// ==UserScript==
// @name Komica Blur
// @description Blur images on Komica
// @namespace https://github.com/usausausausak
// @match https://gita.komica1.org/00b/*
// @version 0.2a
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/usausausausak/pixelmatch@6abc46852cdfe64e8b7005d6e01b91d0451620b9/index.js
// @grant GM.setValue
// @grant GM.getValue
// @grant GM.addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
const Komica = {};
(function komicaDialog(exports) {
'use strict'
const TAG = '[Komica_Dialog]';
function insertDialog(name, id, namespace) {
// WORKAROUND: GM4 double insert
if (document.querySelector(`#${id}`)) {
const tabBox = createTabBox(namespace);
function toggleDialog() {
if (dialog.classList.contains(`${namespace}-dialog-show`)) {
tabBox.currentSelected = 0;
const dialog = document.createElement('div');
dialog.id = id;
dialog.className = `${namespace}-dialog`;
const footer = document.createElement('div');
footer.className = `${namespace}-dialog-footer`;
const closeBut = document.createElement('button');
closeBut.className = `${namespace}-dialog-close-button`;
closeBut.innerHTML = '關閉';
closeBut.addEventListener('click', toggleDialog, false);
document.body.insertBefore(dialog, document.body.firstChild);
// Insert toggle button to top links area.
const toggleButton = document.createElement('a');
toggleButton.className = 'text-button';
toggleButton.innerHTML = name;
toggleButton.addEventListener('click', toggleDialog, false);
const anchor = document.querySelector('#toplink a:last-of-type');
const parent = anchor.parentElement;
const insertPoint = anchor.nextSibling;
parent.insertBefore(document.createTextNode('] ['), insertPoint);
parent.insertBefore(toggleButton, insertPoint);
return { tabBox, footer };
function createTabBox(namespace) {
const eventListener = { onswitch: [] };
function addEventListener(name, cb) {
if (!eventListener[name]) {
// ignore unknown event
if (typeof cb === 'function') {
} else {
console.warn(TAG, 'event listener not a function');
function emitEvent(name, ...args) {
try {
eventListener[name].forEach(cb => cb(...args));
} catch (e) {
console.error(TAG, e);
const tabBox = document.createElement('div');
tabBox.className = `${namespace}-tabbox-header`;
const pageBox = document.createElement('div');
pageBox.className = `${namespace}-tabbox-container`;
const groups = new Map();
const pageInfos = [];
let currentSelected = -1;
function addPage(title = null, groupTitle = null) {
const index = pageInfos.length;
const page = document.createElement('div');
page.className = `${namespace}-tabbox-page`;
function getOrAddGroup(groupTitle) {
let group = groups.get(groupTitle);
if (!group) {
const header = document.createElement('div');
header.className = `${namespace}-tabbox-group-title`;
header.innerHTML = groupTitle;
group = document.createElement('div');
group.className = `${namespace}-tabbox-group`;
groups.set(groupTitle, group);
return group;
function addTab(title, parent) {
const tab = document.createElement('div');
tab.className = `${namespace}-tabbox-tab`;
tab.innerHTML = title;
tab.addEventListener('click', () => switchTab(index), false);
return tab;
const group = (groupTitle == null) ? null : getOrAddGroup(groupTitle);
const tab = (title == null) ? null : addTab(title, group ?? tabBox);
const newInfo = { index, page, tab, group };
return newInfo;
function getPage(index) {
if ((index < 0) || (index >= pageInfos.length)) {
console.error(TAG, `invalid tab index: ${index}`);
return null;
return pageInfos[index].page;
function switchTab(index) {
if ((index < 0) || (index >= pageInfos.length)) {
console.error(TAG, `invalid tab index: ${index}`);
} else if (currentSelected == index) {
const prevIndex = currentSelected;
const { page, tab } = pageInfos[index];
// emit before show to make time to render
currentSelected = index;
emitEvent('onswitch', index, page);
// hide current tab
