Greasy Fork 支持简体中文。



// ==UserScript==
// @name         Porn Blocker | 色情内容过滤器
// @name:en      Porn Blocker
// @name:zh-CN   色情内容过滤器
// @name:zh-TW   色情內容過濾器
// @name:zh-HK   色情內容過濾器
// @name:ja      アダルトコンテンツブロッカー
// @name:ko      성인 컨텐츠 차단기
// @name:ru      Блокировщик порнографии
// @namespace
// @version      2.0.8
// @description     A powerful content blocker that helps protect you from inappropriate websites. Features: Auto-detection of adult content, Multi-language support, Smart scoring system, Safe browsing protection.
// @description:en     A powerful content blocker that helps protect you from inappropriate websites. Features: Auto-detection of adult content, Multi-language support, Smart scoring system, Safe browsing protection.
// @description:zh-CN 强大的网页过滤工具,帮助你远离不良网站。功能特点:智能检测色情内容,多语言支持,评分系统,安全浏览保护,支持自定义过滤规则。为了更好的网络环境,从我做起。
// @description:zh-TW 強大的網頁過濾工具,幫助你遠離不良網站。功能特點:智能檢測色情內容,多語言支持,評分系統,安全瀏覽保護,支持自定義過濾規則。為了更好的網絡環境,從我做起。
// @description:zh-HK 強大的網頁過濾工具,幫助你遠離不良網站。功能特點:智能檢測色情內容,多語言支持,評分系統,安全瀏覽保護,支持自定義過濾規則。為了更好的網絡環境,從我做起。
// @description:ja   アダルトコンテンツを自動的にブロックする強力なツールです。機能:アダルトコンテンツの自動検出、多言語対応、スコアリングシステム、カスタマイズ可能なフィルタリング。より良いインターネット環境のために。
// @description:ko   성인 컨텐츠를 자동으로 차단하는 강력한 도구입니다. 기능: 성인 컨텐츠 자동 감지, 다국어 지원, 점수 시스템, 안전 브라우징 보호, 맞춤형 필터링 규칙。
// @description:ru   Мощный инструмент для блокировки неприемлемого контента. Функции: автоматическое определение, многоязычная поддержка, система оценки, настраиваемые правила фильтрации。
// @license      Apache-2.0
// @match        *://*/*
// @run-at       document-start
// @run-at       document-end
// @run-at       document-idle
// @grant        none
// @grant
// @grant
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
    'use strict';

    // 多语言支持
    const i18n = {
        'en': {
            title: '🚫 Access Blocked',
            message: 'This webpage has been identified as inappropriate content.',
            redirect: 'Redirecting in <span class="countdown">4</span> seconds...',
            footer: 'Stay healthy · Stay away from harmful content'
        'zh-CN': {
            title: '🚫 访问已被拦截',
            message: '该网页已被识别为不健康内容。',
            redirect: '<span class="countdown">4</span> 秒后自动跳转...',
            footer: '注意身心健康 · 远离不良网站'
        'zh-TW': {
            title: '🚫 訪問已被攔截',
            message: '該網頁已被識別為不健康內容。',
            redirect: '<span class="countdown">4</span> 秒後自動跳轉...',
            footer: '注意身心健康 · 遠離不良網站'
        'zh-HK': {
            title: '🚫 訪問已被攔截',
            message: '該網頁已被識別為不健康內容。',
            redirect: '<span class="countdown">4</span> 秒後自動跳轉...',
            footer: '注意身心健康 · 遠離不良網站'
        'ja': {
            title: '🚫 アクセスがブロックされました',
            message: 'このページは不適切なコンテンツとして識別されました。',
            redirect: '<span class="countdown">4</span> 秒後にリダイレクトします...',
            footer: '健康に注意 · 有害サイトに近づかない'
        'ko': {
            title: '🚫 접근이 차단됨',
            message: '이 웹페이지가 부적절한 콘텐츠로 식별되었습니다.',
            redirect: '<span class="countdown">4</span>초 후 자동으로 이동됩니다...',
            footer: '건강 관리 · 유해 사이트 멀리하기'
        'ru': {
            title: '🚫 Доступ заблокирован',
            message: 'Эта веб-страница определена как неподходящий контент.',
            redirect: 'Перенаправление через <span class="countdown">4</span> секунды...',
            footer: 'Будьте здоровы · Держитесь подальше от вредного контента'

    // 获取用户语言
    const getUserLanguage = () => {
        const lang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage;

        // 检查完整语言代码
        if (i18n[lang]) return lang;

        // 处理中文的特殊情况
        if (lang.startsWith('zh')) {
            const region = lang.toLowerCase();
            if (region.includes('tw') || region.includes('hant')) return 'zh-TW';
            if (region.includes('hk')) return 'zh-HK';
            return 'zh-CN';

        // 检查简单语言代码
        const shortLang = lang.split('-')[0];
        if (i18n[shortLang]) return shortLang;

        return 'en';

    // 浏览器检测函数
    const getBrowserType = () => {
        const ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

