- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Telegram Media Downloader (Improved)
- // @name:zh-CN Telegram图片视频下载器 (Improved)
- // @version 1.3
- // @namespace Original: https://github.com/Neet-Nestor/Telegram-Media-Downloader
- // @description Download images, GIFs, videos, and voice messages on the Telegram webapp from private channels that disable downloading and restrict saving content
- // @description:zh-cn 从禁止下载的Telegram频道中下载图片、视频及语音消息
- // @author Original: Nestor Qin, Update: Finomosec
- // @license GNU GPLv3
- // @website https://github.com/Neet-Nestor/Telegram-Media-Downloader
- // @match https://web.telegram.org/*
- // @match https://webk.telegram.org/*
- // @match https://webz.telegram.org/*
- // @icon https://img.icons8.com/color/452/telegram-app--v5.png
- // ==/UserScript==
- window.onerror = function myErrorHandler(errorMsg, url, lineNumber) {
- console.error("UNCAUGHT ERROR: " + errorMsg);
- return false;
- };
- (function () {
- const logger = {
- info: (message, fileName = null) => {
- // console.log(`[Tel Download] ${fileName ? `${fileName}: ` : ""}${message}`);
- },
- error: (message, fileName = null) => {
- console.error(
- `[Tel Download] ${fileName ? `${fileName}: ` : ""}${message}`
- );
- },
- };
- // Unicode values for icons (used in /k/ app)
- const DOWNLOAD_ICON = "\uE94E";
- const FORWARD_ICON = "\uE960";
- const contentRangeRegex = /^bytes (\d+)-(\d+)\/(\d+)$/;
- const REFRESH_DELAY = 500;
- const hashCode = (s) => {
- var h = 0,
- l = s.length,
- i = 0;
- if (l > 0) {
- while (i < l) {
- h = ((h << 5) - h + s.charCodeAt(i++)) | 0;
- }
- }
- return h >>> 0;
- };
- const isDarkMode =
- document.querySelector("html").classList.contains("night") ||
- document.querySelector("html").classList.contains("theme-dark");
- const setQueued = (videoId, queued) => {
- const progressBar = document.getElementById("tel-downloader-progress-" + videoId);
- progressBar.classList.toggle("queued", queued);
- if (queued) {
- progressBar.querySelector(".progress div").style.backgroundColor = "lightgray";
- progressBar.querySelector(".progress div").style.width = "100%";
- } else {
- progressBar.querySelector(".progress div").style.width = "0%";
- progressBar.querySelector(".progress div").style.backgroundColor = "#6093B5";
- }
- };
- const createProgressBar = (videoId, fileName) => {
- const container = document.getElementById("tel-downloader-progress-bar-container");
- let innerContainer = document.getElementById("tel-downloader-progress-" + videoId)
- if (!innerContainer) {
- innerContainer = document.createElement("div");
- innerContainer.id = "tel-downloader-progress-" + videoId;
- innerContainer.classList.add("tel-downloader-progress");
- innerContainer.style.width = "20rem";
- innerContainer.style.marginTop = "0.4rem";
- innerContainer.style.padding = "0.6rem";
- innerContainer.style.backgroundColor = isDarkMode ? "rgba(0,0,0,0.3)" : "rgba(0,0,0,0.6)";
- innerContainer.setAttribute("videoId", videoId);
- const flexContainer = document.createElement("div");
- flexContainer.style.display = "flex";
- flexContainer.style.justifyContent = "space-between";
- const title = document.createElement("p");
- title.className = "filename";
- title.style.margin = 0;
- title.style.color = "white";
- title.innerText = fileName;
- const closeButton = document.createElement("div");
- closeButton.style.cursor = "pointer";
- closeButton.style.fontSize = "1.2rem";
- closeButton.style.color = isDarkMode ? "#8a8a8a" : "white";
- closeButton.style.position = "absolute";
- closeButton.style.right = "4px";
- closeButton.innerHTML = "×";
- closeButton.onclick = function () {
- container.removeChild(innerContainer);
- checkResumeNextDownload();
- };
- const progressBar = document.createElement("div");
- progressBar.className = "progress";
- progressBar.style.backgroundColor = "#e2e2e2";
- progressBar.style.position = "relative";
- progressBar.style.width = "100%";
- progressBar.style.height = "1.6rem";
- progressBar.style.borderRadius = "2rem";
- progressBar.style.overflow = "hidden";
- const counter = document.createElement("p");
- counter.style.position = "absolute";
