Zed City 汉化

网页游戏 Zed City 的汉化插件。Chinese translation for the web game Zed City.

目前為 2025-01-01 提交的版本,檢視 最新版本

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Zed City 汉化
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      1.7
// @description  网页游戏 Zed City 的汉化插件。Chinese translation for the web game Zed City.
// @author       bot740
// @match        https://www.zed.city/*
// @icon         https://www.zed.city/favicon.ico
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// ==/UserScript==

(() => {
    const logConfig_printUnmatchedTextToConsole = false; // 遇到未匹配文本时打印到控制台
    const unmatchedTexts = [];
    const logConfig_saveUnmatchedTextToArray = true; // 将未匹配文本保存到未匹配列表,去重
    const logConfig_printUnmatchedTextArray = true; // 遇到未匹配文本时打印未匹配列表


    const excludes = ["K", "M", "B", "D", "H", "S", "Lv", "MAX", "wiki", "discord", "XP", "N/A", "x"];

    const excludeRegs = [
        // 一个字母都不包含
        // 版本号
        /^Alpha V\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/,
        // 含中文

    // 词典:通用
    const dictCommon = {
        purge: "清洗",
        stronghold: "据点",
        "Unlock at level": "解锁等级",

    // 词典:更新日志
    const dictReleaseNotes = {
        "Upcoming Server Reset and Open Release": "即将到来的服务器重置和公开发布",
        "load more": "加载更多",
        "Final Reset": "最后重置",

    // 词典:Stronghold
    const dictStronghold = {
        gym: "健身房",
        "Train your stats to become more effective in combat": "锻炼属性在战斗中变得更强",
        train: "锻炼",
        "The damage you make on impact": "命中时造成的伤害",
        "Your ability to resist damage": "抵抗伤害的能力",
        "The chance of hitting your target": "命中敌人的几率",

    // 词典:ChatGPT生成
    const dictGpt = {
        Version: "版本",
        City: "城市",
        Inventory: "背包",
        Quests: "任务",
        Hunting: "狩猎",
        Scavenge: "搜寻",
        Explore: "探索",
        Skills: "技能",
        Help: "帮助",
        "Release Notes": "更新日志",
        Forums: "论坛",
        "Report Bug": "报告错误",
        Faction: "派系",
        "Medical Bay": "医疗舱",
        "Crafting Bench": "制作台",
        Furnace: "熔炉",
        Kitchen: "厨房",
        "Radio Tower": "广播塔",
        "Weapon Bench": "武器台",
        "Ammo Bench": "弹药台",
        "Armour Bench": "盔甲台",
        Garage: "车库",
        Camp: "营地",
        Storage: "储藏",
        Farm: "农场",
        Distillery: "酒厂",
        Refinery: "炼油厂",
        Base: "基地",
        Raids: "突袭",
        Activity: "活动",
        Rank: "等级",
        Members: "成员",
        Respect: "尊敬",
        Trading: "交易",
        "Donator House": "捐赠者之家",
        Market: "市场",
        Info: "信息",
        "Hall Of Fame": "名人堂",
        "City Stats": "城市统计",
        Survivors: "幸存者",
        Retail: "零售",
        Glockbuster: "格洛克杀手",
        "Junk Store": "垃圾店",
        "Zed Mart": "僵尸商场",
        "Donator Store": "捐赠商店",
        Factions: "派系",
        Incinerator: "焚烧炉",
        "No Items": "没有物品",
        "Energy Vial": "能量瓶",
        Buy: "购买",
        "Health Vial": "健康瓶",
        "Morale Vial": "士气瓶",
        "Radiation Vial": "辐射瓶",
        "Detox Vial": "排毒瓶",
        "A massive incinerator stands in the middle of the city, billowing out smoke as the fire within burns hot enough to turn anything into ash":
        "Booster (Energy Drink)": "增强剂(能量饮料)",
        "Effect: Increases energy by": "效果:增加能量",
        Sell: "出售",
        "Booster (Medical)": "增强剂(医疗)",
        "Effect: Reduce recovery time by 10 minutes and increases life by": "效果:减少恢复时间10分钟并增加生命值",
        Weight: "重量",
        kg: "千克",