if (prevIndex >= 0) {
// hide current tab
const { page, tab } = pageInfos[prevIndex];
if (tab) {
if (tab) {
function getCurrentPage() {
if ((currentSelected < 0) || (currentSelected >= pageInfos.length)) {
return null;
} else {
return pageInfos[currentSelected].page;
return {
get currentSelected() { return currentSelected; },
set currentSelected(index) { switchTab(index); },
addPage, getPage,
appendTo(parent) {
on(eventName, cb) { addEventListener(`on${eventName}`, cb); },
exports.insertDialog = insertDialog;
// from https://greasemonkey.github.io/gm4-polyfill/gm4-polyfill.js
if (typeof GM == 'undefined') {
this.GM = {};
if (typeof GM_addStyle == 'undefined') {
this.GM_addStyle = (aCss) => {
'use strict';
let head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (head) {
let style = document.createElement('style');
style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
style.textContent = aCss;
return style;
return null;
if (typeof GM['addStyle'] == 'undefined') {
GM['addStyle'] = function(...args) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
resolve(GM_addStyle.apply(this, args));
} catch (e) {
(async function () {
'use strict';
class Uint8StorageMap {
maxLength = 50;
onadd = () => {};
onremove = () => {};
constructor(storageId, list, bytes, storage = localStorage) {
this.#storageId = storageId;
this.#storage = storage;
this.#cache = list;
this.#bytes = bytes;
static async fromLocalStorage(storageId) {
const value = localStorage.getItem(storageId);
if (!value) {
return new Uint8StorageMap(storageId, [], 0);
const bytes = value.length;
const entries = value.split(/;/);
return new Uint8StorageMap(storageId, entries.map(e => {
const [key, value] = e.split(/=/);
const uint8 = Uint8ClampedArray.from(value.split(/,/), i => parseInt(i, 10));
return [key, uint8];
}), bytes);
async add(key, data) {
const has = this.#cache.some(([k, v]) => k == key);
if (!has) {
if (this.#cache.length >= this.maxLength) {
const remove = this.#cache.length - this.maxLength + 1;
this.#cache.splice(0, remove);
this.#cache.push([key, data]);
await this.#serialize();
this.onadd(key, data);
async #serialize() {
let value = '';
let semicolon = '';
for (const [key, data] of this.#cache) {
value += `${semicolon}${key}=${data}`;
semicolon = ';';
this.#storage.setItem(this.#storageId, value);
this.#bytes = value.length;
async remove(key) {
const i = this.#cache.findIndex(([k, v]) => k == key);
if (i != -1) {
const [data] = this.#cache.splice(i, 1);
await this.#serialize();
this.onremove(key, data);
async clear() {
this.#cache = [];
await this.#serialize();
entries() {
return this.#cache.values();
get length() {
return this.#cache.length;
get bytes() {
return this.#bytes;
class StorageSet {
maxLength = 100;
constructor(storageId, list, storage = localStorage) {
this.#storageId = storageId;
this.#storage = storage;
this.#cache = list;
static async fromLocalStorage(storageId) {
const value = localStorage.getItem(storageId);
if (value) {
return new StorageSet(storageId, value.split(/,/));
} else {
return new StorageSet(storageId, []);
async add(key) {
console.log(TAG, this.#storageId, 'add', key);
console.log(TAG, this.#storageId, 'add', this.#cache);
if (!this.has(key)) {
if (this.#cache.length >= this.maxLength) {
const remove = this.#cache.length - this.maxLength + 1;
this.#cache.splice(0, remove);
await this.#serialize();
async #serialize() {
this.#storage.setItem(this.#storageId, this.#cache);
async remove(key) {
console.log(TAG, this.#storageId, 'remove', key);
const i = this.#cache.indexOf(key);
if (i != -1) {
this.#cache.splice(i, 1);
await this.#serialize();
has(key) {
return this.#cache.includes(key);
get length() {
return this.#cache.length;
const TAG = '[Komica_Blur]';
:root {
--blur-primary-background-color: #FFFFEE;
--blur-secondary-background-color: #F0E0D6;
--blur-highlight-background-color: #EEAA88;
--blur-highlight-color: #800000;