- counter.style.zIndex = 5;
- counter.style.left = "50%";
- counter.style.top = "50%";
- counter.style.transform = "translate(-50%, -50%)";
- counter.style.margin = 0;
- counter.style.color = "black";
- const progress = document.createElement("div");
- progress.style.position = "absolute";
- progress.style.height = "100%";
- progress.style.width = "0%";
- progress.style.backgroundColor = "#6093B5";
- progressBar.appendChild(counter);
- progressBar.appendChild(progress);
- flexContainer.appendChild(title);
- flexContainer.appendChild(closeButton);
- innerContainer.appendChild(flexContainer);
- innerContainer.appendChild(progressBar);
- container.appendChild(innerContainer);
- }
- const activeDownloads = Array.from(container.querySelectorAll(".tel-downloader-progress:not(.queued):not(.aborted)"));
- const queued = activeDownloads.length > 2;
- setQueued(videoId, queued);
- return innerContainer;
- };
- const checkResumeNextDownload = () => {
- const container = document.getElementById("tel-downloader-progress-bar-container");
- const activeDownloads = Array.from(container.querySelectorAll(".tel-downloader-progress:not(.queued):not(.aborted):not(.completed)"));
- if (activeDownloads.length < 2) {
- const nextDownload = container.querySelector(".tel-downloader-progress.queued");
- if (nextDownload) {
- const videoId = nextDownload.getAttribute("videoId");
- if (typeof nextDownload.resume === "function") {
- setQueued(videoId, false);
- nextDownload.resume();
- delete nextDownload.resume;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- const updateProgress = (videoId, fileName, progress, url) => {
- const innerContainer = document.getElementById(
- "tel-downloader-progress-" + videoId
- );
- innerContainer.querySelector("p.filename").innerText = fileName;
- const progressBar = innerContainer.querySelector("div.progress");
- progressBar.querySelector("p").innerText = progress + "%";
- progressBar.querySelector("div").style.width = progress + "%";
- progressBar.setAttribute("tel-video-url", url);
- };
- const completeProgress = (videoId) => {
- const progressBar = document.getElementById("tel-downloader-progress-" + videoId);
- progressBar.classList.add("completed");
- progressBar.querySelector(".progress p").innerText = "Completed";
- progressBar.querySelector(".progress div").style.backgroundColor = "#B6C649";
- progressBar.querySelector(".progress div").style.width = "100%";
- window.setTimeout(() => {
- const innerContainer = document.getElementById("tel-downloader-progress-" + videoId);
- if (innerContainer) {
- innerContainer.parentElement.removeChild(innerContainer);
- }
- }, 10000);
- checkResumeNextDownload();
- };
- const retryDownload = (videoId) => {
- const progressBar = document
- .getElementById("tel-downloader-progress-" + videoId)
- .querySelector("div.progress");
- if (!progressBar || !progressBar.classList.contains("aborted")) {
- return;
- }
- progressBar.classList.remove("aborted");
- progressBar.querySelector("div").style.backgroundColor = "#6093B5";
- const videoUrl = progressBar.getAttribute("tel-video-url");
- console.log("Retrying download: " + videoUrl);
- tel_download_video(videoUrl, videoId);
- };
- const AbortProgress = (videoId) => {
- const progressBar = document
- .getElementById("tel-downloader-progress-" + videoId)
- .querySelector("div.progress");
- progressBar.classList.add("aborted");
- progressBar.querySelector("p").innerText = "Aborted";
- progressBar.querySelector("div").style.backgroundColor = "#D16666";
- progressBar.querySelector("div").style.width = "100%";
- const retryLink = document.createElement("a");
- retryLink.innerText = "retry";
- retryLink.style.marginLeft = "5px";
- retryLink.href = "javascript:void(0);";
- retryLink.onclick = () => { retryDownload(videoId); };
- progressBar.querySelector("p").appendChild(retryLink);
- window.setTimeout(() => retryDownload(videoId), 30000);
- checkResumeNextDownload();
- };
- const tel_download_video = (url, videoId) => {
- let _blobs = [];
- let _next_offset = 0;
- let _total_size = null;
- let _file_extension = "mp4";
- videoId = videoId || (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(2, 10) + "_" + Date.now().toString();