        // Add more browser detection
        if (ua.includes('ucbrowser')) return 'uc';
        if (ua.includes('qqbrowser')) return 'qq';
        if (ua.includes('2345explorer')) return '2345';
        if (ua.includes('360') || ua.includes('qihu')) return '360';
        if (ua.includes('maxthon')) return 'maxthon';
        if (ua.includes('firefox')) return 'firefox';
        if (ua.includes('edg')) return 'edge';
        if (ua.includes('opr') || ua.includes('opera')) return 'opera';
        if (ua.includes('brave')) return 'brave';
        if (ua.includes('vivaldi')) return 'vivaldi';
        if (ua.includes('yabrowser')) return 'yandex';
        if (ua.includes('chrome')) return 'chrome';
        if (ua.includes('safari') && !ua.includes('chrome')) return 'safari';

        return 'other';

    // 获取浏览器主页URL
    const getHomePageUrl = () => {
        switch (getBrowserType()) {
            case 'firefox':
                return 'about:home';
            case 'chrome':
                return 'chrome://newtab';
            case 'edge':
                return 'edge://newtab';
            case 'safari':
                return 'topsites://';
            case 'opera':
                return 'opera://startpage';
            case 'brave':
                return 'brave://newtab';
            case 'vivaldi':
                return 'vivaldi://newtab';
            case 'yandex':
                return 'yandex://newtab';
            case 'uc':
                return 'ucenterhome://';
            case 'qq':
                return 'qbrowser://home';
            case '360':
                return 'se://newtab';
            case 'maxthon':
                return 'mx://newtab';
            case '2345':
                return '2345explorer://newtab';
                // Fallback to a safe default
                return 'about:blank';

    // ----------------- 预编译正则规则 (性能优化) -----------------
    const regexCache = {
        // 色情关键词正则(预编译,避免重复生成)
        pornRegex: null,
        // 白名单正则(预编译)
        whitelistRegex: null,
        // .xxx后缀正则
        xxxRegex: /\.xxx$/i

    // ----------------- 配置项(用户可按需修改) -----------------
    const config = {
        // ================== 域名专用黑名单词汇 ==================
        domainKeywords: {
            // 常见成人网站域名关键词(权重4)
            'pornhub': 4, 'xvideo': 4, 'redtube': 4,
            'xnxx': 4, 'xhamster': 4, '4tube': 4,
            'youporn': 4, 'spankbang': 4,
            'myfreecams': 4, 'missav': 4,
            'rule34': 4, 'youjizz': 4,
            'onlyfans': 4, 'paidaa': 4,
            'haijiao': 4,

            // 核心违规词(权重3-4)
            'porn': 3, 'nsfw': 3, 'hentai': 3,
            'incest': 4, 'rape': 4, 'childporn': 4,

            // 身体部位关键词(权重2)
            'pussy': 2, 'cock': 2, 'dick': 2,
            'boobs': 2, 'tits': 2, 'ass': 2,
            'beaver': 1,

            // 特定群体(权重2-3)
            'cuckold': 3, 'virgin': 2, 'luoli': 2,
            'gay': 2,

            // 具体违规行为(权重2-3)
            'blowjob': 3, 'creampie': 2,
            'bdsm': 2, 'masturbat': 2, 'handjob': 3,
            'footjob': 3, 'rimjob': 3,

            // 其他相关词汇(权重1-2)
            'camgirl': 2,
            'nude': 3, 'naked': 3, 'upskirt': 2,

            // 特定地区成人站点域名特征(权重4)
            'jav': 4,

            // 域名变体检测(权重3)
            'p0rn': 3, 'pr0n': 3, 'pron': 3,
            's3x': 3, 'sexx': 3,

        // ================== 内容检测关键词 ==================
        contentKeywords: {
            // 核心违规词(权重3-4)- 严格边界检测
            '\\b(?:po*r*n|pr[o0]n)\\b': 3,     // porn及其变体
            'nsfw': 3,
            '\\bhentai\\b': 3,
            '\\binces*t\\b': 4,
            '\\br[a@]pe\\b': 4,
            '(?:child|kid|teen)(?:po*r*n)': 4,
            '海角社区': 4,

            // 身体部位关键词(权重2)- 优化边界和上下文检测
            'puss(?:y|ies)\\b': 2,
            '\\bco*ck(?:s)?(?!tail|roach|pit|er)\\b': 2,  // 排除cocktail等
            '\\bdick(?:s)?(?!ens|tionary|tate)\\b': 2,    // 排除dickens等
            '\\bb[o0]{2,}bs?\\b': 2,
            '\\btits?\\b': 2,
            '(?<!cl|gl|gr|br|m|b|h)ass(?:es)?(?!ign|et|ist|ume|ess|ert|embl|oci|ault|essment|emble|ume|uming|ured)\\b': 2,  // 优化ass检测
            '\\bbeaver(?!s\\s+dam)\\b': 1,  // 排除海狸相关