--blur-text-button-color: #00E;
--blur-text-button-hover-color: #D00;
--blur-separator-color: #000;
--blur-primary-shadow-color: #5f5059;
--blur-warning-color: #D00;
const DIALOG_STYLE = `
.blur-options-page {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: [i-start] auto auto [i-end];
grid-auto-rows: min-content;
.blur-blacklist-page {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: [i-start] auto max-content max-content [i-end];
grid-auto-rows: min-content;
.blur-blacklist-page button {
place-self: center;
.blur-blacklist-page span {
margin: 0 6px;
place-self: center start;
.blur-blacklist-page canvas {
margin: 3px 0;
.blur-separtor {
grid-column: i;
.blur-listitem-description {
color: var(--blur-highlight-color);
grid-column: i;
.blur-listitem-description::before {
content: "・";
grid-column: i;
.blur-dialog {
visibility: hidden;
position: fixed;
top: -10px;
z-index: 1;
opacity: 0;
display: grid;
grid-template: "h h" min-content "c c" auto "f b" min-content / max-content 1fr;
width: 40%;
height: 50%;
margin: 0 30%;
overflow: hidden;
border-radius: 5px;
box-shadow: 0 0 15px 5px var(--blur-primary-shadow-color);
background-color: var(--blur-primary-background-color);
transition: top 100ms, visibility 100ms, opacity 100ms;
.blur-dialog-show {
visibility: visible;
opacity: 1;
top: 30px;
.blur-dialog-footer {
grid-area: f;
align-self: center;
margin: 10px 20px;
.blur-dialog-close-button {
place-self: center end;
margin: 10px 20px;
.blur-tabbox-header {
grid-area: h;
display: flex;
justify-content: start;
background-color: var(--blur-secondary-background-color);
.blur-tabbox-tab {
cursor: pointer;
flex: 1;
padding: 3px 12px;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
.blur-tabbox-tab:hover {
background-color: var(--blur-highlight-background-color);
color: var(--blur-highlight-color);
.blur-tabbox-tab.blur-tabbox-selected {
background-color: var(--blur-highlight-background-color);
color: var(--blur-highlight-color);
.blur-tabbox-container {
grid-area: c;
display: flex;
overflow-y: auto;
.blur-tabbox-page {
width: 0;
opacity: 0;
overflow-y: scroll;
overflow-x: hidden;
transition: opacity 200ms;
.blur-tabbox-page.blur-tabbox-selected {
width: 100%;
opacity: 1;
padding: 10px;
@media screen and (max-device-width: 600px) {
.blur-dialog {
width: calc(100vw - 20px);
margin: 0 10px;
.blur-tabbox-container {
width: calc(100vw - 20px);
const BLUR_STYLE = `
.file-thumb .img.blur-safe-img {
filter: unset;
.blur-button::before {
content: " ";
@media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
div.file-text {
display: block;
font-size: 0;
.file-text .qlink {
font-size: 0.8rem;
'komica': {
darkStyleVars: `
:root {
--blur-primary-background-color: #1D1F21;
--blur-secondary-background-color: rgb(40, 42, 46);
--blur-highlight-background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
--blur-highlight-color: rgb(178, 148, 187);
--blur-text-button-color: #81A2BE;
--blur-text-button-hover-color: #FFC685;
--blur-separator-color: gray;
--blur-primary-shadow-color: rgb(40, 42, 46);
--blur-warning-color: #D00;
getStyleVars: function () {
const [themeCookie] = document.cookie.split(/;\s*/)
.map(c => c.split(/=/,2))
.filter(([k, v]) => k == 'theme');
if ((themeCookie) && (themeCookie[1] == 'dark.css')) {
return this.darkStyleVars;
} else {
const hostId = 'komica';
const hostSettings = HOST_SETTINGS[hostId];
async function readSettings() {
const saved = await settingsFromGM();
blacklist.maxLength = saved.blacklistMax;
whitelist.maxLength = saved.whitelistMax;
imageSampler.matchThreshold = saved.matchThreshold;
imageSampler.sampleSize = saved.sampleSize;
console.log(TAG, saved);
saved.onchange = async function onSettingsChanged(optionId, value) {
console.log(TAG, optionId, value);
switch (optionId) {
case 'blacklistMax':
blacklist.maxLength = value;
case 'whitelistMax':
whitelist.maxLength = value;
case 'matchThreshold':