        "Booster (Food)": "增强剂(食物)",
        "Effect: Increases morale by": "效果:增加士气",
        "Booster (Alcohol)": "增强剂(酒精)",
        "Effect: Increases rad immunity by": "效果:增加辐射免疫力",
        "Effect: Resets cooldown booster by 12 hours": "效果:重置冷却时间增强剂12小时",
        Vehicle: "车辆",
        "No Vehicle": "没有车辆",
        Weapons: "武器",
        Armour: "盔甲",
        Resources: "资源",
        Ammo: "弹药",
        Medical: "医疗",
        Boosters: "增强剂",
        Equipment: "装备",
        Misc: "杂项",
        Trophy: "奖杯",
        "Select a quest to continue": "选择一个任务继续",
        "Welcome to the End": "欢迎来到末日",
        "Getting started at the end of the world": "在世界末日开始你的冒险",
        "A stranger appears": "一个陌生人出现",
        "Who is this dark figure, quiet and still, under the moonlight": "月光下,这个安静的黑暗身影是谁?",
        "The Purge is Upon Us": "大清洗即将来临",
        "As Ash blankets the city, a raspy chuckle attracts your notice": "当灰烬覆盖城市时,一阵沙哑的笑声引起了你的注意",
        "Select a location to continue": "选择一个地点继续",
        Arcade: "游戏厅",
        Cinema: "电影院",
        "Shopping Mall": "购物中心",
        Warehouse: "仓库",
        Restaurant: "餐馆",
        Wasteland: "荒原",
        Forest: "森林",
        "Coal Mine": "煤矿",
        Scrapyard: "废料场",
        "Min Level": "最低等级",
        Lake: "湖泊",
        "You need a vehicle to explore": "你需要一辆车来探索",
        "Fuel Depot": "燃料仓库",
        "Reclaim Zone": "回收区",
        "The Reserve": "储备区",
        "Military Base": "军事基地",
        "Demolition Site": "拆除现场",
        "Construction Yard": "建筑工地",
        Stats: "统计",
        Forging: "锻造",
        Farming: "耕作",
        Distilling: "蒸馏",
        Scavenging: "拾荒",
        Crafting: "制作",
        Fishing: "钓鱼",
        Refining: "精炼",
        "Active Perks": "活跃技能",
        Perks: "技能",
        "Skill Points": "技能点",
        Immunity: "免疫力",
        "Increase Max Rad Immunity by": "增加最大辐射免疫力",
        "Skill Point": "技能点",
        Morale: "士气",
        "Increase Max Morale by": "增加最大士气",
        Life: "生命",
        "Increase Max Life by": "增加最大生命值",
        Luck: "幸运",
        "Increase chance of finding better items": "增加找到更好物品的机会",
        Strength: "力量",
        "Increase strength by": "增加力量",
        Defense: "防御",
        "Increase defense by": "增加防御",
        Speed: "速度",
        "Increase speed by": "增加速度",
        Agility: "敏捷",
        "Increase agility by": "增加敏捷",
        Guide: "指南",
        FAQ: "常见问题",
        Forum: "论坛",
        "Welcome to Zed City, a thrilling zombie apocalypse survival game. Navigate through the city to gather resources, fend off zombies, and fortify your stronghold. Your initial goal is to enhance your character and strengthen your base":
        "Scavenging and hunting will be the best way for you to thrive in the wasteland, gathering all the scraps and valuables you can lay your hands on. With some work you can turn them into valuable resources and epic weapons to take down even the biggest of zeds":
        "Start your journey by diving into the": "开始你的旅程,跳入",
        quest: "任务",
        "For a more detailed guide, check out the wiki": "欲了解更详细的指南,请查看维基",
        "Visit Wiki": "访问维基",
        Support: "支持",
        "For more help, reach out to the community in discord": "如需更多帮助,请联系Discord社区",
        "Join Discord": "加入Discord",
        Seach: "搜索",
        "How do i heal": "我如何治疗",
        "Life points are regenerated over time, you can see the statistics in your Medical Bay. You can use medical items to heal instantly":
        "How do I earn money": "我如何赚取金钱",