            // 特定群体(权重2-3)- 上下文敏感
            '\\bteen(?!age\\s+mutant)\\b': 3,   // 排除 Teenage Mutant
            '\\bsis(?!ter|temp)\\b': 2,         // 排除 sister, system
            '\\bmilfs?\\b': 2,
            '\\bcuck[o0]ld\\b': 3,
            '\\bvirgins?(?!ia|\\s+islands?)\\b': 2,  // 排除地名
            'lu[o0]li': 2,
            '\\bg[a@]y(?!lord|le|le\\s+storm)\\b': 2,  // 排除人名

            // 具体违规行为(权重2-3)- 严格检测
            '\\banal(?!ys[it]|og)\\b': 3,       // 排除analysis等
            '\\bbl[o0]w\\s*j[o0]b\\b': 3,
            'cream\\s*pie(?!\\s+recipe)\\b': 2,  // 排除食物相关
            '\\bbdsm\\b': 2,
            'masturba?t(?:ion|e|ing)\\b': 2,
            '\\bhand\\s*j[o0]b\\b': 3,
            '\\bf[o0]{2}t\\s*j[o0]b\\b': 3,
            '\\brim\\s*j[o0]b\\b': 3,

            // 新增违规行为(权重2-3)
            '\\bstr[i1]p(?:p(?:er|ing)|tease)\\b': 3,
            '\\bh[o0]{2}ker(?:s)?\\b': 3,
            'pr[o0]st[i1]tut(?:e|ion)\\b': 3,
            'b[o0]{2}ty(?!\\s+call)\\b': 2,     // 排除 booty call
            'sp[a@]nk(?:ing)?\\b': 2,
            'deepthroat': 3,
            'bukk[a@]ke': 3,
            'org(?:y|ies)\\b': 3,
            'gangbang': 3,
            'thr[e3]{2}s[o0]me': 2,
            'c[u|v]msh[o0]t': 3,
            'f[e3]tish': 2,

            // 其他相关词汇(权重1-2)- 上下文敏感
            '\\bcamgirls?\\b': 2,
            '\\bwebcam(?!era)\\b': 2,           // 排除webcamera
            '\\ble[a@]ked(?!\\s+(?:pipe|gas|oil))\\b': 2,  // 排除工程相关
            '\\bf[a@]p(?:p(?:ing)?)?\\b': 2,
            '\\ber[o0]tic(?!a\\s+books?)\\b': 1, // 排除文学相关
            '\\besc[o0]rt(?!\\s+mission)\\b': 3, // 排除游戏相关
            '\\bnude(?!\\s+color)\\b': 3,        // 排除色彩相关
            'n[a@]ked(?!\\s+juice)\\b': 3,       // 排除品牌
            '\\bupskirt\\b': 2,
            '\\b[o0]nlyfans\\b': 3,

            // 多语言支持 (按原有配置)
            '情色': 3, '成人': 3, '做爱': 4,
            'セックス': 3, 'エロ': 3, '淫': 4,
            'секс': 3, 'порн': 3, '性爱': 3,
            '無修正': 3, 'ポルノ': 3, 'порно': 3,
            '色情': 3, '骚': 1, '啪啪': 2,
            '自慰': 3, '口交': 3, '肛交': 3,
            '吞精': 3, '诱惑': 1, '全裸': 3,
            '内射': 3, '乳交': 3, '射精': 3,
            '反差': 0.5, '调教': 1.5, '性交': 3,
            '性奴': 3, '高潮': 0.3, '白虎': 0.8,
            '少女': 0.1, '女友': 0.1, '狂操': 3,
            '捆绑': 0.1, '约炮': 3, '鸡吧': 3,
            '鸡巴': 3, '阴茎': 1, '阴道': 1,
            '女优': 3, '裸体': 3, '男优': 3,
            '乱伦': 3, '偷情': 2, '母狗': 3,
            '内射': 4, '喷水': 0.8, '潮吹': 3,
            '轮奸': 2, '少妇': 2, '熟女': 2,

            // 新增中文词汇(更细致的分级)
            '色情': 3, '情色': 3, '黄色': 2,
            '淫(?:秽|荡|乱|贱|液|穴|水)': 4,
            '肉(?:棒|根|穴|缝|臀|奶|体|欲)': 3,
            '(?:巨|大|小|翘|白|圆|肥)(?:乳|臀|胸)': 2,
            '(?:舔|添|吸|吮|插|干|操|草|日|艹)(?:穴|逼|屄|阴|蜜|菊|屌|鸡|肉)': 4,
            '(?:销|骚|浪|淫)(?:魂|女|货|逼|贱|荡)': 3,

            // 新增日语词汇
            'オナニー': 3,      // 自慰
            '手コキ': 3,       // 手淫
            'パイズリ': 3,     // 乳交
            '中出し': 4,       // 中出
            '素人': 2,         // 素人
            'アヘ顔': 3,       // 阿黑颜
            '痴女': 3,         // 痴女
            '処女': 2,         // 处女