imageSampler.matchThreshold = value;
case 'sampleSize':
imageSampler.sampleSize = value;
await blacklist.clear();
await GM.setValue(optionId, value);
return saved;
async function addStyle() {
const styleVars = ((hostSettings) && (hostSettings.getStyleVars))
? hostSettings.getStyleVars() : DEFAULT_STLYE_VARS;
await GM.addStyle(styleVars);
const blurSettingsStyle = `.file-thumb .img { filter: blur(${settings.blurRadius}); }`;
await GM.addStyle(`${blurSettingsStyle}\n${BLUR_STYLE}`);
await GM.addStyle(DIALOG_STYLE);
function onLoad(settings) {
insertSettingDialog(settings, { blacklist, imageSampler });
const imgs = document.querySelectorAll('.file-thumb .img');
for (const img of imgs) {
if (img.complete) {
} else {
img.addEventListener('load', onLoadImg);
const OPTIONS = {
'blurRadius': {
choose: ['12px', '15px', '21px'],
default: '12px',
title: '霧化半徑',
afterSepartor: true,
'matchThreshold': {
range: { min: 0.1, max: 0.5, step: 0.1 },
default: 0.3,
isFloat: true,
title: '相似閾值',
description: '相異像素低於閾值視為相似圖片',
'sampleSize': {
choose: [32, 64, 96],
default: 64,
title: 'sampleSize',
description: '會增加容量和處理時間,更改時清空黑名單',
afterSepartor: true,
'blacklistMax': {
range: { min: 10, max: 50, step: 10 },
default: 10,
title: '黑名單數量',
description: '超過會從舊的刪除',
'whitelistMax': {
choose: [50, 100],
default: 50,
title: '白名單數量',
description: '超過會從舊的刪除',
function typeofOption(descriptor) {
return (descriptor.isFloat) ? 'float' : typeof descriptor.default;
function parseValue(type, value) {
switch (type) {
case 'number': return parseInt(value, 10);
case 'float': return parseFloat(value);
default: return value;
async function settingsFromGM() {
const settings = { };
for (const [optionId, descriptor] of Object.entries(OPTIONS)) {
const value = await GM.getValue(optionId, descriptor.default);
settings[optionId] = parseValue(typeofOption(descriptor), value);
return settings;
function insertSettingDialog(settings, { blacklist, imageSampler }) {
const { tabBox, footer } = Komica.insertDialog('BLUR', 'blur-settings-dialog', 'blur');
footer.textContent = "※更改需要F5後才套用";
const optionsPageInfo = tabBox.addPage('設定');
const blacklistPageInfo = tabBox.addPage('黑名單');
function switchTab(pageIdx, root) {
switch (pageIdx) {
case blacklistPageInfo.index:
tabBox.on('switch', switchTab);
function onBlacklistChanged() {
const currentSelected = tabBox.currentSelected;
if (currentSelected == blacklistPageInfo.index) {
const root = tabBox.getCurrentPage();
blacklist.onadd = onBlacklistChanged;
blacklist.onremove = onBlacklistChanged;
function renderBlacklist(root) {
root.innerHTML = '';
for (const [key, data] of blacklist.entries()) {
root.prepend(...createSampleView(key, data, blacklist));
const bytesTitle = createTextView('黑名單使用容量');
const clearButton = document.createElement('button');
clearButton.textContent = "清空";
clearButton.addEventListener('click', async () => {
await blacklist.clear();
createTextView(`${blacklist.bytes / 1000}KiB`),
function createSampleView(key, data, blacklist) {
const [canvas, ctx] = imageSampler.newCanvas();
const imgData = new ImageData(data, canvas.width);
ctx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0);
const delButton = document.createElement('button');
delButton.textContent = "移除";
delButton.addEventListener('click', async () => {
await blacklist.remove(key);
return [canvas, createTextView(key), delButton];
function renderOptions(root) {
root.innerHTML = '';
for (const [optionId, descriptor] of Object.entries(OPTIONS)) {
const details = { ...descriptor, value: settings[optionId], onchange: settings.onchange };
let views;
if (details.range) {
views = createRange('blur', optionId, details);
} else if (details.choose) {
views = createChoose('blur', optionId, details);
if (details.description) {
root.append(createTextView(details.description, 'blur-listitem-description'));
if (details.afterSepartor) {
