A script to hide works and work summaries on Archive of Our Own (archiveofourown.org), if they contain one or more user-specified keywords.
The script adds a dropdown menu to the AO3 top bar with these options:
- Add keyword to hide works for
- Remove last-added keyword
- Remove all keywords
On a page with a list of works, any work summaries containing one or more keywords will be hidden. There is an option to show the keywords that were found, and to show the work summary anyway.
On the page of a single work or chapter where keyword(s) were found, the work, its summary, and its notes are hidden. There is an option to show the keywords that were found, and to show the work or chapter anyway.

Dropdown menu with the following items: add a new keyword, remove the last-added keyword, remove all keywords.

A work page, with a warning and the work's contents hidden. There is a disclosure element hiding the keywords that were found, and a button to display the work's contents.

A work page with a warning, and the work's contents displayed. There is a button to hide the work's contents again.

A list of works that are hidden because their summaries contained keywords added by the user. For each summary there is a disclosure element hiding the keywords that were found, and a button to display the summary.

A list of works that are hidden. The summary of one work has been displayed, as has the list of keywords it contains.