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Show NPC Time Til Next Level at Loader

Shows the time til the next level for NPCs at the attack loader page. Uses to get the data. Also modifies tab title, disable by modifying IF_UPDATE_TAB_TITLE to false. Offset differences of a few seconds may occur because of difference in time between the server and your device.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Show NPC Time Til Next Level at Loader
// @namespace
// @version      0.7
// @description  Shows the time til the next level for NPCs at the attack loader page. Uses to get the data.  Also modifies tab title, disable by modifying IF_UPDATE_TAB_TITLE to false. Offset differences of a few seconds may occur because of difference in time between the server and your device.
// @author       Hesper [2924630]
// @match*
// @grant        GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @icon

// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    // Displays time remaining until the next level in the tab title.
    // Set to false to disable
    const IF_UPDATE_TAB_TITLE = true;

    const validIDs = [10, 20, 21, 4, 19, 15, 17];

    // Function to fetch JSON data
    function fetchData() {

        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const request = GM.xmlHttpRequest || GM.xmlhttpRequest;
                method: 'GET',
                url: '',
                onload: function(response) {
                    if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
                        try {
                            const data = JSON.parse(response.responseText);

                        } catch (e) {
                    } else {

                        reject(new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`));
                onerror: function(err) {

    function calculateTimeRemaining(currentTime, hospOutTime) {
        const levelTimes = [0, 30, 90, 210, 450]; // Minutes after hosp_out for each level
        let nextLevel = 1;
        let timeRemaining = 0;

        if (currentTime < hospOutTime) {
            timeRemaining = hospOutTime - currentTime;
        } else {
            for (let level = 2; level <= 5; level++) {
                const targetTime = hospOutTime + levelTimes[level - 1] * 60; // Convert minutes to seconds
                timeRemaining = targetTime - currentTime;
                // If the time remaining is positive, the current level is the previous level
                if (timeRemaining > 0) {
                    nextLevel = level;

        return { nextLevel, timeRemaining: timeRemaining > 0 ? timeRemaining : 0 };

    function formatTime(seconds) {
        const minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
        const hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);
        const remainingMinutes = minutes % 60;
        const remainingSeconds = seconds % 60;
        if (hours === 0) {
            if (remainingMinutes === 0) {
                return `${remainingSeconds}s`;
            return `${remainingMinutes}m ${remainingSeconds}s`;
        return `${hours}h ${remainingMinutes}m ${remainingSeconds}s`;

    function updateDiv(npc, currentTime) {

        const hospOutTime = npc.hosp_out;
        const { nextLevel, timeRemaining } = calculateTimeRemaining(currentTime, hospOutTime);
        let level = nextLevel - 1;

        const targetDiv = document.querySelector('.titleContainer___QrlWP');

        if (targetDiv) {

            let newDiv = document.querySelector('#npc-level-info');
            if (!newDiv) {
                newDiv = document.createElement('div');
       = 'npc-level-info';
       = '12px';
       = '10px';
       = 'right';
       = '1em';
       = '1.2em';

                targetDiv.parentNode.insertBefore(newDiv, targetDiv.nextSibling);
            if (level < 5) {
                newDiv.innerHTML = `Currently <b>Level ${level}</b><br />Time til Level ${level + 1}: <b>${formatTime(timeRemaining)}</b>`;
                if (IF_UPDATE_TAB_TITLE) document.title = `${formatTime(timeRemaining)} til Level ${level + 1} - ${}`;
            } else {
                newDiv.innerHTML = `Currently <b>Level ${level}</b>`;
                if (IF_UPDATE_TAB_TITLE) document.title = `Level ${level} -  ${}`;

    async function startUpdating(user2ID) {
        // Check if the user2ID is valid
        const npcData = await fetchData();

        const npc = npcData.npcs[user2ID];
        if (!npc) return;

        // Start updating the timer every second
        setInterval(() => {
            const currentTime = Math.floor( / 1000);
            updateDiv(npc, currentTime);
        }, 1000);

    // check if the user2ID is valid
    const user2ID = parseInt(new URLSearchParams('user2ID'), 10);
    if (validIDs.includes(user2ID)) {