        "Scavenging or hunting for items to sell to the stores is the main way to earn money early in the game. After some time you will discover other ways to transform items into more valuable ones":
        "How do i gain Experience": "我如何获得经验",
        "Experience is gained through commiting scavenge actions, completing quest objectives & winning battles. The more Experience gained you will level up":
        "How can i fulfill Energy & Rad Immunity  bars": "我如何填充能量和辐射免疫条",
        "Energy regenerates +5 every 15 minutes, Rad Immunity regenerates +1 every 5 minutes. You can take consumables found in-game that will help regain these besides waiting on timers":
        "What happens if i lose fight": "如果我输掉战斗会怎样",
        "You dont die. You become temporarily injured for a moment then your health will restart from low":
        "How do i get stronger in fights": "我如何在战斗中变得更强",
        "Using energy to train in the gym is the best way to be more effective in combat and making sure you have the best weapon available. Some mutations and consumables are available which may temporily boost your gym stats":
        General: "综合",
        "A place for general discussions": "一个进行一般讨论的地方",
        Ideas: "创意",
        "Ideas & Suggestions for alpha": "Alpha版本的创意与建议",
        "Items Crafted": "制作的物品",
        "Items Forged": "锻造的物品",
        "Hunting Attempts": "狩猎尝试",
        "Scavenge Attempts": "拾荒尝试",
        "Fight Stats": "战斗统计",
        "Go Back": "返回",
        ATTEMPTS: "尝试",
        SUCCESS: "成功",
        FAILS: "失败",
        "Loot Discovered": "发现战利品",
        Logs: "日志",
        Resource: "资源",
        Scrap: "废料",
        Nails: "钉子",
        "Iron Bar": "铁条",
        "Advanced Tools": "高级工具",
        Take: "拿取",
        "AK-74u": "AK-74u",
        "Weapon (Ranged)": "武器(远程)",
        Durability: "耐久度",
        Medium: "中等",
        Condition: "状态",
        Attack: "攻击",
        Accuracy: "精度",
        Type: "类型",
        Rifle: "步枪",
        "Fire Rate": "射速",
        "Ammo Type": "弹药类型",
        "Rifle Ammo": "步枪弹药",
        Angelfish: "天使鱼",
        "Raw Fish": "生鱼",
        "Animal Meat": "动物肉",
        "Effect: Increases morale by 50 and booster cooldown by 30 minutes": "效果:增加士气50,增强剂冷却时间30分钟",
        Ash: "灰烬",
        Barley: "大麦",
        "Baseball Bat": "棒球棒",
        Weapon: "武器",
        Blunt: "钝器",
        Beer: "啤酒",
        "Effect: Increases rad immunity by 1 and booster cooldown by 1 hour": "效果:增加辐射免疫力1,增强剂冷却时间1小时",
        Bow: "弓",
        Piercing: "穿刺",
        Arrows: "箭",
        "Add Items": "添加物品",
        "Heal to attack more crawlers": "治疗以攻击更多爬行者",
        Upgrade: "升级",
        Regen: "再生",
        "Per 15 Min": "每15分钟",
        Recovery: "恢复",
        "Create Bandage": "制作绷带",
        LVL: "等级",
        Menu: "菜单",
        Submit: "提交",
        energy: "能量",
        "gained every": "每",
        minutes: "分钟获得",
        "Rad Immunity": "辐射免疫力",
        "Membership Expires": "会员到期",
        "Booster (Energy Drink": "增强剂(能量饮料)",
        "Booster (Medical": "增强剂(医疗)",
        "Booster (Food": "增强剂(食物)",
        "Booster (Alcohol": "增强剂(酒精)",
        Notifications: "通知",
        "No activity found": "未找到活动",
        "Your application for World Of Warcraft has been accepted": "您的《魔兽世界》申请已被接受",
        am: "上午",
        "View Profile": "查看个人资料",
        Settings: "设置",
        bot: "机器人",
        Logout: "登出",
        Online: "在线",
        Level: "等级",
        "Days Survived": "生存天数",
        Location: "位置",