- let fileName = hashCode(url).toString(36) + "." + _file_extension;
- // Some video src is in format:
- // 'stream/{"dcId":5,"location":{...},"size":...,"mimeType":"video/mp4","fileName":"xxxx.MP4"}'
- try {
- const metadata = JSON.parse(
- decodeURIComponent(url.split("/")[url.split("/").length - 1])
- );
- if (metadata.fileName) {
- fileName = metadata.fileName;
- }
- } catch (e) {
- // Invalid JSON string, pass extracting fileName
- }
- logger.info(`URL: ${url}`, fileName);
- const fetchNextPart = (_writable) => {
- fetch(url, {
- method: "GET",
- headers: {
- Range: `bytes=${_next_offset}-`,
- },
- "User-Agent":
- "User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/117.0",
- })
- .then((res) => {
- if (![200, 206].includes(res.status)) {
- throw new Error("Non 200/206 response was received: " + res.status);
- }
- const mime = res.headers.get("Content-Type").split(";")[0];
- if (!mime.startsWith("video/")) {
- throw new Error("Get non video response with MIME type " + mime);
- }
- _file_extension = mime.split("/")[1];
- fileName =
- fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf(".") + 1) + _file_extension;
- const match = res.headers
- .get("Content-Range")
- .match(contentRangeRegex);
- const startOffset = parseInt(match[1]);
- const endOffset = parseInt(match[2]);
- const totalSize = parseInt(match[3]);
- if (startOffset !== _next_offset) {
- logger.error("Gap detected between responses.", fileName);
- logger.info("Last offset: " + _next_offset, fileName);
- logger.info("New start offset " + match[1], fileName);
- throw "Gap detected between responses.";
- }
- if (_total_size && totalSize !== _total_size) {
- logger.error("Total size differs", fileName);
- throw "Total size differs";
- }
- _next_offset = endOffset + 1;
- _total_size = totalSize;
- logger.info(
- `Get response: ${res.headers.get(
- "Content-Length"
- )} bytes data from ${res.headers.get("Content-Range")}`,
- fileName
- );
- logger.info(
- `Progress: ${((_next_offset * 100) / _total_size).toFixed(0)}%`,
- fileName
- );
- updateProgress(
- videoId,
- fileName,
- ((_next_offset * 100) / _total_size).toFixed(0),
- url
- );
- return res.blob();
- })
- .then((resBlob) => {
- if (_writable !== null) {
- _writable.write(resBlob).then(() => {});
- } else {
- _blobs.push(resBlob);
- }
- })
- .then(() => {
- if (!_total_size) {
- throw new Error("_total_size is NULL");
- }
- if (_next_offset < _total_size) {
- const progressBar = document.getElementById("tel-downloader-progress-" + videoId)
- if (progressBar.classList.contains("queued")) {
- progressBar.resume = () => fetchNextPart(_writable);
- } else {
- fetchNextPart(_writable);
- }
- } else {
- if (_writable !== null) {
- _writable.close().then(() => {
- logger.info("Download finished", fileName);
- });
- } else {
- save();
- }
- completeProgress(videoId);
- }
- })
- .catch((reason) => {
- logger.error("Download failed: ", reason, fileName);
- AbortProgress(videoId);
- });
- };
- const save = () => {
- logger.info("Finish downloading blobs", fileName);
- logger.info("Concatenating blobs and downloading...", fileName);
- const blob = new Blob(_blobs, { type: "video/mp4" });
- const blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
- logger.info("Final blob size: " + blob.size + " bytes", fileName);
- const a = document.createElement("a");
- document.body.appendChild(a);
- a.href = blobUrl;
- a.download = fileName;
- a.click();
- document.body.removeChild(a);
- window.URL.revokeObjectURL(blobUrl);
- logger.info("Download triggered", fileName);
- };
- const supportsFileSystemAccess =
- "showSaveFilePicker" in unsafeWindow &&
- (() => {
- try {
- return unsafeWindow.self === unsafeWindow.top;
- } catch {
- return false;
- }
- })();
- // console.log("supportsFileSystemAccess:", supportsFileSystemAccess);
- if (supportsFileSystemAccess) {
- unsafeWindow
- .showSaveFilePicker({
- suggestedName: fileName,
- })
- .then((handle) => {
- handle
- .createWritable()
- .then((writable) => {
- const progressBar = createProgressBar(videoId);
- // if (progressBar.getAttribute("queued") === "true") {