function createRange(namespace, optionId, details) {
const value = details.value ?? details.default;
const type = typeofOption(details.default);
const onchange = details.onchange;
const view = document.createElement('span');
const input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'range';
for (const attr of ['min', 'max', 'step']) {
input[attr] = details.range[attr];
input.id = `${namespace}-${optionId}`;
input.value = value;
const display = document.createElement('span');
display.textContent = value;
input.addEventListener('change', async () => {
const value = parseValue(type, input.value);
display.textContent = value;
onchange(optionId, value);
return [createTextView(details.title, `${namespace}-listitem-title`), view];
function createChoose(namespace, optionId, details) {
const value = details.value ?? details.default;
const type = typeofOption(details.default);
const onchange = details.onchange;
const select = document.createElement('select');
for (const value of details.choose) {
select.add(new Option(value));
select.id = `${namespace}-${optionId}`;
select.value = value;
select.addEventListener('change', async () => {
const value = parseValue(type, select.value);
onchange(optionId, value);
return [createTextView(details.title, `${namespace}-listitem-title`), select];
function createTextView(textContent, className) {
const view = document.createElement('span');
view.textContent = textContent;
if (className) {
view.className = className;
return view;
function createGridSepartor() {
const view = document.createElement('div');
view.className = 'blur-separtor';
return view;
class ImageSampler {
#matchThreshold = 0.3;
#maxDiff = 64 * 64 * 0.3;
#sampleSize = { width: 64, height: 64, length: 64 * 64 };
#canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
#ctx = null;
constructor() {
this.#canvas.width = this.#sampleSize.width;
this.#canvas.height = this.#sampleSize.height;
this.#ctx = this.#canvas.getContext("2d");
set sampleSize(value) {
this.#sampleSize = { width: value, height: value, length: value * value };
const [canvas, ctx] = this.newCanvas();
this.#canvas = canvas;
this.#ctx = ctx;
this.#maxDiff = value * value * this.#matchThreshold;
set matchThreshold(value) {
this.#matchThreshold = value;
this.#maxDiff = this.#sampleSize.width * this.#sampleSize.height * value;
toGrayData(img) {
this.#ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, this.#sampleSize.width, this.#sampleSize.height);
const imgData = this.#ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.#sampleSize.width, this.#sampleSize.height);
return ImageSampler.canvasToGray(this.#ctx, imgData);
static canvasToGray(ctx, imgData) {
const pixels = imgData.data;
for (let i = 0; i < pixels.length; i += 4) {
const lightness = 0.2126 * pixels[i] + 0.715 * pixels[i+1] + 0.0722 * pixels[i+2];
pixels[i] = lightness;
pixels[i + 1] = lightness;
pixels[i + 2] = lightness;
ctx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0);
return pixels;
matchData(key1, img1, key2, img2) {
const diff = pixelmatch(img1, img2, null, this.#sampleSize.width, this.#sampleSize.height,
{maxDiff: this.#maxDiff, threshold: 0.1});
const n = diff / this.#sampleSize.length;
const payload = { n, key: key2 };
//console.log(TAG, key1, key2, n);
return (n < this.#matchThreshold) ? payload : null;
newCanvas() {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = this.#sampleSize.width;
canvas.height = this.#sampleSize.height;
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
return [canvas, ctx];
class Blacklist {
constructor(storage) {
this.#storage = storage;
static async fromLocalStorage() {
return new Blacklist(await Uint8StorageMap.fromLocalStorage('blur-blacklist'));
set maxLength(value) {
this.#storage.maxLength = value;
set onadd(value) {
this.#storage.onadd = value;
set onremove(value) {
this.#storage.onremove = value;
get length() {
return this.#storage.length;
get bytes() {