        "World Of Warcraft": "魔兽世界",
        "Update Avatar": "更新头像",
        Update: "更新",
        "Update Email": "更新电子邮件",
        Email: "电子邮件",
        "Update Password": "更新密码",
        "Current Password": "当前密码",
        "New Password": "新密码",
        "Repeat Password": "重复密码",
        Quantity: "数量",
        Cancel: "取消",
        "Your ability to dodge an attack": "你的闪避能力",
        "Gym upgrade": "健身房升级",
        Bandage: "绷带",
        "Medical Bay Level": "医疗舱等级",
        "Weapon (Ranged": "武器(远程)",
        "Cloth Pants": "布裤",
        "Armour (Legs": "护甲(腿部)",
        "Hockey Mask": "冰球面罩",
        "Armour (Head": "护甲(头部)",
        Brick: "砖块",
        Cement: "水泥",
        "A bag of Cement mix": "一袋水泥混合料",
        Cloth: "布料",
        Coal: "煤炭",
        "Dirty Water": "脏水",
        Flux: "通量",
        "Desert Eagle": "沙漠鹰",
        Pistol: "手枪",
        "Pistol Ammo": "手枪子弹",
        Handmade: "手工制作",
        "Simple Ammo": "简单弹药",
        "Canned Food": "罐装食物",
        "Effect: Increases morale by 20 and booster cooldown by 30 minutes": "效果:增加士气20,增强剂冷却时间30分钟",
        Chocolate: "巧克力",
        "Effect: Increases morale by 100 and booster cooldown by 30 minutes": "效果:增加士气100,增强剂冷却时间30分钟",
        "Cooked Fish": "熟鱼",
        "Effect: Increases morale by 65 and booster cooldown by 30 minutes": "效果:增加士气65,增强剂冷却时间30分钟",
        "Dino Egg": "恐龙蛋",
        "Booster (Easter": "增强剂(复活节)",
        "Effect: Increases morale by 100, rad immunity by 10 and booster cooldown by 30 minutes":
        "e-Cola": "e-Cola",
        "Effect: Increases energy by 25 and booster cooldown by 2 hours": "效果:增加能量25,增强剂冷却时间2小时",
        Eyebellini: "Eyebellini",
        "Mixed Vegetables": "混合蔬菜",
        "Effect: Increases morale by 10 and booster cooldown by 30 minutes": "效果:增加士气10,增强剂冷却时间30分钟",
        Pickaxe: "镐",
        "Wooden Fishing Rod": "木质钓鱼竿",
        Low: "低",
        "Buddys Pass": "伙伴通行证",
        Miscellaneous: "杂项",
        "Generals RFID": "将军的RFID",
        "Security Card": "安全卡",
        "Silver key": "银钥匙",
        "Take Item": "拿取物品",
        "A patch of slightly fertile soil": "一块稍微肥沃的土壤",
        Farmers: "农民",
        "Team Efficiency": "团队效率",
        Taoist: "道士",
        angela: "angela",
        "Farming Barley": "种植大麦",
        "Total Time Left": "剩余总时间",
        "Barley Seeds": "大麦种子",
        "Active 38 minutes ago": "38分钟前活跃",
        Build: "建造",
        "Hot enough to melt things": "足以融化物品的热度",
        "Complete building to access furnace": "完成建筑以访问炉子",
        "Forge Nails": "锻造钉子",
        "Smelt Scrap": "冶炼废料",
        "Smelt Iron Ore": "冶炼铁矿",
        "Purify Water": "净化水",
        "Forge Lockpicks": "锻造撬锁工具",
        Discoverable: "可发现",
        "Hot enough to cook things": "足以烹饪物品的热度",
        "Complete building to access kitchen": "完成建筑以访问厨房",
        "Cooked Angelfish": "煮熟的天使鱼",
        "Cooked Barnaclefish": "煮熟的藤壶鱼",
        "Cooked Carp": "煮熟的鲤鱼",
        "Cooked Perch": "煮熟的鲈鱼",
        "Cooked Sandfish": "煮熟的沙鱼",
        "Cooked Meat": "煮熟的肉",
        "Fish Kebab": "鱼串",
        Sandwich: "三明治",
        Kwizine: "Kwizine",
        "Complete building to access radio tower": "完成建筑以访问广播塔",
        "Fabricate firearms": "制造火器",
        "Complete building to access weapon bench": "完成建筑以访问武器台",
        Handgun: "手枪",
        "Scuff Shotgun": "钝口霰弹枪",
        MP: "MP",
        Shotgun: "霰弹枪",
        Sawnoff: "锯口霰弹枪",
        AK: "AK",
        "For packin heat": "为热武器",
        "Complete building to access ammo bench": "完成建筑以访问弹药台",
