2 a10,10 0 0 1 10,10" fill="none" stroke="#1DA1F2" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" /></g>
            <g class="failed"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="11" fill="#f33" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" opacity="0.8" /><path d="M14,5 a1,1 0 0 0 -4,0 l0.5,9.5 a1.5,1.5 0 0 0 3,0 z M12,17 a2,2 0 0 0 0,4 a2,2 0 0 0 0,-4" fill="#fff" stroke="none" /></g>

        btn_down.onclick = async () => {
            if (btn_down.classList.contains('loading')) return;
            status(btn_down, 'loading');
            mediaBlobs = [];

            const tweetInfo = extractTweetInfo(getMainTweetUrl(cell));
            const userName = tweetInfo ? tweetInfo.user : "";
            const mediaData = await getMediaURLs(cell, userName);
            const imageURLs = mediaData.imageURLs;
            const gifURLs = mediaData.gifURLs;
            const videoURLs = mediaData.videoURLs;
            const mediaCount = imageURLs.length + gifURLs.length + videoURLs.length;
            const mediaUrls = [...imageURLs, ...gifURLs, ...videoURLs];

            if (mediaCount === 0) {
                status(btn_down, 'download');

            const tweetIdMatch = getMainTweetUrl(cell).match(/\/status\/(\d+)/);
            const tweetId = tweetIdMatch ? tweetIdMatch[1] : "unknown";

            downloadMedia(imageURLs, gifURLs, videoURLs, userName, tweetId, btn_down, mediaUrls);

        if (btn_group) btn_group.insertBefore(btn_down, btn_share.nextSibling);

    const processArticles = () => {
        const cells = document.querySelectorAll('[data-testid="cellInnerDiv"]');
        cells.forEach(cell => {
            const mainTweet = cell.querySelector('article[data-testid="tweet"]');
            if (!mainTweet) return;
            const tweetUrl = getMainTweetUrl(cell);
            const tweetInfo = extractTweetInfo(tweetUrl);
            if (!tweetInfo) return;
            const mediaElems = getValidMediaElements(cell);
            const mediaCount = mediaElems.images.length + mediaElems.videos.length + mediaElems.gifs.length;
            if (!cell.querySelector('.tmd-down') && mediaCount > 0) createDownloadButton(cell);

    const observer = new MutationObserver(processArticles);
    observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
    window.addEventListener('load', processArticles);
    window.addEventListener('popstate', processArticles);