            // 新增韩语词汇
            '섹스': 3,         // 性
            '야동': 3,         // 成人视频
            '자위': 2,         // 自慰
            '음란': 3,         // 淫乱
            '성인': 2,         // 成人
            '누드': 2,         // 裸体

        // ================== 白名单减分规则 ==================
        whitelist: {
            // 强豁免词(权重-30)
            'edu': -30, 'health': -30, 'medical': -30, 'science': -30,
            'gov': -30, 'org': -30, 'official': -30,

            // 常用场景豁免(权重-15)
            'academy': -15, 'clinic': -15, 'therapy': -15,
            'university': -4, 'research': -15, 'news': -15,
            'dictionary': -15, 'library': -15, 'museum': -15,

            // 动物/自然相关(权重-1)
            'animal': -4, 'zoo': -1, 'cat': -1, 'dog': -1,
            'pet': -6, 'bird': -1, 'vet': -1,

            // 科技类(权重-5)
            'tech': -5, 'cloud': -5, 'software': -5, 'cyber': -3,

        // ================== 阈值配置 ==================
        thresholds: {
            // 总分触发阈值(建议3~4)
            block: 3,
            // URL路径加分阈值
            path: 2,
            // 进行白名单减分的最低阈值
            whitelist: 2

        // ================== 域名正则表达式规则 ==================
        domainPatterns: [

        // ================== 内容检测规则 ==================
        // 需要内容检测的域名规则
        contentCheckDomains: [
            // 海角社区

        // 内容检测相关配置
        contentCheck: {
            // 成人内容分数
            adultContentThreshold: 25,
            suspiciousTagNames: [
                // 主要内容区域
                'article', 'main', 'section', 'content',
                // 文本块
                'p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6',
                // 列表和表格
                'li', 'td', 'th', 'figcaption',
                // 链接和按钮文本
                'a', 'button',
                // 通用容器
                'div.content', 'div.text', 'div.description',
                'span.text', 'span.content'
            // 文本节点最小长度
            textNodeMinLength: 5,
            // 防抖等待时间(毫秒) 
            debounceWait: 1000,
            // 观察者最大运行时间(毫秒)
            observerTimeout: 30000,
            // 添加局部内容检测配置
            localizedCheck: {
                // 单个元素的内容阈值,超过此值才会影响整体评分
                elementThreshold: 8,
                // 需要触发的违规元素数量
                minViolationCount: 3,
                // 违规内容占总内容的比例阈值
                violationRatio: 0.3,
                // 排除检测的元素
                excludeSelectors: [
                    '.comment', '.reply', '.user-content',
                    '[id*="comment"]', '[class*="comment"]',
                    '[id*="reply"]', '[class*="reply"]',
                    '.social-feed', '.user-post'
                // 高风险元素选择器(权重更高)
                highRiskSelectors: [
                    'article', 'main', '.main-content',
                    '.article-content', '.post-content'

    // 域名正则检测函数
    const checkDomainPatterns = (hostname) => {
        return config.domainPatterns.some(pattern => pattern.test(hostname));

    // 检查是否需要进行内容检测
    const shouldCheckContent = (hostname) => {
        return config.contentCheckDomains.some(pattern => pattern.test(hostname));

    // 内容检测辅助函数
    const contentUtils = {
        // 优化文本获取算法
        getAllText: (element) => {
            if (!element) return "";

            // 使用Set去重
            const textSet = new Set();

            try {
                const walker = document.createTreeWalker(
                        acceptNode: (node) => {
                            const parent = node.parentElement;

                            // 优化过滤条件
                            if (!parent ||
                                /^(SCRIPT|STYLE|NOSCRIPT|IFRAME|META|LINK)$/i.test(parent.tagName) ||
                                parent.hidden ||
                                getComputedStyle(parent).display === 'none') {
                                return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;

                            const text = node.textContent.trim();
                            if (!text || text.length < config.contentCheck.textNodeMinLength) {
                                return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;

                            return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;

                let node;
                while (node = walker.nextNode()) {
            } catch (e) {
                console.error('Error in getAllText:', e);

            return Array.from(textSet).join(' ');

        // 优化可疑元素获取
        getSuspiciousElements: () => {
            try {
                const elements = new Set();

                // 使用更高效的选择器
                const fastSelectors = [
                    'article', 'main', '.content',
                    '[class*="content"]', '[class*="text"]',
                    'h1', 'h2', 'h3'

                fastSelectors.forEach(selector => {
                    document.querySelectorAll(selector).forEach(el => elements.add(el));

                return Array.from(elements);
            } catch (e) {
                console.error('Error in getSuspiciousElements:', e);
                return [];

    // 修改:使内容检测累加多个元素的分数
    function detectAdultContent() {
        console.log('\n[Content Detection] Starting content analysis...');
        let totalScore = 0;
        let totalElements = 0;
        let violationCount = 0;
        const scoreCache = new WeakMap();