- // progressBar.resume = () => fetchNextPart(writable);
- // } else {
- fetchNextPart(writable);
- // }
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error(err.name, err.message);
- });
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- if (err.name !== "AbortError") {
- console.error(err.name, err.message);
- }
- });
- } else {
- const progressBar = createProgressBar(videoId);
- // if (progressBar.getAttribute("queued") === "true") {
- // progressBar.resume = () => fetchNextPart(null);
- // } else {
- fetchNextPart(null);
- // }
- }
- };
- const tel_download_audio = (url) => {
- let _blobs = [];
- let _next_offset = 0;
- let _total_size = null;
- const fileName = hashCode(url).toString(36) + ".ogg";
- const fetchNextPart = (_writable) => {
- fetch(url, {
- method: "GET",
- headers: {
- Range: `bytes=${_next_offset}-`,
- },
- })
- .then((res) => {
- if (res.status !== 206 && res.status !== 200) {
- logger.error(
- "Non 200/206 response was received: " + res.status,
- fileName
- );
- return;
- }
- const mime = res.headers.get("Content-Type").split(";")[0];
- if (!mime.startsWith("audio/")) {
- logger.error(
- "Get non audio response with MIME type " + mime,
- fileName
- );
- throw "Get non audio response with MIME type " + mime;
- }
- try {
- const match = res.headers
- .get("Content-Range")
- .match(contentRangeRegex);
- const startOffset = parseInt(match[1]);
- const endOffset = parseInt(match[2]);
- const totalSize = parseInt(match[3]);
- if (startOffset !== _next_offset) {
- logger.error("Gap detected between responses.");
- logger.info("Last offset: " + _next_offset);
- logger.info("New start offset " + match[1]);
- throw "Gap detected between responses.";
- }
- if (_total_size && totalSize !== _total_size) {
- logger.error("Total size differs");
- throw "Total size differs";
- }
- _next_offset = endOffset + 1;
- _total_size = totalSize;
- } finally {
- logger.info(
- `Get response: ${res.headers.get(
- "Content-Length"
- )} bytes data from ${res.headers.get("Content-Range")}`
- );
- return res.blob();
- }
- })
- .then((resBlob) => {
- if (_writable !== null) {
- _writable.write(resBlob).then(() => {});
- } else {
- _blobs.push(resBlob);
- }
- })
- .then(() => {
- if (_next_offset < _total_size) {
- fetchNextPart(_writable);
- } else {
- if (_writable !== null) {
- _writable.close().then(() => {
- logger.info("Download finished", fileName);
- });
- } else {
- save();
- }
- }
- })
- .catch((reason) => {
- logger.error(reason, fileName);
- });
- };
- const save = () => {
- logger.info(
- "Finish downloading blobs. Concatenating blobs and downloading...",
- fileName
- );
- let blob = new Blob(_blobs, { type: "audio/ogg" });
- const blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
- logger.info("Final blob size in bytes: " + blob.size, fileName);
- blob = 0;
- const a = document.createElement("a");
- document.body.appendChild(a);
- a.href = blobUrl;
- a.download = fileName;
- a.click();
- document.body.removeChild(a);
- window.URL.revokeObjectURL(blobUrl);
- logger.info("Download triggered", fileName);
- };
- const supportsFileSystemAccess =
- "showSaveFilePicker" in unsafeWindow &&
- (() => {
- try {
- return unsafeWindow.self === unsafeWindow.top;
- } catch {
- return false;
- }
- })();
- if (supportsFileSystemAccess) {
- unsafeWindow
- .showSaveFilePicker({
- suggestedName: fileName,
- })
- .then((handle) => {
- handle
- .createWritable()
- .then((writable) => {
- fetchNextPart(writable);
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error(err.name, err.message);
- });
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- if (err.name !== "AbortError") {
- console.error(err.name, err.message);
- }
- });
- } else {
- fetchNextPart(null);
- }
- };
- const tel_download_image = (imageUrl) => {
- const fileName =
- (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(2, 10) + ".jpeg"; // assume jpeg
- const a = document.createElement("a");
- document.body.appendChild(a);
- a.href = imageUrl;
- a.download = fileName;
- a.click();
- document.body.removeChild(a);
- logger.info("Download triggered", fileName);
- };
- logger.info("Initialized");
- // For webz /a/ webapp