        "Gun Powder": "火药",
        "Designer and craft designer outfits": "设计并制作设计师服装",
        "Complete building to access armour bench": "完成建筑以访问护甲台",
        "Craft Cloth Pants": "制作布裤",
        "Craft Cloth Jacket": "制作布夹克",
        "Complete building to access garage": "完成建筑以访问车库",
        Stinger: "毒刺",
        Efficiency: "效率",
        Capacity: "容量",
        "Active Raids": "活跃袭击",
        "Raid a Store": "袭击商店",
        "Awaiting Team": "等待团队",
        View: "查看",
        Raid: "袭击",
        "Team Size": "团队大小",
        "Raid a Farm": "袭击农场",
        Setup: "设置",
        "Raid a Hospital": "袭击医院",
        "Manage Roles": "管理角色",
        Status: "状态",
        Role: "角色",
        Leader: "领导者",
        Manage: "管理",
        ELECTRONIC: "电子",
        "Active 2 hours ago": "2小时前活跃",
        besic: "besic",
        HuskySGT: "HuskySGT",
        StarTracker: "StarTracker",
        "Active 2 days ago": "2天前活跃",
        xianxian: "xianxian",
        Zeeee: "Zeeee",
        KobeBryant: "KobeBryant",
        jaymiko: "jaymiko",
        Daddy: "Daddy",
        "Active 21 hours ago": "21小时前活跃",
        cestbon: "cestbon",
        "Active 4 days ago": "4天前活跃",
        "Distilling Beer": "蒸馏啤酒",
        Distillers: "蒸馏器",
        "angela deposited 1x Coal": "angela存入1个煤炭",
        pm: "下午",
        "angela deposited 9x Ash": "angela存入9个灰烬",
        "angela took 1x Spear": "angela取走1把矛",
        "angela took 1x Hockey Mask": "angela取走1个冰球面罩",
        "angela deposited 12x Wood": "angela存入12个木材",
        "angela deposited 1x Iron Ore": "angela存入1个铁矿",
        "angela took 25x Nails": "angela取走25个钉子",
        "angela deposited 31x Wood": "angela存入31个木材",
        "angela deposited 11x Ash": "angela存入11个灰烬",
        "ELECTRONIC took 20x Fuel": "电子取走20个燃料",
        "ELECTRONIC took 1x Dynamite": "电子取走1个炸药",
        "ELECTRONIC deposited 129x Ash": "电子存入129个灰烬",
        "Taoist deposited 24x Fuel": "道士存入24个燃料",
        "ELECTRONIC deposited 1x Cement": "电子存入1个水泥",
        "ELECTRONIC deposited 1x Brick": "电子存入1个砖块",
        "ELECTRONIC deposited 7x Barley Seed": "电子存入7个大麦种子",
        "ELECTRONIC deposited 1x Advanced Tool": "电子存入1个高级工具",
        "ELECTRONIC deposited 1x Dynamite": "电子存入1个炸药",
        "x Barley added to faction storage": "x大麦已添加到派别存储",
        "angela deposited 7x Ash": "angela存入7个灰烬",
        "angela deposited 1x Thread": "angela存入1个线",
        "angela deposited 6x Ash": "angela存入6个灰烬",
        "angela deposited 1x Cloth Pants": "angela存入1条布裤",
        "angela deposited 15x Wood": "angela存入15个木材",
        "angela deposited 1x Barley Seed": "angela存入1个大麦种子",
        "angela deposited 6x Wood": "angela存入6个木材",
        "angela deposited 1x Cloth": "angela存入1块布料",
        "bot7420 joined faction": "bot7420已加入派别",
        "angela deposited 1x e-Cola": "angela存入1个e-Cola",
        "angela deposited 13x Wood": "angela存入13个木材",
        "angela deposited 13x Ash": "angela存入13个灰烬",
        "Taoist deposited 10x Ash": "道士存入10个灰烬",
        "Taoist deposited 200x Ash": "道士存入200个灰烬",
        "ELECTRONIC deposited 425x Ash": "电子存入425个灰烬",
        "Taoist deposited 3x Barley Seed": "道士存入3个大麦种子",
        "Taoist deposited 400x Ash": "道士存入400个灰烬",
        "Taoist deposited 300x Ash": "道士存入300个灰烬",
        "Taoist deposited 5x Zed Juice": "道士存入5个Zed Juice",
        "Taoist deposited 118x Water": "道士存入118个水",
        "Taoist deposited 4x Security Cards": "道士存入4个安全卡",
        "Taoist deposited 24x Cement": "道士存入24个水泥",
        "Taoist deposited 13x Brick": "道士存入13个砖块",