        // 检查高风险元素并累加分数
        const highRiskElements = document.querySelectorAll(
        console.log(`[High Risk Elements] Found: ${highRiskElements.length}`);
        highRiskElements.forEach(element => {
            const score = getElementScore(element, scoreCache);
            console.log(`[High Risk Element] Score: ${score}`);
            totalScore += score;
            if (score >= config.contentCheck.localizedCheck.elementThreshold) {

        // 排除不需要检测的元素并累加其他可疑元素分数
        const excludeSelector = config.contentCheck.localizedCheck.excludeSelectors.join(',');
        const excludeElements = new Set(document.querySelectorAll(excludeSelector));
        const mainElements = contentUtils.getSuspiciousElements();
        mainElements.forEach(element => {
            if (
                excludeElements.has(element) ||
                Array.from(excludeElements).some(excluded => excluded.contains(element))
            ) {
            const score = getElementScore(element, scoreCache);
            totalScore += score;
            if (score >= config.contentCheck.localizedCheck.elementThreshold) {

        // 优化图片检测
        const images = document.querySelectorAll('img[alt], img[title]');
        for (const img of images) {
            const imgText = `${img.alt} ${img.title}`.trim();
            if (imgText) {
                totalScore += calculateScore(imgText) * 0.5; // 降低图片文本权重

        // 优化元数据检测
        const metaTags = document.querySelectorAll('meta[name="description"], meta[name="keywords"]');
        for (const meta of metaTags) {
            const content = meta.content;
            if (content) {
                totalScore += calculateScore(content) * 0.3; // 降低元数据权重

        console.log(`[Content Detection] Total Score: ${totalScore}`);
        console.log(`[Violations] Count: ${violationCount} / Total Elements: ${totalElements}`);
        return totalScore >= config.contentCheck.adultContentThreshold;

    // 添加获取元素评分的辅助函数
    function getElementScore(element, scoreCache) {
        if (scoreCache.has(element)) {
            const cachedScore = scoreCache.get(element);
            console.log(`[Cached Element Score] ${cachedScore}`);
            return cachedScore;

        const text = contentUtils.getAllText(element);
        console.log(`[Element Text] Length: ${text.length} chars`);
        const score = calculateScore(text);
        scoreCache.set(element, score);

        return score;

    // Refactored content detector using helper function
    const checkPageContent = () => {
        return detectAdultContent();

    // 预处理正则(仅初始化一次)
    (function initRegex() {
        // 域名关键词正则
        const domainTerms = Object.keys(config.domainKeywords).join('|');
        regexCache.domainRegex = new RegExp(`(${domainTerms})`, 'gi');

        // 内容关键词正则
        const contentTerms = Object.keys(config.contentKeywords).join('|');
        regexCache.contentRegex = new RegExp(`(${contentTerms})`, 'gi');

        // 白名单正则
        const whitelistTerms = Object.keys(config.whitelist).join('|');
        regexCache.whitelistRegex = new RegExp(`(${whitelistTerms})`, 'gi');

    // Helper function to sum weights from regex matches
    function sumMatches(text, regex, weightMap) {
        const matches = text.match(regex) || [];
        let total = 0;
        matches.forEach(match => {
            const weight = weightMap[match.toLowerCase()] || 0;
            total += weight;
        return total;

    // 优化后的评分计算函数
    const calculateScore = (text, isDomain = false) => {
        let score = isDomain
            ? sumMatches(text, regexCache.domainRegex, config.domainKeywords)
            : sumMatches(text, regexCache.contentRegex, config.contentKeywords);

        if (score >= config.thresholds.whitelist) {
            const whitelistScore = sumMatches(text, regexCache.whitelistRegex, config.whitelist);
            if (whitelistScore !== 0) {
                score += whitelistScore;

        return score;

    // 防抖函数
    const debounce = (func, wait) => {
        let timeout;
        return (...args) => {
            timeout = setTimeout(() => {
            }, wait);