- setInterval(() => {
- // Stories
- const storiesContainer = document.getElementById("StoryViewer");
- if (storiesContainer) {
- console.log("storiesContainer");
- const createDownloadButton = () => {
- console.log("createDownloadButton");
- const downloadIcon = document.createElement("i");
- downloadIcon.className = "icon icon-download";
- const downloadButton = document.createElement("button");
- downloadButton.className =
- "Button TkphaPyQ tiny translucent-white round tel-download";
- downloadButton.appendChild(downloadIcon);
- downloadButton.setAttribute("type", "button");
- downloadButton.setAttribute("title", "Download");
- downloadButton.setAttribute("aria-label", "Download");
- downloadButton.onclick = () => {
- // 1. Story with video
- const video = storiesContainer.querySelector("video");
- const videoSrc =
- video?.src ||
- video?.currentSrc ||
- video?.querySelector("source")?.src;
- if (videoSrc) {
- tel_download_video(videoSrc);
- } else {
- // 2. Story with image
- const images = storiesContainer.querySelectorAll("img.PVZ8TOWS");
- if (images.length > 0) {
- const imageSrc = images[images.length - 1]?.src;
- if (imageSrc) tel_download_image(imageSrc);
- }
- }
- };
- return downloadButton;
- };
- const storyHeader =
- storiesContainer.querySelector(".GrsJNw3y") ||
- storiesContainer.querySelector(".DropdownMenu").parentNode;
- if (storyHeader && !storyHeader.querySelector(".tel-download")) {
- console.log("storyHeader");
- storyHeader.insertBefore(
- createDownloadButton(),
- storyHeader.querySelector("button")
- );
- }
- }
- // All media opened are located in .media-viewer-movers > .media-viewer-aspecter
- const mediaContainer = document.querySelector(
- "#MediaViewer .MediaViewerSlide--active"
- );
- const mediaViewerActions = document.querySelector(
- "#MediaViewer .MediaViewerActions"
- );
- if (!mediaContainer || !mediaViewerActions) return;
- // Videos in channels
- const videoPlayer = mediaContainer.querySelector(
- ".MediaViewerContent > .VideoPlayer"
- );
- const img = mediaContainer.querySelector(".MediaViewerContent > div > img");
- // 1. Video player detected - Video or GIF
- // container > .MediaViewerSlides > .MediaViewerSlide > .MediaViewerContent > .VideoPlayer > video[src]
- const downloadIcon = document.createElement("i");
- downloadIcon.className = "icon icon-download";
- const downloadButton = document.createElement("button");
- downloadButton.className =
- "Button smaller translucent-white round tel-download";
- downloadButton.setAttribute("type", "button");
- downloadButton.setAttribute("title", "Download");
- downloadButton.setAttribute("aria-label", "Download");
- if (videoPlayer) {
- const videoUrl = videoPlayer.querySelector("video").currentSrc;
- downloadButton.setAttribute("data-tel-download-url", videoUrl);
- downloadButton.appendChild(downloadIcon);
- downloadButton.onclick = () => {
- tel_download_video(videoPlayer.querySelector("video").currentSrc);
- };
- // Add download button to video controls
- const controls = videoPlayer.querySelector(".VideoPlayerControls");
- if (controls) {
- const buttons = controls.querySelector(".buttons");
- if (!buttons.querySelector("button.tel-download")) {
- const spacer = buttons.querySelector(".spacer");
- spacer.after(downloadButton);
- }
- }
- // Add/Update/Remove download button to topbar
- if (mediaViewerActions.querySelector("button.tel-download")) {
- const telDownloadButton = mediaViewerActions.querySelector(
- "button.tel-download"
- );
- if (
- mediaViewerActions.querySelectorAll('button[title="Download"]')
- .length > 1
- ) {
- // There's existing download button, remove ours
- mediaViewerActions.querySelector("button.tel-download").remove();
- } else if (
- telDownloadButton.getAttribute("data-tel-download-url") !== videoUrl
- ) {
- // Update existing button
- telDownloadButton.onclick = () => {
- tel_download_video(videoPlayer.querySelector("video").currentSrc);
- };
- telDownloadButton.setAttribute("data-tel-download-url", videoUrl);
- }
- } else if (
- !mediaViewerActions.querySelector('button[title="Download"]')
- ) {
- // Add the button if there's no download button at all