        "Taoist deposited 1x AK-74u": "道士存入1个AK-74u",
        "angela deposited 3x Eyebellini": "angela存入3个Eyebellini",
        "angela deposited 5x ZedBull": "angela存入5个ZedBull",
        "angela deposited 17x Wood": "angela存入17个木材",
        "Set up Raid on Farm": "设置袭击农场",
        "Are you sure you want to set up raid on farm?": "你确定要设置袭击农场吗",
        Team: "团队",
        Empty: "空",
        Join: "加入",
        "Cancel Raid": "取消袭击",
        "Your membership will expire in": "您的会员将在",
        "a month": "一个月后到期",
        Membership: "会员",
        "Membership lasts 31 days and is free during alpha": "会员将持续31天,并且在Alpha版本中是免费",
        "Max Energy": "最大能量",
        "Energy Regeneration Rate": "能量恢复速度",
        "Receive Special Items Monthly": "每月接收特殊物品",
        "Support Us": "支持我们",
        "Everything is free during alpha": "在Alpha版本中,一切都是免费",
        "If you'd like to support us and help with server and development costs, you can use the button below":
        Deals: "优惠",
        Fuel: "燃料",
        Gears: "齿轮",
        Plastic: "塑料",
        Rope: "绳子",
        Steel: "钢铁",
        Oilcloth: "油布",
        Back: "返回",
        "Market Deals": "市场优惠",
        Supervisor: "监督者",
        Comi: "Comi",
        lvalk: "lvalk",
        "Top Crafter": "Top Crafter",
        LadyGuenevere: "LadyGuenevere",
        Restrikt: "Restrikt",
        Kesler: "Kesler",
        Infusion: "Infusion",
        Snowy: "Snowy",
        July: "July",
        MouldyTrout: "MouldyTrout",
        Acarya: "Acarya",
        basiliscus: "basiliscus",
        Mizza: "Mizza",
        "Top Forger": "Top Forger",
        jdawg: "jdawg",
        ZHunter: "ZHunter",
        Tbn: "Tbn",
        LilBoyBlue: "LilBoyBlue",
        c1ash: "c1ash",
        XMonste: "XMonste",
        giraff3rag: "giraff3rag",
        "Top Hunter": "Top Hunter",
        Pribe: "Pribe",
        Niller: "Niller",
        Valentino: "Valentino",
        Lion: "Lion",
        Yoxi: "Yoxi",
        "Top Scavenger": "Top Scavenger",
        Chixdiggit: "Chixdiggit",
        mortisult: "mortisult",
        Gameplay: "游戏玩法",
        "Total Factions": "总派别",
        "Farm Items": "农场物品",
        "Distill Items": "蒸馏物品",
        "Complete Raid": "完成袭击",
        "st January 2025 6PM": "2025年1月1日 6PM",
        "Hello to all the Survivors of Zed City! Be it those who have been with us for years, or those who have joined just recently, we would like to thank every single one of you for participating in the closed alpha stage of Zed City. Despite the frankly inconvenient method of registration, so many have joined us over the years and helped bring the game to the state it is now":
            "致所有Zed City的幸存者们!无论是那些陪伴我们多年的玩家,还是最近加入的玩家,我们都要感谢你们每一位,感谢你们参与Zed City的封闭Alpha测试阶段。尽管注册方式确实不太方便,然而,依然有许多人加入我们,帮助游戏发展至今天的模样。",
        "Thanks to all of you, we can now move on to the open release stage of the game": "感谢你们,我们现在可以进入游戏的公开发布阶段。",
        "This means the server will be reset, and everything will be turned back to zero": "这意味着服务器将会重置,所有数据将被清空。",
        "Not to worry though, everything you have in the trophy section will be kept, including a little extra you will find post-reset as thanks for being with us in the alpha":
        "With that said, enjoy the Purge for all it's worth, as the server will be closed and reset directly after the event is finished":
        "Once again, thank you all for being with us, and see you on the other side": "再次感谢你们的陪伴,期待在另一端再见。",
        "Seemingly out of nowhere, ash plumes cover the sky as a constant ashfall covers the surroundings in a bleak gray color":
