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SoundCloud Dark Mode

Change SoundCloud background to black

// ==UserScript==
// @name         SoundCloud Dark Mode
// @namespace
// @version      1.5
// @description  Change SoundCloud background to black
// @author       MARSE
// @license      marse
// @match        *://*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    // Add custom CSS to change background color and text color
    var customCSS = `
        body {
            background-color: #000000 !important;
        * {
            color: #FFFFFF !important;
            background-color: transparent !important;
        .button, .timestamp, .playbackTimeline__progressBar, .someOtherClass { /* Add more specific selectors if needed */
            background-color: #FFFFFF !important;
        .playControls__inner { /* Added line to make the bottom bar not transparent */
            background-color: #000000 !important;

    var styleElement = document.createElement("style");
    styleElement.type = "text/css";