    // 检测结果处理函数
    const handleBlockedContent = () => {
        const lang = getUserLanguage();
        const text = i18n[lang];
        document.documentElement.innerHTML = `
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="card">
                        <div class="icon-wrapper">
                            <svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2">
                                <path d="M12 9v2m0 4h.01m-6.938 4h13.856c1.54 0 2.502-1.667 1.732-3L13.732 4c-.77-1.333-2.694-1.333-3.464 0L3.34 16c-.77 1.333.192 3 1.732 3z"/>
                        <div class="footer">${text.footer}</div>
                    :root {
                        --bg-light: #f0f2f5;
                        --card-light: #ffffff;
                        --text-light: #2d3436;
                        --text-secondary-light: #636e72;
                        --text-muted-light: #b2bec3;
                        --accent-light: #ff4757;
                        --bg-dark: #1a1a1a;
                        --card-dark: #2d2d2d;
                        --text-dark: #ffffff;
                        --text-secondary-dark: #a0a0a0;
                        --text-muted-dark: #808080;
                        --accent-dark: #ff6b6b;
                    @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
                        body {
                            background: var(--bg-dark) !important;
                        .card {
                            background: var(--card-dark) !important;
                            box-shadow: 0 4px 12px rgba(0,0,0,0.3) !important;
                        h1 { color: var(--text-dark) !important; }
                        p { color: var(--text-secondary-dark) !important; }
                        .footer { color: var(--text-muted-dark) !important; }
                        .icon-wrapper {
                            background: var(--accent-dark) !important;
                        .countdown {
                            color: var(--accent-dark);
                    body {
                        background: var(--bg-light);
                        margin: 0;
                        font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, sans-serif;
                        min-height: 100vh;
                        display: flex;
                        align-items: center;
                        justify-content: center;
                    .container {
                        max-width: 500px;
                        width: 100%;
                    .card {
                        background: var(--card-light);
                        border-radius: 16px;
                        box-shadow: 0 4px 12px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
                        padding: 32px;
                        text-align: center;
                        animation: slideIn 0.5s ease-out;
                    .icon-wrapper {
                        width: 64px;
                        height: 64px;
                        background: var(--accent-light);
                        border-radius: 50%;
                        display: flex;
                        align-items: center;
                        justify-content: center;
                        margin: 0 auto 24px;
                        animation: pulse 2s infinite;
                    .icon-wrapper svg {
                        stroke: white;
                    h1 {
                        color: var(--text-light);
                        margin: 0 0 16px;
                        font-size: 24px;
                        font-weight: 600;
                    p {
                        color: var(--text-secondary-light);
                        margin: 0 0 24px;
                        line-height: 1.6;
                        font-size: 16px;
                    .footer {
                        color: var(--text-muted-light);
                        font-size: 14px;
                        animation: fadeIn 1s ease-out;
                    .countdown {
                        font-weight: bold;
                        color: var(--accent-light);
                    @keyframes slideIn {
                        from { transform: translateY(20px); opacity: 0; }
                        to { transform: translateY(0); opacity: 1; }
                    @keyframes pulse {
                        0% { transform: scale(1); }
                        50% { transform: scale(1.05); }
                        100% { transform: scale(1); }
                    @keyframes fadeIn {
                        from { opacity: 0; }
                        to { opacity: 1; }
        let timeLeft = 4;
        const countdownEl = document.querySelector('.countdown');
        const countdownInterval = setInterval(() => {
            if (countdownEl) countdownEl.textContent = timeLeft;
            if (timeLeft <= 0) {
                try {
                    const homeUrl = getHomePageUrl();
                    if (window.history.length > 1) {
                        const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
               = 'none';

                        iframe.onload = () => {
                            try {
                                const prevUrl = iframe.contentWindow.location.href;
                                const prevScore = calculateScore(new URL(prevUrl).hostname, true);

                                if (prevScore >= config.thresholds.block) {
                                    window.location.href = homeUrl;
                                } else {
                            } catch (e) {
                                window.location.href = homeUrl;

                        iframe.src = 'about:blank';
                    } else {
                        window.location.href = homeUrl;
                } catch (e) {
                    window.location.href = getHomePageUrl();
        }, 1000);

    // 修改:在动态内容检测中实时累计内容分数
    const setupDynamicContentCheck = () => {
        if (!document.body) return;

        let pendingCheck = false;
        let observer = null;

        const checkContent = debounce((mutations) => {
            if (pendingCheck) return;
            pendingCheck = true;

            try {
                const hostname = window.location.hostname;
                // 增加局部检测逻辑
                const targetNode = mutations[0]?.target;
                if (targetNode) {
                    // 检查变化的元素是否在排除列表中
                    const excludeSelector = config.contentCheck.localizedCheck.excludeSelectors.join(',');
                    const isExcluded = targetNode.matches?.(excludeSelector) ||

                    if (isExcluded) {
                        pendingCheck = false;

                if (detectAdultContent()) {
            } finally {
                pendingCheck = false;
        }, config.contentCheck.debounceWait);

        try {
            observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
                // 过滤无关变化
                const hasRelevantChanges = mutations.some(mutation => {
                    return mutation.addedNodes.length > 0 ||
                        (mutation.type === 'characterData' &&
                   >= config.contentCheck.textNodeMinLength);

                if (hasRelevantChanges) {

            observer.observe(document.body, {
                childList: true,
                subtree: true,
                characterData: true

            // 清理机制
            setTimeout(() => {
                observer = null;
            }, config.contentCheck.observerTimeout);

        } catch (e) {
            console.error('Error in setupDynamicContentCheck:', e);

        return observer;

    // setupDynamicContentCheck 函数之前添加新函数
    const setupTitleObserver = () => {
        let titleObserver = null;
        try {
            // 监听 title 标签变化
            const titleElement = document.querySelector('title');
            if (titleElement) {
                titleObserver = new MutationObserver(async (mutations) => {
                    for (const mutation of mutations) {
                        const newTitle =;
                        console.log(`[Title Change] New title: "${newTitle}"`);
                        // 计算新标题的分数
                        const titleScore = calculateScore(newTitle || "");
                        if (titleScore >= config.thresholds.block) {
                            console.log(`[Title Score] ${titleScore} exceeds threshold`);
                            const hostname = window.location.hostname;
                            await blacklistManager.addToBlacklist(hostname);

                titleObserver.observe(titleElement, {
                    subtree: true,
                    characterData: true,
                    childList: true