return this.#storage.bytes;
async add(key, data) {
console.log(TAG, 'add blacklist', key);
this.#storage.add(key, data);
async remove(key, data) {
console.log(TAG, 'remove blacklist', key);
async clear() {
console.log(TAG, 'clear blacklist');
entries() {
return this.#storage.entries();
match(callback) {
for (const [key, data] of this.#storage.entries()) {
const matches = callback(key, data);
if (matches) {
return matches;
return null;
const imageSampler = new ImageSampler();
const blacklist = await Blacklist.fromLocalStorage();
const whitelist = await StorageSet.fromLocalStorage('blur-whitelist');
class WorkList {
#list = [];
#completed = 0;
#timer = null;
push(work) {
const shouldStart = this.finished;
return shouldStart;
next() {
const current = this.#completed;
if (current == this.#list.length) {
return null;
} else {
return this.#list[current];
get finished() {
return (this.#completed == this.#list.length);
const workList = new WorkList();
function onLoadImg(ev) {
const img = ev.target;
function markImage(img, key2, img2) {
if (workList.push({ img, key2, img2 })) {
setTimeout(doImageWork, 0);
console.time(TAG, 'work');
async function doImageWork() {
const work = workList.next();
if (!work) {
console.timeEnd(TAG, 'work');
const { img, key2, img2 } = work;
const key1 = imageKey(img);
//console.log(TAG, 'doImageWork', key1);
if (whitelist.has(key1)) {
img.dataset.imageInList = 'whitelist';
} else {
const img1 = imageSampler.toGrayData(img);
let matches = null;
if ((key2) && (img2)) {
matches = imageSampler.matchData(key1, img1, key2, img2);
} else {
matches = blacklist.match((key2, img2) => imageSampler.matchData(key1, img1, key2, img2));
if (!matches) {
} else if (matches.key == key1) {
img.dataset.imageInList = 'blacklist';
} else {
console.log(TAG, key1, 'matches', matches);
img.dataset.imageMatchBlacklist = matches.key;
setTimeout(doImageWork, 0);
function imageKey(img) {
return img.src.replace(/^.*\//, '');
function renderContextMenu(img) {
const parent = img.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector('.file-text');
let blurButton = parent.querySelector('.blur-button');
if (!blurButton) {
blurButton = document.createElement('span');
blurButton.classList.add('qlink', 'blur-button');
blurButton.addEventListener('click', () => toggleBlur(img));
if (img.dataset.imageInList == 'whitelist') {
blurButton.textContent = "[remove whitelist]";
} else if (img.dataset.imageMatchBlacklist) {
blurButton.textContent = "[whitelist]";
} else if (img.dataset.imageInList == 'blacklist') {
blurButton.textContent = "[remove blacklist]";
} else {
blurButton.textContent = "[blacklist]";
async function toggleBlur(img) {
const key = imageKey(img);
if (img.dataset.imageInList == 'whitelist') {
await whitelist.remove(key)
} else if (img.dataset.imageMatchBlacklist) {
await whitelist.add(key)
} else if (img.dataset.imageInList == 'blacklist') {
await blacklist.remove(key);
} else {
const imgData = imageSampler.toGrayData(img);
await blacklist.add(key, imgData);
onAddedBlacklist(key, imgData);
function onRemovedWhitelist(img) {
delete img.dataset.imageInList;
delete img.dataset.imageMatchBlacklist;
function onAddedWhitelist(img) {
img.dataset.imageInList = 'whitelist';
function onRemovedBlacklist(key) {
const imgs = document.querySelectorAll('.file-thumb .img');
for (const img of imgs) {
const key1 = imageKey(img);
if (img.dataset.imageMatchBlacklist == key) {
delete img.dataset.imageMatchBlacklist;
} else if (key1 == key) {
delete img.dataset.imageInList;
function onAddedBlacklist(key2, img2) {
const imgs = document.querySelectorAll('.file-thumb .img');
for (const img of imgs) {
if (!img.dataset.imageMatchBlacklist) {
const key1 = imageKey(img);
if (key1 == key2) {
img.dataset.imageInList = 'blacklist';
} else if (!img.dataset.imageInList) {
markImage(img, key2, img2);
const settings = await readSettings();
await addStyle(settings);