- mediaViewerActions.prepend(downloadButton);
- }
- } else if (img && img.src) {
- downloadButton.setAttribute("data-tel-download-url", img.src);
- downloadButton.appendChild(downloadIcon);
- downloadButton.onclick = () => {
- tel_download_image(img.src);
- };
- // Add/Update/Remove download button to topbar
- if (mediaViewerActions.querySelector("button.tel-download")) {
- const telDownloadButton = mediaViewerActions.querySelector(
- "button.tel-download"
- );
- if (
- mediaViewerActions.querySelectorAll('button[title="Download"]')
- .length > 1
- ) {
- // There's existing download button, remove ours
- mediaViewerActions.querySelector("button.tel-download").remove();
- } else if (
- telDownloadButton.getAttribute("data-tel-download-url") !== img.src
- ) {
- // Update existing button
- telDownloadButton.onclick = () => {
- tel_download_image(img.src);
- };
- telDownloadButton.setAttribute("data-tel-download-url", img.src);
- }
- } else if (
- !mediaViewerActions.querySelector('button[title="Download"]')
- ) {
- // Add the button if there's no download button at all
- mediaViewerActions.prepend(downloadButton);
- }
- }
- // For webk /k/ webapp
- setInterval(() => {
- /* Voice Message */
- const pinnedAudio = document.body.querySelector(".pinned-audio");
- let dataMid;
- let downloadButtonPinnedAudio =
- document.body.querySelector("._tel_download_button_pinned_container") ||
- document.createElement("button");
- if (pinnedAudio) {
- dataMid = pinnedAudio.getAttribute("data-mid");
- downloadButtonPinnedAudio.className =
- "btn-icon tgico-download _tel_download_button_pinned_container";
- downloadButtonPinnedAudio.innerHTML = `<span class="tgico button-icon">${DOWNLOAD_ICON}</span>`;
- }
- const voiceMessages = document.body.querySelectorAll("audio-element");
- voiceMessages.forEach((voiceMessage) => {
- const bubble = voiceMessage.closest(".bubble");
- if (
- !bubble ||
- bubble.querySelector("._tel_download_button_pinned_container")
- ) {
- return; /* Skip if there's already a download button */
- }
- if (
- dataMid &&
- downloadButtonPinnedAudio.getAttribute("data-mid") !== dataMid &&
- voiceMessage.getAttribute("data-mid") === dataMid
- ) {
- downloadButtonPinnedAudio.onclick = (e) => {
- e.stopPropagation();
- tel_download_audio(link);
- };
- downloadButtonPinnedAudio.setAttribute("data-mid", dataMid);
- const link =
- voiceMessage.audio && voiceMessage.audio.getAttribute("src");
- if (link) {
- pinnedAudio
- .querySelector(".pinned-container-wrapper-utils")
- .appendChild(downloadButtonPinnedAudio);
- }
- }
- });
- // Stories
- const storiesContainer = document.getElementById("stories-viewer");
- if (storiesContainer) {
- const createDownloadButton = () => {
- const downloadButton = document.createElement("button");
- downloadButton.className = "btn-icon rp tel-download";
- downloadButton.innerHTML = `<span class="tgico">${DOWNLOAD_ICON}</span><div class="c-ripple"></div>`;
- downloadButton.setAttribute("type", "button");
- downloadButton.setAttribute("title", "Download");
- downloadButton.setAttribute("aria-label", "Download");
- downloadButton.onclick = () => {
- // 1. Story with video
- const video = storiesContainer.querySelector("video.media-video");
- const videoSrc =
- video?.src ||
- video?.currentSrc ||
- video?.querySelector("source")?.src;
- if (videoSrc) {
- tel_download_video(videoSrc);
- } else {
- // 2. Story with image
- const imageSrc =
- storiesContainer.querySelector("img.media-photo")?.src;
- if (imageSrc) tel_download_image(imageSrc);
- }
- };
- return downloadButton;
- };
- const storyHeader = storiesContainer.querySelector(
- "[class^='_ViewerStoryHeaderRight']"
- );
- if (storyHeader && !storyHeader.querySelector(".tel-download")) {
- storyHeader.prepend(createDownloadButton());
- }
- const storyFooter = storiesContainer.querySelector(
- "[class^='_ViewerStoryFooterRight']"
- );
- if (storyFooter && !storyFooter.querySelector(".tel-download")) {
- storyFooter.prepend(createDownloadButton());
- }
- }
- // All media opened are located in .media-viewer-movers > .media-viewer-aspecter
- const mediaContainer = document.querySelector(".media-viewer-whole");