        "Fires in the wilderness spread as the few remaining signs of life in the world are snuffed out":
        "The Purge is upon you Survivor; do all you can because there is not much time left":
        "You will find Gray Gary in the alleyways, or rather, he will find you. He will be your quest giver this event, leading you to discover all the unique items introduced for this event only, culminating in the special trophy for this event":
        "Event Time (UTC) : 20th December 2024 18:00:00 - 1st January": "活动时间(UTC):2024年12月20日18:00:00 - 2025年1月1日",
        "Weapons and armour will be destroyed when it reaches 0% condition": "当武器和护甲的耐久度降至0%时,它们将被销毁。",
        "Trophy items have been made not tradable": "奖杯物品已被设置为不可交易。",
        "Messages icon has been removed from top menu until the feature is added": "顶部菜单中的消息图标已移除,直到该功能加入。",
        "Changes have been made to balance your fight stats growth, they will now improve more slowly at first but will accelerate as time goes on":
        "The building level will now have less immediate impact but will offer more significant benefits in the long run":
        "Requirements for each level upgrade have been adjusted": "每个等级升级的要求已做出调整。",
        "NPC Balancing": "NPC平衡性调整",
        "We have adjusted the stats of each zed to match the changes made to the fight stats growth":
        "Difficulty Rating": "难度等级",
        "Each NPC will now have a difficulty rating so you can make a better decision on your ability to defeat them":
        Weakness: "弱点",
        "Choose your weapon wisely, zeds will now have a weakness to specific types of weapons":
        "A detailed list of all the items in the game can be found in the wiki": "游戏中所有物品的详细列表可以在wiki中找到。",
        "Crafting will show a total time if you are crafting more than 1x": "如果你制作多个物品,制作时间将会显示总时长。",
        "Explore list has been ordered by travel time & difficulty rating": "探索列表将按照旅行时间和难度等级排序。",
        "The help page has been updated to include links to wiki + discord": "帮助页面已更新,包含了指向wiki和Discord的链接。",
        "XP Balancing": "XP平衡性调整",
        "Balancing changes have been made to xp payouts, gym training has been reduced slightly and more xp is given for hunting. Winning fights will give extra xp. Every quest objective will give at least 25xp":
        'Tutorial Quest "Welcome to the end" has been re-written': "教程任务《欢迎来到末日》已重新编写。",
        "Difficulty has been reduced for new players in the Forest & Lake": "森林和湖泊地区的难度已减少,以帮助新玩家。",
        "Changed order of stronghold buildings (will only apply to new players": "强盗据点建筑的顺序已更改(仅对新玩家有效)。",
        "Adjusted the unlock level of Kitchen, Ammo Bench & Armour Bench": "厨房、弹药台和护甲台的解锁等级已调整。",
        "Fixed a bug where the explore landing page would show in the city": "修复了探索登陆页面在城市中显示的问题。",
        "Fixed a display bug on the locked message when you dont have a vehicle (inventory": "修复了当你没有车辆时,锁定信息显示的错误。",
        "Added tooltip on locked blueprints to make it more obvious that you need to upgrade the building":
        "Fuel Depot (Explore Location": "燃料站(探索地点)",
        "Discover a new area packed with massive, abandoned fuel tankers, offering a prime opportunity to replenish your fuel reserves":
        "Fuel weight has been reduced to 0.75kg": "燃料重量已减少至0.75kg。",
        "Bug causing tools to be taken with 1 use has been fixed": "修复了工具只可使用一次的问题。",
        "Foundation Pit will now cost rad immunity": "基础坑现在需要辐射免疫力。",

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