Greasy Fork 支持简体中文。
hack client for, open source on github.
這裡只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。 顯示所有版本。
add keybinds, fix kill aura lag!
fix kill aura
remove any minification.
changed description.
Fixed some stuff, working on packet modification to get Scaffold working.Add miku theme, added themes, and uh stuff. fixed aimbot for dead people. ui improvements ig
literally everything, full rewrite, open sourced.
Noclip patched.
fix bugs of some hacks not staying after games.
Add noclip :3Also updated
Disabled High JumpDIsabled Secure Edge---Updatedalso, Merry Christmas!
Remove High Jump
-- Added --Secure EdgeAuto ClickerAnti KnockbackAnti Cam ShakeAlert Notification-- Fixed --Reach
add / (thanks bloodred)
updated for new versionremoved speedmine (affected by ac)