            // 监听 title 标签的添加
            const headObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
                for (const mutation of mutations) {
                    for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) {
                        if (node.nodeName === 'TITLE') {

            headObserver.observe(document.head, {
                childList: true,
                subtree: true

            // 设置超时清理
            setTimeout(() => {
            }, config.contentCheck.observerTimeout);

        } catch (e) {
            console.error('Error in setupTitleObserver:', e);

        return titleObserver;

    // ----------------- 黑名单储存 -----------------
    const blacklistManager = {
        BLACKLIST_KEY: 'pornblocker-blacklist',
        BLACKLIST_VERSION_KEY: 'pornblocker-blacklist-version',
        CURRENT_VERSION: '2.0',

        // 检查并升级黑名单版本
        async checkAndUpgradeVersion() {
            let storage;
            if (typeof chrome !== 'undefined' && && {
                storage =;
            } else if (typeof chrome !== 'undefined' && && {
                storage =;
            } else {
                // localStorage 的情况
                const storedVersion = localStorage.getItem(this.BLACKLIST_VERSION_KEY);
                if (storedVersion !== this.CURRENT_VERSION) {
                    // 在版本不匹配时清理旧数据
                    localStorage.setItem(this.BLACKLIST_VERSION_KEY, this.CURRENT_VERSION);
                    localStorage.setItem(this.BLACKLIST_KEY, JSON.stringify([]));

            try {
                // 获取存储的版本号
                const result = await new Promise(resolve => {
                    storage.get([this.BLACKLIST_VERSION_KEY, this.BLACKLIST_KEY], resolve);

                const storedVersion = result[this.BLACKLIST_VERSION_KEY];
                if (storedVersion !== this.CURRENT_VERSION) {
                    // 执行版本迁移
                    await this.migrateData(storage, storedVersion, result[this.BLACKLIST_KEY]);
            } catch (e) {
                console.error('Error checking version:', e);

        // 数据迁移函数
        async migrateData(storage, oldVersion, oldData) {
            try {
                let newData = [];

                // 处理旧版本数据
                if (oldData) {
                    if (Array.isArray(oldData)) {
                        // 如果是数组,保留有效的域名
                        newData = oldData.filter(item => typeof item === 'string' && item.includes('.'));
                    } else if (typeof oldData === 'object') {
                        // 如果是对象格式,提取域名
                        newData = Object.keys(oldData).filter(domain => domain.includes('.'));

                // 保存迁移后的数据
                await new Promise(resolve => {
                        [this.BLACKLIST_KEY]: newData,
                        [this.BLACKLIST_VERSION_KEY]: this.CURRENT_VERSION
                    }, resolve);

                console.log(`Blacklist migrated from ${oldVersion || 'unknown'} to ${this.CURRENT_VERSION}`);
            } catch (e) {
                console.error('Error migrating data:', e);

        // 获取黑名单
        async getBlacklist() {
            // 确保版本检查已完成
            await this.checkAndUpgradeVersion();

            try {
                // 优先使用同步存储
                if (typeof chrome !== 'undefined' && && {
                    return new Promise((resolve) => {
              [this.BLACKLIST_KEY], (result) => {
                            const data = result[this.BLACKLIST_KEY];
                            resolve(Array.isArray(data) ? data : []);
                // 降级使用本地存储
                else if (typeof chrome !== 'undefined' && && {
                    return new Promise((resolve) => {
              [this.BLACKLIST_KEY], (result) => {
                            const data = result[this.BLACKLIST_KEY];
                            resolve(Array.isArray(data) ? data : []);
                // 最后降级使用 localStorage
                else {
                    const data = localStorage.getItem(this.BLACKLIST_KEY);
                    return Promise.resolve(data ? JSON.parse(data) : []);
            } catch (e) {
                console.error('Error reading blacklist:', e);
                return Promise.resolve([]);

        // 添加到黑名单
        async addToBlacklist(hostname) {
            try {
                if (!hostname) return false;

                const blacklist = await this.getBlacklist();
                if (blacklist.includes(hostname)) return true;


                // 优先使用同步存储
                if (typeof chrome !== 'undefined' && && {
                    return new Promise((resolve) => {
                            [this.BLACKLIST_KEY]: blacklist,
                            [this.BLACKLIST_VERSION_KEY]: this.CURRENT_VERSION
                        }, () => resolve(true));
                // 降级使用本地存储
                else if (typeof chrome !== 'undefined' && && {
                    return new Promise((resolve) => {
                            [this.BLACKLIST_KEY]: blacklist,
                            [this.BLACKLIST_VERSION_KEY]: this.CURRENT_VERSION
                        }, () => resolve(true));
                // 最后降级使用 localStorage
                else {
                    localStorage.setItem(this.BLACKLIST_VERSION_KEY, this.CURRENT_VERSION);
                    localStorage.setItem(this.BLACKLIST_KEY, JSON.stringify(blacklist));
                    return Promise.resolve(true);
            } catch (e) {
                console.error('Error adding to blacklist:', e);
                return Promise.resolve(false);