- if (!mediaContainer) return;
- const mediaAspecter = mediaContainer.querySelector(
- ".media-viewer-movers .media-viewer-aspecter"
- );
- const mediaButtons = mediaContainer.querySelector(
- ".media-viewer-topbar .media-viewer-buttons"
- );
- if (!mediaAspecter || !mediaButtons) return;
- // Query hidden buttons and unhide them
- const hiddenButtons = mediaButtons.querySelectorAll("button.btn-icon.hide");
- let onDownload = null;
- for (const btn of hiddenButtons) {
- btn.classList.remove("hide");
- if (btn.textContent === FORWARD_ICON) {
- btn.classList.add("tgico-forward");
- }
- if (btn.textContent === DOWNLOAD_ICON) {
- btn.classList.add("tgico-download");
- // Use official download buttons
- onDownload = () => {
- btn.click();
- };
- logger.info("onDownload", onDownload);
- }
- }
- if (mediaAspecter.querySelector(".ckin__player")) {
- // 1. Video player detected - Video and it has finished initial loading
- // container > .ckin__player > video[src]
- // add download button to videos
- const controls = mediaAspecter.querySelector(
- ".default__controls.ckin__controls"
- );
- if (controls && !controls.querySelector(".tel-download")) {
- const brControls = controls.querySelector(
- ".bottom-controls .right-controls"
- );
- const downloadButton = document.createElement("button");
- downloadButton.className =
- "btn-icon default__button tgico-download tel-download";
- downloadButton.innerHTML = `<span class="tgico">${DOWNLOAD_ICON}</span>`;
- downloadButton.setAttribute("type", "button");
- downloadButton.setAttribute("title", "Download");
- downloadButton.setAttribute("aria-label", "Download");
- if (onDownload) {
- downloadButton.onclick = onDownload;
- } else {
- downloadButton.onclick = () => {
- tel_download_video(mediaAspecter.querySelector("video").src);
- };
- }
- brControls.prepend(downloadButton);
- }
- } else if (
- mediaAspecter.querySelector("video") &&
- mediaAspecter.querySelector("video") &&
- !mediaButtons.querySelector("button.btn-icon.tgico-download")
- ) {
- // 2. Video HTML element detected, could be either GIF or unloaded video
- // container > video[src]
- const downloadButton = document.createElement("button");
- downloadButton.className = "btn-icon tgico-download tel-download";
- downloadButton.innerHTML = `<span class="tgico button-icon">${DOWNLOAD_ICON}</span>`;
- downloadButton.setAttribute("type", "button");
- downloadButton.setAttribute("title", "Download");
- downloadButton.setAttribute("aria-label", "Download");
- if (onDownload) {
- downloadButton.onclick = onDownload;
- } else {
- downloadButton.onclick = () => {
- tel_download_video(mediaAspecter.querySelector("video").src);
- };
- }
- mediaButtons.prepend(downloadButton);
- } else if (!mediaButtons.querySelector("button.btn-icon.tgico-download")) {
- // 3. Image without download button detected
- // container > img.thumbnail
- if (
- !mediaAspecter.querySelector("img.thumbnail") ||
- !mediaAspecter.querySelector("img.thumbnail").src
- ) {
- return;
- }
- const downloadButton = document.createElement("button");
- downloadButton.className = "btn-icon tgico-download tel-download";
- downloadButton.innerHTML = `<span class="tgico button-icon">${DOWNLOAD_ICON}</span>`;
- downloadButton.setAttribute("type", "button");
- downloadButton.setAttribute("title", "Download");
- downloadButton.setAttribute("aria-label", "Download");
- if (onDownload) {
- downloadButton.onclick = onDownload;
- } else {
- downloadButton.onclick = () => {
- tel_download_image(mediaAspecter.querySelector("img.thumbnail").src);
- };
- }
- mediaButtons.prepend(downloadButton);
- }
- // Progress bar container setup
- (function setupProgressBar() {
- const body = document.querySelector("body");
- const container = document.createElement("div");
- container.id = "tel-downloader-progress-bar-container";
- container.style.position = "fixed";
- container.style.bottom = "100px";
- container.style.right = 0;
- if (location.pathname.startsWith("/k/")) {
- container.style.zIndex = 4;
- } else {
- container.style.zIndex = 1600;
- }
- body.appendChild(container);
- })();
- logger.info("Completed script setup.");
- })();