// ==UserScript==
// @name Nebula Client
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.9
// @description A client for scenexe2, cope harder
// @author 1contra (discord)
// @match https://scenexe2.io/*
// @grant none
// @license All Rights Reserved. This code is for personal, non-commercial use only. Modifications, redistributions, or unauthorized use are prohibited without explicit permission.
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y: v38
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p16.animationOffset -= v53 / v52;
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p16.isAnimating = false;
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v12.shadowBlur = 15;
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v12.font = "15px \"Fredoka One\", sans-serif";
v12.fillText("Total Gained: " + v8, 200, 420);
v12.fillText("Total Lost: " + v7, 200, 440);
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alert("Abyss Farming Started!");
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switch (v57) {
case 0:
v90 = "https://expandedwater.online:3000/api/messages/1117612925666996254";
case 1:
v90 = "https://expandedwater.online:3000/api/messages/1187917859742027786";
case 2:
v90 = "https://expandedwater.online:3000/api/messages/1221635977987100874";
const v91 = await fetch(v90);
const v92 = await v91.json();
v88.innerText = vF10(v92);
setInterval(vF9, 10000);
const vF10 = p27 => {
if (!p27.length) {
return "No data available.";
const v93 = p27[0];
const v94 = v93.content;
const v95 = v93.timestamp;
const vF11 = p28 => p28.replace(/^`|`$/g, "").replace(/\s*\{\s*/g, "").replace(/\}\s*$/, "").replace(/^\[\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\]\s*/, "");
const vF12 = p29 => {
const v96 = p29.match(/will open again in (\d+\.?\d*) (minutes|seconds)/);
if (!v96) {
return "Gate opening time not found.";
const [v97, v98, v99] = v96;
const v100 = v99 === "minutes" ? parseFloat(v98) * 60 * 1000 : parseFloat(v98) * 1000;
const v101 = new Date(v95);
const v102 = Date.now() - v101.getTime();
const v103 = v100 - v102;
if (v103 <= 0) {
v88.innerText = "Gate is open!";
v55 = null;
if (!v56 || v103 > v56 - Date.now()) {
v56 = Date.now() + v103;
const vF13 = () => {
v55 = setInterval(() => {
const v104 = v56 - Date.now();
if (v104 <= 0) {
v55 = null;
v88.innerText = "Gate is open!";
} else {
const v105 = Math.floor(v104 / 60000 % 60);
const v106 = Math.floor(v104 / 1000 % 60);
v89.innerText = v105 + "m " + v106 + "s until next gate opening";
}, 1000);
if (!v89.parentElement) {
const vVF11 = vF11(v94);
switch (v57) {
case 0:
if (Array.isArray(v94)) {
return v94.filter(p30 => !p30.name.toLowerCase().includes("sand")).map(p31 => vF11(p31.name) + ": " + vF11(p31.playerCount)).join("\n");
} else {
return v94.split(",").filter(p32 => !p32.toLowerCase().includes("sand")).map(vF11).join("\n");
case 1:
case 2:
return vVF11;
return "No data available.";
const vF14 = (p33, p34) => {
const v107 = document.createElement("button");
v107.innerText = p33 === "prev" ? "<" : ">";
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v107.style.transformOrigin = "center";
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v107.style.left = "20px";
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v107.style.right = "20px";
v107.onmouseover = () => {
v107.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(255, 204, 0, 0.5)";
v107.style.transform = "scale(1.1)";
v107.onmouseout = () => {
v107.style.backgroundColor = "transparent";
v107.style.transform = "scale(1)";
v107.onclick = p34;
return v107;
v88.className = "stats-content";
const vVF14 = vF14("prev", () => {
v57 = (v57 - 1 + v87.length) % v87.length;
v88.innerText = "";
const vVF142 = vF14("next", () => {
v57 = (v57 + 1) % v87.length;
v88.innerText = "";
const vF15 = () => {
const {
innerWidth: _0x2bcf7d,
innerHeight: _0x5da14f
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const v111 = 20;
const v112 = v110 / v111;
const v113 = parseFloat(v63.style.left) || 0;
const v114 = parseFloat(v63.style.top) || 0;
let v115 = 0;
const vF16 = () => {
const v116 = Math.min(v115 / v111, 1);
v63.style.left = v113 + (v108 - v113) * v116 + "px";
v63.style.top = v114 + (v109 - v114) * v116 + "px";
if (v116 < 1) {
document.addEventListener("keydown", p35 => {
if (p35.key === "`") {
v58 = true;
if (v58) {
if (p35.key.toLowerCase() === "p") {
if (v63.classList.contains("hidden")) {
setTimeout(() => v63.style.display = "none", 500);
} else {
v63.style.display = "block";
} else if (p35.key.toLowerCase() === "o") {
v58 = false;
document.addEventListener("keyup", p36 => {
if (p36.key === "`") {
setTimeout(() => v58 = false, 500);
const v117 = document.createElement("div");
v117.style.display = "flex";
v117.style.justifyContent = "center";
v117.style.marginTop = "10px";
window.addEventListener("resize", vF15);