        // 检查是否在黑名单中
        async isBlacklisted(hostname) {
            try {
                if (!hostname) return false;

                const blacklist = await this.getBlacklist();
                return blacklist.includes(hostname);
            } catch (e) {
                console.error('Error checking blacklist:', e);
                return false;

        // 从黑名单中移除
        async removeFromBlacklist(hostname) {
            try {
                const blacklist = await this.getBlacklist();
                const index = blacklist.indexOf(hostname);
                if (index > -1) {
                    blacklist.splice(index, 1);

                    // 优先使用同步存储
                    if (typeof chrome !== 'undefined' && && {
                        return new Promise((resolve) => {
                  { [this.BLACKLIST_KEY]: blacklist }, () => {
                    // 降级使用本地存储
                    else if (typeof chrome !== 'undefined' && && {
                        return new Promise((resolve) => {
                  { [this.BLACKLIST_KEY]: blacklist }, () => {
                    // 最后降级使用 localStorage
                    else {
                        localStorage.setItem(this.BLACKLIST_KEY, JSON.stringify(blacklist));
                        return Promise.resolve(true);
                return Promise.resolve(false);
            } catch (e) {
                console.error('Error removing from blacklist:', e);
                return Promise.resolve(false);

    // 立即执行版本检查
    (async function initBlacklist() {
        await blacklistManager.checkAndUpgradeVersion();

    // ----------------- 主检测逻辑 -----------------
    const checkUrl = async () => {
        const url = new URL(window.location.href);
        const hostname = url.hostname;

        console.log(`\n[URL Check] Checking: ${url.href}`);
        console.log(`[Hostname] ${hostname}`);

        // 优化黑名单检查
        if (await blacklistManager.isBlacklisted(hostname)) {
            return {
                shouldBlock: true,
                url: url,
                reason: 'blacklist'

        // 如果域名匹配正则
        if (checkDomainPatterns(url.hostname)) {
            return {
                shouldBlock: true,
                url: url

        // 检查是否需要进行内容检测
        if (shouldCheckContent(url.hostname)) {
            if (document.body) {
                const hasAdultContent = checkPageContent();
                if (hasAdultContent) {
                    return {
                        shouldBlock: true,
                        url: url,
                        reason: 'content'
            } else {
                document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
                    if (checkPageContent()) {

        let score = 0;

        // 检查域名
        const pornMatches = url.hostname.match(regexCache.domainRegex) || [];
        pornMatches.forEach(match => {
            const keyword = match.toLowerCase();
            const domainScore = config.domainKeywords[keyword] || 0;
            if (domainScore !== 0) {
                console.log(`[Domain Match] "${match}" = ${domainScore}`);
                score += domainScore;

        // 检查路径
        const path = url.pathname +;
        console.log(`[Path Check] "${path}"`);
        const pathScore = calculateScore(path) * 0.4;
        if (pathScore !== 0) {
            console.log(`[Path Score] ${pathScore} (after 0.4 multiplier)`);
            score += pathScore;

        // 检查标题
        console.log(`[Title Check] "${document.title}"`);
        const titleScore = calculateScore(document.title || "");
        if (titleScore !== 0) {
            console.log(`[Title Score] ${titleScore}`);
            score += titleScore;

        console.log(`[Initial Total Score] ${score}`);
        console.log(`[Block Threshold] ${config.thresholds.block}`);

        // 优化白名单评分: 如果超过阈值则进行白名单扣分
        if (score >= config.thresholds.whitelist) {
            const hostMatches = url.hostname.match(regexCache.whitelistRegex) || [];
            const titleMatches = (document.title || "").match(regexCache.whitelistRegex) || [];

            // 累加白名单分数
            let whitelistScore = 0;
            const whitelistMatchCount = (matches) => {
                matches.forEach(match => {
                    const term = match.toLowerCase();
                    const reduction = config.whitelist[term] || 0;
                    if (reduction !== 0) {
                        console.log(`[Whitelist Match] "${term}" = ${reduction}`);
                        whitelistScore += reduction;


            if (whitelistScore !== 0) {
                console.log(`[Whitelist Score] ${whitelistScore}`);
                score += whitelistScore;  // 加上白名单分数(负值会减分)

        console.log(`[Final Score] ${score}`);
        return {
            shouldBlock: score >= config.thresholds.block,
            url: url

    // 修改主执行函数,添加标题监听
    (async function () {
        const { shouldBlock, url: currentUrl } = await checkUrl();

        if (shouldBlock || regexCache.xxxRegex.test(currentUrl.hostname)) {
        } else {
            // 添加标题监听